Thursday, June 7, 2012

Refocusing in the 1990s


How do the 1990s show a refocusing of the America on itself and domestic problems? (Consider the economy, healthcare


thieny said...

The 1990's is known as the Information Age and the Postmodern Age. Since international conflicts ceased, the United States could finally focus on itself. There were alot more jobs, living conditions improved, digital technology became huge etc. Within society, third-wave feminism increased.

Phanmony Ear said...

America has moved into a new era of supremacy. The new right organizations must be exposed so that can work together to mitigate their effectiveness. Living standards and democratic governance generally improved in many areas of the world

lilliana wilson said...

i'm just going to agree with thieny instead of saying the same thing in simpler terms.

Lynda Hernoune said...

I also agree with what Thieny said because during that time period more technology, living conditions, jobs and so on came about. The 1990s was a huge part of America because thats when it finally showed that America can dependent on itself, in other words, America became a superpower with the new inventions, technology etc.

D'Vine Savage said...

The 1990's was a decade where America was able to focus on itself. The economy recovered from a recession. Inflation and unemployment rates were low and there were new developments in technology and medicine.

Emanae Smith said...

The 1990's showed a focusing of the America on itself and domestic problems by it showing through their economic improvements and how their government and its issues started to improve and see success. Bill Clinton had made many changes for the U.S.'s improvements like the different acts created for those that needed help making money, having health insurance, and more because he believed in helping "the people" and by doing that he also changed the government to show its improving state and it worked and is still working for the people of today

Anonymous said...

Nicole l . The 1990s was the focusing point for the us.the economic issues and gov issues wers beginning to make improvements .the economy began to recover from the.recession. many jobs were given and thenew technology was incredible.

Anonymous said...

Kennay DeShields
The 1990s showed a refocusing of the America on itself and domestic problems by the improvements. There were more housings, jobs, and technology becoming bigger in the society. America basically was a superpower. The 1990s changed a lot of people's lifestyles. Also, people had the chance to have health insurance. That really was a huge part in this decade.

toria mcleod said...

the 1990s was the period where problems were coming to an end and solutions were being focsed on for ex the cold was was just ending in the 1980s and it took the 1990s to recover from it

Anonymous said...

Cabrina Howars
The 1990s was a time that America was able to focus on themselves , and that led to greater jobs and better rights to women.

Anonymous said...

Sydnee Edwards.
I agree with Kennay. The 1990's were improvement years and brought great things to America.

Brie said...

The 90's was a recovery time period, because the cold war was just ending and Americans now has a chance to refocus on their selves and better their lives.

cammy said...

The 1990's was a period where america was able to focus on itself due to improvement in their economy. Bill clinton help make these changes by giving American better opportunites such as jobs, better living connditions and healthcare reform.