Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Experience: D-Day

Its one thing to hear about history; but it takes more than that to experience it. What did an event feel like, smell like, look like, taste like? In the following clip of Saving Private Ryan Stephen Spielberg does a superior job of recreating the D-Day invasion from the vantage point of the Allies.

Do you think these soldiers took for granted the fact that they would win D-Day and forever change the direction of WWII? Let's try to "get into the shoes" of these soldiers as they do their duty for their country.

True bravery? Does such a thing exist?


Hilary Hicks said...

this video was showed how determined and un-hesitant the soldiers were

Na Li Pd.6th said...

I think its true bravery and it still exist today. In some part of the world, people are just so loyal to their country that they would sacrifice themself to save their country from any danger just like this D-Day video where the soldiers are fighting their life for the country. Therefore, I truly believe that bravery still exist today.