Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Geopolitical Struggle: The French and Indian War

First, define "geopolitical." Can you think of any modern (20th or 21st century) examples of the term.

Then prepare for a large group Socratic Discussion. Answer all four of the questions for yourself below, but choose one to address on the blog for credit. I'm trusting you to ensure that all three prompts are addressed here:

  1. Why did the British and their American colonial subjects win the contest with the French fir control of North America?
  2. How did French relations with the Indians compare with those of Britain and Spain?
  3. How important was William Pitt's leadership in winning the Seven Year's War? Is strong political leadership essential to military victory? 
  4. How did events in France, England, and elsewhere in Europe affect the history of North America in this period?
  5. How does the this war contribute to or accentuate colonial unrest? (Rewatch: Flipped classroom session if needed)

Remember: Notes (Bailey/Lecture Point) AND ID's for Chapter 6 should be completed by this point. Come ready to discuss and question!!!  


April Balobalo said...

The British and their American colonial subjects won their contest with the French for North America, because that is what the French and Indian war was fought over. They fought the French and Indian War for land. The French were outnumbered by the British, which led the French fall in Louisburg. With British outnumbering the French, they defeated the French, while having victory. The French lost almost all their oversea empire, while Britian was now dominant in North America.

Ketie Chen said...

Why did the British and their American colonial subjects win the contest with the French for control of North America?

The British and their American colonial subjects won the contest with the French for control of North America because the French were also fighting in Europe because the French and Indian War were a part of the Seven Years War that occurred in Europe. And so they were unable to send troops into America to fight against the British. Also the British had more people and as long as the colonists were willing to fight they would win.

Breanne Olsen said...

How did French relations with the Indians compare with those of Britain and Spain?
The French befriended an Indian tribe called Huron and helped them fight the Iroquois. They also worked with Indians in the fur business. Like the English and Spanish the French exposed the Indians to diseases they were not immune to. The English on the other hand,battled with most Indian tribes over land and power. The Spanish had a semi beneficial relationship with the Indians. Although they did kill, enslave, and expose the Indians to diseases, the Indians were introduced to new things like horses and Christianity and new ways of life.

Christina Penh said...

William Pitt's leadership was important in the winning of the Seven Year's War because he gained public support for the war. Also, he chose to pay subsidies to any colonial government that would provide soldiers and supplies to help in the war effort. He only chose army commanders based on talent rather than seniority or political connections.
I think strong political leadership is essential to military victory. A military contains people from the community. If the community is not enthusiastic and supportive, the military's output will be reflective of that. I think one way of winning a war is by having popular support, and in order to have that you have to be a good politician.

Princess Garrett said...

The definition of geopolitical is,"The study of the relationship among politics and geography, demography, and economics, especially with respect to the foreign policy of a nation."

- How did events in France, England, and elsewhere in Europe affect the history of North America in this period?

As a consequence of the French and Indian war, the social relations between the European powers ( Spain, Britain & France) had changed. Along with their colonies and colonists in the new world : economically, politically and government wise.Events in Europe had weakened the colonies and ties in the New World. The Europeans then had to rebuild and restrengthen their colonies.
Also some European powers in North America started to expand, for example,the British power took over Spanish Florida.

Sara Stanton said...

Why did the British and their American colonial subjects win the contest with the French for control of North America?

The word "contest" in this question stood out to me because it is definitely used appropriately. It really was a "contest" between the British and the French, to see who could obtain and control the most land in America. The British were successful in winning the "contest" because they outnumbered the French, with help from their American colonial sibjects. Because the French were outnumbered, they fell at Louisburg in 1758. After that, a peace treaty was signed in 1763, and the French basically lost their entire overseas empire.

Pauline Li said...

Geopolitical is the study of the relationship between politics and geography, demography, and economics. A modern example of this term is arms trade. When one country sells or trades weapons with another country, it creates a domino effect and other countries start trading and selling too.

French relations with the Indians were different from those of Britain and Spain. The French didn't forcibly convert the Indians to Christianity or kill them like the Spanish did. The French treated the Indians as if they were partners. Although the Spanish did interact with the Indians "nicely," the term "Black Legend" was created after the Spanish killed, enslaved, and infected the Indians with diseases. The British like the Spanish also killed, enslaved, and infected the Indians with diseases.

Anonymous said...

Amber Dugger

Why did the British and their American colonial subjects win the contest with the French for control of North America?

Geopolitical is "the study of the relationship among politics and geography, demography, and economics, especially with respect to the foreign policy of a nation".

The british and american colonial subjects won because they won the French and Indian War. The war in Europe was over land, and being as the French lost they had no possesion over North America.The French and Indian War was only one part of a larger battle "the Seven Years' War"; the French did not have enough troops to send to North America to fight on their behalf and they were outnumbered.

Jenna Zhao said...

Geopolitical is the study of relationship among politics and geography, demography, and economics, especially with respect to the foreign policy of a nation.

How important was William Pitt's leadership in winning the Seven Year's War?

William Pitt's leadership was absolutely important in the winning of the Seven Year's War. First, Pitt recognized that the most important thing to do to build/maintain a truly great empire would be to understand of the importance and take advantage of the North American continent in his hands. Pitt was the person to publicly declare France the enemy. By doing this, he gained support and momentum for the war. The support of the population is essential in fighting a winning battle. Pitt also chose to pay subsidies to any colonial government that would provide soldiers and/or supplies to help in the war effort. Finally, he was an important leader because he got rid of the incompetent military leaders such as Lord Loudoun, who failed as a leader in a battle in Nova Scotia.

mariah medina said...

geopolitical- is the study of the relationship between politics and geography, demography and economics, especially with respect to the foreign policy of a nation.

William Pitt was very importan to the Seven Years War he recognized the importance of politics and stepped up as a leader. Political leadership is essential to military victory because a leader is the foundation of a strong nation which includes the military. the military cannot be strong and well put together without a strong foundation and a leader cannot lead without popularity and support.

Ashani Scales said...

Geopolitics- (n.) A study of the influence of such factors as geography, economics, and demography on the politics and especially the foreign policy of a state.

The British and Americans won the contest with the french for control of North America because unlike the French, the British had a somewhat stronger leadership. though it wasn't as strong as it could be at all times, it was, overall, more than that of the French. the French were so caught up in the other wars that were going on in Europe, that they didn't have the time nor the availability to even send troops to the Americas to fight the British off. The British seized an open opportunity, basically.

Unknown said...

"Geopolitics" is the study of the the impact that geology has on politics. A modern example would be if you passed a country's border and entering another country, you have to follow the other country's set of laws.

Why did the British and their American colonial subjects win the contest with the French for control of North America?
The British and their American colonial subjects won the contest with the French for the control of North American due to two major factors. First, the French and Indian War played a major role. The French were too concentrated on the battles in Europe. Therefore, they spent a large portion of their troops fighting there and did not have enough to fight in North America. Second, the Colonists at that time were still the subjects of England and were living in North America. The British and Colonists have an advantage because they technically owned North America at that time. Swaggie

Annaya Frazier said...

Geopolitical is the study of the influence of political and economic geography on the politics, national power, or foreign policy of a state.

William Pitt's leadership in the Seven Years' War was extremely important. He decided to focus less on French territory in the West Indies amd move to other areas. To create a stronger more reliable army, Pitt also appointed younger leaders to assist him in conducting the military and making different tactics. By making these changes, Pitt was able to conquer much of the French territory and permanently expel them from the North American Colonies. Strong political leadership is essential to military victory because to be successful in War, the soldiers have to be able to trust that their general has a plan to make winning possible.

Tina Giang said...

William Pitt's leadership in winning the Seven Year's War was important because he knows how to manage and rule over the citizens with the understanding of North America. Also, Pitt was courageous to declare France as the enemy publicly and gained support from the community. In addition, he made the decision of giving money to the colonial governments that supports them with the food and troops, so the military forces will build up within a short period rather than recruiting soldiers. William Pitt eliminated the military leaders or any people in the military force that doesn't meet the qualification standards. Strong political leadership is essential to military victory because military forces are made up of citizens in public society that are willing to contribute to the country and take physical actions toward their enemy. If the leader aren't able to gain the trust and support from the citizens, especially the troops, the heart of the military won't be together as a whole, which prevents them from achieving success.

Unknown said...

The definition for geopolitics is the study of how different geological features affect the political powers of countries that retain them. Geopolitical is relating to geopolitics; involving geographical and political elements.

How important was William Pitt's leadership in winning the Seven Year's War? Is strong political leadership essential to military victory? William Pitt's leadership was important in the success of the Seven Year's War. He understood that the most important thing to do was have an understanding of the importance and have strong support of the citizens and america, this would build a great empire. Pitt gained public support and momentum in the war when he declared France as the enemy. Yes, strong political leadership is essential in military victory. A leader who is able to have good relations to its military and citizens gives them an advantage of achieving success. Having a military leader that they trust and support gives a drive and momentum for their common goal. Willam Pitt was able to gain the trust and support of the citizens making the military strong and like "one".

Unknown said...

Geopoliticail is the study of the relationship among politics and geography, demography, and economics, especially with respect to the foreign policy of a nation.

The britsh and their american colonist beat the french because the french were largely outnumbered, the native americans kept changing sides between the british and french which really hurt the french. The turning point of the war between the french and the britsh was when the british took controll over the gulf that the french used for trade and suppilies. Due to these reasons the french lost and lost a majority of its land and lost the super power status they were almost at

Sageda said...

As researched, the definition of geopolitical is a study of the influence of such factors as geography, economics, and demography on the politics and especially the foreign policy of a state.

How important was William Pitt's leadership in winning the Seven Year's War? Is strong political leadership essential to military victory?

During the Seven Year's War, William Pitt's leadership was very essential. As an extreme leader, William Pitt was the leader who first publically announced France as their enemy, and therefore gained political support, which was very essential in winning a battle. Secondly, Pitt was even more important because he chose to pay subsidies to the colonial government that would provide soilders and supplies that would help in the war effort.

Political leadership is very important in winning a battle, and William Pitt gained that very easily. He gained the enthusiasim and support of his people,and accomplished his duties in a fantastic manner, which made him one of the greatest leaders.

Imani Bey said...

The definition of geopolitical is,"The study of the relationship among politics and geography, demography, and economics, especially with respect to the foreign policy of a nation." Whch means geopolitical is dealin with all aspects of international policies and afairs (geo. economy, gover., demographics) & the interaction between Nations.
5. How does the this war contribute to or accentuate colonial unrest?

This war contributed to or accentuated colonial unrest because of the state which Great Britian was in. Great Britian had been effected heavily by the the war economy. One of the main ways they thought would fix this problem was more taxitationon and restrictions on the colonies. These restriction were the of beggining of the growing tension , actions such as the Proclamtaion Line angere coonist who felt that since Foreign governments had no right to restrict land they had no connection with, unlike local governments. Great Britian also began to do direct taxitation, which they hoped to gain a lage amount of revenue, and pay their debts left from the war. These direct taxitations Acts were the last straw for the colonist, with their unrest growing hastily, and tension rising, leading them to finally rebel against their homeland.

Unknown said...

How did the French relations with Indians compare with those of Britain and Spain?
The French came together with the Indians in collaborating them for the fur trade and in battle. The French were able and willing to continue to help themselves in North America while still keeping peace with the Indians. Indians realized that this relationship was much better than the relationship between the British and the Indians.The interactions between the Indians and the British were in a situation were the British were only trying to better themselves by fighting against the Indians to gain land.

Christa Rivers said...

How does the this war contribute to or accentuate colonial unrest?

This war contributes to colonial unrest because it made the Crown poor. To compensate for the financial loses, the Crown imposed many taxes on the colonies. One of these taxes is the Townshend Duties, which taxed glass, lead, paint, paper, and tea imported from England. Boycotts ensued and Parliament removed tax on everything except tea. Keeping the tax on tea was called the Tea Act. The Tea Act later resulted in the Boston Tea Party. After the war, the British also refused the colonists the right to settle further west.

Amaya Hawkins said...

Geopolitical is relating to political, especially international relations, as influenced by geographical factors.
How does this war contribute to or accentuate colonial unrest ?
After the French-Indian War, the British were in a heap of debt. they began to tax the colonists items because the English felt that the american colonists owed them. The colonists feeling a sense of unity after their defeat against the French were outraged and fought back against the British.

Unknown said...

Geopolitical means the connection between politics and all of the aspects surrounding the people involved.

How did events in France, England, and elsewhere in Europe affect the history of North America in this period?

Since France lost the French and Indian War, Louisiana was given to the Spanish and Britian now had control over most of the land in North America. The British win over France in the war increased feelings of patriotism in the colonies, but Britian was in debt after the war and to make up for their losses they taxed the colonies.