Monday, December 15, 2008

Did the Chinese circumnavigate the Earth first? New "evidence" complicates the story of the age of discovery:

Old map found in a Shanghai shop


Anonymous said...

This is Na Li from period 6th. Well, I think the Chinese was the first to circumnavigated the Earth. If not, then how could the Chinese have drawn an accurate world map in 1418? Would it jsut be a coincidence for the Chinese to drew a map that included Americas, Australia and Antarctica that was discovered before Christopher Columbus and the others did? Also, why wouldn't the Chinese gets the "credit"?

Anonymous said...

This is Stephanie Morris from Pd.6, and it is very possible for the chinese to have find the earth first. BUT! there are so many different beliefs anymore, its hard to pick. haha. So many people "discovered" the earth its dumb how we keep finding people that "discovered" our earth.