Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sophmore News ..You can USE!

This time of year is a busy one for the Sophomore class. Let's make it a success 255 (and fun too)! The class council needs everyone's support for the upcoming committee meetings and events:

I. Scheduled Committee Meetings
  1. Bake Sale Committee (2/12, Rm. 210 @ 3:10)
  2. Soph. Hop Committee (Monday, 2/19 Rm. 210 @ 3:10)
  3. Soph. Day Committee (Mon.-Thurs., 2/9-2/12 Rm. 210 @ 3:10)
II. 1st Soph Hop Collection
(2/9-2/12, Rm. 210 during advisory ONLY)
  • Have signed form and money
  • Single ($30, $25 (w/ early deposit); Couples ($50)
  • Payment must be at least half of payment (full payment accepted)
III. Mascot Auditions (Monday, 2/16 Rm. 210 @ 3:30)
  • Mascot oral statement (Why should you be the Mascot?)
  • Trick or talent display (make Scooby exciting)
IV. Class T-Shirt Design Submissions (Friday, 3/13 Rm. 210 @ 3:30)
  • Bring a Scooby sketch for this year's Move Up Day

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

does the sketch for the T-shirt have to be colored???