Friday, May 3, 2013


What about the Russian Revolution changes THE WORLD? Would you say that the Russian people look to Stalin as a savior as the nation transitions from Russia to the Soviet Union (USSR)? Would you show this documentary to next year's class?


asia ford said...

i think the impact of the russian revolution is what changed the world. this was a big deal. lives were being taken and countries. yes i would show this to next years class it gives you a better understanding

Brendon Jobs said...

Asia. Thank you for starting the chain! ....I want more detail. What made it a "big deal?"

samantha said...

I agree with Asia. Because the Russian revolution was a big deal/ impact on the world. not only because more people died in this war than wwi. But a lot of people were weak from hunger and could not take part.

Amy Zheng said...

I think that the Russian Revolution changed the world’s society and the relationships around the world. The Russian Revolution help spread communism around the world and started the rise of the soviet union. I don’t think that the Russian people look to Stalin as a savior as the nation transitions from Russia to the Soviet Union (USSR) because the transition affected millions of people to die.The Soviet Union was strict and brutal system that was based on controlling people’s lives and executing the ones that threatened Stalin’s power. I think that I would show this documentary to the next year’s class because it has a lot of information on the Russian Revolution, Lenin’s control of the Bolsheviks, and the effects of the revolutions. For example in the documentary, I learned that 80% who fought during the revolution died on ice and people were starving from the shortage of bread and food. This documentary is a good resource for the next year’s class.

Yan (Amy) Chen said...

The impact of Russia changing from a socialist country into a communist country. This change formed by the civil war in Russia, the Russian Revolution. I think the Russian people at that time would look at Stalin as a destroyer, not a savior because he killed over 8 million people just to show that he is in control, with fear, propaganda, and education. i think Stalin is a savior because he made Russia a stronger country by bringing his power towards the people, a person who scares for the faith of others. Yes i would recommend the documentary to next year's class because it shows the faces of the people who were in the battles, real people from the past. it also explains some of the objectives of war and the thoughts of the major people like the sailors. It would give them a better understanding of the Russian Revolution.

Theary Muth said...

Russian Revolution had a huge impact on the world. It changed the world's society. This revolution started communism. Russian didnt look at Stalin as a savior because, the Soviet Union executed anyone who threatened Salvin's power. The Soviet Union was a very brutal and scary system. Stalin killed over 8 million of people. He wanted to prove he had control, education and with fear. He killed woman and children. Russian became stronger by Stalin bringing power to the people. I would absolutely recommend this to the next year class because this is a very important part to life in the old days. It shows what people been through. People died on ice, and starvation. This a very good information for next year.

Talliyah Smith said...

I think that the Russian Revolution changed the world's society and people's act towards each other. Like Asia said the Russian Revolution was a big deal. It came after World War 1, where Russia lost most of their people and lost more of their people in the Russian Revolution. I think that next years class should watch this video to get a better understanding of it all.

Anonymous said...

Kaiyah N. Smith Artist said...
The Russian Revolution had a strong effect on the country and the people around them. This revolution was brought a lot of war. The cost of that war was death of millions of soldiers. Also, soldiers were fighting for over 3 years at a time. The revolution was connected heavily to communism. The United states hates communism. The people fighting in this war had no feelings. How can you act as if the war didn't happen. Through all these wars Russia loses the most soldiers. I believe the soldiers would not look to Lenin as a savior. Lenin was brutal and controlling. He was the reason many Bolshevik people died during the civil war and Bolshevik revolution. Lenin brought fear and paronia to his soldiers and the citizens. Many states wanted to destroy the Bolsheviks but, were never strong enough to defeat them. People had fear of the sailors and they were only peasants. After a while Lenin starts to lose respect of soldiers, not being able to keep them in check. I would show this video to my next class because it explains and shows the battle. Its a preview of how much fight and death it took to show true power. Also, it helps students that can't picture the words in the textbook and brings it to life.

Unknown said...

I think the Russian Revolution changed the world's society. The strain on resources brought hunger to a peasantry that was already struggling. I don't think the Russian people looked at Stalin as a a savior because he killed about 20 million people. Though, he is not a savior in the eyes of the Russian people, he did save the Communist revolution. Yes, I would show this documentary to the next year's class because it is very important to learn about what happened in the past and how it changed overtime.

Unknown said...

DeChanel Bailey Castillo said....
The Russian revolution did indeed change the world. The Russian revolution caused millions of people's lives, innocent children and women had died even the supporters of certain armies. It was a deadly revolution and the world changes also with the cause of communism, Russia before was socialist and then became communist. I do not say that Russian people look to Stalin as a savior as the nation transition from Russia to Soviet Union because of the fact that Stalin didn't prevent deaths considering 3 million soviets died and another 2 million died over diseases, peasants were forced to hand over their seed grains, if resisted they were shot so another 5 million people died during that time and he also started the cold war so no I don't think he's considered a savior to the russian people. Yes I would show this documentary to next years class because its very informative, its interesting towards the middle and the scenes are dramatic and lots of action is going on! you have a better understanding of what actually happened between Russia and Germany and about the world war 1. The documentary provides the viewers with a lot of facts and notes to be taken down as you watch it!

Destiny_Awaits said...
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Unknown said...

The Russian Revolution changed the world because it impacted in the economy, killed millions lives, and changed relationships between countries around the world. If the Russian Revolution didn't happen, history might've changed. The royal family would've survived, lives might've been saved and people wouldn't have suffered as much. I don't think that the Russian people look to Stalin as a savior as the nation transitions from Russia to the Soviet Union (USSR) because it caused a lot of protests and changed or killed millions of peoples lives. Even though the government followed "communism", they controlled people's private and public lives. They even had children report to the government on any signs of oppositions. Yes, I would show this to the next year's class because the video shows that people were angry, hated their current lives, and were unsatisfied with their government. It also showed how the soldiers fought, suffered greatly through the cold and short supplies, and unhappy with their current situation. Additionally there were a lot of dead bodies in the cold.

Unknown said...

The Russian Revolution had a big impact on the world because of so many men that died. Russia had already lost a lot of men and for them to go to another war and lose more men was a big deal. I don't think the people would look to Stalin as a savior because of so much damage he had already caused just because he could do and he had the power too. I would show this documentary to next years class to show them the effect. There were a lot more details in the documentary than the text. It'll help understand better.

nyla zeigler said...

The russian revolution definitely changed the world . This revolution caused many deaths and led to other wars. I wouldnt refer to lenin as a savior i would call him a foe or an enemy , he killed so many people just to show his control , russia shouldve been very upset. In all this was a a chaotic and complex situation which turned russia from socialism to communism . This is a good video to show anyone who wanted to get more into the idea of the russian revolution , this is a video I would show to next years class.

Anonymous said...

 Vanessa Wang
Russian Revolution changed the world’s society and the relationships around the world. Stalin killed over 8 million of people.  The Soviet Union was a very scary system. I learned that almost 80% who fought during the revolution died on ice .This documentary is a good resource for the next year’s class. I think that because they can learn about the past and how many people had die in wars. Also it shows how people back than had many struggles to keep themselves alive.

Unknown said...

The Russian revolution did change the world because millions of people were killed by the war and disease.Russia changed from being a socialist then a communist. I do not think that Russian people look to Stalin as a savior the only reason they did was because they feared him he had killed over 8 million people. I think You should show this documentary next year even though it is a little boring it is very helpful and information it shows the Russian revolution in a better view.

jessica said...
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jessica said...

The Russian Revolution changed the world in many ways.It affected many people and their families negatively. Many solders were lost during the Russian Revolution.(more than Russia has ever lost before!) Socialism promised peace and prosperity for everyone in the world but when that failed many people were living under communism. I would say that Russia did not look to Stalin as their Savior because he didn't try to stop any deaths,and he didn't help the people in any way, it also killed those trying to threaten Stalin's power. All he cared about was others fearing him and gaining control. I would show this to next years class, but only the most important parts, it is a good resource to use to learn about the Russian Revolution along with the book, or anything else. It gives students visual and understanding of the topic.

Eileen Zhang said...

The Russian Revolution changed the world's society and the communications with other countries.There were 2 Russian revolutions in 1917,the first one was to bring down the Tsar and bring in a provisional government. The second revolution brought down the provisional government and brought in communists. These revolutions had some impact on other countries such as the USA (red scares fear of communism).I don't think the Russian people look to Stalin as a savior as the nation transitions from Russia to the Soviet Union (USSR). A savior is a person who saves someone or something from danger and Stalin does not fit into that word because he killed millions of people. Stalin killed millions of people because he wants to show people that he is in control and has education with fear. The Soviet Union is a brutal system that controls people or murder people who threatened Stalin's power. I would show this documentary to the next year's class because it gives you a better understanding of the Russian Revolution. It provides Lenin's control of the Bolsheviks and the effects of the revolution. This documentary shows the actual fighting of the Russian Revolution which is really cool and it shows the story behind it.

Anonymous said...

Carly Asare........................
The Russian Revolution changed to world and their socities. Lenin killed over 8 million people which caused people to look at him in a different way. I learned that that 80% of the the people who faught dies on ice. I think that the video would be good to show to your next years class because it has a lot of resources that they would be able to use for other history classes.

Anonymous said...

Ashya Smith Said...

The Russian Revolution changed the world because it spread he teachings of communism and it was the rise of the Soviet Union. No, the Russian people didn’t look to Lenin as savior during the transition of Russia to the Soviet Union. Only because his teachings caused many deaths and murders. Just like Amy Zheng said “ The Soviet Union was a strict and brutal system that was based on controlling people’s lives and executing the one’s that threatened his power”. Therefore Lenin was a tyrant that executing those in his way even the royal family, which was the last symbol of political power in Russia. Yes, I would this documentary to next year’s class only because it shows the great impact that Lenin had in the Russian Revolution and it shows what he would do in order for him and his followers to seize power.

Anonymous said...

Kayla Wills
The Russian Revolution changed the world because millions of people were killed, it also began the spread of communism, and started the Soviet Union. I don't think that the Russians seen Lenin as a savior during the transition of Russia to the Soviet Union because many people died from his brutal beliefs, also the men that were fighting on his side did not have many options after they did not win the war. Those men were either shot, escaped to Finland, or died there on the ice on their way to flee from the nation. Many died from starvation as well. This documentary should be shown to next year's class because it actually shows what happened instead of just visualizing everything. Also some of the clips were of real people and did take place in Russia during the time of the revolution.

Unknown said...

Kristen Small
I think that the Russian Revolution helped change the world's view point. It helped to spread communism.I don't think the Russian people look to Stalin as a savior , I think they look to him as a nightmare. He killed over 8 million. Left bodies all through out the streets of Russia. And, put the people through a great depression. He slowed down jobs, left people with little to no food. He also told the people that if they didn't give him food they would be killed. By this he killed town after town after town. And for what was it to show his power or was it to take control over Russia we will never know. I do think Mr.Jobs should show this to next year's class because this was a very cool way of looking in on what really happened in Russia. We got to view it through their eyes and I do have to say it was nice to really people able to hear what they had to say.

Alexandra Truong said...

Based on my opinion and the documentary, I think the Russian Revolution changed the world's society, their way of living and the relationships around the world between other countries. The Russian Revolution changed the world because it impacted in the economy, changed the relationships between countries around the world, and millions of lives were lost. The Russian Revolution also started the rise of the soviet union and help spread "communism" across the world. If the Russian Revolution didn't occurred, history might have changed. If Lenin didn't suffered a stroke in 1922 then maybe the million of lives might have been saved and the people/soldiers wouldn't have suffered as much. I would say that the Russian people didn't look to Stalin as a savior as the nation transitions from Russia to Soviet Union (USSR) because the transitions caused a chaos of the death of the millions of lives lost and caused a lot of protests. After Lenin died, Stalin seized power and transformed the Soviet Union into a totalitarian state which describes a government that takes total, centralized, state control over every aspect of pubic and private life. The Soviet Union was a very strict and brutal system that was based on taking control of people's daily lives, both public and private. The people who threatened or opposed Stalin's powers were executed. Basically, people had no privacy anymore and had to follow a strict system of the government. So even though the government followed "communism", people's private and public lives were controlled like they even had children to report to the government on any signs of oppositions and even check people's mails before sending it out. I would show this documentary to the next year's class because it's a useful primary resource and it contains a lot of information about the Russian Revolution, Lenin's control of the Bolsheviks, shows actual people back then who were involved during the Russian Revolution, wars, and effects of revolutions. It showed the people's perspective, people were angry, despised their current lives or conditions, and their unsatisfactory with the totalitarianism state. Also, it showed all and how the soldiers who risked their lives in battle, and suffered greatly through the cold and food shortage. From the documentary, about 80% who fought during the revolution died on ice and starvation occurred in people's lives because of shortage of food and bread. This is a good primary resource for the next year's class.

Breiana Simmons said...

I believe that the Russin Revolution changed the way people thought about the world as a whole. People like Stalin made everyone fearful and paranoid. The weren't able to trust anyone because of the way that Stalin tortured their minds. He made them think that they were protected one second, but threaten to kill them the next. As the video stated, a gap was slowly growing between the party and the people. The Revolution was starting build an entire new humanity and an entire new world. The soldiers believed that the Revolution was meant to give people freedom, not take away the little bit they did have. That wasn't the Revolution they'd hoped for. The Bolsheviks started to create a police gov't. The Russian Revolution changed a socialism society into a communist society. The Revolution just seems like a social project to me. The Russian people looked a Stalin as a monster because he killed millions of people over petty reasons, such as his greed. I would show this document to next year's class because it shows the students how the soldiers, who were stuck in the middle of the Revolution, looked at the war.