Today we scratched the surface of placing the role that "White Privilege" plays in society. My hope is that the discussion inspired you to consider how the principals of privilege and power might be applied elsewhere in what you now know about African-American History at the end of the year.
Tomorrow we'll come back to today's chat, but tonight I want you to continue this conversation and work to add more evidence to this inquiry (Assertion [opinion] + Evidence [facts] = Argument [historical thinking]):
- Read: excerpt a Short Excerpt of Black Like Me,“The Hate Stare.”
- Watch:
- Tim Wise's PASSIONATE (too passionate?) uncovering of the origins of White Privilege.
- Study: White and Black children biased toward lighter skin (Anderson Cooper)
- Reflect: What is White Privilege? Where does it come from? How might it limit opportunity in America?
Think and Re-think.
La Kaya Davis
This massive shooting gives me pause because this means that the schools guards or front desk wasn't as alert as they should've been. This scares me because that could've been me at my school.
This massive shooting scares me because that could've been me at my school.
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