Monday, June 4, 2012

Cold War in the 1950s

How does the Cold War escalate in the 1950s? Could it have been stopped at this point?


thieny said...

When the cold war first started, it was more of a political war than a military war. The united states and the soviet union were more worried about gaining allies and outdoing the other nation. But during the 1950’s, things started to change. China became communist, the Truman doctrine alarmed the soviets, and the Korean war began. After Krushchev came into power, he said he wanted to promote peace but didn’t do that. Instead, he set up the Warsaw pact and the arms/space races. This caused america to also become more militant in their responses to the soviet union.

Emanae Smith said...

The cold war escalates in the 1950s
because countries like the U.S, China and Korea became more at war not neccessarily with each other but they became more violent. there were many wepons being created like the hydrogen bomb, giant guns, and a war known as the Korean war that brung forth alot of violence was started. I think it could have been stopped at this point because although it had gone far they had not gone really far yet to where they couldn't be stopped highly dangerous weapons could have stopped being pushed to be made, the korean war could had been settled with whatever they wanted,and many other soon to happen and already happening events could have been stopped.

Phanmony Ear said...

That standoff between the two great superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union, and their allies, probably occurred because for the first time in history all sides could readily understand the huge price they would pay by precipitating an all-out conflict. The Cold War kept the world on edge for over 50 years. The best that can be said of it is that it never erupted into the holocaust many fear.

toria mcleod said...

the cold war escalated because the Soviet Union began to build their own nuclear weapons and the United States got frightened by the Soviet Union. Since both sides were terrified of each other, both began the largest military build up of history. Both began preparing for war by building several nuclear weapons and other war machines

D'Vine Savage said...

The Cold War escalated in the 1950's because a war that started off as a government war began to start a military war. The U.S. was frightened that the Soviet Union take over the world with Communism. Various weapons were being invented such as the hydrogen bomb making the Soviet Union, the U.S. and Korea in a rush to invent weapons too.
At this point I do not think the cold war could have not escalated. I say this because all the countries like the U.S and the Soviet Union wanted to invent a technology that would scare one another. They wanted to use these weapons as a source of power.

Lynda H said...

In the 1950s the cold war began to escalate when Eisenhower became president. During the cold war, it grew because the Soviet Union began to build their own nuclear weapons and the United States was afraid of the Soviet Union. Tensions were escalated because of the Berlin Blockade and in the fifties due to the Korean War.

cammy said...

the cold war escalated because the Soviet Union began to build their own nuclear weapons and the United States got scared of the Soviet Union. Since both sides were scared of eachother, both began the largest military build up of history. Both began preparing for war by building thousands of nuclear weapons and other war machines. another reason why the cold war escalated was because when the Soviet Union armed N. Korea to the teeth and encouraged it to invade S. Korea. The US responded by deploying troops, throwing the N. Koreans back, then trying to liberate N. Korea. The Soviets responded to this but arming and encouraging the PRC to intervene and push the US/S. Koreans back across the 38th parallel.

Jhayani said...

The United States had put U.S. Marines on the ground to interfere in their countries affairs during the Russian Revolution. Therefore in their weakened state after WW2 they had no reason not to believe we would do so again. The snatching of German scientist, build up of nuclear arsenal etc, was all a result of actions taken decades earlier.

lilliana wilson said...

The cold war escalated because the Soviet union started to make their own nuclear weapons. The united states saw it as a threat. But at this point it couldn't be stopped because tensions were to high

Anonymous said...

Sydnee Edwards
The cold war escalated when the US got became threatened by the Soviet Union. This happened when the Soviet union started to make their own nuclear weapons. However the tensions were so high that nothing could be changed.

Nicole Morris said...

The cold war escalated because the united states was treated by the soviet union.The soviet union started to produce a wide variety of war weapons. The tension between the two was too much to handle.

Anonymous said...

Cabrina Howard
the cold war escalates I the 1950's because of the powerful weapons that were being created by the two superpowers . They both became more and more freightened by each other. I believe that the war could've came to an end.

Brie said...

The cold war escalated because the US felt threatened by the Soviet Union. There were many war weapons being produced for war . I believe that it could not have been stopped, because tention was rising and became too much.

Anonymous said...

The cold war escalated from when the us had seen that the soviet union was progressing with their nuclear weapons . So this made the us threaten by thier action. So therefore the tensions increased because of it nhcole lee

Anonymous said...

The cold war escalated from when the us had seen that the soviet union was progressing with their nuclear weapons . So this made the us threaten by thier action. So therefore the tensions increased because of it nhcole lee

american h said...

Jessica osorio

The cold war was a sustained state of political and military tension between the powers of the western world..the cold war escalated when they started to realize the soviet union started to progress

jasmine moragne said...

the cold war began to escalate bc the competition between the u.s and soviet union also escalated. more weapons were being created and new technologies all to seem as though one country was more powerful than the other.

Imani Mawusi said...

Both the U.S and Soviet Union wanted to do put more countries on their side and Defeating the other other side. China had became communist in the 1950's and Truman wasnt happy about it.