Sunday, October 26, 2008

The End is Near! (Grades Close Nov.3)

We're in the middle of the marking period. Everyone should be aware of where they stand in both of the courses I teach. Get in work if you're missing any. Let's push to the end. I can taste the turkey, smell the pie. Thanksgiving is just around the corner and I'm in it to win it. Are you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE THIS HOLIDAY!! hhaa. not more than christmas but i do love it! My mom and dad arent together but we still have thanksgiving at both places. Having my mom and dad not together made me reliaze that it dosent matter what day we are celebrating a holiday, just as long as we are together as a family. My mom has always told us we can pick any food to have for thanksgiving, and at my moms house we are not traditional at all!! So at my moms, we all love tacos, so for thanksgiving we have tacos for apart of our dinner. At my dads house, its very traditional with just my dad, my grannypat, grandpop, 2 older sisters and I, just sitting at the table eating and stuffing our faces!

This is the ONLY holiday were i can stuff my face and not be called fat (: i love eating at a big table with my family. Its amazing. and apple pie is the bestt!!! just wanted to point it out there (:

---Stephanie Morris