Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Philadelphia Mandates African American History for Graduation

What is African American history? Why do we all have to take it in the Philadelphia School district? Use evidence from our class readings to support your assertions. Consider why people may disagree with you.


Frankie Sangiuliano said...

I think African American History is when you learn about what African Americans did in their time and to learn about other races other then our own. Also, this could benefit kids about their own race if they're African American.

Unknown said...

African American History is the study of African American culture throughout time and how they got to a certain position today. I think we have to take this class in the Philadelphia School District because African American students can increase their knowledge about their own background, while non-African Americans can learn new things about other cultures and heritages.

Faheem Abdul-Karriem said...

African american history isn't just the study of African american history; it is the study of our country, how it was formed, and how it was built. learning about African american history is learning about your country's (and possibly your) history. with the major movements over the pass couple hundred years. so that's why we learn African american history in school in the Philadelphia school district today.

Unknown said...

African american history is the study of people who have lived and died in major events as a African american.

Many people including modern Afican americans do not fully understand the joy, love, pain, and struggle that the people before us knew, this is why we have to take this class in the school district of philadelphia.
Non African Americans can learn new things that they never knew no matter what race you are in.

Matthew Ventus said...

African American History is about the African American heritage and history, throughout their time in America. It can teach about further explain the thoughts of African American culture. I think we are permitted to learn it because of the ignorance throughout the city of people of all races. Most kids do not know much about the African American part of the building of the states throughout America. In the paper Mr.Jobs gave us, J.Whyatt Mondersire said, "American life is inconceivable".

Matthew Ventus said...

"American Life is inconceivable without it's Black presence"

Marcus Cummings said...

African American history is the study of how hard it was to for black people to make it in the world. African American's have come far today then they did in prior years. I feel as though African American history will be a benefit to everyone who learns it because it says things about people of a different culture which could be quite entertaining.

Unknown said...

I think African American history is the history of African Americans and their contribution to American history and how it shapes our society today, By taking this course, not only are we educated about their contributions and struggles, but we also may hope to erase false assumptions that are made about Africans "...I asked students to make a list of everything they knew about Africa...they thought Africa was all jungle, that people ran around with spears and lived in huts." (Ms. Whyatt, Philadelphia Mandates Black History for Graduation. Also, learning this subject can help improve self-esteem."In American society, we're known as gangsters, drug dealers and killers. People don't know all about our heritage, what we stood for, our accomplishments as a culture. I feel better now because I know a little bit more about how we lived before we got here." (Christopher Davis, Philadelphia Mandates Black History for Graduation)

Unknown said...

African American history are real life events that occurred in the world. We must study this subject in the Philadelphia school district because it takes up a good chunk of what is now a part of our laws and systems. Students that are just learning this subject may not know about the conflicts and problems that people have gone through to make USA a better country for all.

Unknown said...

African American history is the study of African Americans and the events that made them part of American history. It is about the struggles they faced and the accomplishments they had. We have to take this because the School District wants us to learn about a different culture. They want us to learn something other than eurocentric history. It is important to learn this history because we will not only learn how the events affected the African American culture, but how they affected America as a whole.

Unknown said...

African American History is the impact the African culture had on America's history. We need to take African American history because the African population is 2/3 and they play a key role in American History.That is why we take African American History in the Philadelphia School District.

Nicolette Retallick said...

In my opinion, African American History is the history of African Americans & how they help shape our societies & life today. I think the School District is making us take this class because we are being educated about any struggles, contributions, and any false accusations us as students may have. Our teachers are supplying us with knowledge in which we lacked before taking this course. It's only natural for us as students, that misunderstandings and false accusations are going to surface during class. For example "I asked students to make a list of everything they knew about Africa...they thought Africa was all jungle, that people ran around with spears and lived in huts." (Ms. Whyatt, Philadelphia Mandates Black History for Graduation)It is important for us to learn about African American History because it also plays a part into American History. In prior years, for the most part we focused on the same few topics. It's time to change things up and learn something new! These are my opinion(s) on African American History.

Nicolette Retallick said...

In my opinion, African American History is the history of African Americans & how they help shape our societies & life today. I think the School District is making us take this class because we are being educated about any struggles, contributions, and any false accusations us as students may have. Our teachers are supplying us with knowledge in which we lacked before taking this course. It's only natural for us as students, that misunderstandings and false accusations are going to surface during class. For example "I asked students to make a list of everything they knew about Africa...they thought Africa was all jungle, that people ran around with spears and lived in huts." (Ms. Whyatt, Philadelphia Mandates Black History for Graduation)It is important for us to learn about African American History because it also plays a part into American History. In prior years, for the most part we focused on the same few topics. It's time to change things up and learn something new! These are my opinion(s) on African American History.

Nicolette Retallick said...

In my opinion, African American History is the history of African Americans & how they help shape our societies & life today. I think the School District is making us take this class because we are being educated about any struggles, contributions, and any false accusations us as students may have. Our teachers are supplying us with knowledge in which we lacked before taking this course. It's only natural for us as students, that misunderstandings and false accusations are going to surface during class. For example "I asked students to make a list of everything they knew about Africa...they thought Africa was all jungle, that people ran around with spears and lived in huts." (Ms. Whyatt, Philadelphia Mandates Black History for Graduation)It is important for us to learn about African American History because it also plays a part into American History. In prior years, for the most part we focused on the same few topics. It's time to change things up and learn something new! These are my opinion(s) on African American History.

Ray Aing said...
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Ray Aing said...

African- American history is the history of African Americans throughout their time in America, from when they first arrived to now. It also includes their heritage and culture, and how it is a part of America's society. One of reasons that we take it as a mandatory course is that that two-thirds of 185,000 students in the school district is African- American (Michael Janofsky). It allows many of Philadelphia's students to learn about their culture and history, and allows non- African-Americans understand more of America's entire history.Another reason is that it removes any misconceptions of African- Americans and their history that people may have today.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

o me African American history is the culture and struggles of the African Americans.By learning it this year it will allow me to hear "America's Story" from a different point of view. That is what African American history is to me. J.Whyatt says "American life is inconceivable without its black presents". We learn it in our school district because like i said it is America's story from another point of view, also, because our school district and especially our school is very diverse.

Joshua W. Smith said...

African-American History is the American history through the African- American point of view, and is an important part of the entire history of America. I think it is a mandatory class in Philadelphia because Philadelphia has a very high African-American population, and also because it is a big chunk of America's history and can't really be left out,and helps to expand everyone's cultural knowledge.

Caytlen Lamaj said...

African American History is very important. It is a major part of how America came to be a certain way. Without this part of history nothing would be the same. It informs us about the low times our country has been through and what we did to resolve it. Not a lot of people know what struggles they went through. ""I asked students to make a list of everything they knew about Africa, they thought Africa was all jungle, that people ran around with spears and lived in huts." -Ms. Whyatt, Philadelphia Mandates Black History for Graduation. Its important to know why we are where we are today.

Unknown said...

I think African American history is about African American culture and how they came here. We have to take it so we can understand their culture and heritages.

Unknown said...

African American history is the study of an important part of the whole American History, experienced by descendants of Africa that have come a long way from when they first began and had created a unique culture of their own in the process. In my opinion, all of us students in the Philadelphia School District must take this course and learn from it to fully understand American History as a whole. This does not only apply to African American students, but Asian American, Latino American, whites, and all races living in America. Without learning African American History, we are like seeing only one facet of the many, many more in the beautiful diamond that is the American History.

Unknown said...

I think, African American history is, in one aspect, the history of a people, their challenges, experiences and the fights they made for their freedom. Looking at in another way, it's also simply the history of our country told from a different view point. When schools only mandate one viewpoint, the other is lost, ignored or not taken into perspective. Paul G. Vallas said, "You cannot understand American history without understanding the African-American experience..." and Nicholas Torres expressed that, "...it's shortsighted of the School District to mandate one and not mandate the other... We are a nation of diverse communities."

Gianna DeSimone said...

African American history is, as a few of the others said, a part of American history. The mistreatment of African Americans definitely impacted society. Knowing what they had to go through is important and it should not be covered up. Learning about African American history not only lets us see how our society reflects their struggles, but also gives us a better understanding of African American culture. There is a huge amount of African American students in Philadelphia. Those students will learn more about their past and, for non-African American students, it will give them an understanding of their culture.

Samantha Iannuzzi said...

African American History is the study of African Americans in America and how they got to where they are today. I think that we have to take this class in the Philadelphia School District because it is not only a requirement but it is also important that we learn that we learn this subject because it allows us to learn new things such as the African American development of arts, philosophy, technology, and more.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

African American history is a collection of observations, ideas and facts that focus on, but are not limited to, the lifestyle and environment that African Americans have lived in and how it is related to how they live now. I believe other ethnicities won't be ignored, I think they will just be introduced into the course based on their relevance to Black culture in a certain setting. It is taken in Philadelphia schools because sadly, many types of media are not obligated to talk about African Americans or their life in a positive light, or in a way that is closely linked to the facts. I also think that Americans, in general, have a truncated or limited view of the American lifestyle, whether it be that of an Asian, a Latino or an African American. Sandra Dungee Glenn said, "Too often, African Americans are marginalized in American society. People's views and understanding of who we are focus on us as descendants of slaves. It begins and ends there, giving us inferior status." (Janofsky 2005)
I also believe that with African Americans being the majority of students in Philly schools total of "185,000 students, two-thirds of whom are African-American, and only two in seven are white or Hispanic", they should have access to their own history and others should, too; This will help avoid problems Americans faced in the past. (Janofsky 2005)
In the end, with people of African and European descent playing such a big part in American society for roughly the last two centuries, it it imperative that this course is exposed to as many students as possible.

Julia Fiorelli said...

In my opinion African American history is studying the African American culture. This includes the events that occurred during this time, the ups and downs of this time period. I think we need to learn about African American history because it gives African Americans a chance to learn more about their culture and also non-African Americans a chance to learn also. It's all history. As said in the reading Mr. Jobs gave us it says "we can't honestly face our present and our future until we've honestly faced our past."

Unknown said...

I think that African American history is required in the School District because so much history has happened that involves this race. Paul G. Vallas, from the school system says: "You cannot understand American history without understanding the African-American experience..." There are so many things that are affiliated with African American history. Learning more about it can allow people to branch out and learn even more than what they think they know already. Many people judge the entire race based on what they assume. Sandra Dungee says: "Too often, African-Americans are marginalized in American society." I think people can grow from learning about African American history because it can help them learn about the roots of the race and how the race has evolved over time.

Justine Pietrzyk said...

African American history is the background of on how Africans have suffered. It is teaching us how they survived and what they went through as a human being. This being in the school district could help in many ways. It benefits the African Americans to learn about their own culture. Also, it makes other cultures learn about something different. Lastly, this helps the world because it is teaching us to appreciate every one and every thing because people have had rough times.

Taylor Chantilope said...

African American History is about how Africans were able to come to America and make a living within a cruel society that was built up with racism. Also, how America as a whole, came together and constructed unity. I think we all have to take African American History in the Philadelphia School District because it gives us a better understanding of the culture not just the fact we have different colored skin. Both African Americans and non-African Americans could benefit from this course because we become educated of a knowledge that isn't based off of what the society makes of it. We are able to grasp the information and make an opinion of our own.

Unknown said...

The words African American history pretty much says it all if you're trying to figure out what it means.It's the history of this country's backbone, African Americans.I agree with Nicolette's statements on how we lack of knowledge with understanding the subject, which could lead to repeating history again.So it is part of Philadelphia's School District job to prevent that by educating the students.Society would never change if ignorance ruled it.

Lea Falcione said...

In my opinion, African American History is the complete study of our world's history specifically focusing on the African Americans journey. We have to learn about this topic to fully understand our world's history and how things came to be. People may disagree with me when I say "we have to learn about this topic" because it doesn't really have much to do with us, but this course gives us knowledge on African Americans and their struggles and common misconceptions. Also, to make another point, African American history is all of our history as Americans! To quote Mark H. Morial, President and CEO of the National Urban League, "This isn't a brief for 'division'. Rather, it's a frank acknowledgement that we can't honestly face our present and our future until we've honestly faced our past."

Dara Broadnax said...

I think that African American history is the study of how the African American journey shaped American life. It teaches not only the struggles and trials of blacks but also of the victories and triumphs. I think the reason we are taking African American history in the Philadelphia School District is so we can learn about the people and events that helped to shape American life for us today.

Unknown said...

According to the hand-out African American is "a window on the whole of our national experience, shedding light on the major questions we have faced as a people." We all have to take it in the Philadelphia School District because African American history is important for everyone to learn from. They feel that the course offers opportunities to connect with other ethnic groups. In my opinion I think it's a good course to take because people can really learn a lot from this history and may be able to relate to this. I'm not just saying this either because I'm African American.

Celine Martin said...

I feel that African American History is the portion of american history that shows the journey and heritage of African Americans in America. I think that it is mandatory that all high schoolers in the School District of Philadelphia have to take African American History because you cannot learn American History without learning African American History as well. I say this because African Americans had a major role in American history. For example, slavery, wars/battles, and etc. Also like J. Wyatt Mondesire, president, NAACP Philadelphia said "American life is inconceivable without its Black presence. The sheer intelligence and imagination of African Americans have disproportionately shaped American culture, produced wealth in the American economy, and refined notions of freedom and equality in American politics. Consequently, the teaching of African and African American history reminds us that there would be no American culture without Black America." That is why feel as though learning African American History is Mandatory in the School District of Philadelphia.

Unknown said...

African-American History is the further extension of American History. Studying it allows you to get the full description, or in some classes experience of what America was like at some point in time. I think we, as children in the Philadelphia School District should take it because Philadelphia is one of the most historic places in America. With so much history around us, in Philadelphia, especially with our city being one of the final stops on the Underground railroad, I believe it makes perfect sense to make at least one course of African-American History mandatory for all high school students.

Danika Shinn said...
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Unknown said...

I believe that we learn African American history because we learn about everyone else's history and we need to learn about something different. Also I believe that we should all have knowledge about African American history, It’s something different to learn. I think African American history is about what African Americans did and what they accomplished during their time and how they got their freedom and where they are now. African American history is the study of African Americans and the events that made them part of American history. It is about the struggles they faced and the accomplishments they had. We should study this subject in the Philadelphia school district because it takes up a big part of what is now a part of our laws and systems. We have to take this because the School District wants us to learn about a different culture.

Danika Shinn said...

I think African-American history is more than what it seems. Some say its about struggle but I think it is more about the American experience. This country is built on wanting to have independence. I believe it is being taught to Philadelphia kids because this city is very diverse and it should teach everyone to not forget about our differences, but to use them as armor.

Unknown said...

African-American History is a key factor in the learning of American History. African-American History is the further learning, or in some classes real-life partial experience of what it was truly like at some times in American History. Philadelphia is rich in its cultural experiences and history; especially African-American History with this being on of the last stops on the Underground Railroad. Based on all of these things, I concluded that making African-American History a requirement to graduate for everyone in The Philadelphia School District makes complete and perfect sense.

Unknown said...

African-American History is the further extension of American History. Studying it allows you to get the full description, or in some classes experience of what America was like at some point in time. I think we, as children in the Philadelphia School District should take it because Philadelphia is one of the most historic places in America. With so much history around us, in Philadelphia, especially with our city being one of the final stops on the Underground railroad, I believe it makes perfect sense to make at least one course of African-American History mandatory for all high school students.

Unknown said...

African American History is the learning of African Americans and their religion through out time. Every student in the Philadelphia School District must take this course because all of the council member agreed on that it was necessary to do so and learn who African Americans really are. Christopher Davis who is 18 said "In American society, we're known as gangsters, drug dealers an killers. People don't know all about our heritage, what we stood for, our accomplishments as a culture." This shows that people really don't know who African American people are and that is why the school district felt the need to make this course mandatory.So this is why we are take African American History in Philadelphia schools today.

hodges said...

I agree with Faheem "it is the study of our country" also the history behind it all. The quote from Bill Cosby clearly states that people are afraid to let out the truth of what some books neglect to inform us about. In my own words "the AMERICAN behind the american." In my own opinion there's more out there then what's on the surface you just have to dig a little deeper to find it. The teachers and officials who are against this change think that the African Americans are participating in positively throughout history instead of some led that we were just slaves and workers on the farm we're more than that. It gives us kids the ability to study a different culture and understand the disadvantages most of maybe their and our ancestors went through.

Tamara Branch said...

African American history is the study of African Americans who made a tremendous difference in the world, the struggles they went through and overcame and the backgrounds of their cultures and traditions. The School District Of Philadelphia has to teach African American history because the young generation of African Americans need to learn more about their ancestry and events that gave them the freedom that they have today. Also, we need to keep teaching African American history so people can be aware of the hardships they've been through to prevent those events from reoccurring. I expect to grow in this class by knowing much more about African American history aside from the racism and slavery. I believe that by the time I leave this class I will learn that there is much more to African Americans than the hardships, we'll know about the different types of music they made, their inventions, traditions and many more.

Cynthia Vo said...

I think African American History is the study of African American. Some may think that African American history is mainly studying slavery and etc, but there is more to it. African American's play a major role in shaping America's society today. We will learn about their hardships and experiences. Also, about the culture, how they have learned to adapt to things, and the important figures,
I think the School District of Philadelphia requires us to take this course because it will help expand the knowledge that we are not exposed to. "They thought Africa was all jungle, that people ran around with spears and lived in huts. A lot of crazy things like that."- Patricia Thomas Whyatt. The School District has 185,000 students and 2/3 are African Americans. "It benefits African-American children who need a more comprehensive understand of their own culture, and it also benefits non-African-Americans to understand the totality of the American Experience"- Paul G. Vallas.

Unknown said...

According to the handout African American History is how Africans became Americans and the journey they went through. To me it is much more than that. I think it is the way the Americans changed the African people in ways they should not have been changed. Also about how their culture expanded by acquiring American ways. I believe we should all take this course because it is apart of our history. We need to understand the history of our fellow peers before can learn our own. It's also really exciting to learn about our own history and African Americans deserve to feel that too! I hope to learn not only the good things about African American history, but the struggles, secrets, truth and lies about their history.

Nicolette Alessi said...

African american history is how africans came to america and how they are treated today. Ofcourse there has been struggles in the past. But america has changed significantly. The philadelphia school district is making students learn this because it is said that "It benefits African American children who need a more comprehensive understanding of their own culture, and it also benefits non-african americans to understand the full totality of the american experience." Many students have just overlooked it and thought it was ancient history. But now that we are studying it we get to see how many historical events have happened and how different America is today.

Unknown said...

African-American history is the portion of American history that primarily discusses the African-American or Black American ethnic groups in the United States. I believe we have to learn about African American history in the school district of Philadelphia mainly increase the knowledge of African Americans who do not know to much about their background and also to teach non-African American’s new things about that culture. I firmly agree with Faheem Abdul-Karriem on his explanation.

Unknown said...

African American history is the history of how African American culture has changed ver time and how it's people contributed to the creation of America. The reason we study African American history is because Af.Am. contributed to the American economy and equality and the school reform in 2005 making it a part of the course

Unknown said...

In my opinion african american history is a large portion of american and world history that has helped shape the world today. It is imortant for us to learn about African American history because learning about other types of history can help us see how the world was put together and why things happen in the past to form our world today.This can also give many students the opportunity to learn about their own cultures history or someone elses.

Unknown said...

Anthony P.C said...

We as a society have to realize that African American history is important for so many reasons. It teaches us democracy in a very specific way because or the struggles they've been threw. Also Leads the way to great inventers Like Dr. Washington Carver. Finally it's also iconic to unbelievable tragedy's like the year Dr. king was shot and Harriet Tuddman.

Anonymous said...

African American history is the study of the culture and life of African Americans and where it all started. Such as inventions, slavery, struggles, and many hardships that they had to face in the past. We have to take this in the Philadelphia School District so African Americans students and other races of students can know about the history and background of African American hardships and achievements. For example, in the text Christopher Davis says that " In American society we're known as gangsters, drug dealers, and killers. People don't know all about our heritage what we stand for our accomplishments as a culture." African American history is an interesting course for me and I will like to find out more information that I never knew about the heritage of African Americans

Amelia Alexander said...

African American history is the study of African Americans impact on the world. We all have to take it in the Philadelphia School District because it is difficult to understand American history without knowing the African American experience. African American children need to know about their culture. Furthermore, African American history reveals how the world struggled to work its way through racism. "And this history, while revealing the strength of racism in our national life, also demonstrates the Black-White unity is possible and critical to moving our society forward." as stated in the packet Mr. Jobs gave us.

Melissa Gatbonton said...

African American History is the impacts and contributions that African Americans and their black ethnic group had in the development of America. I think that we have to take this course because it is important for students to have an understanding about the amount of input they had in American history overall. Students also need to get rid of their false beliefs about Africa. For instance, a student said that "...Africa was all jungle, that people ran around with spears and lived in huts." People may disagree with me because they may have different beliefs about what is important for students to learn.

Unknown said...

THIS IS FOR MADISON MILANO; her internet was down so I posted this for her***

In my opinion African American history is very important. I believe that it is important because it represents rough times. African American history shows achievements and how anyone could accomplish anything they set their minds to. I believe that African American history shows and teaches is the struggle African Americans had to over come. I think it teaches us about strength and perseverance.
*again this is Madison Milano's (10-2)

S. Batts said...

African American History is what some of our ancestors went through to get our nation to become equals. It's what they fought for and believed in. And some of the crucial things that they had to go through to get not only their people equal rights, but people of other heritages equal rights as well. I think that it is important for us to be taking African American history in Philadelphia school district today because everyone of all color can know about their nation's background information and the roots.

Anonymous said...

I have a different view than what I've seen in most of these comments. I don't think we will be learning African American history to put special emphasis on African Americans. Simply, we are filling in the blanks left by the way American history is usual taught. So much of history was left out, especially that including African Americans. This is taking the blinders off our learning. Allowing us the see the full picture of the history of our nation from every perspective.
I've noticed, as was pointed out in that piece of reading given out today in class, the American history we've been learning was extremely one sided and focused on whites. So many important things were left out. That's why we need African American history.

Unknown said...

African American History is about color people history. The reason why African American history is important because its showing you what they are expect from color people. The reason why we have to take african american history is because there people who dont know or understand what happen in the past.

Unknown said...

African American History is the study of how African Americans have affected this country. It lets us know the good and bad things about how African Americans came to be. It also teaches us the mistakes of the past because, "Those who do not know their history, are doomed to repeat it."

Anonymous said...

African American History is the story of African American's heritage, accomplishments, and the struggles and conflicts they faced to get to where they currently are todayWe all have to take this course because it gives everyone a better understanding of the history of African Americas; something that has been largely absent whilst learning history before this course came about. It benefits African Americans by giving them a better idea of what their culture is about and it benefits non-African-Americans to grasp the fullness of their experience. In short, this course benefits everyone and not only certain types of people, so that is why everyone is required to take it in the Philadelphia School District.
I expect to gain a good understanding of a history I haven't learned a lot about before in this class. Learning something new is always a good experience to have.

Elia Mattei said...

African American History is the story of African American's heritage, accomplishments, and the struggles and conflicts they faced to get to where they currently are todayWe all have to take this course because it gives everyone a better understanding of the history of African Americas; something that has been largely absent whilst learning history before this course came about. It benefits African Americans by giving them a better idea of what their culture is about and it benefits non-African-Americans to grasp the fullness of their experience. In short, this course benefits everyone and not only certain types of people, so that is why everyone is required to take it in the Philadelphia School District.
I expect to gain a good understanding of a history I haven't learned a lot about before in this class. Learning something new is always a good experience to have.

Eric Clark said...

I think African American history is not just learning about one race but all of the black community like Africans, Jamaicans, ect. I also think that in a place like Philadelphia, where everything is so culturally different, especially the different races and so African American history is the big part of history that you wont here from the settlers side. Also I would think with knowing this part of history, we would become more culturally diverse which might bring good things to come in the future.

Unknown said...

I think African American history is not just learning about one race but all of the black community like Africans, Jamaicans, ect. I also think that in a place like Philadelphia, where everything is so culturally different, especially the different races and so African American history is the big part of history that you wont here from the settlers side. Also I would think with knowing this part of history, we would become more culturally diverse which might bring good things to come in the future.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

i think we should learn the importance of African american history because we are a puzzle and if we are missing a piece we are incomplete...it doesn't matter what race you are..but its always something new and special learning about other races and how it was formed and being a big part of our country.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

To me, African American History is simply the history of America. Every race that enters this country combines to create a collective history that should share the perspective of each race. This course is important because to truly understand our history we have to understand all aspects of it. I think this course will help me grow by making me understand that to learn something fully you have to understand all the perspectives.

Matt's Random Journeys said...

African American History is the study of all of the important events that happened in history that involve African Americans. This is important because it can teach African American students about their culture and possibly help them appreciate their culture, and it also can teach non-African Americans to appreciate the African American culture.

Unknown said...

African American History is the history of African American's journey through time, beginning at the first time they came to America and even before then. African American History will show the struggles that blacks have been through and how hard they fought to get past and through those same struggles. Taking a course in African American History is just as important as taking a course in American History, because both Histories are intertwined with each other.

Unknown said...

African American history is the history of not only African Americans, i think it is the history of all black people. Every black man and woman who had to deal with racism, go through the underground railroad to have freedom. Every black person who had to fight for equal rights, fight against segragation, and get the recognition that they deserved for things they did that supposedly the "couldnt" do. African American history is every black person in America who has had to struggle with everything above.
~sidenote sorry Im late just found the blog .

Unknown said...

I think that African American History is going to be about many things. It is going to open up our eyes to a different story about the world. We will see a different point of how our country was formed and how it became how it is today. I think that am going to grow as a person and as an american after taking this course because it will make me understand more about people who are so close to me all the time.

Unknown said...

African American history is very important because African Americans were the main ones that helped shaped America the way it is now. I believe everybody can learn African history, even if your a different race.

Unknown said...

African American History is the study of creation in the African culture in America. African American history starts when and before America was even created. we need to learn this because its a part of the history in our country.