Thursday, November 15, 2012

Constitution-Making Socratic Seminar

     Seriously ladies, I am really interested in the thoughts and inquiries you'll bring to the roundtable for our next seminar. This are taking the reigns and determining the shape of the next discussion.
       Use this comment area below as a sharing space for the interpretive and evaluative questions that study groups are creating in preparation to talk about the challenges of determining of the "American Experiment would be governed... 
        The best question is the one with the most possible answers; well, not really.....but what I'm trying to say islist questions that inspire discussion and dialogue around the main themes or topics of the chapter. They should support and answer to our over-arching essential question for this unit: 

How do American Revolutionary principles show up in the new constitutional government that the American “Framers” create?


April Balobalo said...

If the Articles of Confederation were also known as "Articles of Confusion," how did it tighten the friendship of the colonies?

How was the Bill of Rights jeopardizing the freeedoms of the states?

Though the Americans had second thoughts on the Articles of Confederation, how did it help America finacially after the Revolution?

So, the Colonists did not want to be taxed by the British, why then did they think they had the right to tax other states?

Ketie Chen said...

We know that there were problems with the Articles of Confederation, How did the ideas of it later improve and help develop the constitution?

Why did Anti-Federalists decide to annex The Bill of Rights to the constitution and what rights were protected by it?

Pauline Li said...

What were the drawbacks independence have?

How will representation in Congress be decided?

How did the Articles of Confederation provide a "firm league of friendship?"

what were some of the strengths and weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation?

Princess Garrett said...

What were the effects of America's independence from Britain?

Following the revolution, what did each individual state do in terms of how they ran their states?

Annaya Frazier said...

What did Bailey mean by a loosely woven (con)federation and a knit federation? (pg. 173)

What impact did the Land Ordinance of 1785 and 1787 have on the colonies?

What was Daniel Shays and the Shaysites fighting for? What was the effect of the rebellion?

Unknown said...

After Shays Rebellion, why were some still in favor of a weak central government?

Why were federal judges appointed for life?

Unknown said...

What were the women's roles in the new Republican society?

How were the American Colonies like when they first achieved independence?

Breanne Olsen said...

Why did the Articles of Confederation fail? Were there any strengths in it? What do you think was the main downfall for the Articles of Confederation?

Ashani Scales said...

Why was the articles of confederation set to achieve a league of friendship? Can that really ever happen?

Could Americans effectively govern themselves? Without the disagreements, and fighting?

Imani Bey said...

Why Do you consider those who created the constitution, "Framers" instead of the founding fathers, since they created the foundation of American Government?

How did each state include their individual Bill of Rights with the United States Bill of Rights?

Amaya Hawkins said...

Why were the British Navigation Laws still intact after the Revolution ?

What was the conservative Tory element ?

If most of the states responded positively to the abolition o the slave trade, why didn't they respond as well to the abolition of slavery ?

mariah medina said...

why were the Articles of Confederation considered confusing? what is meant by "firm league of frienship"? could there have been any way to modify the Articles of Confederation without creating a Constitution in order for it to work?

Jenna Zhao said...

What are the political commitments of the Federalist and Anti-federalist authors? Who's argument sounds more persuasive? Why?

Why are the state governments stronger than the central governments in the Articles of Confederation?

Tina Giang said...

The Declaration of Independence proclaimed that "all men are created equal". Is this quote really genuine and trustworthy?
Why was the Congress weak? How does the purposely designed weak government created a great impact to the society?

Anonymous said...

What is the difference between Britain's "constitution" and America's "constitution"?
How were the British Navigation Laws more disagreeable after independence?
Is its possible to have a stable economy without taxes?
By Alex Shuster

Unknown said...

How did every state have their own bill of rights? How did they think that would last?
Were there any strengths in the articles of confederation? Did they think that the division of power put in place by the articles of confederation would last, and for the best for them?
How were the British navigation laws still in place after the revolution?

Unknown said...

How was slavery incorporated in the Articles of Confederation?

After Shay's Rebellion, why exactly was the convention not open to the public?