Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Bacon's Rebellion: A Prelude to Revolt against Great Britain.

 What were the governor's alleged shortcomings? Did they justify Bacon's defiance of his authority?


Pauline Li said...

The governor's alleged shortcomings were that unhappy people would rather plant tobacco than pay taxes. The governor also forbade them from petitioning but they eventually did it anyways, which was a failure for him. The governor also failed to protect his people, he protected the Indians for trade, after he had forbade trade with the Indians. They did justify Bacon's defiance of his authority because even though he had lost his fortunes and was framed, he had led a big rebellion and won.

Princess Garrett said...

An alleged shortcoming that the governor had was that the poor people were being required to pay taxes and they didn't want to. Instead they resorted to planting tobacco. Also the governor feared that the settlers would revolt, but he also cared about trade with the Indians. So as a result he put the Indians and their trade before his settlers. Which eventually angered the settlers, leading them to revolt in the "Bacon's Rebellion".

April Balobalo said...

Some of the governor's alleged shortcomings had to do with his settlers. Instead of protecting them from the Indians, he instead protected the Indians. He also made the people tax, while working on the tabacco plantations. Because of the governor's shortcomings toward his settlers, it led to the rebellion which at the same time framed Nathaniel.

Brendon Jobs said...

Elaborate April "...framed him?"

Christa Rivers said...

The Governor's alleged shortcomings were not meeting the needs of his people and putting the Indians before the people of his colony. This angered the people and caused them to rebel against the Indians. The people blamed them for the governor's neglect. These alleged shortcomings do not justify their rebellion. The governor wanted to keep peace with the Indians, which is the reason he did not retaliate against their attacks.

Brendon Jobs said...

Christa, then what would justify the rebellion? Is it not justifiable simply because its unlawful?

Christina Penh said...

The governor's alleged shortcomings were the discontented settlers. They were forced to pay taxes on top of working on the tobacco plantations. The governor's failure to protect them from Indian attacks caused them to revolt against him. He decided to protect the Indian's for selfish needs.

Jenna Zhao said...

The governor's shortcomings were not allowing the unsatisfied people from petitioning because the governor is afraid the settler's might revolt. People were unhappy because they had to pay taxes, but instead of paying, they started growing tobacco. The governor protected the Indians for trade after he failed at protecting his own people. This all then led to a rebellion which was what is known as Bacon's Rebellion.

Brendon Jobs said...

What could the Governor have possibly done to avoid the revolt?

Ketie Chen said...

The governor's alleged shortcomings were that instated of granting the settlers what they wanted he banned any further petitions. He was scared that the settlers would attack in a friendly or unfriendly way. The governor didn't protect the people from the Indians (Native Americans) that attacked them but instead force them to pay taxes. They did justify Bacon's defiance of his authority because that led to the Bacon Rebellion which is when a people group of people oppose to the set rules. Nathaniel Bacon lost his fortune and died mysteriously at the victory and his rebellion ended.

Brendon Jobs said...

Ketie, What compromises the Governor's authority over the colonists in their eyes?

Annaya Frazier said...

The governor's alleged short comings were his devotion to the Indians and his careless motives toward the people of the colony. Berkley was giving all his support to the Indians and doing business with them, instead of the settlers. But, the settlers were still expected to pay taxes, which they couldn't afford, and they considered it unfair. So he banned petition from the settlers which they then tried to find other ways to fight back. They needed a leader, and Nathaniel was perfect for the job. Therefore it did justify Nathaniel's defiance because they were fighting for their beliefs.

Unknown said...

The governor's alleged shortcomings were that he didn't protect the colonists from attacks on Native Americans and that he made them pay taxes for tobacco. The governor was more interested in doing business with Native Americans and making money than the wellbeing of his citizens. When the colonists petitioned for commission led by a general, Berkeley denied their petition and banned future petitions. I believe the governor's justified Bacon's defiance of his authority because he wasn't listening to his citizens. The colonists were scared of being attacked and disgruntled about having to pay taxes for their own crops and governor, who's supposed to protect them, didn't care. When a leader doesn't listen to his people, his people rebel, so I believe Bacon was justified in rebelling against Berkeley.

Breanne Olsen said...

The governors alleged shortcomings were caused by his relationship with the Indians. When the settlers were being attacked by the Indians, the governor took no action against it. He cared more about the trade with Indians. He banned the settlers petitioning in fear that the settlers would attack any Indians, friendly or not friendly. In the end, because of the governors lack of protection towards the settlers, they rebelled under the wing of Nathaniel Bacon. Also known as the famous Bacon's rebellion.

Sara Stanton said...

The governor's alleged shortcomings were that his main focus was caring for the Native Americans, instead of the settlers. He cared more about getting money than the contentment of his own people. The settlers were very unhappy and didn't think it was fair that they had to continue to pay taxes, even though they were not being protected from Native American attacks. They decided that they would rather start planting tobacco because were poor, and could not afford to pay the taxes. They eventually became fed up with the carelessness of the governor, and rebelled. Also, I definitely agree with Juleen when she said, "when a leader doesnt listen to his people, the people rebel". I agree with this statement because I know if I was a settler during this time, I would have rebelled also because my needs were not being met due to the selfishness of the governor.

Tina Giang said...

The governor's alleged shortcomings were that the people dislike the fact that their safety is unprotected. In addition, the citizens were pressured to pay taxes, which they're unwilling to provide for the governor. Alternatively, they planted tobacco within their time instead of obeying to the governor with the heavy duty taxes that they couldn't afford due to their poor situation. The governor forbade the petitions from the citizens, which basically tells them that the governor is careless about the conditions and environment of the citizens. The governor angered the people by providing the Indians protection because of the trade rather than assisting them with their safety. They did justify Bacon's defiance of his authority because of his success of the rebellion, which also led to the termination of his fortune.

Ashani Scales said...

The governor's alleged shortcomings stemmed from the constant attacks from the Native Americans and Berkeley's dealings with them. The taxes that the colonists paid weren't being used for their wellbeing. Berkeley wasn't so much worried about the colonists, his own people, as a whole. Nathaniel Bacon, along with others, grew tired of the unfair treatment and rebelled. this justifies his defiance because he, like the other colonists, didn't get what they were paying for. the protection they needed and the idea that the governor actually cared. Bacon did what any "nonconformist" would do. Stand up and fight for what he believed was right.

Brendon Jobs said...

Juleen, Why should a leader feel obligated to listen to his follows?

Unknown said...

The governor's alleged shortcomings were that the Virginians (the ones in poverty especially) were unhappy with the fact that he taxed them and also the fact that he befriended the Native Americans, whom the Virginians had problems with. This did justify Bacon's defiance of his authority because the governor did not even consider the people's words and the people are suppose to be the main factors of the political decisions.

Brendon Jobs said...

You sure Yun?

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

A leader should feel obligated to listen to his fellows because if he doesn't, his fellows won't feel obligated to listen to him.He'll lose his power over them and the order of his society will start to fall apart. A leader is nothing without people to lead, and if he pays no attention to the people he's leading, those people won't want him as a leader.

Anonymous said...

8By Amber Dugger
The governors alleged shortcomings had to do with his settlers. He did not care if his people (settlers) were being attacked, as long as he had the Indians in the palm of his hand he was content. He did not protect his people from countless attacks ands part of what agrivated the settlers, on top of the poor people being foreced to pay taxes. Due to the governors lack of protection or absent warm-heartedness, the "Bacon Rebellion" took place under Nathanal Bacon's orders.

Unknown said...

The alleged shortcomings were from the discontent from the settlers. The settlers were discontent because they worked and payed their taxes but the governor did not try to protect them from the Indians. He put the Indians before the settlers needs. Yes, they did justify Bacon's defiance of his authority because the rebellion ended to be a success.

Alex Shuster said...

The governor's alleged shortcomings were his relationship with the Indians and the settlers. The governor looked more to protecting the Indians, so he could continue to trade with them. For this reason the settlers would have rather planted tabacco than pay taxes because they did not want to pay the taxes and they were not being protected from the Indians. They did jusitify Bacon's defiance of authority because the governor was not protecting, listening, or leading the people and Nathaniel Bacon, Jr. lead them to victory.