Sunday, November 30, 2014

IN and OUT groups: What does it mean to be "COOL?"

Role theory is a perspective in sociology and in social psychology that considers most of everyday activity to be the acting out of socially defined categories (e.g., mother, manager, teacher). Each social role is a set of rights, duties, expectations, norms and behaviours that a person has to face and fulfill. The model is based on the observation that people behave in a predictable way, and that an individual’s behavior is context specific, based on social position and other factors. The theatre is a metaphor often used to describe role theory. Being "cool" or "uncool" is a role. Let's question this role as sociologists would. 

In this blog, use the materials here AND your human experience to reflect on the following: Does cool exist anymore? What does it mean to be cool 2014. Refer to the sociology in Chapter 3 that describes IN and OUT groups? How is "cool" determined in a post industrial society? 

Watch and read the videos and articles below to support your thinking in this Blog:

I wonder how this informs or changes your definition of what it means to be cool. Based on the information below, does "cool" happen at a small close knit school like GAMP? 


Unknown said...

In this video, the dude explains how it was to be cool in Italy back in the day. The society of Italy was more of a postindustrial society. The people acted more nonchalant, and always wore their best threads and dresses and outfits. They did this, even if it would take a lot of work. In our society today, it's kind of the same thing. Right now (in 2014), we are definitely a postindustrial society. We don't care about how things are made anymore, we just care about how we can use them, and how it would help us. Examples would be like technology. Most of the time, we don't care about what goes into making an iPhone, or a laptop. We just care about having it in our possessions. And when I say 'We', I mean Society. In society today, people think that being cool is to have the all the latest gadgets, to look the best, to act the best, when really sometimes, you don't need any of that. Mostly, it depends on your group. If you like technology and your friends like it as much as you, you guys are considered 'cool' in your own way.

Sarah Berg said...

In my opinion, "cool" does exist. In 2014, cool means someone that many people would desire to be like or be close to. Generally they would be popular, talented, well spoken, and admirable. Merriam Webster defines cool as: slang. A: very good: excellent; also: all right. B: fashionable, hip.

Regarding in and out groups, usually cool would be wanted as an in-group. An in-group is a group someone belongs to or identifies with. People would want to be part of a "cool" group, so it would a preferred in-group.

In a post-industrial society, people are closer together, so there are more cliques and groups. This makes "cool" more of a group term rather than a single "cool" person. If a group is together, and a person in that group is "cool", usually the whole group would be "cool", as people tend to generalize.

Brianna Crooks said...

In my opinion cool does not exist anymore. Cool is a stereotype, and a trend that people like to follow behind. If somebody has an Iphone, with timbs, or a snapback someone would probably automatically think they're cool.
Being cool in 2014 means to have no originality and be with the " in crowd" it's basically what Philly kids call " trying to be down,". Being "cool" can be in different forms, like having a calm demeanor, having people flock on your shoulders, a lot of followers on Instagram/ twitter.. and etc. Being "cool" to people that belong to different social groups is a big factor. The group that you most likely belong too is an in-group, you fit in and you most likely think that you're cool. However on the other hand there are out groups, and some people have the mindset that if the individuals that don't belong to their group are lames, or just not cool enough.But however everyone does not have this mindset, just because you don't "fit-in" with a group doesn't mean you are cooler, you just probably just don't have the same interests and etc.
Cool is identified in a post-industrial society because if you realized, people have transferred over to information and services instead of agriculture. Majority of the work force is into more manufacturing than agriculture. Technology advances also come within post-industrial societies. Smart phones are an example of these tech advances. Many, people have a smartphone rather than a flip phone. Why? People think that it is more "cool" to own a smartphone rather than a flip phone.

Unknown said...

I do not believe that cool exist anymoreI think it is changed very much throughout the years from where back in high schools you had to be cool to be excepted to now when all people look for is if you are unique good at music or just a good person that is how I believe we arethat is how I believe we are at gamp I think The idea of "groups has gone away completely and now everyone respects you just because of the type of person you are and it has changed even from fifth grade I think more places around the country and around the world are adopting this idea that cool doesn't have to define a person, and I think that is very good and I think that is how we are at gamp.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, I believe that cool still exists. In 2014, cool means a person that everybody wants to be around. This person may be funny or may have the most interesting stories to tell. In this video, Vsauce talks about the Yoruba and their word Itutu. He also talks about Sprezzatura and Omerta. In 2014, people act this ways. They think that being laidback and rebelious is "cool"

In a postindustrial society, cool is determined as the latest thing trending in technology. We have transitioned from a manufacturing-based-economy, to a service-based-economy. The more we advance in technology, the more go into this type of economy. Going back to cool being the latest thing trending in society, people may think that it is better to have a surface pro 3 than a mac book because of the fact that it has a kickstand and is a computer/tablet. You can barely watch a commercial that is advertising a new product or dissing on their competition.advertising is the key point in the Industrial Revolution.

SULLY said...

in my opinion i believe that cool still exist. Cool is when you like someone or think they are funny or chillen. When someone says that you try to act cool it means that you try to act like someone your nit but in a wiereder way

Nina Willis said...

Its hard for me to believe that cool exists. However, it does. As Sydney said, cool is all about having all ¨the latest and the greatest" in our possesion.
An in-group is being apart of the ¨cool" group. The meaning of cool varies from one person to the next, and whoever doesnt have what is concidered ¨cool" is in the out-groups. The problem that I personally have and probably others do as well s that its the fact that cool is different to a lot of people. So to be completely honest, everyone is cool... in their own way

Anonymous said...

I have an opinion on wheather cool exists in 2014. I do believe that cool currently exist. The majority of people who does not think that cool still exist I believe do fall into the catagory of "cool". I think cool is if you have good friends, have a fun life style, and happy most of the time. It does not matter what you wear, do, or like to be cool in my opinion.
I don't think that I fall into the belong in a "cool" group. I do not know what group I fit in. I am clumsy while socializing with anyone. Anytime I run into someone I do not socialize regularly I heisitate whether or not say "hi" to them.
In a postindustrial society I think cool is how likable, noticable, and how happy you are. Both noticable and likeable all depends on what society you live in and what role you play. For example, in a musical society you need to have a passion for music and play music. Unlike GAMP, where most students participate in music because they have to. Being someone who is mostly in an out-group I strongly agree that being likeable, noticable, and how happy you are to be cool.

Anonymous said...

I made a mistake, I'm Alex and said "I have an opinion on wheather cool exists in 2014. I do believe that cool currently exist. The majority of people who does not think that cool still exist I believe do fall into the catagory of "cool". I think cool is if you have good friends, have a fun life style, and happy most of the time. It does not matter what you wear, do, or like to be cool in my opinion.
I don't think that I fall into the belong in a "cool" group. I do not know what group I fit in. I am clumsy while socializing with anyone. Anytime I run into someone I do not socialize regularly I heisitate whether or not say "hi" to them.
In a postindustrial society I think cool is how likable, noticable, and how happy you are. Both noticable and likeable all depends on what society you live in and what role you play. For example, in a musical society you need to have a passion for music and play music. Unlike GAMP, where most students participate in music because they have to. Being someone who is mostly in an out-group I strongly agree that being likeable, noticable, and how happy you are to be cool."

Damian Hammond said...

I think that at this point in time there is no longer a cool. I think that people are just in different unique social groupings. People know that in life cool is what you think of you're self, not what other people think of you.

Marquita Young said...

I do believe that cool still exists. The word cool varies from person to person, country to country. It really depends on the environment you are in. In my opinion "cool" is simply a word to group people or an idea that's viewed as being more desirable or admiral. Being cool can be having a dress game as kids from Philly call it, being a funny person that is liked by almost everyone they come across, or to have expensive possessions. People that are viewed as being cool are usually in the in- group. People that are in an out-group are either viewed as being weird, not cool enough, or they just outright do not want to be involved with the cool kids. In 2014 if you are viewed as being cool you keep up with almost every Iphone, you have nice clothes/shoes, many followers on social media accounts, you are a person that's always invited to group hangouts, you have a talent you are good at, or you are very attractive. Cool is determined by a post-industrial society because they play a major role in the advances and inventions of new technology. The 21st century is all about new technology! Many people want to be involved in the spreading of juicy gossip and cool ipads and what not. Rather than working in a factory all day.

jordan bingham said...

To me, I believe that cool still exists.
The word "cool" is a strong word by its self. What I mean by that is cool means a lot of things, like what the man said in the second video. To me not necessarily the meaning, but what it is to me is a state of mind. Cool is why people thin they are or what things are. Being "cool" is also in actions. The man in the second video gave an example of bank robbes and how that could considered cool. That was an example of actions, of doing. Now cool isn't something we should rely on. Hard work and effort doesn't come from being cool. If anything cool is the opposite.

Anonymous said...

I think it can mean many things to be "cool". I think cool means that you are in a "in" group in your community. But then you also have to think that without any of the people who are out of the "in" groups there would be no "in" group because without the people who are left out everybody would be in a "in" group.

Bronwyn Goldschneider said...

I have an opinion about whether or not "cool" still exists in 2014. I believe that "cool" exists, and I think that it always will. I believe this because there will always be things/features about people that will naturally be found attractive. Those with more of these qualities may be cooler than those with less. This is just a natural thing that comes with living in a group with others.
Of course, there are many definitions of "cool", and each person has a different idea of what it means to be cool. Some may argue that now cool does not exist because everyone has their own definition of cool and what used to be the standard cool does not exist anymore. However, within these different groups and preferences, there will always be one person or a group of people who have the most desired qualities of that crowd.
Finally, cool can most definitely be determined by things we have no control over. Some examples may include personality, the music we like, the clothes we like, etc. Though many disguise this by trying to like what others do, if you are true to yourself, you may be seen as an outcast or an "out" group.
In conclusion, cool, in my opinion, is still very much alive and will be for years to come. These are my reasons for why I feel this way.

Unknown said...

i think that col isn't was it used to be now cool what u are in your groups like the people you hang out with thats your label so u all label your self cool cause thats your thing some people might love pink and think its cool but then people may lot of black and think thats cool there isn't one cool cool is what you are

Unknown said...

i think that col isn't was it used to be now cool what u are in your groups like the people you hang out with thats your label so u all label your self cool cause thats your thing some people might love pink and think its cool but then people may lot of black and think thats cool there isn't one cool cool is what you are