Some people argue that same sex-schools really help students focus socially and academically.
The argument continues that students in coed schools are surrounded by distractions that could otherwise be avoided. Over the past couple years, more and more publicly funded single-sex schools have been sprouting up in cities across the nation in an attempted to improve student achievement.
At Girls' High, you are living this educational experiment. What do you think about the option single-sex education? Does it make a positive difference in academic achievement? Read about single-sex education around the country in the article below and sound off about your experience: "In Detroit a lesson in same-sex schools"
This is Na Li from period 6th. I think that it is a good idea for having single-sex education. It is a way to help academically struggling students focus more single-mindedly on getting into college rather than dating. People could have relationship after college not when the students are having education. As the article had say that, there are more girls attending all-girls school rather than boys attending all-guy school. This prove that girls are more mature than boys are. Also, all boys do is get you in trouble. Just like people say "If you don't treasure what you have now, dont regret it in the future." Therefore, it makes a positive difference in academic achievements. It can trun a C or a F student into an A student after attending a single-sex education.
Hey !(: This is Stephanie Morris from pd.6. i think that it can be good, but not always good. Some kids do better in boy girl schools, or same sex schools. I know for a girl like me i do better in a sam sex school. For some kids it may not even make a difference. No matter where one is, there future will happen becasue of them, not becasue of anyone else but thereself. You make what your life is. NO ONE can get you in trouble. Its easy to walk away and say "no", or to just tell someone. It depends on how one is, one may do better in a same sex school or both sex schools. i personaly, do better in a same sex school. (:
this is autumn luck from second period.i believe that everyone learns differently.i used to think that if a girl focuses on her male classmates more than she does on her classwork then obviously,she won't achieve.but after attending girls high for the past few months, i think that it's completely up to the student and how hard they work and how much they are willing to achieve.even though there are no boys in girls high,classmates of mine still receive low test grades.everyone is different.some girls can balance the distraction of boys and keep up with their work.i would recommend same sex schooling because the opposite sex does distract some students, but overall the decision to work hard is up to the student.
I think there are some advantages and some disadvantages to attending a same-sex school. For example, if you attend a same-sex school, you have many peers to communicate and socialize with; and many topics you can express freely. While if you attend a boy-girl school there are some discussions better off to be kept silent. I do not think the gender of a school can determine what a child can achieve in life. I think it's up to the school to supply the material and the student to be willing to accept it. It's the child's responsibility to make wise choices and take the right path in life.
valentina Rios
6th period
I think that same sex schools help out a lot. for me it has helped me concentrate better in school.
some people actually do worst in same sex school unlike me i am doing better and getting better grades because you concentrate better in your work. some people do really bad in school for girls and boys because they are too concentrated on dating than their work.
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