Friday, September 7, 2012

The Declaration of Independence in World Context (AP)

Read The Declaration of Independence in World Context. Discuss the main ideas of the piece on our class blog. Does this make you think any differently about American History? How will it impact the way you read history in this class this year?


Ashani Scales said...

Ashani Scales

The basic main ideas of the article are that the declaration of independence not only affected those it applied to, but the others around the world. It may have inspired an entire declaration era or something in that fashion.
In a sense, I think that this article changes my perspective, because I thought prior to reading this article -- or any of the other American history related assignments for that matter -- were just a bunch of old and overused topics. This year, in history, it will indeed change the way I read. I say that because I never actually went in-depth after reading, because I thought that it'd all be the same.

Unknown said...

Yun Huang

The main points of this article revolves around the Declaration Of Independence. Adopted in 1776, one of the most important American rights guaranteed in the document is "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". After years of struggles between the American Colonies and Britain, George III, the head of Britain, officially declared the American Colonists outside of his protection. In response, the American Colonists adopted the Declaration of Independence to completely cut off their ties with Britain and hopefully gain foreign Allies. Also, the Declaration of Independence entered the States into the international system. It helped to build up on their international relations and foreign affairs. Soon, American Independence quickly spread within Europe. There were many debates on it. Eventually, American Independence was recognized. The Declaration of Independence served as an inspiration for many other areas where the people eventually rebelled.

Jenna Zhao said...

Jenna Zhao

The main ideas of this context are impacts that came along with the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence not only affected America but as well as the whole world. It is described as one of America's most important early history events. This paper claims that the "United States" country is no longer owned by Great Britain and that all men are equal. The specific name, "United States of America" was not publicly known before this piece of document was established. Before the declaration was developed, they were only aloud to do trades with England, this document announces America's freedom of interaction with other countries. Many people, including Abraham Lincoln agrees that this is a necessity factor that the paper should include. Copies of the declaration were being sent around the Atlantic world and across Europe, this triggered arguments and disagreements from other countries. while these problems uprised, countries are starting to assume that this may be another one of the many failed independence movements in the late 18th century. The declaration of independence took years to be acknowledged, however, it turned out successful in the end. After it receiving recognition from all over the Atlantic World, other countries started to imitate it and create their own declaration declaring for a "Free, Sovereign, and Independent" country or state.
After reading this article, it changed my thought about US History, in middle school I only learned how the declaration affected America, and not the huge impact it had on many other countries. I learned that through this document, many other countries were gained independence.

Christina Penh said...

The article is basically explaining how the Declaration Of Independence is not just an ordinary document. It identifies the tensions and emotions surrounding the refusal of British influence. It now only helped the United States become a country away from the British Empire but also has influenced other countries to create their own.

Unknown said...

The main ideas of this essay deals with what led to the Declaration of Independence and what it actually declared. Also, how it affected Americans, and the influence it had internationally. What led up to the Declaration of Independence sprung from a series of events but ultimately the American colonists were angry with King George III and needed recognition and foreign allies to break free from Great Britain. The United States then left the British Empire and joined the international community of sovereign states. This made the Declaration of Independence actually the ‘declaration of interdependence’. The first thought when people hear the Declaration of Independence is “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” and to break ties with Great Britain, but there is actually a lot more to it. The Declaration opened a whole new door to international affairs. It also inspired other declarations of independence. After reading this essay I learned how the Declaration of Independence influenced other countries. Also, the title ‘declaration of independence’ is actually used all around the world. When learning American history this year, I will keep in mind that although we are learning about the history of America, that it also had an effect on other countries too.

Pauline Li said...

The main ideas of this piece is that the Declaration of Independence affected everyone around the would and that everyone had the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This article does make me think differenty about American History, it changed my way of viewing history. I used to think history was boring and we were only learning about it to not make the same mistakes we did in the past. This will impact the way I read history in class this year is I have to actually take in what I am reading, and look at the little details included in the readings.

Princess said...

One of the main points of the article is the "Declaration of Independence". The article touches on other main points, talking about how it came to be and it's effect on others from a worldwide perspective. The declaration of independence was just that, the United States of America declaring their independence. They were making it known that they could be their own and not have to be dependent. The document triggered arguments with Europe at first, but worked out later on to give the United States of America their independence. This does make me think differently about american history, because I didn't think there was this much complication into getting the declaration of independence signed and recognized by others. This will impact how I read history in the class by making me want to know more about history beyond the surface. I know that there has to be more to history than what I see in textbooks and hear from teachers.

Alex Shuster said...

The main ideas of this article is about the Declaration of Independence and how it affected the world. The Declaration of Independence was made because the United States wanted independence. They wanted to be able to make their own decisions on subjects such as war and peace. This document inspired other countries to declare independence. I think this article does make me think differently about American History because it always felt as though the information that was being taught to me was aways the same and also I never realized how much of an impact some of our history had on the world. This will impact the way i read history this year because I will not only look at what I'm reading I will also look at how it might have affected others.

Ketie Chen said...

The main ideas of this passage is how the Declaration of Independence came to be and how it influenced other countries to gain their own independence too. It explains how the self-evident lesson "life, liberty and pursuit of happiness” is protected by the Declaration and how important it is. The article also describes how the Europeans reacted to the declaration. The Spanish-Americans for example forbid the distribution of it but that was just one of the many obstacles that didn't allow it to circulate around another was that it was written in English. The document also explains how the United States Declaration of Independence impacted the Americans way of life.
This doesn’t make me think anything differently about American History. My thoughts of history will always be the same. I know that in history there will always be a deeper meaning than what appears on the surface. This will impact my reading of history because I now know that we have to think very deeply on why people do the things they do and why things are the way they are today.

Annaya Frazier said...

The main ideas of this piece were the impacts of the American Declaration. Not just on the people of America, but on other nations groups of people. When the Declaration was first announced, everyone had their own opinions about it. Whether they were positive or negative. Many of them did not agree with the equality part of the Declaration, they still supported the whole idea of a dominate race or group of people. However, the American Declaration influenced other nations to create their own Declarations that included the rights' of their people and other laws. This does make me think a little different about American History because I was unaware of the type of impact our declaration had. (Besides on the American people and Europeans) This will impact the way I read history this year because I will have to look under the surface and pay close attention to what we will be learning.

Unknown said...

In The declaration of Independence in World Context it is explaining how it was not only having colonist announce that they no longer were going to be under the control of the British Empire. Although it was a a worldwide awakening to many regions including Europe and Austria. The United States of America's goal was ''to join instead the international community of sovereign states.The Declaration of Independence was therefore a declaration of interdependence.'' With this idea they were sucesseful in attaining independence and inspire not all but many others to do the same for themselves while including statements of the Americans declaration.

Unknown said...

D'lorah Ortiz

The main ideas of this article is that the Declaration Of Independence not only cut off the ties between America and Britain but also affected the whole world as well. The Declaration let Americans deal with international affairs. It also showed other people around the world that they too can make their own declarations of independence. Though some people disagreed and there were some arguments with Britain abut this Declaration, it opened more doors to trading internationally and more freedom inside and out of America.
After reading this, it didn't make me think differently about American history, because I know that just about everything we do affects everyone in some type of way. This article will affect they way I read history in this class because I would now when reading, be looking how else something could affect others and in what ways.

Anonymous said...

Amber Dugger
I believe that the basic ideas of this arcticle was to go into depth about the impact the American Declaration not only inflicted upon Americans but other nations as well. The Declaration influenced some nations by its prominent goal in mind while others felt the need to challenge the overall context. This reading does make me question American History; if othher nations were inspired by the U.S. I wonder how every plan and or idea for that matter was actually unlike the rest.It will impact the way I read history this year, I have to pay attention to every little dettail that comes my way.

Unknown said...

The main ideas of this piece are that the creation of the Declaration of Independance was necessary for the United States to be recognized as a soveriegn country and that the Decleration greatly influenced the way other countries wrote their declarations of independance. The United States needed for other countries to see them as a country and not just a group of British colonies. At first, the purpose of the Decleration of Independance was to "affirm before world opinion the rights of a group of states to enter the international realm as equals with other such states." The Decleration of Independance also became a model from which other countries based their declarations of independance. Documents from the Austrian Netherlands, Venezuela, Texas and Libreria all mentioned "free, independant, and sovereign states", which were first mentioned in the Declaration of Idependance.
I had always thought that the Declaration of Independance was something that was written only to prove that America was an independant country. I never knew that anyone else cared about the Declaration but Americans. When I read history in class this year I will try to see the big picture and think about how what I'm reading affects other people and other events.

Christa Rivers said...

Christa Rivers
The main points of this article:
-The purpose of the Declaration of Independence was for the US to assert their independence from Britain and to put themselves on an equal level of rights and abilities with other "sovereign states" and countries.
-The United States needed foreign allies to support their declaration.
-The Declaration of Independence inspired three periods in which other states declared independence from a hierarchy.
-States and nations that modeled their declarations after the Declaration of Independence did not always benefit from it.

The article made me realize that The Declaration of Independence did not solely affect the US but that it affected Europe and places that were colonized by the Europeans. Because I read this article I will keep an open mind about why the US's affect on other nations matters.

Alba Donastorg Hamilton said...

The article makes me think differently about American History because I can see how the rest of the world reacted to The Declaration of Independence and how the world kept imitating it. I thought American History had nothing to do with the rest of the world. Now this article shows me that the world affected American History and American History affected the world. This will impact the way I read history because I will look for the side effects and go deeply into history.

April Balobalo said...

The main ideas were that without the Declaration of Independence US would not be recognized on how it is today. The Declaration gave the US freedom, but also gave recognizition to being a state. This article also showed the relations between Britain and The US not only with the freedom that the US wanted but also with their relations within. I learned from this that Europe had a big impact with the declaration as well as the US. It also showed me that the declaration had no direct saying to only the US. The declaration also benefited other states as well as countries.

Tina Giang said...

The main ideas of this article are revealing how the Declaration of Independence existed. It expresses that everyone should have their own "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". Therefore, it's important for the Declaration of Independence to protect our own individual rights. People have to believe what is right for them and do the best to achieve their goals, which brings success. This makes me think that American History tells us to learn from our past. In addition, learn from what is right and disregard the incorrectness. It will impact the way I read in this class this year because I will surely pay attention to how the world is today compared to the world before.

Breanne Olsen said...

Breanne Olsen
The main points of the article cover how the Declaration of Independence effected not only America, but the whole world. This declaration was adopted to officially cut off ties with Britain. The Declaration of Independence inspired other countries to adopt similar things declaring their freedom. It also helped the United States build international relations.
This article taught me more about the Declaration of Independence. Most of what I've read before didn't go as in depth as this article, or talked about how it affected other countries.

mariah medina said...

mariah medina

this article describes how the United States became independent from the British. It sets an example for the other countries and inspires them to want to fight for their own freedom.

mariah medina said...
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