Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sorry to put a damper on the holiday but....

I need your thoughts and reactions on this breaking story. What does this say about human nature? Is this a shock or is this type of thing bound to happen?


Anonymous said...

-Stephanie Morris PD.6

Personaly this is a shock to me in some ways. When letting maybe over 100 people in one store at one time something is always bound to happen, but i dont think people think that something that serious would or could happen. This is crazy! To loose a baby, to kill a man, to have people in the hospital! It shows how careless people can be. It shows how crazy people are.
I recently was watching the news and they were talking about how people were going so crazy over black friday because of the economy is so bad. People are tring to save money as much as possible becuase they are scared of a depression. Black friday is the big saving holiday. But to get this far as to kill and hurt people horriable!

Anonymous said...

Na Li from period 6th. Well this is just a type of thing bound to happen because you know on black friday a lot of things are on SALE and that shops open early. So the humans which is us don't want to loss a chance of a BIG SALE that happens only ONCE a year. Therefore, people FIGHTS for what they wanted when its on sale this can tell that we are CRAZY people that wouldn't care for other people's life in danger or not that is how human nature is...( just feel that things are just going crazy..)

Anonymous said...

Tina Nguyen 6th Period

Wow, I find everything so crazy! My brother told me about this story, but I didn't believe it. At any big event something always happen and almost every persons life is at risk. Not everyone is always careful about the things they do. I mean c'mon, if you're pregnant, why are you standing in a crazy mob when you should know what to expect on a big day like that? Like seriously, that's just ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

I think that this is crazy! People don't know how to act when Christmas comes around. But it is very sad that someone had to die that way and right before the Holiday. Sometimes adults make mistakes that they don't even care about. This shouldn't be one of those times!
Lexus per.2

Anonymous said...

OMG I M SOOO SHOCKED at what horrible humans can do to get what they want. its a huge holiday so i kinda predicted somthing like this would happen but not to the extent of a woman loosing her baby a man dying and people in the hospital its CRAZY. black friday is piontless if people dont know how to act civilized in public didnt their mom teach them when they were little ..... this is a shame wow...
cydney lover
sixth period

Jona Sh. said...

This was shocking. How can people be so careless? Do we care less about human beings than cothes, etc.? But I guess with the bad economy people try to save as much as possible but to kill a man that is insane.