Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Remembering Nixon 

What made Nixon so popular at the beginning of his Presidency? What causes his demise? How should he be remembered?


thieny said...

Richard Nixon was popular during the beginning of his presidency. he showcased his diplomatic skills by ending the war and mending the U.S. and China's relationship. but as his presidency progressed, the public found many reasons to deem him a bad president. he betrayed the country regarding Watergate, and he failed to maintain his Oath, thus causing society to distrust him.

toria mcleod said...

President Richard Nixon had excellent success in Foreign Policy. He was the first President to go to China. While In China Nixon acknowledged the Chinese form of Government then forming peace with the Chinese and opening trade with China and alsoNixon passed many bills to help Woman's rights what made his presidency demise is he lied about many things such as Lied under oath about his knowledge of the Watergate Break -ins
Conspiracy to obstruct Justice(Watergate also)
violated international law by Invading a Sovereign country (Cambodia)and
It could be considered that he also violated the original War Powers Act

Phanmony Ear said...

Nixon was one of the two most successful national politicians in American history. He won four national elections, twice for the vice presidency and twice for the presidency. The United States faced ongoing generalized challenges from the two main communist powers, the Soviet Union and China as well as a specific problem in Vietnam. Nixon proved more successful at dealing with the former.

Emanae Smith said...

Nixon was so successful because he handled the issues and problems of the U.S. thoughtfully and were he knew it would be a big benefit and turn around for the U.S. He had a demise because of how he started handling americas issues and the new person coming into office and his promises, demands and ways to fix the US made Nixon even more less popular. I think he should be remembered by he good he hs done for the U.S. and their problems and although he may had a downfall there were still many ways before his downfall as a good, promising presindent.

D'Vine Savage said...

President Nixon was popular at the beginning of his presidency because he ended American fighting in Vietnam and improved relations with the Soviet Union and China. As Nixon's presidency went on he was involved in scandals like the "Watergate" scandal. From this he lost U.S. citizens trust. President Nixon should be remembered as a good president because he did have some success. He was just a president that made some mistakes.

Sahar Williams said...

Nixon is perhaps most notorious for his part in the Watergate scandal, but one of his more positive legacies was the opening up of the U.S. to trade with China.
In addition, he ended the Vietnam War. He also presided over the start of the SALT II arms control talks with the USSR, in 1969.

lilliana wilson said...

He was very popular he was Nixon was Eisenhower's VP and everyone loved Ike. Also because after the war the American people needed someone trust and Nixon was the one they thought they should trust.

Anonymous said...

Kennay DeShields
President Nixon is a popular person because he won four elections and proved himself that he can succeed. He ended the war and mended the United States and China's relationship. Also, he acknowledged the Chinese Government and formed peace with them and their trade.

jasmine moragne said...

nixon started off as a popular president bc he improved chin and the soviet unions relationship. but throughout the presidency his popularity changed bc people felt like they were betrayed.

american h said...

nixon was quite very successful. He was able to established a policy of vietnamization where in the american troops which remained in harms way in vietnam. nixon approved secret bombing campaigns of cambidia and laos.also people felt some type of way with what he was doing they felt some type of way about the situation.

american h said...


Lynda Hernoune said...

President Nixon was very popular during his time in office. Nixon was remembered as a result of the success in foreign policy. He succeeded in mediating relations with U.S and China and succeeding with ending the Vietnam war. Although he had many successful events, many people felt as though he betrayed them. He should be remembered as a president with many success.

Anonymous said...

Nicole l . Nixon was very well known during the time of his presidency . Nixon was really recongized for his great succes in the foreign policy with China . However he started to go down hill , bl/c the ppl Felt.betrayed.

keee said...

Nixon was a very good president he was well liked. Nixon also is the president that ends the war & changed the way countries interacted with one another