Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Second New Deal. I guess things get worse before they get better (Advanced)

  1. How did the right wing and left wing politicians feel about Roosevelt’s New Deal?
  2. Why did Roosevelt plan a Second New Deal?
  3. Why did President Roosevelt and other Democrats push new labor legislation?
  4. What was the purpose of the Social Security Act?


Emanae Smith said...

4.What was the purpose of the social security act?

The purpose of the social security act was and is to provide welfare/benefits/money or however you would like to say it to those that either no longer can work or can not work at all. People that the social security helps are elderly people, young crippled children, crippled adults, those who are not able to work anymore because of an injury which in itself would be called a disability check, and many others.

D'Vine Savage said...

Why did Roosevelt plan a Second New Deal?

Roosevelt planned a Second New Deal because he realized his political support could be undermined by attacks from the left and right. He also planned it because his first new deal plan failed. He planned a Second New Deal hoping it would speed up the economic recovery for the nation.

thieny said...

Opposition to FDR's New Deal came from both the left and right wings. The left wing believed that there were too many regulations on businesses and the latter felt like the federal gov's role was much greater than states'. The right wing especially opposed Roosevelt's deficit spending.

Sahar Williams said...

1. How did the right wing and left wing politicians feel about Roosevelt’s New Deal?

The right wing felt the new deal imposed too many regulations on business and that it expanded the federal governments power at the expense of states rights. The left wing believed that Roosevelt had not gone far enough. They wanted the government to intervene even more dramatically in the economy to shift wealth from the rich to middle income and poor Americans.

Anonymous said...

Cabrina Howard
Why did Roosevelt plan a Second New Deal? To fight the Great Depression's economic issues. This is shown when acts like Social Security Act and the Wagner Act was made.

Dionnah Lloyd-Erwin said...

#4- What was the purpose of the social security act ?
An act to provide for the general welfare by establishing a system as federal old-age benefits and by enabling the several states to make more adequate provision for aged persons, blind persons, dependent and crippled children, maternal and child welfare, public health and the administration of their unemployed compensation laws .

lilliana wilson said...

FDR created the second new deal for economical reasons in making the new deal the creation of new acts came about. These new acts were the Social Sercurity Act and the Wagner Act.

Janai Keita said...

4. What was the purpose of the social security act

the SSA was an act to provide for the common welfare by establishing a system of Federal benefits, and basically it was a provision for aged persons, blind persons, dependent and crippled children, maternal and child welfare, and public health.

Nicole Morris said...

Why did Roosevelt plan a second new deal? Roosevelt planned a Second New Deal because he thought it would help the economy recover after the country suffered from the Great Depression.This was created after the First New Deal failed.Roosevelt then created two acts called the Social security Act and the Wagner Act. These were beneficial to people in our country.

Anonymous said...

Kennay DeShields
What wad the purpose of the social security act?
The purpose of this was to basically have a provision for aged persons, blind persons, dependent and crippled children, maternal and child welfare, and public health. Also, it provided benefits for people on welfare.

nicole lee said...

Nicole lee
Roosevelt planned the second new deal because he thought that the country had suffered enough from the economic issues of the great depression . Roosevelt also planned the second new deal because the first one failed .

Anonymous said...

Sydnee Edwards
What was the purpose of the social security act ?
- The purpose of the social security act was to provide social welfare services and benefits to elderly, and disable people. This act was also used to raise revenue in the US.

Jhayani said...

What was the purpose of the Social Security?
Provide for the general welfare by establishing a system of federal old age benefits enabling the several states to make more adequate provisions for aged persons, maternal and child welfare, public health and the administration of their unemployment compensation laws and to raise ravenue.
Jhayani. Smalls

keee' said...

The purpose of the social security act was to insure unable person would be taken care of. Physically and mentally disabled along with the elderly are protected. It also allowed the United States to gain revenue

Phanmony Ear said...

Why did Roosevelt plan a Second New Deal?

Because Roosevelt has confidence that he could make things better contrasted sharply with Hoover's apparent failure to do anything effective. Also the second New Deal had expanded the federal government's power at the expense of states'rights.

american h said...
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american h said...

jessica osorio
american history

It helped with economic bases, it created the social security act and the wagner act .Its major goal on the social security act was to provide some security for the erderly and unemployment workers.

toria mcleod said...

The social security was an act to provide for the general welfare by establishing a system of Federal old-age benefits, and by allowing many States to make more adequate provision for older people, blind people, dependent and crippled children, maternal and child welfare, public health, and the administration of their unemployment compensation laws;