Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Cold War Ends: The Falling of the Berlin Wall

What does the falling of the Berlin Wall symbolize? How does it affect the Cold War?


thieny said...

During the Cold War, the Berlin Wall represented the barrier between Western Europe and the Eastern Bloc. The falling of the wall symbolizes the unity that rose during that time. Emigration caused authorities' need for borders to be open. The fall affected the Cold war because it lessened the tension. Everyone was celebrating the fall of the Berlin Wall.

american h said...

Jessica osorio

The Berlin war symbolized the cold war and the communist oppression of Germany.Once the wall came down it symbolized that communism was over for Germany and other surrounding countries.

Jhayani said...

the wall was a symbol of the growing tensions between the westernized government and the communist Soviet union.

Phanmony Ear said...

The Berlin War symbolized the cold war of the end of the 80s and the end of communism and its ideologies, the definitive end of the Second World War, and the end of the Cold War. When the Soviet Union put up the wall, there was a crisis. It showed that Germans were not happy living in Communist East Germany and it was embarrassing to the Soviets.

lilliana wilson said...

the fall of the Berlin wall symbolized the fall of the soviet union. so it was celebrated because it meant the fall of communism.

Lynda Hernoune said...

The Berlin Wall was very important in the cold war. It helped prevent war between East Germany and West germany. The wall was a symbol of the growing tensions between the western government and the Soviet Union.

Emanae Smith said...

The Berlin Wall's falling was that it truely showed that the cold war had and/or was coming to an end and that was something that was used effectively by the people at war when the cold war was going on and it also symbolized all of the troubles, tension, fights, they, the soldiers of the war had gone through and struggled from.

Anonymous said...

Kennay DeShields
The Berlin Wall symbolizes the relationship between Western Europe and the Eastern people. Also, it symbolized the unity they had at that time. The fall affected the Cold War because it did not cause much tension anymore. All of the struggle was finished.

Anonymous said...

The Berlin War symbloized the cold war and the communist . Once the wall came down it symbolized that communism was over. many celebrated after the wall fell

Brie said...

The falling of the Berlin Wall symbolizes the falling of the economy.. The collapse of the Iron Curtain . Also, the start of the democratic transfornation in Europe.

Anonymous said...

The falling of the Berlin wall symbolized the unity between the two different countries. That led to less conflicts between the superpowers and shows a closer ending to the war .

Anonymous said...

The.falling of of Berlin wall symbolized the ending of the cold war . this also shiwef how the economy was .Nicole l . The falling of berlin wall

cammy said...

i agree with lynda the berlin wall was a symbol of growing tensions between the western governement and the soviet union. East Germany's economy was collapsing and the state was in a desperate condition (also because the USSR was draining it of all its resources). the wall ended these tensions (the west's economy was doing fine under capitalist rule and with a new currency - deutsche mark). It also emphasised the split between the east and the west.