Friday, October 12, 2012

Patriotism & the American Revolution
Define patriotism? Where does the patriotism among the American colonies come from? Are most American colonists "patriotic" in 1763?


Sageda said...

Define patriotism? Where does the patriotism among the American colonies come from? Are most American colonists "patriotic" in 1763?

As my own definition, patriosim is a citizen's devotion to their country. It could also be well-defined as a citizen's natioal loyalty to their country through hope and possibly pride.
Patrioism from the American Colonies came from their hope in achieving their goals of paying less or no taxes while holding tight to each others hands in confidence and hope.
In 1763, not many colonists were patriotic towards their country because of their fear from the powerful king. However, through their uncomfort, their anger overpowered their their fear and decided, for the love of their country to defend themselves against the unloyal King.

Ketie Chen said...

Define patriotism? Where does the patriotism among the American colonies come from? Are most American colonists "patriotic" in 1763?

Patriotism. Patriotism is a citizen love and pride to their country.
The patriotism among the American colonies came from the successful of the French and Indian War. They thought they were stronger than ever and had the power to defeat the English.
I believe that the Americans were patriotic in 1763 because that was the year the French and Indian War end. And they were victory and proud that they have won. The British was broke and blame the colonist and wanted them to pay for the debt. So he placed unfair taxes on the colonist and the colonist were not happy. So the colonist rebelled and boycotted the items of the British.

Anonymous said...

Define patriotism? Where does the patriotism among the American colonies come from? Are most American colonists "patriotic" in 1763?

Patroitism I believe is ones adoration for their home land. A feeling of passion just to be a citizen of the country. The patroitism came from not only the success of the American and Indiam War but the colonists drive for justice they were not receiving from their own king and government. Most American colonists were not so patroitic at the time, they loved their country but at the same time they did not like the way the British handled things after the war; as if it were the colonists fault they were in debt. The Biitish began passing Acts to create enough revenue to cover the damage of the long war. The American colonists did not reaction happily to this happening; they were outraged they were being held accountable for something that wasn't of their doing. Colonists rebelled all taxes which did not sit well with Britain. This began to cause a dramatic amount of tension between the Americans and Britain. The taxes is what at the end of the war was the last straw for the colonists which caused the American Revolution to begin.

Ashani Scales said...

Patriotism (n.) - love for or devotion to ones country. Patriotism is a feeling. A feeling that one has just because they're a citizen of that place. That feeling of love and passion to see the dream they have come alive. And for it to thrive in all it's entirety. The patriotism in the American colonists comes from their want of equality in all areas, political as in government, social as in inter colonial relations, and economic, as in taxes and the British debt. Most of the Americans are patriotic in 1763. They finally got together and rebelled against unfair rule, and preservation of natural rights.

Pauline Li said...

In my own definition, patriotism is the love, support, and loyalty one has for its country. The patriotism among the American colonies comes from the French and Indian War. The French and Indian War, helped them achieve independence and gain their rights. I think most American colonists were patriotic in 1763 because that was the year the French and Indian War ended. The American colonists gained independence and their natural rights which were life, liberty, and property, as a result of this.

Christina Penh said...

Patriotism is a feeling of pride and love for one's country. Common acts of patriotism include erecting a flag of one's country in the home or yard. At first there weren't much American colonists who were patriotic in 1763 but as time went on they decided that it was only right to be proud about their victory in the French and Indian War.

April Balobalo said...

Patriotism is the feeling of love and pride for the country. The reason the Americans had patriotism was because of the defeat during the French and Indian war. Because of their win they saw gained their pride for America. Most colonists were patriotic all because of the French and Indian war.

Princess Garrett said...

Patriotism is, "(Patriotic) Having or showing love of one’s country and devotion to its welfare." I agree with Pauline with the fact that patriotism among the colonies comes from the French and Indian war. Most American Colonists are patriotic in 1763 because as a result they had gained their independence and rights. Having that would make a lot more people happier and have a lot more of them have love for their country.

Sara Stanton said...

Patriotism to me means to have pride, love, and respect for your country. Near Independence Day and during the Olympics, I see American flags and flags from other countries where people came from in the windows of their house or in their front yards. Patriotism in the colonies started after their victory during the French and Indian War. It began to grow even more because the colonists were fed up with paying a heavy amount of taxes, including direct taxes, from Great Britain. After losing the French and Indian War to the colonists, the British were in a massive debt. In order to pay off their debt, they started taxing the Americans. Not every colonist in 1763 was patriotic, but the number of people who were began to increase because of how irritated they were about paying Britain's taxes. It was this reason that started the American Revolution.

Amaya Hawkins said...

Patriotism is to show pride and respect for where one lives. After the French-Indian War, Americans gained a lot of patriotism due to their victory against the French. The victory gave the Americans a sense of happiness and unity. The Americans were more patriotic for America and less patriotic for Britain because after the war, the British began heavily taxes the American colonists items.

Brea said...

I believe that patriotism is someones dedication and appreciation towards their country. The colonists patriotism started with rebellions when they felt mistreated and slowly started inspiring them to speak and stand up for themselves against things they believed were wrong. After the French and Indian war, when the British was heavily taxing the colonists the colonists finally had enough, they began boycotting British imports and refusing to pay taxes. This led to the American Revolution.
1763 was the year the French and Indian war ended so I think the colonists were patriotic.

Breanne Olsen said...

I believe that patriotism is someones dedication and appreciation towards their country. The colonists patriotism started with rebellions when they felt mistreated and slowly started inspiring them to speak and stand up for themselves against things they believed were wrong. After the French and Indian war, when the British was heavily taxing the colonists the colonists finally had enough, they began boycotting British imports and refusing to pay taxes. This led to the American Revolution.
1763 was the year the French and Indian war ended so I think the colonists were patriotic.

Unknown said...

Define patriotism? Where does the patriotism among the American colonies come from? Are most American colonists "patriotic" in 1763?

Patriotism is love, support, and defense for one's country. It is the citizen's loyalty to their country. I believe Patriotism among the American Colonies slowly evolved through the tensions they had with Old England. Before the conflicts between Britain and the Colonies, the colonists' loyalty were still dedicated to the King in England. However, as tensions formed due to Britain's various laws passed against the Colonists and as the Colonists' yearning for independence skyrocketed, Patriotism among the colonies began to form. In 1763, most American Colonists were "Patriotic" in 1763 because this was when tensions between Britain and the Colonists took action.

Unknown said...

Patriotism is a strong feeling of compassion for one's country. In the dictionary patriotism is defined as 'devoted love, support, and defense of one's country; national loyalty.' The patriotism among the American colonies came from the long history of unifying and standing together against Great Britain, the French and other foes. During this time their patriotism began to build because of their victories against Britain when they believed their taxes were too high. In 1763 American colonist were not very patriotic because at this time people were angry at the king for not doing his part in defending the people that they thought was fit.

Jenna Zhao said...

Patriotism means the citizen's love, support and defense of his/her country. It is a citizen's loyalty of one's country. Patriotism among the American colony came from the victory of French and Indian War. Through this war, they achieved their goals and gained independence and rights that should have been a given. Because of this, most American colonists are considered to be patriotic because now that they have acquire what they desired, they are content with their country.

Unknown said...

Patriotism is the love and support of one's country or area and it is the national loyalty of the people. Patriotism among the American colonies came from the colonists coming together to fight their battles for independence and what they thought was right. For example the French and Indian war paved way for the people gaining independence and beginning to question the king's methods. Most American colonists in the year of 1763 were not very patriotic because of their fear to stand up to the king's methods against God.

Christa Rivers said...

Patriotism is the love one has for her/his country. A patriot will fight to defend her/his country. Patriotism among the colonists came from the French and Indian War. The war united the colonists because they fought together, as opposed to against one another. This united victory strengthened the colonies and would eventually lead them to be capable of fighting the British.

mariah medina said...

I think that patriotism is dedication and pride in ones country. The American colonies patriotism comes from the colonists banding together as one unit to rebel against the British for what they believed in. By 1763 not many colonists were patriotic but the number of people who were increased as the years went on.

Unknown said...

Patriotism is the love of one's country, concern for its well-being and a willingness to sacrifice for it. Among the American colonies, patriotism comes from the victory of the British over the French in the French and Indian War.The colonists are proud of Britain for defeating the French and are glad to be royal subjects. In 1963 most Americans were patriotic to the Britain, but after Parliament introduced the Proclamation line to stop colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains, Americans started to become less fond of the crown.

Tina Giang said...

Patriotism is the citizens’ fidelity towards the country. The patriotism among the American colonies comes from the inner self of the citizens themselves, the desire of low taxes, and the French and Indian War. The citizens are grateful for their successful accomplishment in the French and Indian War. Most Americans are not very patriotic in 1763 because of the apprehension to rebel against the king. Citizens are afraid to receive severe punishment if they rebel. Therefore, people are faithful to the king because he was sent by the God.

Unknown said...

Patriotism is the love, pride and devotion to one's country. Following the ending of the French and Indian War in 1763 there was a tremendous amount of patriotism in the colonies. But, tension developed which led to fighting between colonists and Britain. The cause of the American colonists shift in attitude/ tension between Britain and the colonists is the Proclamation 1763, which prohibited colonial settlement beyond the Appalachians and the national debt Britain accumulated after the French and Indian War.

Alex Shuster said...

Patriotism is the feeling of love and pride for ones country. The unity the American colonies showed during the French and Indian War allowed them the victory over the French. This is where the patriotism amoung the American colonies came from. Most American colonists were "patriotic" in 1763 because they had finally united, rebelled, and came out victorious against a common enemy.

Annaya Frazier said...

Patriotism is devotion to one's country. Patriotism among the American colonists came from their victory of the Seven Years' War, when they and their British ally successfully overpowered the French and conquered all of the French colonies that existed. It allowed the Americans to see that victory is possible if you work together. Most Americans were not patriotic in 1763 because their fear to go against god. Many were worried about putting their lives in danger or risking hell.