Tuesday, October 23, 2012

"At some point of your life, you will become aware that some people can stay in your heart but not in your life."

 If the Declaration of Independence is like a break up letter…then who is right in this situation? The Colonists? Or the British?


Ketie Chen said...

If the Declaration of Independence is like a break up letter…then who is right in this situation? The Colonists? Or the British?

I believe that neither one of the sides were right but if I had to choose one of the sides I choose have to say the colonists. I think the colonists were right because the British took advantage of them, they had raw materials the British wanted the materials. (like in a relationship if one person is taking advantage of the other person they would not last long as a couple.) They did not allow the colonies to trade with any other countries but themselves so they would make money off of the colonies.(in a relationship this is equal to trust issues because you are not allow the other person to have friends) The British blamed the colonist for the French and Indian War debt because it was fought in America and the British wanted the Americans to pay for war. Even though the British and the colonist won the war.

I believe that the colonist had the right to "Break it off" with Britain because they were being unfair and too controlling.

Unknown said...

If the Declaration of Independence is like a break up letter…then who is right in this situation? The Colonists? Or the British?

If the Declaration of Independence is like a break up letter, then the Colonists are right because they were being taken advantage of by the British (I AGREE WITH KATIE!). After the years of wars with other European countries for the control of North America, the British were in debt. To clear this debt, they taxed the colonists. This is just as if two men, while competing for a woman's love interest, spends money to buy the woman luxury goods. After one of the two men gains her love, the winning man declares that she pays him back all his money he spent on her. LIKE HEY MAN IF YOU'RE GONNA TELL THE GIRL TO PAY YOU BACK OBVIOUSLY SHE'S GONNA WANNA BREAK UP WITH YAH. Also, the British passed laws to prevent the colonists from trading with other countries. This is just as if a guy doesn't allow his girlfriend to have any type of contact with other males during a relationship. ALLRIGHT JUST CAUSE YOU GUYS ARE DATING DOESN'T MEAN SHE CAN'T HAVE OTHER GUY FRIENDS! Lastly, the Colonists are starting to unite together. They are no longer just one of the many minor colonies of Britain. They are now one, United, nation. This is as if an ugly girl is just one of the guy's many girlfriends and now she got a makeover and she became fierce and fabulous and now she is too good for the guy. BYE BOY.

Christina Penh said...

If the Declaration of Independence is like a break up letter, then the Colonists are right. The british were unlawfully taxing the colonists. The stamp act, tea act and other only created more tensions between them. The colonists didn't even have representation in the English government. Just like in a relationship when a guy keeps pushing her buttons and she lets him do it time after time, she'll get fed up and break up with him.

Princess Garrett said...

I think that the colonists were right in this situation. The declaration of independence was basically the 13 colonies separating themselves from Great Britain. I understand that Great Britain gave them their start in the beginnings of colonization. But the colonies eventually figured out how to govern and take care of themselves. I agree with Katie on how the British were controlling and were the cause of some problems. In a relationship no one wants to be controlled, there has to be some independence. That is what the colonies wanted.

Anonymous said...

I think the colonists had the right to break off their relationship with the British. In a relationship, if someone isn't satisfied then they will find someone else who will make them happier and fell better, someone who will protect the ones they love. The British did not love the colonists , they let the Indians attack them, taxed them to accumulate money for their own self- gain, and did not respect them as individuals. When the British won the French and Indian War, the British did not give any credit to the American colonies fighting and dying alongside them. If I were the American colonies the British would of been single a long time ago.

Jenna Zhao said...

If the Declaration of Independence was like a break up letter then the colonists are the ones who are right. I think so because they were being treated unfairly and taken advantaged of with all the taxes they had to pay and weren't even getting anything back in return. This is equivalent to a girl in a relationship sacrificing so much for her significant other, but in the end getting nothing in return. This will soon result in the girl breaking up with the guy because of the build up of disappointment and frustration. This is the same as the colonists rebelling because of how irritated they are being controlled by someone else, there has to be a balance between freedom and authority.

Breanne Olsen said...

I think that the colonists had the right to end their relationship with British. In my opinion, the British could be compared to an abusive spouse. Britain neglected the colonies when they pleased, then used them for their money and support during wars when they needed to. If you actually think deeper into this "relationship" between the colonies and the British, the British basically "pimped" the colonies out. Not only did they use them for labor, money, and other resources but British also restricted the colonies from trading with other nations without their permission. I think the colonies should've ended things sooner.

Ashani Scales said...

I think that the colonists are right, but that's only because their natural rights were violated, and they wanted whats best for them to be preserved. However, the British could be right too. They wanted what was best for themselves, as well-- which was to strengthen their overseas colonies. It might not have been the right thing to do, the ways in which they chose to hold on to that bit of control that they had, in a way, but they sought to keep their superiority over the colonies and the colonists for as long as they could. I think that both the colonists and the British are right and wrong.

Tina Giang said...

If Declaration is like a break up letter, then the colonists are right because the British is violating the colonists' rights by dominating their freedom to trade with other countries. In addition, the colonists were receiving unfair taxation from the British. The British expect the colonists to pay the heavy taxes when the British is limiting their trading abilities with other countries. In a relationship, each person has their own right or freedom to do whatever they want as long as they don't hurt or take advantage of one another. Once a person's rights is violated, it will truly damage the trust of one another. Also, if a person had suffered enough from the other person's overboard action, they will eventually break up.

Unknown said...

If the Declaration of Independence is like a break up letter…then who is right in this situation? The Colonists? Or the British?

I think that if the Declaration of Independence was a break up letter than both the British and the colonist were in the right and wrong depending on which position you were in. Being one of the British they would be right in the fact that in trying to help out the colonist, they were in some way excluded from what the colonist were really going through. The British continued to believe that were 'friends' with the colonist only to find out that the colonist were making plans on no longer have serious connections to Britain. This would be like two people in a relationship and one of them believes the relationship is going to end very soon without the other having any idea.
Although, the colonist on the other hand could be right because they were trying to do the best for themselves by increasing their amount of trade and to better themselves in general. The colonist were in a way starting to be bullied into situations where they had to begin to pay more taxes.

Unknown said...

I think the colonist were right if the declaration was like a break up letter between the British and the colonist. The colonist felt as if they were being treated unfairly with the taxes, being attacked and some even killed by indians, and being pushed around. The british only used them for self gain, without caring how the colonists felt. Just because the colonists were british themselves, they have experienced setting up their own colonies and their own hardships that the rules the british enforced on them just didn't seem fair anymore. Since the british weren't willing to change, they lost the colonist. In terms of a relationship, its the same, its almost like the colonists and the british were going out , took a little break saw other people, and got back together to realize that it couldn't work, they were on two totally different pages.

Christa Rivers said...

If the Declaration of Independence is a break up Letter then the colonists are right because in a relationship one party cannot encroach upon the freedom of another party. The British were unfairly harsh on the colonists after the French and Indian War. In a relationship, this would be equivalent to Britain staring and then winning a bar fight and then the colonists paying the fines. I 200% agree with Breanne that the British were equivalent to an abusive partner. The British were very controlling, as are many abusive partners. This control was exhibited through the British prohibiting the colonists from settling beyond the Proclamation Line. In reality, this is equivalent to an the abusive partner dictating where the abused partner can and cannot go.

Unknown said...

If the Declaration of Independence is like a break up letter, then the Colonists would be right in this situation. The colonists and British's relationship could be compared to an unhealthy relationship between two lovers. The British used the colonists for labor, money , etc. and gave nothing in return. Also, due to many years of war, a debt accumulated and it resulted in the taxing of the colonists. This is like how in a relationship. one person might be taking an advantage and making their significant other clean up their messes. Also, the British controlled and restricted the colonists from trading with other countries. In a relationship, nobody wants to be controlled so the Declaration of Independence is basically declaring independence from my suppressing 'lover'.

Amaya Hawkins said...

If the Declaration of Independene was like a breakup letter, the colonists would be right. The British didnt treat the colonists right, so they didnt deserve the colonists. The colonists fought for the British, traded with the British, gave the British resources, goods etc. In return, the British overtaxed them, allowed them to be attacked by the Native Americans etc. In a relationship, if one of the members are not satisfied or feel that the other person is not participating as much or putting their all into the relationship, they have the obligation to pack their things and bounce. If they dont, the other person will think that it is alright to treat them that way, when it isnt.

Pauline Li said...

If the Declaration of Independence was like a break up letter, then the Colonists were right because they didn't get the natural rights they were "born" with. The British also taxed the Colonists unfairly which caused the American Revolution. The British had taxed the Colonists through the stamp acts, tea acts, and many other acts, these acts had meant that the British had crossed the line and the American Revolution happened.

April Balobalo said...

if the declaration of independence was a break up letter then I think the colonists had every right to declare their freedom. the british took control overboard by taxing them, as well as going against the natural rights everyone deserved. the colonist though under british control still had rights to be free and do whatever they wanted. but the british didnt see it that way, they wanted their way which led them to lose control of the colonists leading to the "break up"

Unknown said...

If the Declaration of Independence is like a breakup letter, I believe the colonists were right. The British ignored the colonists for decades with salutary neglect then decide they're in control again and tax the colonists and tell them who they can trade with and where they can settle. The British were just using the colonists for their resources and, since the colonists got a taste of independence for a few decades, they decided they didn't want to continue to be in a relationship with the British where they have to give (taxes) but don't get anything out of it (representation).

Imani said...

The Colonist were right in this situation because they have a right to do what's best for their country, and most importantly for their people. Even though the Declaration came up suddenly, there were many warnings that the colonist would eventually rebel. The British had taken advantage of them and ignored their rights and voices all together. Even though the British in many ways had taken care of and, protected the colonies, that did not make the colonies in debt, where they payed not only through direct taxitation but with their rights to Great Britain.

Sageda Elabed said...

If the Declaration of Independence is like a break up letter…then who is right in this situation? The Colonists? Or the British?

If the Declaration of Independence is similar to a break up letter, I believe that the colonists have the right in this situation. The colonists have the right to "break up" in this situation because they were being treated without representing their voices, while, in addition, they were forced to pay heavy taxes. The British tried the Stamp act and the Tea Party, but those only created more frustration in the colonists. It was their right to separate themselves from the British to keep others from taking advantages of them. They were NOT allowing themselves to stay under British control with no representation and pay unreasonable taxes. Therefore, they "broke up" with the British, which was completely their right.