Tuesday, January 15, 2013

True Grit: Can Perseverance be Taught?

When I saw this video, I couldn't help but make immediate connections between the idea of "Grit" as Dr. Duckworth explains it and the work of Abolition as told in Dr. Clarke's  The Rains: Voices for American Liberty. For homework tonight, use this space to reflect of how you might find the two to be connected or related to each other. This is an opportunity to share some favorite pieces of the text...I'm loving this book, seriously. Can't wait to read your thoughts! (limit 400 words).


Cassidy Klement said...

Dr. Duckworth explains in the video that grit is "tenacious, doggeded perseverance." She says that people who have grit have a goal that they are constantly striving to achieve and nothing can stop them or bring them down. I think this relates the the work of abolition because in The Rains, the abolitionists face many setbacks, such as many, many people, who are pro-slavery, fighting against them to retain their "right" to slavery. These abolitionists possess the grit that Dr. Duckworth was talking about. They don't let anything hold them back and their goal is to abolish slavery. They will do anything and everything to achieve this goal. If the abolitionists didn't have grit, slavery might've never been abolished.

Aissetou Diawara, said...

In the video Dr. Duckworth describes the word "grit" as tendency not to abandon tasks in the face of obstacles. The idea of a grit connects to Dr.Clarke's the rains because in the rains the abolitionist faced many obstacles such as the fugitive slave act. All the underground helpers could've lost their homes and farms if they continued to lend their assistance and much more.Even though theses obstacles were in the way some took the initiative to risks their lives and continue doing what they was doing.

Brendon Jobs said...

I love how quickly the posts are coming already!! As you girls continue the conversation. Be specific. Don't be afraid to quote of talk about a story or character that stick out out to you in particular from the Rains. Oh, and remember The Abolitionists on PBS tonight at 8pm.

Zeanie Ramirez said...

During the video Dr Duckworth tells her interpretation of the meaning of "grit". Grit is having something to strive to achieve, you don't give up no matter what, and even if there is a set back you still keep going. I think the meaning of grit connects to abolitionists in The Rains. The abolitionists had a the "grit" Dr. Duckworth mentioned. they had a goal they worked towards achieving. There were many setbacks such as the threat of losing their land and facing legal consequences. Even with all the set backs they still kept on towards accomplishing their goal.

Chelsea Sainte said...

My favorite character in the rains is either Reverend Catto. I believe this character has "grit" through his obstacles. Reverend Catto contains a lot of "grit" and so far he has definitely reach his "peak". In the video, Dr. Duckworth talks how a person has perseverance and how sticking with a goal despite the challenges. I believe Reverend Catto contains that "grit" through out the story with the murder of his wife and enforcement of new acts. After his wife died, Reverend Catto push the abolition movement as best of his capability. That obstacle or scene kinda of forced him to stick to his goal to get freedom and justice for all colored people. Also to give meaning to his wife's death. In the book, hopefully Rev. Catto does get to his justice for his wife and that everything he has done wasn't a waste and had an impact.

Unknown said...

In Dr. Duckworth video she explained that the word "Grit" is tenacious, dogged perseverance. They wanted to achieve their goals and they keep striving for it. I think the word grit relates to the abolition in The Rain because the free slaves are trying to gain the rights for enslaves. They know that working in the Underground railroad is a dangerous things like losing their homes, lands, and farm but they didn't mind it and still wanted to help other enslaves to get their freedom and rights.

Unknown said...

Dr.Duckworth says that the meaning of 'grit' is "tenacious, dogged perseverance." My definition for grit is having consistency even through hard times, struggling but always trying. As Chelsea stated, I believe the character with the most grit for 'The Rains' is Reverend Catto because even after his wife's death, he stayed strong and even worked harder than before. Some said he worked hard so he doesn't break down but I believe he had grit and as stated in the novel, "his soul was on fire". Having grit means you identify your weakness and work on that instead of going over the same things you already know over and over again. You have to have passion for what you are doing; potential to continue even through thick and thin, finding a way around the challenges and obstacles life has to offer. Reverend Catto fought for the rights for slaves even when many were against him and he was at risk of getting caught. Rev. Catto unlocked his potential and strove for the better for the fugitives, not even for him. He never took time for himself, rather working lots of hours on end. He fought for what he wanted to achieve and he never stopped, never gave up, never became weak, but instead grew stronger.

Unknown said...

Well this two subjects have very much in common, somethings that you might never think about and others which basically jump out at you. I think the real definition of "Grit" is a person who sets a goal for themselves and goes to the end of the world to achieve it. In the book "The Rains" abolitionist did everything they could to get the run aways' over to safety. They did everything they could to make sure the free slaves would be okay up North.

chhengfarn inne said...

According to what i watch about "grit" that Dr. Duckworth was explaining in her video is that the meaning of grit is someone who is tenacious, dogged, and perseverance. Also, grit is someone who strive to reach their goal or gain success. Based on the video Dr. Duckworh explain that the people she knew that ahd grit are the people who are high in their class. In the rain, Reverend Catto would have grit since he is high in his race and someone who haven't given up to help other slave that wanted freedom. Also, in the rain most of the people, like Ellen and William, who never gave up and had perseverance to reach philadelphia and get the freedom that they desevered even if it mean risking their life. This is what i learn about grit based on the video and how it relates to the rains.

Ashley Thomas said...

Dr. Duckworth defines the word "grit" as a tenacious, dogged perseverance. This means to me that you are stubborn towards what you want, very determined and focused. In The Rains, Reverend Catto and the Crafts have a lot of grit. Reverend Catto doesn't break down when his wife passes, he comes back stronger than ever. Also, the Crafts stay by Reverend Catto's side and helps him with his son while he focuses on the abolitionist movement.

Natalia Lopez said...

In the video, Dr.Duckworth says that she came up with the word 'grit'.She says that grit means "tenacious, .. perseverance".I think grit means that you never give until you achieve your goal.The connection between this video and The Rains is that the abolitionists in The Rains have that 'grit'.They faced many problems including the cartoons and attacks towards them (one of them causing Sarah's death).Even after all the problems they faced they never gave up.

Unknown said...

Dr. Duckworth describes the word "grit" as tenacious, doggeded, and perserverance. People who have grit are people that are consistantly striving to achieve their goals, no matter what obstacle they may face. But I agree with Chelsea and Sarah when they said Rev. Catto has the characteristics of grit because Reverend Catto fought for the rights for slaves even when many were against him and he was at risk of getting caught. This shows that he was willing to go threw an obstacle to get where he wants.

Vera D. said...

Dr. Duckworth defines grit as "tenacious, doggeded perseverance".Grit is having something to strive for, to achieve,and not give up no matter what.This relates to the Rains because the abolitionist were people many years ahead of their time. Due to that fact they had to really persevere through the racism and moles and rats and the risk was much larger then. Besides it felt like they were fighting a lost cause sometimes and the only way a person could stay in that organization is to have true grit.

Unknown said...

The speaker in the video describes grit as tenacious, dogged, and perseverance. The speaker says that someone with grit has some form of a goal and they keep striving and pushing to achieve their goal. I think this relates to the abolitionist in The Rains because they faced many challenges and they were not always successful in reaching their goal every time. They faces many downfalls and hardships, but still strive for their goal through it all and they have a strong faith.

Unknown said...

In the rains the abolitionist are the ideal example of "grit" and all that it entails they are in a sense "gritty" people. Throughout the book they show just how gritty they are. From watching this video I determined that grit is essentially determination and the ability set a goal and keep at it. This is exactly what the abolitionist demonstrate determination. In the face of adversity they did not give up, instead this is when they shined the most. As a result of Sarah's death reverend Cato found his "grace" and became more functional in the abolition movement. In fact this seems to be a reoccurring theme throughout the book. The greater the adversity the greater their tenacity and determination. They become grittier, and truly encompass the meaning of true grit.

Charell Simmons said...

She described grit to be perseverance, tenacious, and dogged. I think someone who has ALL of these characteristics is someone who is ambitious and someone is determined. I also think agree with what everyone is saying about Rev. Catto, because he didnt let his wife's illness stop him. But another person I think was "gritty" was Mr.Still I think he was a man of his word and he was very determined. I think that he was also strong willed. He and Rev. Catto was people who was set out to have their freedom of rights.

Unknown said...

Dr. Duckwoth describes the word grit as "tenacious, doggeded perseverance". She says that grit is serious dedication,commitment and focus to whatever task is put in front of you. This idea of grit can be connected to the abolitionist in the story of the Rains because the abolitionist knew what the terrible outcome would be if they helped runaway slaves. Even while knowing this, the abolitionist continued to help the runaway slaves and get them the freedom they derserve.

Unknown said...

Dr. Duckworth thoroughly gives examples and explains what exactly the term "grit " means . Grit means to be tenacious , dogged , perseverance. Someone who is "grit " is someone who strives to get things done with no excuses , and doesn't let anyone in there way of achieving there goals . With the many examples and her explanation of "grit" refers me to the book "The Rains " immediately . When I think of Craft and Reverend Catto. Mainly Reverend Catto because he had allot of grit , for example when his wife died , to me he became a stronger person within himself . Also Craft was striving to be by Reverend Catto's side to care for his son while his mind was on the abolition movement . This is what I've learned about "grit" also while referring to the rains .

Unknown said...

Dr.Duckworth describes tenacious, perseverance,and dogged. These characteristics shows someone that has goals and is ambitious.Its about someone thats striving for their goals. I also agree with what everyone is saying about Rev. Catto. He fought for the rights slaves when most people went against everything he was doing. He was very ambitious and was trying to help make sure people have their freedom and civil rights

Samantha E. said...

When Dr.Duckworth spoke of of "grit" and explained it as "Tenacious, dogged perseverance",it was certainly in connection with The Rains. In the Rains book all the anti-slavery organizations, all the abolitionist and radicals have to and do have grit. In the book it is an understood fact that change does not happen in a day and that it take years to get have a successful change and even then it may not be so successful. The abolitionist spoken about in the book all have worked years and have sacrificed for the effort. They have sacrificed time and money and safety and comfort, almost everything they had was put into their work, their effort. Abolitionist certainly had lots of grit and patience.

Yazmeen said...

Dr. Duckworth describes a person with grit as someone who pursues an impossible goal and eventually achieves that goal. To do this, the person needs to have"tenacious, doggeded, perserverance," or grit. I think grait was the most important characteristic of the entire abolitionist movement. Without it, the abolitionists couldn't have pushed through all of the setbacks that were placed before them. I thought of the part in "The Rains" when the Fugitive Slave Act occured, saying that fugitives and their helpers were no longer safe in Philadelphia. The abolitionists were now risking their lives to help runaway slaves. They could've given up at that moment, as many people did. But Reverend Catto spoke for most abolitinosits when he said that they would "resist to the death any attempt to enforce the Fugitive Slave Act upon their pesons." They used their grit to perservere, because they knew they were working towards a greater goal of ending slavery.

Unknown said...

In this video, Dr.Duckworth defines "grit" as being tenacious, dogged, and perservierence. Having the ability to set goals and achieve them. Not any goals but to find your weakness and focus perticularly on that. I related that aspect to how Rev.Catto did everything for his family.he supported the abolitionist movement and even when people doubted him, he. Stuck to what he believe in and kept reaching to achieve his goal. Right now, I am enjoying the book as the story unfolds and begins to wrap up. And tying the idea of "grit" into "the rains" makes a lot of sense

Bianca Harris said...

"Grit" as described by Dr. Duckworth is to have tenacious, dogged, perseverance which is the perfect definition of Reverend Catto in The Rains. Although he and the Vigilance Committee faced many trials and tribulations during their assistance to fugitive slaves whether it was death, hatred, torment, resentment, or even the enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Act, that didn't alter his feelings about helping these slaves from the grasp of the time bandits. He exhibits traits of secrecy, assiduity and solidarity which are key for the line of work that he does and are also close relatives to the concept of Grit.

Unknown said...

Similar to some of my classmates I believe Dr.Duckworth emphasizes the meaning of the word "Grit" which is defined as "a perseverance and passion for long-term goals." This relates to the rains because this is a character trait abolitionists had. They knew they wanted freedom and they had a passion for it! Although they had had many delays they still pushed forward on their journey for equality.

Amirah Ali said...

Like all of my classmates i agree that Dr. Duckworth's definition of grit , having tenacious and doggeded perseverance,applies to many of the characters in The Rains. I think that one character that had true "grit" was Ellen Craft. Ellen was determined to become free and though she did have moments where she would get nervous, frustrated, and wanted to give up, she persevered and continued to keep it together for the sake of not only her freedom, but her husband's as well.

Asia Summers said...

Dr. Duckworth explains in the video that grit is "tenacious, doggeded perseverance."The idea of a grit connects to Dr.Clarke's the rains because in the rains the abolitionist faced many obstacles such as the fugitive slave act.Based on the video Dr. Duckworh explain that the people she knew that ahd grit are the people who are high in their class. In the rain, Reverend Catto would have grit since he is high in his race and someone who haven't given up to help other slave that wanted freedom.