Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Colonies: Unified or Not?

  1. What role was played by the theology of John Calvin in the growth of Puritanism in the Church of England? What were the two main groups of these reformers?
  2. Who were the Pilgrims and what led them to America? What events marked the early years of their colony at Plymouth?
  3. What led to the "Great Puritan Migration" of l629-l640? What was the basis of government in the Bay Colony? How was religious orthodoxy maintained or enforced?
  4. How did Rhode Island differ from its neighbors in religion and politics? How did Puritanism spread through New England?
  5. Describe the first attempt at an American union? What happened to this confederation? What took its place in l686? Why did Charles II grant charters to Connecticut and Rhode Island?
  6. What influences helped mold the character of the Puritan fathers? What was the effect of the Half-Way Covenant? (Whole Class)
  7. What role was played by the Dutch and Swedes in the settlement of the middle colonies?
    Characterize the nature of the "Holy Experiment" of William Penn.    How did Quaker political and social practices differ from those of New England? (Whole Class)

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