Sunday, April 28, 2013

The New Negro Movement & The Color Purple

The Color Purple helps us reflect more clearly on themes we have been talking about in African American history (i.e. invisibility, racial annihilation, Colorisim, the New Negro). Reflect more deeply on 1 of the questions below. In your response, feel free to comment on or piggy back off of a peer's post, but be sure to add original thought. Use specific examples from the movie and your knowledge of black life through the Progressive era leading towards WWII.  (Word Limit: 300 words).

  1. Think of the characters you meet in The Color Purple. Who represents the Old Negro? Who the New Negro? Make a case for each. 
  2.  Explain who you believe is the "hero" of the film and why. Why doesn't Miss Celie migrate North? 
  3.  Compare and contrast the different male characters in The Color Purple. What generalizations does Walker make about males? 
  4.  Compare and contrast the different female characters in The Color Purple. What generalizations does Walker make about females?


Cassidy Klement said...

In "The Color Purple," it is difficult to pinpoint just one hero. Those times were difficult ones indeed for blacks. Celie's character represents the struggles many blacks, specifically women, faced during the Progressive era. Celie and her sister, Nettie, were separated when they girls: Celie was forced to marry a man who wouldn't allow her sister to stay with them. Throughout the movie, Celie's only wish is to be reunited with her beloved sister. I think that was one reason why Celie didn't move north when she had the chance. She hadn't given up hope that Nettie would return for, because "only death will separate [Celie] from [Nettie]." What would happen if Nettie did come back for Celie and Celie wasn't there?

I also think that another reason why Celie never left her abusive and oppressive husband was because of the obligation she felt toward him. Her relationship with him was, in a way, similar to slavery. I thought it was interesting that Celie never used his name; she only ever called him "mister" (even though later in the movie, we find out his first name is "Albert." This seems sort of how slavery was. Celie had no emotion connection to him, yet he had so much power over her. She cooked, she cleaned, she took care of his children, she did everything he demanded from her, getting nothing in return. But at the same time, it's difficult to place all of the blame on this man. He had no power among society: It was still a white man's world. How can we expect him to react. He has no control over his life, no control over the way people treat him. The only thing he can control is Celie, so he takes advantage of that.

In a way, Celie could be looked at as the hero, because near the end of the movie, she does stand up for herself. She refuses to accept Mister's treatment toward her any longer, and she proves herself just as strong and worthy as anybody else. While Celie, Mister and Mister's father, Shug--Mister's mistress--, Harpo--Mister's son--, Sofia--Harpo's ex-wife--, and Harpo's current wife were sitting around the dinner table, Celie finally tells Mister she is planning on leaving with Shug. This influences the other women at the table, especially Sofie, who had had her spirit and her fight crushed out of her. Sofia returned to her strong, fighting self after Celie told off Mister. Harpo's wife was also encouraged to tell her husband that she was leaving, too.

On the other hand, all of these women can be seen as heroes, because despite the force of society, and the mistreatment from the men in their lives--the ones who are supposed to take care of them and love them--they still stand strong and tall. Sure, there were bumps along the way and occasionally, they would stumble and fall, but they always stood back up and resumed fighting.

Natalia Lopez said...

I think the hero of the film "The Color Purple" were both Celie and Shug.Celie was abused since she was young.At age 14, she already had 2 children which were taken away form her.Then her stepfather separated her from her sister,Nettie, by making her marry Albert Johnson.During a period of time her sister did live with her but Albert(which Celie calls mister), made her leave. Celie felt useless . That is when Shug, Albert's old partner, came into her life. They became very good friends and Shug helped Celie have more confidence in herself. In the film, Celie confesses to Shug that Albert abuses her and that she feels that nobody loves her but shug tell her that she loves her and that she is beautiful. Shug also helps Celie discover all the letters that Nettie wrote to her but Albert had hidden.I believe that Celie is also the hero because at the end of the film she stood up for herself and left Albert. She also opens her own store selling "one-size-fits-all slacks" and inherits a house from her father.

I agree with what Cassidy said about Celie not leaving to the north because she wanted to see Nettie again. I also think that she didn't leave because she was scared of Albert. In the film,when Shug was leaving, Celie wanted to leave with her but was too scared to tell her in front of Albert.

Ashley Thomas said...

In "The Color Purple," there are many characters that represent the "New Negro" and "Old Negro." The "old negro" is victimized by the white and is something to be defended for. Whereas the "new negro" makes himself/herself present in the american society.

In "The Color Purple," Sophia represents the "Old Negro" because she is victimized by whites. For example, in the movie, Sophia was placed in prison for about 10 years for slapping a white man (the mayor) because he slapped her first. Sophia remained confident and determinded throughout the entire movie.

In "The Color Purple," Shug Avery depicts the "New Negro" because she makes herself known in the African community and is very popular and looked up to. For example, she is the inspiration that helps Celie become confident.

Tamara Gainey said...

A person that represents the new negro is someone who is acts or tries to look more white and a person who represents the old negro is someone who is more submissive. the new negro in the Color Purple is Shug and the old negro is Celie.

the reason why i think Shug is the new negro is because of the way she look. she straighten her hair, and dresses in fancy cloths. Celie is the old negro because of how she look. she doesn't straighten her hair like Shug and she doesn't dress as fancy but more plain.

also the way they act. Shug is more independent and outgoing but Celie is quiet and submissive. she doesn't always speak up for herself until the end of the movie. she doesn't speak out of turn just like a slave would do, which is what the old negro is similar to. and the differents in the way they act around mister. Shug act as if he is no big deal but Celie act as if he is her slave master. but i guest it also depends on how Mister treats then. Mister treats Shug as if she is a big deal and Celie as if she is a slave. And its all on the fact that Shug is the new negro and celie is the old negro. the fact that Shug is more outspoken Mister doesn't think he can over power or a lest doesn't try but because Celie is more quiet and submissive he knows he can over power and do what ever he wants because she will not do any thing about it. but at the end Celie becomes more like the new negro while Mister is still the old negro, and her changing makes her more independent

aissetou said...

In my words, the old negro is one who still has the mindset of a slave and treated as a slave in society and the new negro is the one who has overcame the past and one who has confidence. In the color purple Sophia is one of the characters who represents the old negro. Although she seems powerful she is treated as inferior in society. For example in one of the scenes in the movie Sophia defies the towns mayor and is sentenced to twelve years labor as the mayors maid. Albert is also represented as an old negro compared to Grady. Grady cares for his woman and does not feel the need to belittle them in order to feel powerful. As for Mr. he feels the need to be superior to Celie because society does not treat him as a equal therefor the only thing he thinkshe has "power" over is Celie.

Shug is represented as the new negro as she is physically and emotionally confident and challenges the male dominance. Shug has the mentality of a new negro and the way she dresses also categorize her as a new negro.
In opposition Celie symbolizes the old negro in the beginning she's treated like a slave by Mr. Albert and lacks confidence. She follows the commands of her husband as if she was still a slave just like Tamia mentioned. She has the mentality of a old negro because she feels obligated to feel inferior towards Albert. Towards the end she evolves to the new negro aliitle because she stood up for herself and has confidence just like the new negro.

Kimberly Jeffreys said...

I think the hero of the film " The Color Purple" was Celie. Celie became a very strong human being at the age 14. She was abused, raped and impregnated by her stepfather and he took her children away from her. Then he married her into an abusive marriage. Celie's husband, Albert, didnt want Celie's blood sister, Nettie, to stay with them because he was mad she wouldnt have sex with him. So they were seperated. I believe the hero is the person you get the most effect from which is Celie. She changes your view of things. Some people would say Celie is weak for staying with Albert because of the way he treated her, but Celie was strong.One of the only reasons Celie stayed was the hope of her sister coming back for her. After Celie found all the letters from Nettie that Albert hid, she left him! Before she left, she gets the courage to tell him everything she wanted to say. She didnt back down from her word. Even after he chased them, she didnt get scared and stay. She also gave others the courage to leave with them. I agree with Natalie and Cassidy about not leaving because she was afraid of Albert but I also think there was suppose to be some power in her not leaving, I think it was suppose to be strength in her staying and putting up with Albert.

Vera D. said...

There are many heroes in The Color Purple. I usually feel like the protagonist of the movie is the hero but in the Color Purple I think the protagonist and a supporting character are the heroes. I think Celie the protagonist is a hero, but also Shug Avery. I think Celie needed Shug Avery to become a hero of this movie, which really needed a hero.The movie begins with Celie in a compromising situation. Her father is on top of her having sexual intercourse with her. While this is happening, Celie is narrating. She says, “Dear God...I'm 14 years old. I've always been a good girl. Maybe you can give me a sign, let me know what's happening to me.” The truth is she is being abused by her father and then later on when she is given to Albert (Mister) in marriage by him too.. The changing point for Celie is when Albert’s Mistress came to live with them. I think this part in the plot just shows how detached Celie was from Albert. He wasn’t really her husband although they were married she didn’t care about him in any romantic way, because if she did his Mistress never would have lived with them. However, Albert’s Mistress, who’s name was Shug Avery, living with Albert and Celie his wife proved to be a good thing for Celie. Shug gave Celie strength and a new hope. Without Shug, Celie never would have left that house. It was in 1937, almost 30 years of marriage that Celie finally gained the strength and voice to speak up to Albert. It was at the dinner table with the entire family that Shug finally spoke up. She had said she wanted to leave with Shug and her husband and go to Memphis. Now Albert initially said no. However, when Celie spoke reasoning to him (reasoning being the truth and a knife) he came to his senses.
Shug: [after telling Albert that she and her husband are leaving] “Celie is coming with us.”Albert: “What?” Shug: “Celie is coming with us to Memphis.”Albert: “Over my dead body.”
Shug: “You satisfied? That what you want?”Albert: [to Celie] “NOW What's wrong with you?”
Celie: You a low down dirty dog, that's what's wrong. Time for me to get away from you, and enter into Creation. And your dead body'd be just the welcome mat I need…. [lunging towards Albert with a knife] I curse you. Until you do right by me everything you think about is gonna crumble... Nettie and my kids be comin' home soon, and when they get here we gonna' set around and whip your ass.”
It was at this scene that gave Sofia, Albert’s son’s Harpo’s wife who had been imprison for saying “no” to a white woman-the Mayor’s woman-and then gone silent, the voice to speak of how she was feeling.”
Sofia: “Sat in that jail, I sat in that jail til I near about done rot to death. I know what it like to wanna go somewhere and cain't. I know what it like to wanna sing... and have it beat out 'ya. I want to thank you, Miss Celie, fo everything you done for me. I 'members that day in the store with Miss Millie - I's feelin' real down. I's feelin' mighty bad. And when I seed you - I know'd there is a God. I know'd there is a God.”
Just from that scene alone I think Celie is the hero of the movie. She not only set herself free from Albert, but she also was able to set Sofia free from the dark space she was in with the help of Shug.

Kimberly Hernandez said...

In 'The Color Purple,' their was many female characters generalizations. The main generalization made in the movie was the lack of power females in the movie had. The men had all the power. Cellie for example, was powerless at home. She would say, "Fight? All I know how to do is stay alive." She didn't really fight back for the freedom she deserved but rather she just wanted to stay alive and do as she was told. Albert didn't treat her right at all, he treated her wrong physically and mentally. He called her names, and would physically hurt her. In one occasion, Albert called Shug baby in front of Cellie. Females were constantly being mistreated and disrespected by males. Al once called Cellie ugly, and said she don't got nothing in the dinner table. He said, "Your Black, poor and ugly." Females were just used as the males slaves, the only difference between a slave and a married woman was a piece of paper, they were still treated the same.

The females in The Color Purple were in some ways different too. Sofia, unlike Cellie, fought back against the abuse. Sofia left Harpo because he would beat her and so she fought back and would hit him. She wasn't scared of him, like Cellie was scared of Al. They were different in the sense that Sofia fought back for her power and Cellie didn't. In another part of the movie, Sofia slaps Mr. Smith because he slapped her, she then goes to jail. Sofia didn't allow Mr. Smith hit her and leave it like that, she thought it was wrong for him to hit her so she hit him back! Cellie would have never hit a man back, she was always getting beat by Al and never raised a hand against him. The females were powerless.

Unknown said...

The "old negro " is the negro who still thinks like a slave and is still submissive. They deal with whatever is happening at the time and does little to stop it. In my opinion , I believe that Celie is the old negro because first she lets her father rape her and take away her children that he fathered. Then she is forced into a submissive relationship with a man that is close to her father's age. She is basically treated like a slave. Miss Celie has to cook for him and his children and clean the house. She is kept under lock and key and she has to do whatever she is told to do. There was a part in the movie when she was thinking about cutting his throat but she was stopped. I believe that she was tired of being mistreated . She was tired of being the "old negro.

In contrast , the "new negro" is the negro who embraces the European culture and becomes more enlightened in music, art and literature. In this movie, I believe that Shug Avery was the "new negro". She sang R&b and she experimented sexually. She had her hair straightened and she wore nice , expensive clothing. I believe that's why her father did not approve of her because she was this "new negro". She chose not to stay in church and pursue her dreams.

The old and new negro was well represented in this movie and it always gave us a glance on how the worlds of both clashed and how one influenced the other.

Unknown said...

In the film "the colored purple" there was multiple characters to be described as the "old negro". Celie wasone that stuck out to me the most. She was victimized into old was as being less than any and everyone else. She was forced into marriage and subject to being a wife maid. She also didn't have any woman right and acted her place as never questioning a man even when it came down to being forced to have sex and birth children that would only be taken away immediately. Miss Celie was representation of what life would be like after black me was given there acres of land and one mule. Though to a white man, that opportunity would seem like a blessing, in all reality, life may not be any different for the woman of the family. They still have to carry out there duties to fullfill the needs of the men above them.
As for the new the end...Celie should up as transforming from a "yes sir" negro to a "new negro". She began to see her self worth. She began to want to be appreciated because of the way Shug Avry treated her. Celie started to stick up for herself and realized that men weren't anything without women.

Unknown said...

I agree with Cassidy when she stated that "it is difficult to pinpoint just one hero." I agree 100%.I believe each character in fact has a different hero. For Celie, Mr. is her hero. He's the one that brought her sister back to her which seemed to be the MAIN conflict in the story along with many others. However I think Shug Avery is Celie's hero in a way as well. She helped her evolve into an independent and assertive women. She helped Celie gain confidence.

I think that Celie didn't move north because of the hope she had of reuniting with her sister. Although it was not said, I believe this was her motivation. The hope of her sister coming back is what kept her there.

Unknown said...

In the movie, "The Color Purple", there is not a real "hero" because everyone has their own rise and fall. The person that most resembles a hero is Shug Avery because she created hope and strength for Celie. Shug Avery had her falls but through every fall she seems to bring herself up with Celie. Shug Avery came to the house dirty and sick to a glorified jazz singer soon after she seemed to rise Celie's confidence through her music and presence. Shug's return to the south being an new improvement person seemed to push Celie's strength to fight against her husband. Although many would say Celie is the hero because she found courage at the end against her husband, but that courage would have not started if there was not a Shug Avery.

I agree with everyone whom said that Celie did not leave due to submission by her abusive husband and the chance of never being reunited with her sister Nettie. Celie's husband abuse her constantly into to thinking that she had no way out and that she could never escape him even if she had tried. I believe that Celie knew if she would have tried to leave without the support of others that she would never be able to reunited with her sister. She knew that she would not be able to survive in "white man's world" being a dark-skin negro women.

Unknown said...

In the beginning of the color purple, the old negro was well represented by Cellie. I agree with everyone else who blogged upon this question. Cellie, abused and raped by her stepfather was then forced into marriage with a man who treated her just like her stepfather. Soon after her sister was torn from her and she had no one to lean on or talk to. She became emotionally numb and withdrawn. As her life becomes worse and worse her mindset became that her life would get no better and she'd be better off just waiting to die. For example after Cellie tells Harpo to beat miss Sophia in order to control her and miss Sophia storms up to her Cellie tells her, "this life be over soon. Heaven lasts always". Cellie has the mind set of the old negro, not looking towards the future, limits oneself and acts practically like a slave.

On the Contrary, the new negro would have to be Shug Avery. She has high confidence in herself and doesn't need a man to take care of her. She purses her dreams, despite her father's wishes. Her appearance is very European. Her hair was straight and she wore very expensive clothing. Shug Avery was not as easily controlled by men as many typical black women were during this time period.

Slowly but surely, when Cellie met Shug things started changing for the better. Cellie started forming opinions and wondered if there was life other than the one she was living now. She regained some of the feelings she had lost when Nettie left and learned how to love again. At the dinner table scene at the family dinner, Cellie stands up to Albert and a revolution at the table occurs between the women and men at the table. I personally think that during this scene Cellie finally learns herself worth and begins to take up any opportunities she could get her hands on. Albert, like many black men finds out exactly what happens when you go toe-to-toe with a strong independent black woman.

Unknown said...

I believe Celie is the hero in this movie because she always had some type of hope that maybe she'll find Nettie. As children, Celie and Nettie were inseprable because Nettie was the only person that actually loved Celie. Albert hated Celie and only married her because he needed a housewife. He beats her and makes her do everything in the house, yet she never asks for anything in return.
I believe Celie never ran away because she believed that one day she will reunite with her sister and when she found the letters, reunite with the children she gave birth to and watched them get sold away. Also I believe Celie became used to the submissive lifestyle Albert made her live. At one point she accepted that she was powerless and even gave her son advice to "beat his wife". Celie can't live no other way because Albert -for some reason- has a very strong hold on her and she can't get away.
Celie ends up standing up for herself and leaving with Shug- but she didn't leave until she made sure he knew who she was and he won't be expecting to see her anymore. By the end of the movie, Celie was her own force and she was the powerful one that found a way to let go of Albert and her father's nasty remarks about her looks and ugly smile. By the end, Celie was a changed woman.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

In "the Color Purple" Walker makes several different generalizations about females she brings 4 different kinds of women out through the moving: the strong women, the weak women, the white women, and the in between.

A strong women in "The color purple" would be someone who doesn't let men dominate them, they stand their grounds, even when people try their hardest to bring them down, she won't take a beating from a man she'll fight back, she's independent, an example would be Sophia, she didn't let Harpo or the white man beat or hit her without fighting back and even when she did get locked up and had to be a maid for a white woman she still in a unique way stood with her own dignity.

The weak, has no intentions on fighting back, they let men dominate them throughout the movie by letting the beat, rape and harass them with harsh words, and letting them have a complete say over their life and what they say, where, eat and do. She can be viewed as strong the way she takes and handles all of this but not doing anything to change it makes her weak. This kind of weakness was shown in Celie and Mary Agnes in the beginning of the movie but at the end they both broke free, stood up and let their voices be heard and showed a type of strength.

The in-between is someone who showed a weakness but also a strength throughout the film. To symbolize strength she's independent, knows what she's worth, also knows what she wants and won't take anything from a man, she fights back she helps someone in need not watch them suffer. But she shows weakness when she acts as if she needs attention to make her point or acceptance from someone else, when she watches someone do wrong and know she can make it right. Shug Avery, she was a in-between woman in the movie. Even thought she was brought down and neglected by her father as she came up as a girl she still made something of herself, but she didn't know what she was worth because she wanted was acceptance from her father and didn't rest until she got it She also impacted someone else's (Celie) life by showing them what their worth making them see the better side of things. She helped the weak become strong. Which makes her also a hero in this film.

Then lastly there's the white women like Mrs.Milly, she doesn't have power over anything but the black and spends her time feeding off of and living under a man for everything she wants and need, she shows no independence or strength at all, just cowardliness.

Alice Walker makes no certain generalization of a female in this movie but she portrays different ways in which a woman could/would/ did act in the 1900's and in the south, and the type of impact men (white & black) had over these women.

Unknown said...

In " the color purple" Celie can be considered one of the hero's. She is strong. Celie represents a hero and how blacks ( mostly women ) can struggle in those times. Celie had a hard life. 1) she marries a man whom she does not love. 2) she is taken away from her sister who can not come and visit her. 3) when she was age 14 she had already had 2 children taken away from her. This shows how Celie stayed strong even though everything in her life was telling her to give up.
Another hero would be shug Avery. Shug Avery helped celie throughout have I the movie. She helped Celie realize who she was. She taught her how to smile and be happy. She also helped her from making a huge mistake. In the movie celie was going to kill her husband but shut stops her. Shrug represents people who help when needed. She represents the people in the world who acctually care.
I think shug represents the new negro. The new negro is respected and respectful. Shiv is a nice person and knows how to treat people. She cares for celie and tries to help her. She wants everyone to be happy with there lives. Celie's husband represents the old negro. He does not know how to treat people. He abuses celie and yells. At her all the time. He wants to marry someone else. He does not care for other people just himself he is rude. Arrogant, concided and only thinks for himself
I believe Celie did not leave because she wanted to see Nettie again. She kept hoping for letters or a visit. I believe she thought that if she left she would never see or hear from her again, and she did not want to risk that.
The difference between all the female characters is that most seem to stand up for themselves. Celie on the other hand took years to stand up to Albert. Even though it took her a long time she stills proved to be strong. Therefor I think all the females seem to be connected in a small way.

China.Lawson said...

There are many generalizations about men and women in the movie "The Color Purple" for instance nearly all the men in the movie were portraying very weak and cowardly qualities. In the movie there were scene in which the men abused the women called then derogitory names and other qualities that I would specify as being cowardly or weak.

Alcie Walker portrayed the women as strong women who have endured lots of pain from the men but yet they still stand tall and resilient. Celie, for example, was raped by her "father" and was sold off to Albert who also abused and raped her. But yet she still stayed strong she may have had weak moments in the moment but she was almost bulletproof and didnt let Albert take her dignity as explained in t=a quote she spoke " I may be poor. I may be black. I may even be ugly.But dear God. I'm Here!" The quote stated displays an immense amount of encouragement and shows how even though her life was horrible and things didnt go as planned that she was still here and thatshe was still going to live.

Though by the end of the film the men seemed to have gathered some type of respect and compassion which shows that by generealization even the most cruel people have hearts-- even those cruel men

Unknown said...

The "old negro" is someone who is a victim of society, someone who is abused by those around them. A person who does not fight for change. The "New Negro" is the opposite of the old negro. The New Negro being someone who does not accept the mistreatment of others. A person who has hopes for a better future. A Black person who knows how they should be treated and demands to be treated in that way. In other words someone who is not a victim and does not accept things for the way they are.

The movie "The Color Purple" has several depictions of the "old negro" and, the "New Negro". Celie, in my opinion is both a old negro and new negro. In the begging of the movie Celie is abused by her father and then sold to be Alberts wife at the young age of 14. Albert makes Celie cook, clean and, take care of all his children. He yells and hits her if she does not do as he says, talks back or, moves too slow. Celie thinks women are suppose to be beat in order to be put in their place (she tells Harpo this when she told him to beat Sophia). She puts up with this abuse for several years making her the old negro. At the end of the movie i believe she changes into the new negro. She stands up to Albert and calls him out on his abuse. she then leaves with Shug and leaves Albert with "until you do right by me, everything you think about will crumble".

Sophia is also a depiction of both the old negro and new negro. She stand up for herself to everybody who disrespects her, Albert, Harpo and even the mayor. Because of the fact that she sticks up for herself and does not accept abuse from anyone she is the new negro. I think she is a depiction of a old negro as well because when she slapped the mayor she was arrested for about 10 years then to be the maid of a white women for the rest of her life.

Unknown said...

In "The color Purple" I would say Shug was one of the heros in the move. The reason why I think she was a hero was she had help Celie. Shug had help Celie by helping her find courage to stand up for herself and have a Voice. From that Celie decides to sand up for herself by say what was on her mind to her husband.

Unknown said...

I believe that Celie was the main hero in the film, "The Color Purple" because basically Celie played a purely victim. She has been through a lot as far as, being repeatedly raped by her father, her children being took from her and sold into marriage to a man who wants her to be a servant and clearly not a wife. Mostly throughout the film, in the beginning, Celie is emotionally and physically isolated. In my opinion I feel as though that Gog has answered Celie prayers and was just waiting for the right time. I say that because in the middle of the film, Celie meets a woman named "Shug" who lifts Celie up and gives her the will to leave behind a life of victimhood and become a new woman. Shug gives Celie the benefit to stand up for herself and fight, but she feels that it`s better to survive than to fight and risk not surviving. However, Celie found the courage to stand up. She proves herself to be willing to fight for the people she loves. I believe that Celie didn't migrate North because of reuniting with her sister and seeing her children once again. Also, because since Celie's father passed she now has a house he left foe her, so know Celie is independent and free.

Bianca Harris said...

The types of male characters in The Color Purple vary in a number of ways but are also similar. One generalization that was made clear about the men in this story is that to feel dominate in their society, the men (specifically the colored ones, Mister and Harpo) feel the need to abuse their women to gain the upper hand in the relationship. This, I believe, is due to the fact that during the time period and the region they live in, black males do not have authority in society. So to feel empowered and secure, they put their hands on the only people they can without to having to face repercussions for it, their black women. Another generalization is that it is only the ones of a dark skin tone that abuse and rape women and those of a lighter tone respect and value them. Another generalization that was made about males was that white ones in that time period, (The Mayor, the Store clerk) were rude and had no manners or respect for black women of any color or status.

chhengfarn inne said...

The hero of the colour purple is celie. I believe celie is the hero of the movie because she show that she is strong women. When i think of a strong women i think of someone who can go through a lot of hardship and pain but still come out better than before. Also a strong women is someone is not afraid of what she do. She is the hero because she endure a lot of pain and hardship from albert, who was very abusive to her. Also she is a hero because she show that her struggle and problem that she face as a black women at the time and came out stronger than any one thought she will ever be.
I think celie stay in the south because at that time men had "control" and power over women, for her to leave the south and her husband will be bad, because he would probably beat her for leaving. Also i think she didnt leave the south because she probably thought if she leave, she probably wouldnt be able to hear from her sister, since her sister was sent away from her and that her sister would send her a letter to that address.

Unknown said...

In "The Color Purple", there are many strong characters throughout the plot, but I believe that the hero was Shug Avery. Shug gave Celie the courage to love herself, to admit that she isn't a worthless black woman. Celie was finally able to smile without hiding her face behind the safety of her hand. Shug gave Celie the courage to call Albert out on his pilfering of Nettie's letters. Shug taught the lesson of both inner and outer beauty, to accept yourself as an equal.
I believe Celie never migrated to the North due to the fact that she was so beaten down and her hope had been tarnished to the point of giving up. Being abused nearly her entire life might have caused a form of adaption. She may have hated it and wanted out, but being in such a situation may cause a form of dependency. Also, I believe Celie had a tiny bit of hope for her sister returning, especially when Shug retrieved the letter from Nettie for Celie. That revived her hope for happiness. Ms. Celie has been built on a foundation of hope, and allowing her life to play through with her prayers being answered caused her hope to turn into concrete.

Unknown said...

In " The Color Purple " the hero of this story would be Shug Because she teaches Celie to be her own person and love herself. In one scene Celie had the courage to call Albert out on the letters he was hiding from Nettie and being able to smile without hiding her face behind of her hands.I think with Shug taking her away from Albert made her a much more women than what she was because if she would of stayed with Albert, she would of not been independent and lord knows she would of killed him. So with her being with Shug it saved two lives in the story

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I think the hero in " The Color Purple " is Celie and Shug. Throughout the movie she has been through so much. She had two kids at the age of 14 and she has to bare being separated from them after they are born because of her father. I can tell that it's very hard for her because of the way she was yelling and crying when her dad took the baby away from her. She still live her life but she never stop wondering how her children are doing. After that she got married to Albert and her life turn worst because he abuses her. He treated her like she was his maid and not his wife since he first wanted to marry her sister Nettie but her father refuse to let Albert marry Nettie so he married Celie. One day Shug came into Celie's life and that changes everything. Celie told Shug about how Albert abuses her and that no one loves her and Shug told Celie that she loves Celie. Shug gave Celie hope and courage to stood up for herself so she decided to leave Albert in the end.

With what Celie had been through that's what makes me think that Celie is a hero. It is very hard for a person to go through something like that. For shrug, I think that she is a hero because she had given Celie courage and making her feel loved so that Celie can stood up for herself and save herself from the life that she was currently living in.

The reason why I think that Celie didn't want to move up North is because she wanted to stay back and wait for Nettie to return and find her so that they can meet each other again. Since Celie had read all the letters that Nettie had sent to her, Celie knows that Nettie is still alive and that her children are also alive and currently being taken care by Nettie and that one day Nettie would come back and find her.

Unknown said...

The female characters in the color purple are generally portrayed as helpless, incompetent and ultimately inferior to men. However, there are a few female characters who defy this expectation. Shug Avery a sultry blues singer and Celie's husband's "mistress" shows herself to be quite the character. She is independent, self reliant, and charismatic, and not to mention a great singer. She is a "celebrity" in her own right. Albert's ( Celie's husband) seems to have an unhealthy and unholy obsession with Shug. As a result he not only tolerates shugs independence and nonchalant attitude towards him but welcomes her with open arms. Albert even goes as far as making a pitiful attempt at making breakfast just to get her to acknowledge him.Shug is an exemplary example of a female character as oppose to Sofia who cant seem to catch a break. Sofia is portrayed as outspoken and bodacious,gutsy and fearless to fault. This attribute ultimately lead to her steep downfall. This an example of how being a "strong" female can backfire. This might be the reasoning behind Celie's submissiveness, she might fear the unknown and what could become of her without a man keeping in her place. As a result she stays in the south under Albert's unrelenting grip. Terrified to stay yet to scared to leave, at a complete complete standstill.

Charell Simmons said...

In "The color purple" I think Shug was a hero. She stood out to me most because she there for Celie & she gave her that 'friend' she needed and I also think she encouraged her to move on. There were two scenes in the movie, where Celie was ready to slit her husband throat and each time she was there to stop her. I believe she did that because she knew that Celie would soon have better days and most importantly because she knew she was better than that- because everything he did and said to her, honestly he would've deserved that! He pushed her too many times. Shug also stood out to me because she went on to follow her dreams in singing but she didn't forget Celie, I liked that.. She also helped her find the letters from her sister that was hidden from her forever!

Charell Simmons said...

I also think Shug was the hero because, she gave Celie the encouragement & the push she needed to leave. I don't think without that she would've ever left, she gave a kind of love that she had never had before being though she was treated so badly throughout her childhood and the person she had loved most was tooken away from her.

Unknown said...

I believe there are two heroes in the film. One of the heroes would be Shug Avery becuase she is the one who was there with Celie. She gave Celie courage and got her to leave Mister. Also Shug was supportive and treated Celie like a normal person unlike everyone else in the film. Another hero in the film would be Celie's sister, Nettie. If it wasn't for Nettie I feel that Celie would have given up a long time ago. When Celie found the letters from Nettie that is when she got the confidence to move away from Mister and stand up for herself. Once she knew that Nettie was alive she wanted to get back in touch with her and she wasn't going to let anything stop her. She knew that her only obstacle was Mister and she stood up to him and got away. Nettie was not with her in person but she was with her in spirit and that kept Celie going.
Celie did not migrate North because she would be risking too much. She thought that her children that were taken away from her still lived there and she thought that she would be leaving Nettie. In reality both Nettie and Celie's children had already moved away. Celie was not only scared of Mister but she needed him in a way. She knew that she could not pick up and leave because she didn't have anything. Also they grew close to each other over the years and that was another reason why she didn't want to leave. She was used to the way she was living already.

Unknown said...

There are various female characters that are displayed throughout the movie . Most of the woman that are shown are either sold like property or are put up against many trails that they do not know what comes alone with them . Most women started out as children having various children by there fathers and the child would be tooken away . For example Miss Celie was raised by her father and had various children by him . Also her father put her up for a man like she was a slave , but however women and girls where to do what they were told with no remorse . Most males expected for the women to do everything with no questioning . Although like in the movie wen "Celie was combing the child's hair an she told her husband that it was nappy , he got up and smacked her in her face ", this showed that he was in control and was a reality check towards her to not talk back. Epie showed a different type of look for women towards men . She stood up and spoke when she wanted . For example when a white lady asked for her children to be slaves , she replied by saying "hell no " which showed she didn't take well to many offensive things. Also she never let men disrespect her , although in the movie men were more dominant , but not in her eyes. Walkers generalization about women shows there lack of power , and shows that men had all power .

Unknown said...

The Color Purple is one of the many movies that have traces of males having the upper hand. I feel like this was made very known throughout the movie because the movie was based on a time period where this was going on as an everyday normality. This was not looked down upon it was actually encouraged for males to beat their wives. Yes, we now know this is wrong but back then that was all children and women grew up around. Women could not stand up against the beatings or else the beatings could become worse and actually be killed or seriously injured; like Sofia was hurt by the white police man when she denied work from a white lady. This movie made a huge generalizations about the male population as a whole. This movie showed men almost always drunk, abusive, lazy, and arrogant. At this time period this was very common so i believe the director just wanted to make the movie as close to reality as possible.

Unknown said...

Throughout this movie women were very impowered. They fought for their rights, even if it wasn't like that their whole like they eventually did, like celie. But to branch off who the hero is through this movie, i honestly (and weirdly) think it was Albert. Without Albert this whole movie would have been different. Albert was that big bump in Celie's life that she struggled from so much but in the end learned to be a strong women. To think about it, no women is just strong because she was born that way. We're all born pure and innocent and throughout of lives the things that happen to us change us. Celie at first was a pushover then learned to fight for her rights and approached Albert leaving him hopeless. She then opened her own store and got her father's house after he died. Then after leaving Albert he realized what a great woman he had in his hand at one point then he lost her. I feel that most women who are strong and independent is because of a major heartbreak or have grew up without a father there for them. Negative things influence in such a positive way. Celie having ALbert in her life introduced her to so many other people who cared and loved about her such as Shug who was his first wife. The good came with the bad.

Amirah Ali said...

The Color Purple depicts many examples of characters portraying the New an Old Negro. People like Mister. ,Mister's father, and Shug's father were all representations of the old negro. They all belittled women and thought that they belonged in the home cooking, cleaning, and tending to the man's every need without sass. Shug's father was the prime example because he shunned his daughter for her juke joint performances and scandalous life style. Shug,Harpo, Sophia, and Squeak all portrayed the New Negro. Though Sophia an Harpo were married, they separated for a time and began to publicly see other people momentarily. Shug is the prime example of the New Negro. She explores her sexuality openly with different men and privately with Celie. She , though raised in the church, is a free spirited juke joint performer who sings blues music (something frowned upon by the church).

Unknown said...

In " The Color Purple" i belive their were two heroes; one being Shug Avery and the other being Celie. I agree with Vera when she said in order for Celie to become a hero she needed a push, which was Shug.In the beginning of the movie Celie was raped by her step-father and impregnated twice by the age of 14. Then was forced into marriage with Albert forcing her and her sister Nettie to be seperated. Over the 30 years of a forced marriage Celie was abusied and felt unwanted. She was treated like a slave; cooked, cleaned, and took care of Albert who she called "Mister" and his kids. " Wives are like children", Albert said. Women were powerless and Celie showed that.
Her sister came to Albert's place for a while but then he seperated them because he couldn't get what he wanted from her which was sex. He said she would never hear from her sister and she meant his word. MIster and Celie never had a real marriage because he had mistress named Shug Avery. He was the real love of his life. When she came in Shug made Celie feel like she was wanted and something special. She made a song for her, helped her feel confident and see that she is more than Mister's maid. But when shug first left Celie wanted to leave with her but didn't have the guts to say she was afraid of the outcome. After when she came back Celie finally told Shug that she was being abuised by Mister. Shug gives Celie one of the many letters she has been waiting for for over 3o years. Shug then helps her find the other hidden letters. After finding her letters I think Celie became the hero. When they were at the dinner table Shug told Albert that Celie was moving to Memphis with her and her husband. But Mister didn't want to allow that but Celie stood up for herself. She had got that confidence and finally told Mister what she really wanted to say about him. That he was a low dirty dog, he kept her sister away from her. " My sister is coming home and when she does we will stand around you and whoop your ass." She didn't ask for his hand of marriage. Her finally standing up for herself made the other women at the table do as well. Sophia was always a confident person but what beaten down when she went to jail and hasn't felt the same since. Like Vera said she helped her come out of the dark place she was in. When Celie helped Sophia in the grocery store she knew their was a god. Also Harpo's new wife also stood up and said she was moving too. This is why I believe Celie was a hero because she stood up for herself setting her self from Albert. In the end i don't think Celie would have became the hero without Shug Avery which makes her a hero as well.

I believe Celie didn't migrate north because she had faith that she would eventually get a letter from her sister. She knew she was going to be reunited with her sister and she waited until that day.

Zeanie Ramirez said...

In The Color Purple I believe the hero is Celie she had to go through tons of obstacles. Celie was separated from her children, sister, and was in a marriage that was extremely similar to slavery. Albert made her cook, clean and care for his children. She had no say of what she wanted. It was a man’s world and she was trapped in it. He hid letters from her sister and tried to control her. In the end she stood up for herself and finally left him. I agree with the others that Celie didn't migrate to the north when she had the chance because she thought maybe her sister will come back and she didn't want to miss it. Since Albert hid the letters she had no clue about how her sister was so she kept hope and stayed around.
I also agree with Cassidy about how “it is difficult to pinpoint just one hero”. Celie wasn't the only one who had to overcome obstacles or was a major help like how shug in a way was kind of like a hero to Celie. Shug helped Celie find her confidence and help her become the true woman that was always inside of her.

Yazmeen said...

The men in this movie were caricatured as one type of horrible man. I don’t remember one black man who was genuinely good, or at least trying to be. For me this melted the sense that although all blacks were being oppressed at that time, they were trying to help and support each other underneath their oppression. Really, there may have just been more layers of power. In “The Color Purple,” the men were mean and crude to their own black women, and they didn’t see them as their partners or even their equals.
The men were cruel; one of the main males Albert proudly beat Celie and encouraged his son Harpo to do the same to his wife Sophia. He also knowingly separated Celie from her sister Nettie, the only love she ever had. The men liked to promote hurt, physically or emotionally. Bianca said that they abused their women “due to the fact that at that time period…black males did not have authority in society…So to feel powerful and secure, they put their hands on the only people they could without having to face repercussions for it.” I didn’t even catch that until I read her post, and I really agree!
I thought about the scene where Albert’s dad came to visit Albert’s house (which was a wreck) and told him that all he needed was a “nice young girl to clean up the place.” I also thought about when Albert and Shug’s new husband talked as they sat at a dinner table about how they both “had” Shug; they had no respect for her body or spirit. To the bad guys like Albert and his father and even the “good” guys like Shug’s husband and Harpo, all that women were purposeful for was allowing themselves to be slept with and cleaning up the mess of their husbands.

Unknown said...

I believe the overall hero in "The Color Purple" was kind hearted Shug. In addition, I believe Celie was a hero as well, to Sophia. Celie helped Sophia in the grocery store when she was having a bad day ramping and running around with the Mayor's wife. Just that small deed stuck with Sophia . She spoke upon it at the dinner table herself. Meanwhile, the entire sitting she wasnt speaking at all. Celie brought it out of her. When Sophia spoke she said to Celie " And when I seed you , I know there is a god . I know there is a god." Celie lifted Sophia, speaking to Mister. Sophia even warned Celie about making the decision to stab Mister, only to stop her from ending up in a place where she once was. However, Celie and Sophia reminded me of the "old negro" and the "new negro". Celie being the new negro and Sophia being the old. I believe Sophia has taken the old negro because she has been through what someone would refer to as "the worst". Sophia was frowned upon and negatively judged , based on the Mayor's wife had the audacity of asking Sophia to be her maid. Agressively showing her opinion , she then again gets drowned with offensive words again but by the mayor himself this time , she defends herself after wrongfully getting hit and spends 8 years in jail getting out to be a maid anyway. That situation changed Sophia , but at that dinner table and grocery store, Sophia seen the "new negro" , Celie. However Celie wouldn't be the heroe if it were'nt for Shug, her own heroe.Shug introduced Celie to her letters that were hidden from her by Mister,and brought up her confidence and inner woman. Celie , the new negro, demanding her respect from Mister,and no longer taking such things the old negro had to experience like getting hit as Sophia did. Shug's spirit , religousness, care and knowledge brought out a new Celie Mister wasnt prepared for. Shug's time spent and quick instinct helped Celie and stopped her from slicing Mister. Therefore, if there wasnt a Shug there woulndt be a new Celie. Without a new Celie there wouldnt be stroonger Sophia. Celie and Shug are both heroes.

Unknown said...

Although everyone had they own ups and downs & was a hero in the own way i believe the overall hero was Celie. Celie stayed strong throughout all the obstacles she faced such as her family member begin taken away, being raped, beaten, & forced to take care of the Mister. Threw all that Celie still found the courage to fight for her rights and approached Albert leaving him hopeless. Also i believe I believe Celie didn't migrate north because she had faith that she would eventually get a letter from her sister. She knew she was going to be reunited with her sister & childerb and she waited until that day.

Samantha Easley said...

In the movie The Color Purple there are several distinct characters that represent the "old negro" and the "new negro". I completely agree with Tamara that Cecile is a representation of what the "old negro" is. Cecile is abused at the young age of 14 by the men in her life. She is later on forced into a marriage by her "father, who she bred two children by, to a man whose name she did not even know. "Mister____", Cecile's grown and widowed husband, abuses her sexually, physically and emotionally. Cecile loses all hope in life, the only hope she has is in her younger sister Nettie. Unfortunately Nettie is forced away from her sister, because unlike Cecile Nettie refuses to give in the sexual demands/advances from the men in her life, making Nettie a "new negro". Nettie goes on to get a formal education and remains independent throughout the film although we hardly see her.

Kamary Rockmore said...

I think that Celie is the hero in the Color Purple, because despite the abuse, disrespect, and neglect she persevered. Celie was forced to marry an old man who she did not know nor love. He knowingly loved another woman, who he invited into the house without consideration of Celie's feelings and was forced to take of her. She also raised the children of "Mister" who were not taught to respect her in any way, shape or form. She was separated from her sister and methodically kept from her. Despite it all, she had a vision to be free of him to stand on her own and make a way in the South that was not friendly to Negroes or women. In the end, she, along with Shugg, became an entrepreneur. She had a hard life not only in her home, but in the South. Just her desire and her drive made her a hero, because she became a symbol to other women not only in her family, but those in her community. She proved that she can do anything without a man, being a negro woman.

Unknown said...

I think that Celie represents the old negro because she sticks to the status quo. She is married off to a man who treats her like chattle and she does'nt stick up for herself. However, i feel that Celie's character evolved from beginning to the end because as the movie goes on Celie starts to showcase her voice and starts thinking for herself and she lets her absive husband know that she's not gonna take it anymore.

I think Sofia represents the new negro because in the scene where she asked Celie if she told harpo to beat her, she tells Celie thst she would kill him before she lets him beat on her. Most women did not think like that back in that time. And when she was in the crowd of angry whites who were jumping her, she stuck up for herself even if that meant going to jail.