Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Author's Chair: Black Progress in Early 20th Century Germantown

How does the Great Migration and Renaissance era impact Philadelphia (as just one example of the impact on Northern Cities)? What progress does the Black community show? Be specific. Use examples from this mornings discussion with Dr. David Young author of our Spring Break readings “You Feel So Out of Place”   and "Negro Achievement Week 1928". Also recall our discussion of push and pull factors motivating the migration of 6 million Blacks out of the rural South and into Northeast, Midwest and West. Would you have migrated? Explain your motivation.


tamara gainey said...

The great migration impact philadelphia by enlarging the black community in the city and the renaissance era was like an age of enlightenment for the black community. for the question if i would migrate north from the south, that is a yes because why would i struggle in the south with people that don't like me instead of going to the north were there are more and better opportunities.

Unknown said...

The Great Migration and Renaissance Era caused Philadelphia to become one of the greatest historic grounds in the United States. Philadelphia became home to some thousands African Americans due to "PUSH & PULL" causes. Most Philadelphia areas especially Germantown became highly occupied with Blacks. Some migrated because of disastrous conditions, lack of education, opportunity for jobs, etc.... The black community made clubs and organizations as a sign of progress. They organized events though they didn't collaborate with each other a lot. In my opinion i would have migrated to Philadelphia for better opportunity and higher education.

Samantha Easley said...

In my opinion with the Great Migration came more and harsher segregation, in the Northern cities. There were several reasons that blacks migrated from the southern states, violence, lack of proper education and lack of justice. The Northern cities offered Blacks opportunity and a fresh start.

The migration deeply affected the black community though, in negative and positive ways. Young blacks were able to get an education more readily. Also a lot of blacks broke out of the slave-like contracts of sharecropping with the opportunity to get jobs that were less restricting and easy enough to do without any formal training.

On the other hand the migration, in a way, brought segregation. Whites felt economically threatened by blacks and immigrants when they came to the Northern cities, took a lot of the jobs and would work for less, because they were not use to having much. The black community also became more divided in itself, because a lot had different opinions of progression, or how they show progress.

Personally, I would have migrated. I would finally the main stream and go find a fresh start, get a better job. I would just want to leave the South.

Amirah Ali said...

Personally, i agree with migrating to improve the quality of life. The communities that are formed after blacks settle began to unify and uplift them as a whole. Communities were no longer going to be a place where blacks are made to feel unwelcome, they are now part of a place where they have peers and equals with the same values, goals, and morals as other community members. Many cities like Richmond, Virginia began to hold commemorations reflected on divisions in the society at large and the black community in particular.

Unknown said...
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Ashley Thomas said...

The Great Migration and Renaissance Era caused Philadelphia to become one of the major historic sites in the United States. Philadelphia has lots of history to its name and has built lots of reputation throughout the years.

I would have migrated for various reasons. I would have moved to the North because of better opportunities. For example, education and careers. The North had better paying jobs and more advanced academic options than in the South. Also, in Dr.Young's presentation, he stated that he moved to Philadelphia for a career and because of his wife's education. There is also excitement in migrating to somewhere new. By migrating to the North, there would be new, unexpected things to explore.

Bianca Harris said...

The Great Migration was the movement of thousands of African Americans from the poverty, injustice and violence of the rural south to the better and safer environments of the urban north. As a result of this, the economy of many northern states began to flourish as it began to fail in the south. This is all due to the numerous job opportunities that presented themselves in Northern steel mills, railroads, meatpacking plants, and the automobile factories. Northern businessmen even sent labor agents to recruit southern workers. Late in the 19th century, black communities in the north also began to flourish by establishing churches, social organizations, businesses, and medical facilities. Establishments such as the YMCA. If I was in the position of blacks in the south back then, and had to leave the familiarity of my neighborhood, family and friends for the better of my family, I would.

Kimberly Hernandez said...

The Great Migration impacts Philadelphia in a huge way. The Black population drastically grew due to the Great Migration. The Blacks that migrated, went to look for a better future for themselves. Dr. Young said that those they migrated because life was so complicated. They migrated looking for hope, for a better future, to progress in life. This showed progress in the Black community because it showed that Blacks cared, they wanted better for themselves and better for their generations to come.

If it was up to me, I would have migrated to the North because the North held opportunity. It gave those people hope that things were going to be better for them. Life in the South was complicated, it was hard. They had so much violence that pushed them away from the South. I think that the North would actually give people the opportunity their looking for, so thats one reason why I would migrate. Other reasons are education and jobs, i need both of those things, so I would go to the North and make my future brighter

Natalia Lopez said...

Between 1910 and 1940 many black people left the South and went to the North. The North had better economic and educational opportunities. On the textbook pg.579, it says that blacks residents established churches, social organizations, businesses, and medical facilities. I think this things made Philadelphia a historic city.

I guess I would have migrated to have a better job and a good education. Basically, to improve my lifestyle and get away from the South.

Cassidy Klement said...

The Great Migration and Renaissance era impacted Philadelphia in huge ways. For one, as Monae and Ashley said, Philadelphia did indeed become one of the most important historical sites in America. During the Great Migration, the population of the blacks in the North increased. This was because of agricultural disasters, exceptional violence, and the Jim Crow laws/segregation in the South, as well as the promise of better education, jobs, and all around brighter future for the African Americans.

I also disagree with what Amirah said: "Communities were no longer going to be a place where blacks are made to feel unwelcome, they are now part of a place where they have peers and equals with the same values, goals, and morals as other community members." Were they truly welcome in the North? Sure, they were welcomed by some, but as Sam said, the migration brought segregation because the whites in the North did feel economically threatened by the migrating blacks.

Honestly, I don't know whether or not I would have migrated. On one hand, life in the South wasn't pleasant. There was the prospect of being lynched and the education was definitely better in the North. One might think that life couldn't get any worse, so why not travel to the unknown--it could be better. Like Tamara said, there were better opportunities in North. But at the same time, if you are doing okay in the South, why would you want to jeopardize your safety and your family's safety by moving to a place where you have never been and cannot predict what will happen; a place where you could still potentially fail. It's scary to go into the unknown, especially when you don't feel welcomed anywhere.

Unknown said...

The great Migration and Renaissance era have largely impact Philadelphia because the population in Philadelphia have increase because Blacks from the South have migrated up North. The progress that the Black community show is that they develop a black YMCA and YWCA for black people. Philadelphia became a city with many historical sites.

I would have migrated to if I was in the South because I wanted to gain more opportunities for my family and I. I wanted my family and I to have a better life and be treated more equally as others. I wanted to be able have a better education.

Unknown said...

The Great Migration had a huge impact on Philadelphia. The Great Migration is the movement of blacks from the southern states to northern states, and since Philadelphia is in Pennsylvania which is one of those states, Philadelphia was effected. Blacks migrated to the north simply because they were seeking a better life without violence, racial discrimination, and other issues that existed in the south. Some of the specific reasons why blacks migrated to the south probably to reconnect with family members in those areas, safety, job opportunities, better healthcare, and because they wanted to truely be free. I personally would have migrated to the North to seek better education and to have the rights that I deserve.

Unknown said...

The great migration is the movement of many blacks from the South to the North. This impacted Philadelphia so greatly because the YMCA and YWCA came about, there were 90 churches, different schools, Blacks became allowed to drive trolleys and buses, and schools were separate but equal.There was lack of education, job opportunities and lynching which was a push to the North along with a pull from the South. Also, a photo in Baugh's picture book, that Mr. Young showed us, showed a row of houses with a caption that said our people own these houses. This somewhat proved that Blacks were evolving, buying houses, having jobs, going to church, going to schools, and working in trolleys. Philadelphia then was impacted greatly and is a big historical sight.

Charell Simmons said...

I think the great migration and the renaissance era had a pretty good affect on Philadelphia. People were coming from different places, to Philadelphia but they were coming along with things they knew. And even though people came due to crazy things that were happening like violence (like someone else said already)they still came. Caring things like music , arts, etc. Things became lively in Philadelphia. People usually left where they were to come and get better job opportunities, education, and a better life. With a building population and more "known" people Germantown became a very historic place today!

Unknown said...

The great migration and the Renaissance era impacted Philadelphia by adding economic and social stimulation. As a result of the great migration Philadelphia's economy grew. Furthermore, due to excess of blacks migrating to Philadelphia the black population grew drastically. However this had both positive and negative effects. As newcomers flooded Philadelphia old-comers felt " squeezed" and refused to let newcomers into their already established clubs and organizations. In turn newcomers created their own organizations, and a lot of them, thus making Philadelphia one of the most historically rich cities in the U.S.
The black community showed a significant amount of progress and started many organizations, one of the most popularly known is the YMCA.Blacks migrated to Philadelphia in search of a better life. They came due to low job opportunities in the south, high prejudice, and low educational opportunities in the south. I would have migrated because it seems like the best option at the time, why suffer in the south when there are better opportunities in the north?

Unknown said...

Philadelphia was greatly impacted by the great migration. The great migration took place between 1910 and 1940. During the migration over one million blacks moved from the south to the north. Blacks left the south because there was a lack of jobs, injustice in the judicial system, Jim Crow, and poor education for blacks. The north gave African Americans hope for a better future for them and their families. The north offerd more jobs, the right to vote, and better a better education system which was like a dream come true for blacks. When blacks migrated the north grew economically. Therefore Philadelphia was impacted by the great migration in a positive way.

If I was an African American during this time period I would have migrated to the north. The south was not a place where I could provide for my famil because of the lack of jobs. My kids would also be poorley educated living in the south. The north was the opposite.

Unknown said...

The great migration and renaissance era had a big influence on Philadelphia , and alone the way it became one of best historic sites all over. The migration had a huge impact on the various black communitys. Many blacks were offered a education , and various job opportunity's of share cropping . as 'Mr David said that many of the blacks back then migrated here because of the many complications they had .

Unknown said...

The Great Migration impacted blacks by allowing them to pursue their dreams for a better future that consisted of better opportunities, which were presented in the North. The Renaissance era impacted blacks by enlightening them. The black community showed progress through creating new organizations, some of which that promoted co-operation. There were many social and educational clubs, such as the Wissahickon Boys club in Germantown. In Germantown the black communities provided young people with educational opportunities, vocational training and social skills.

Personally I would have migrated to the North from the South because there were better opportunities, more jobs and more educational opportunities. The blacks were also able to vote, which was something they couldn't do in the south. Also as Dr. Young and Mr. Jobs mentioned, they could have had family and/or loved ones that lived and the North. There were many reasons to leave the South, such as the flooding and destruction of crops (cotton), you had less rights and many Southerners didn't want them there anyway. I think everyone can agree that the North, during this time, was the best place for a black person to go.

Zeanie Ramirez said...

The great migration impacted Philadelphia by enlarging the black community. Through the migration many blacks left their homes and moved up north and found jobs and were able to live out the lives they wanted. Philadelphia become one of the best historic sites. The migration helped the economy to thrive. In my opinion I think the migration had a good effect. I think I would have migrated the north had more jobs and more educational opportunities. The south was full of so much hate and many suffered. Even if the north may gave had some hate too I think the safer and better option would be to migrate.

Yazmeen said...
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Yazmeen said...

The great migration caused an influx in population in the communities of Philadelphia; many black people were moving to northern cities like Philadelphia to build a hopeful future. The Renaissance Era encouraged intellectual thinkers, artists, and writers to promote blacks and their history, and ultimately created programs and events like Negro Achievement week. This allowed African-Americans to make a lot of progress in northern societies (within the limits of segregation). In Dr. Young’s article “You Feel So Out of Place,” Baugh talks vividly about the houses and businesses that the black people in Germantown own; he talks about their many professions, and even talks about the taxes that they dutifully pay as citizens and their impact on the economy. Negro Achievement Week also showed the progress of blacks in Philadelphia, promoting them as men who were “Americans yet ones with a rich culture heritage.”
I remember that Dr. Young said that many of the people who migrated to the North from the South were young. As a young person, I could see myself migrating with that group. I wouldn’t have had any roots of working on a family plantation as a slave, so I would probably feel no “emotional” ties to the South. All that would be there for me was Jim Crow and no hope for a decent job. If it was that bad in the South, how bad could it be in the North? In the North, there was hope and progress for blacks. Black people were doing things up there, people like DuBois and Alain Locke. I could get a nice education. I could get a nice, maybe even well-paying job. There would literally be nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Chelsea Sainte said...

The great migration and the renaissance era impact Philadelphia because it limited opportunities. Although the migration and erabcreated opportunities for blacks it limited opportunities for whites. This made the whites in Philadelphia upset cause blacks were taking "their" jobs for less pay. I liked what Sam said about segregation, but I think the Great Migration made segregation and racist in the south more difficult. I think whites in the south noticed major leave of blacks and were excited about and wanted to see if they could get all the "negros" out. The push & pull reasons definitely put a toll on why blacks move to the north because it created a better life quicker. I say quicker because although some blacks in the south doesn't get justice in the beginning they do eventually because (I'm assuming) they fought. Some blacks knew how to make the own lives easier and faster. The black community in the north showed unification because the stood together and created more opportunities for blacks to "fit" in the American society. I would I migrate to north of course because why would I stay in bad condition for long waiting for things to get better when I can take my own action.

aissetou said...

The great migration was an era where Philadelphia became one of the well grown populated areas and the renaissance era was an enlightenment era for the blacks. Blacks moved for very specific reasons due to the "push"and "pull"factors. Such as, violence,harsh treatment, and no education while the north welcomed and offered education to the blacks. The black community made progress by forming their own groups. I would have migrated without regret,because why would you stay in an unwelcome place where you're less likely to succeed and move forward while you can easily move and have a better life. Though blacks could easily fit in the north i like how Chelsea brought up the competition about jobs between the whites and the blacks.

Unknown said...

The Great Migration and the renaissance era had a big impact on making Philadelphia what it now is today. These two articles helped Philadelphia become recognized. Philadelphia became the home of many African Americans regarding the "push&pull". As Chelsea said in her blog the renaissance era limited opportunities for whites because they felt some way with blacks coming in taking all of their jobs. By this era limiting certain opportunities it brung along even more competition than there already was. The great migration era helped blacks impact on their own lives because of such great opportunities they now had. Philadelphia plays a big role in helping blacks accomplish many things for example by giving them a way of education in the Germantown part of Philadelphia.

Vera D. said...

The Great Migration and the Renaissance era impacted Philadelphia economically and socially. Economically Philadlephia was flourishing due to the flow of migrators that settle, there were more jobs and businesses and many many churches. Socially there were many divisions. Blessing is right when she said:"As newcomers flooded Philadelphia old-comers felt 'squeezed' and refused to let newcomers into their already established clubs and organizations." This why business was so great-there was multiples of everything.

I would have migrated. My reasons aren't very long. All I can say is I would take a chilly welcome over Jim Crow, "Keep-that-Negro-In-Check South" South.

Unknown said...

The Great Migration and the Renaissance impacted Philadelphia because in order to make progress in anything, you need to have some type of motivation and these two parts in history were enough motivation to give blacks hope of a new and happy life. Philadelphia was a huge migration site, per se. For example Northerners traveling to the South to recruit blacks for jobs was a very good way to motivate blacks and give them hope for a better future for themselves and their family. But to every good thing, there's also a bad. For example, whenever blacks migrated to Philadelphia- Germantown to be exact- there was always some form of competition. There were many distinctions between classes to be exact and that caused many problems. There was also a lot of segregation happening: segregation of schools, YMCA's, buses and lots more. The North wasn't perfect but it was more docile than the South.

Germantown was also important because, just as Dr.Young said, Germantown was full of contradictions. Philadelphia was a city blacks migrated to because of their lack of rights in the south but yet in the North the KKK was very strong, segregation was very harsh (just as Sam said), and there were too many organizations with no coordination. Also there are many historical sites in Germantown too.

If it were up to me, I would have migrated because just as I said before, The North may have been a little bad but it's more docile than the South. There were many job opportunities in the North, fair judicial system, better schools, and then there was city life. In the South, there were floods and disasters that ruined the crops which took away many jobs. There were also the Jim Crow laws and much more segregation than the North. Many people don't or didn't like change but a lot more people wanted or hoped for change so they migrated in hope for a better life.

Unknown said...

The Great Migration and Renaissance era impacated Philadelphia because it became a historic landmark. Many blacks migrated up north because of the push and pull causes. Germantown has alot of history because many blacks migrated their. They started many churches and occupations. I would of migrated to the North as well because of the better job oppurunities. It would be a fresh start and it would be less of racial threats. Also it was a better education for the blacks. They opened up schools and taught. It was much safer to move to the North because there wasnt as much lynching and killing. I wouldnt want to jeoperdize my family because I want them to all be safe