Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Western World Saves Africa...

What causes the Kony 2012 Campaign? What are the effects? Now think critically, how does the Invisible Children crisis feed America’s single story of modern Africa? Does it? Use examples from your Cause and Effect chart.


Unknown said...

I think the fact that children were migrating at night to escape being abducted by rebels helped cause the Kony 2012 Campaign. Children are innocent and to be involved and experienced such horrible things is hard to believe. To be scared to sleep in your bed at night for fear of being abducted and forced to kill your loved ones is unfathomable. The involvement of children makes this a serious problem that needs to be addressed because children are innocent and shouldn't be dragged into these sort of affairs. The effects of the Kony 2012 Campaign was that the problem in Uganda and with Kony is more publicized. There is more attention drawn to it, this helps people become more aware of the problem, which forces people to act towards helping, improving, and solving the situation. The Invisible Children crisis feeds towards America's single story of Africa by supporting it. Now, people will think that Africa still needs help from the Western World and that they're not able to solve their own problems without outside help. For example, forces from America had to be sent in to remedy the situation in Africa. It also changes our preconceived notions that Africa "...is a place of beautiful landscapes, beautiful animals..." (Chimamanda Adichie). The Kony campaign has broken our image of Africa. We now see Africa as a very real place with very real problems.

Unknown said...

What I think caused the Kony 2012 campaign was the fact that children were being abducted and forced to take up arm opening a cruel and blood world that they didn't deserve to be put in.This resulted the joining of many to spread the word of these "invisible children " through school ,internet, protest and formal gathering and this result in 100 advisors from american to stop Kony. These event show the single story of modern Africa because it's a story of how african supposedly aren't advance and are traditional and still aren't able to help themsleves but in most situation africa is perfectly fine by its self but some things are extreme (child solider) so help may be need.

Unknown said...

The fact that Kony has been abducting kids and forcing them to kill for more then 20 years is just insane. With out kids sneaking away from Konys military at night, or kids moving around during the night, no one would have known about Invisible Children and the war that is still going on today. more causes for the Kony 2012 campaign would be that they needed to stop the LRA and Joseph Kony. The campaign was designed to spread the word to the rest of the world and America to try and stop this criminal. The government wanted no part in it until the citizens of the US got involved. Some of the effects of the campaign were that thousand upon thousands were informed about the war and brought together to form one community against Kony. In Africa they were able to build schools, create jobs, and put up signal towers to alarm when the rebels were coming. Eventually Barack Obama sent groups over to capture Kony but when Kony realized how much force was coming at him he went in to deep hiding. With Invisible Children they made Kony famous. Not in a good way they just got celebrities, and politicians talking about him and his war.
The Invisible Children crisis feeds Americas single story about modern Africa because most people view Africa as a battle field with constant wars. This fueled to there understandings of what they thought Africa really was. Everyone things Africa really is a beautiful place with lots of animals but little do they really know what actually goes on there. Now that everyone is getting involved they will start to understand what place Africa really is.

Unknown said...

I believe that Joseph Kony himself and his ideas started this campaign. I feel like now that at least a considerable amount of people know about this issue, that they will be more fired up on capturing Kony. These helpless children that have no choice but to obey Kony started the campaign also. No one (especially children) should ever go through something like this. Children that have been abducted probably have no memories of their childhood and they must be scarred for life. The effects of Kony 2012 are more publicity on this topic. This helped the campaign by acknowledging more people to help, raise money, give an education to those in Africa. Invisible Children's crisis feed America's single story of Africa as a country that has many conflicts in the past and currently. That Africa is last on the food chain of successful countries. I also agree with Elizabeth that people have a viewpoint of Africa as a country that needs help from other countries and cannot solve their own problems. Kony 2012 showed the world that if people fought for what they wanted and believe, that they can successfully work towards it and win.

Anonymous said...

What a powerful video. It's a thoroughly disgusting thing that Joseph Kony has been doing. This Kony 2012 campaign was caused by people finally opening their eyes to the travesties happening on the other side of the globe and caring about problems that weren't directly affecting them. By spreading the word that the government wouldn't so many more people now know about the terrible things happening and that they actually CAN help.
I do believe that it does fit into America's single story of Africa, of it being a poor, war torn country. But I do not think that changes how important this cause truly is.

Unknown said...

It all started out with one person to put Kony in jail and to change the world we live in. I agree with Elizabeth, the children shouldn't have to be so terrified to sleep in your own bed at night without fearing that they might get abducted and forced to be soldiers and being pulled away from their families. By making the Invisible Children campaign more publicized, more people got involved and more people started to care. I was appalled when I heard that it took so long for the people of the world to find out all the torturous things Joseph Kony was doing to the Ugandan children. Until more and more people got involved with Invisible Children, that's when the United States government stepped in and tried anything to stop this. Celebrities wanted the spotlight on Kony, just like how the spotlight is always on them, to get him more and more known to the public.
The Invisible Children crisis feeds America's single story of modern Africa because when most people think of Africa, they probably think of poverty and a war zone. Most people don't know what's actually going on behind the scenes and what is actually happening on the continent. Now that more and more people around the world know what's really going on in Africa, they'll have a whole new perspective on it.

Unknown said...

Some causes of the Kony 2012 campaign include the LRA, the kids getting abducted from their homes, the will to stop Joseph Kony, and Kony's need to maintain power. Some of the effects of Kony 2012 include the formation of Invisible children, the building of schools, and jobs in Africa, the soldiers being sent to Africa, and the spread of the crisis through America. This crisis seems to show America about the single story that all there is in Africa is poverty and corrupt.

Marcus Cummings said...

This video was very powerful. Kony was caused by people opening up their eyes and realizing there are things going on with the world that a lot of us do not know. It does have to do with the single story because it describes how Africa was a poor country and how it is also beautiful but things like Kony are changing our view of Africa. The effects were that because enough people spoke out something happened which deals with life itself. If you see something happening speak out and you will be heard by someone maybe someone you wont expect. The Children disappearing helped a lot with with Kony case. It was a very sad yet a topic that needed to be treated on.

Unknown said...

The one thought that came to my head at first was "wow what a powerful video." Another thought came to my head was "I sort of knew what similar problems are out there in the world, but never once i heard a world problem as serious and saddening as this in the middle of Africa." If someone took and killed a child away from a father who loved, cared, and would do anything and everything for them, then you really gave a man with no pride, dignity, and almost no reason to live. This crises is caused by only one man out of the entire world. if Kony was able to abduct thousands of children in one night, then imagine what other people will do in the world if a lot of people were just like Joseph Kony. Not only this 2012 video showed the fear and pain that these children went through, it was a beacon and a call for help. Help from the U.S and hopfully the world will fund and rebuild what was destroyed by one man.

Elia Mattei said...

What caused the Kony 2012 Campaign was the fact that this man named Joseph Kony who lead a rebel group called the LRA abducted children from Uganda and make them kill their parents, mutate other people's faces, and turn young girls into sex slaves. A man named Jason Russell met a young boy named Jacob who was once abducted by Kony and was so touched by his story that he decided to attempt to make Kony famous so that the more people that knew about his evil ways would want to help and this would eventually stop him. The effects of this campaign was they were able to re-build schools, create jobs, build an early radio station to warn about upcoming LRA attacks, and get people to donate a few dollars a month to a program called TRI for the Kony Campaign. The Invisible Children crisis feeds towards America's single story of Africa because it supports it fully. It presents Africa as a very poor, isolated place that are in desperate need of help. This is true in ways, but it is not the only story of Africa. Also, I don't trust this campaign at all like I did when I first saw it. It's very shady. There were rumors saying that Kony committed these crimes years ago and not any more proving there was no point of creating this campaign except for making money.

Joshua W. Smith said...

The cause for the Kony 2012 campaign is the L.R.A and all that Joseph Kony has been doing. Joseph Kony has been abducting children in Africa and using them as soldiers to maintain his own power in Uganda. Joseph Kony and what he has been doing was the cause for the Kony 2012 campaign and all of the Invisible Children began. Obviously all that has been going on is a problem and Kony does need to be stopped. Not only does Joseph Kony negatively effect how we see Africa and the single story of Africa that should try to be avoided, but also is destroying villages and families in Africa. Some effects off the movement is to get world support for stopping Kony and helping to save the children. The Kony 2012 movement itself I can say is having a positive effect and is really a good thing, providing new programs and technology to the African people like T.R.I.B.E. Overall when I watched the video and the reactions to it and generally thought it was good that word about Joseph Kony is getting out and that they are taking steps toward stopping him.

hodges said...

This was such a powerful video. Kony was a terrible man who abducted young children and gave the boys guns and weapons to kill neighbors and their parents and the girls were taken and used as sex slaves. The poor children who went through will remember it for the rest of their lives and these children aren't the only ones there are kids in our own town who are hurting the innocence of our children and the minds of kids are nothing to be toyed with. I agree with Elizabeth in saying "The effects of the Kony 2012 Campaign was that the problem in Uganda and with Kony is more publicized" The Kony campaign has only opened our eyes to the fact that is a real place with just as real problems as the ones we have here in our own home. This war torn, poor country I think fairly fits in the category of the single story.

Nicolette Retallick said...

Joseph Kony has been abducting children and forcing them to participate in his army for more then 20 years. This is absolutely mind boggling. Children are sneaking away from Konys military in the middle of the night,running for their lives. The campaign started because people are finally being introduce to the issue at cause. The campaign was designed to spread the word to the rest of the world and America to try and stop these horrible things from occurring. The government wanted no part in it until the we (the people) got involved. Millions were informed about the events happening in Africa. In Africa they were able to build schools, create jobs, and put up signal towers to alarm when the rebels were coming. Barack Obama than sent groups over to capture Kony. Kony realized this, and he went into hiding. The Invisible Children crisis feeds America's single story of modern Africa because when most people think of Africa, the first thing that comes to mind is povert, and war-zone AND Kony. Not nearly enough of us are informed about the tragedies happening at this very moment. Now, we all need to step forward and make a change.

Ray Aing said...

I agree with Elizabeth, the Kony 2012 Campaign was caused initially from seeing the children in Uganda live in constant fear. They were afraid of being abducted and either forced into fighting in the LRA's army or becoming a sex slave. They were also forced to do horrid acts such as killing their own family. I speak for many when I say that subjecting kids who are seen as peaceful and innocent to violence and crime is abhorrent. This eventually lead people to wanting to stop the LRA and Joseph Kony. The issue however, is that no action would be taken if there wasn't enough people. They needed to inform the world about Kony and his crimes to gain supporters and a bigger voice. In my opinion, these are the things that gave rise to Kony 2012. Some of the effects of the Kony 2012 campaign include a successful spreading of information around the world. More and more people became informed of Kony and his actions, and with so many people wanting action to be taken, government officials would have to listen. As a result, Obama eventually sent troops to central Africe "to provide assistance to the regional forces that are working toward the removal of Joseph Kony." The Invisible Children crisis definitely fed America's single story of modern Africa however. It fuels the common idea that Africa needs consistent outside help and cannot deal with issues on their own. An example is that Invisible Children promotes using the money they receive to rebuild schools and build an emergency system, along with other countries getting involved.

caytlen lamaj said...

The Kony 2012 war had begun when innocent children were being abducted and forced to kill. This was a really powerful video to me. It's a shame what they all have to go through. It makes me also feel guilty that these kids have to be terrified every single night they go to sleep but when I go to bed I feel safe. Joseph Kony and the LRA needs to be stopped. The effect of having a community that is against Kony and the LRA is a huge effect to help. Raising money for all the schools, and jobs is another effect to help overcome everything. I strongly agree with Elizabeth on how we see Africa with the beautiful landscapes and animals. This war has lead us to believe differently, which is so sicking. Every little thing you do to help has a big effect on the major idea.

Taylor Chantilope said...

The Kony 2012 Campaign was caused by a man who was negatively touched by the actions of Joseph Kony. Joseph Kony took young women and created sex slaves while turning young men into vicious soldiers who were not only order to kill innocent people but murder their own parents. The Kony 2012 campaign was caused not only by a group of people but thousands of people,who felt that they needed to help the children of Uganda and conquer what seemed impossible which was to stop Kony. The connections through Facebook expanded the situation even further which brought the topic to mind and helped the campaign move forward. People all over America, Canada, and Mexico set out to raise money to help the children of Uganda. Not only were the children fighting for their lives due to rebel attacks but because they were poor. The campaign was brought to politicians of the White House and Barak Obama's attention. American Troopers were sent to assist African soldiers to find Kony and arrest him. They succeeded and justice was served. The people of Uganda were able to return home and report back to school or anything that revolved around their everyday lives. I don't think that the single story of Africa relates to this story. Yes, there is evidence that many families in Uganda are poor but not Africa as a continent. The fact that the people of Uganda were most likely poor doesn't mean that the stereotype of the WHOLE entire continent of Africa is poor.

Unknown said...

The Kony 2012 campaign was the single story of Africa. Although this is only happening in a tiny part of the continent, people just hear that one story and think all of Africa is like that. Some of the effects were kids were being brain washed, and forced to do bad things. What really started this campaign was just getting the word out. I agree with Elizabeth 100% this campaign has broken our image of what Africa is. But those are only the stereotypical stories. This lead to good and bad effects, such as jobs, better schools, more security,and children soldiers. Honesty when I watched the video and the reactions to it, I generally thought it was good that word about Joseph Kony was getting out and that they were taking steps toward stopping him.

Nicolette Alessi said...

The Kony 2012 campaign is caused by a man named Joseph Kony. He kidnapps poor innocent kids and makes them join his rebel army. He trains them to kill. The kids even sometimes have to kill there own parents. If kids try to escape and gets caught the army will kill them. Some kids even got there noses and mouths cut off from doing it. Kony used peace talks to get weapons. This just made him kill again and again. The U.S. has helped out. The U.S. is helping ugandan soldiers to track Joseph Kony. He needs to be found so these poor kids can be free of this madness. Invisible Children used some of the donated money to build schools for the children to become independent and have good education. Invisble children also built early warning radio networks to warn people when the LRA was coming. Before Invisble children existed no one knew of what was happening to these kids in Uganda. The single story is that when people think of Africa they think of alot of happy dancing, music,hot weather and the beautiful nature. They would of never guessed in a million years that kids were forced a gun in there hands and had to become killing machines. Even if Kony gets caught and the kids go free, most of the kids will be brainwashed and tramatized. It will take a lot of therapy to get those kids back to normal. When Kony gets caught justice will be served. These kids would be free to go home as well as to heal from the horrible abuduction they were brought in to.

Madison Milano said...

The fact that Joseph Kony has been abducting child for over 20 years is disgusting. Innocent little children in Uganda should not have to fight for their lives, or wonder if they are going to see tomorrow. It isn't right and it isn't fair. The effects of the Kony 2012 Campaign is now, the problem is more public and more known. With the help of social media spreading the word is fairly easy, it is getting people to listen and take action that is the real struggle. The invisible children and Joseph Kony crisis feeds America's single story about modern Africa because now we see the horrible war there. The images of landscape and animals and wildlife is taking out of our heads and war is put in its place. We now see that Africa has very real and dangerous problems.

Unknown said...

The Kony 2012 Campaign is caused by the LRA (Lords Resistance Army) that is led by a man named Joseph Kony. For many years now, thousands of children have been abducted to fight without choice. Kony forces these young children into child soldiers in order to maintain his power in Uganda. The Invisible Children fight to let these children's voices be heard. Invisible Children raises awareness, their goal is to continue telling and speaking to people about what they fight for and about. This video points out the fact that people have to come together in order to be successful. This campaign feeds America's single story of modern America, it shows us that the world is not just beautiful land and animals, it is a world with real life problems that need to be resolved and recognized.

Winter Rose said...

The Kony 2012 campaign is caused by the actions of a few people who decided to use social networking media to spread the word. It's caused by outrage over lack of attention to Joseph Kony's barbaric actions, like "kidnapping children into his rebel group...turning the girls into sex slaves and the boys into child soldiers. He makes them mutilate people's faces and...kill their own parents. And, this is not just a few children. It's been over 30,000 of them." (Jason Russell, 2012) The effect of this enlightenment is that many people feel the need to act on behalf of Invisible Children, whether that be through donating, putting up posters or sharing info online. However, the open discussions people are now having about Kony are probably scaring him and as a result, he has changed tactics to elude the efforts of putting him in prision. Because of the selfish nature of American foreign policy, the government does not always feel the need to intervene. This is what prompted Jason, the director of Kony 2012, to film the movie. After 8 years urging others to mention Kony and the Lord's Resistance Army, "the government finally heard us (Invisible Children, Inc.) and in October of 2011 a hundred American advisors were sent into central Africa to assist the Ugandan army in arresting Kony" and removing him from power. (Jason Russell, 2012)What puts a damper on the positive message that is sent by this video is that Kony has caused Africa to look like aplace that needs to be helped all the time, a constant warzone, a place where no happiness can survive. It sort of brings to mind the phrase "the White Savior" (even though not all of America is white, nor is that the case for those who support Kony 2012) because any organization or charity can pluck poeple's heartsrtings to make them feel obligated to give donations that don't even make it halfway to its intended recipient.

Unknown said...

There are many things that started the Kony 2012 campaign. The main cause was that Joseph Kony and the LRA have kidnapped over 30,000 children in Africa. Those children are forced to kill, become sex slaves, and live in constant fear. Kony's crimes have given him the number one spot on the International Criminal Court list. While Barack Obama sent some armed forces to help the Ugandan military, this alone will not stop him. In order to find Kony, the military needs technology, which requires funding and support. The need for this support is what caused Kony 2012. According to the person who made this video, Jason Russell, " 99% of the planet doesn't know who he is", he meaning Kony. There are millions of people on Facebook, and by sharing the video they can raise awareness to stop Kony and the LRA. Invisible Children alone has had many effects. Because of the organization schools were built in Uganda, jobs were created, early warning radio networks were developed, and people like Jacob could share their stories. More effects came about from Kony 2012. Awareness led to action; hundreds of thousands of people started fighting to stop the war in Africa. Kony became more popular, posters were put up, and celebrities started endorsing the cause. Unfortunately, there were negative effects as well, such as the formation of a single story. There is a lot of controversy around the video and many people do not trust the charity. While Invisible Children/Kony 2012 is a great cause, it gives people a single story of Africa. All people are seeing is the war, devastation, and sadness in Uganda. This could make people think all of Africa is like this and that they need someone to come save them. Even people from Uganda do not support the organization because, "Kony isn't there anymore and these issues aren't there" (Kids React to Kony 2012). The Ugandan government thinks the video gives a "false impression" of the situation. This false impression is the single story, and it takes away from the good Kony 2012 is trying to do.

Unknown said...

We all think that what Joseph Kony is doing is wrong and should be stopped. But what causes the Kony 2012 Campaign is getting awareness out so people can know about the problem. It also tries to get people that do know about it to actually do something about it. Because of the Kony 2012 Campaign a lot of people, including celebrities got the word out and around. More people started volunteering and donating money to the cause. The purpose of this campaign is to not only stop Joseph Kony, but to "turn the system upside down and change everything" and I couldn't agree more because I feel that the world needs to change.
The Invisible Children crisis feeds America's single story of modern African by showing the bad side of Africa. The Invisible Children foundation is showing the stereotypical side of Africa. In this case I think showing this single story side is what's getting more people involved. Even though that it's obviously not the only side of Africa, it's the side that's also kind of helping a problem in a way.

Unknown said...

i agree with everyone that this video is very powerful and it needs to be publicized to other and when people see this they might actually step up and help to change the situation. i mean no families and even children should go through this. with this happening how can we see that Africa is a beautiful place?? it just ruin our image in our head that draws into that one specific thing,which is Kony. when this is more publicized, people will see that no children should ever kill their parents or made into sex slaves and or child soldier.

Samantha Iannuzzi said...

This was a very powerful video. I also agree with Elizabeth on how children should not have had to go to sleep at night worrying if they were going to wake up the next day or worried that they would be abducted and taken away from their families. I cannot even imagine being put in the position of these children and feeling what it was like to have to survive this way. By making the Invisible children more worldwide spread, more people were finding out about this situation and they started to get themselves involved to quickly make a change and help these children. The U.S. government wanted no part of the situation, until they saw that thousands of people were getting involved to fix this. Some goals that the people wished to accomplish were to make Kony famous by creating global awareness and to protect the citizens from the LRA attacks and they DID. When Kony realized that the government was on the watch for him, he decided to hide. This whole situation with Kony has most likely changed the way most people both see and think of Africa. But we need to remember that things will only get better if we step up and accomplish them. You have to be confident and tell yourself to "Be the change in the world that you wish to see."

Frankie Sangiuliano said...

I think what Joseph Kony is doing is wrong. But no one knew so no one could really help them. The Kony 2012 Campaign really helped because it got all kinds of people to help, and notice even celebrities what Joseph Kony was doing. A lot of people started donating money and stuff to help the people. The Invisible Children crisis tells a single story about modern African because it showed the bad of Africa. By showing the single story it got more people wanting to help them with everything and donate.

Unknown said...

So, I started learning about the Invisible Children in fifth grade. I was instantly completely surprised about how much was happening over in Africa, that pretty much no one knew about in America. Seeing Jacob and the other kids so scared for their lives really affected me. As a fifth grader, my biggest fear was not making friends, or not getting into the play. I never would have ever thought to fear about something like being abducted from my own home. So, of course after seeing what those kids had to go through, I just had to help.

Throughout middle school I worked with teachers and online to help The Invisible Children raise money and awareness. I will admit, though, that after I finished middle school I sort of lost interest and stopped trying to help, though I do still get the occasional email. But, I did hear about some rumors that it was all fake and Kony had been dead for years when they made the KONY 2012 video, but I don't really believe that. I mean, what would be the point to make that up? They seem honest enough to me.

But real or not, the videos always touch me. I pretty much cry every time one of those poor kids opens up to the people and camera. It really makes me be thankful for what I have and what the US is like, even if it's not the best. I really hope something happens to Kony and he gets what he deserves, because what he has done is just unforgivable.

I think when people see these videos and movies they develop a HUGE single story about the land of Africa. I think all they see is the war, the fighting and abductions, the death and the overall depressing picture that Invisible Children paints for us. I know not all of Africa is like that, but maybe it's good to have that single story; maybe it only fuels people on even more and then makes them want to work harder.

Anonymous said...

This was a very touching video seeing what kids in Africa had to go through. The causes of this video was the kidnapping of innocent children not to do acts of good but harmful hateful acts to other Africans. he effect of this were that many people got killed and so did the loved ones of victims by the L.R.A. This gives us a different perspective on how we look at Africa and the harsh ways that they have to live in.

Gianna DeSimone said...

The Kony 2012 campaign was caused by the feeling of obligation to help the children abducted by Kony and placed into his army. Abducting anyone and forcing them to fight or become a sex slave is horrible, but that fact that it was children made it even worse. The campaign made Americans and other Westerners rise up and want their voices to be heard to stop Kony's deeds. I think that this does feed America's single story of Africa; that it is a poor, desperate place. Kony 2012 make people think Africa is full of war, poverty, and mistreatment.

Julia Fiorelli said...

To me the fact that Kony is abducting children in the night, giving them a gun, and making them kill is just sickening and very scary. These children migrate to different places during the night to sleep because they feel unsafe at home which really upsets me. These innocent children are scared to sleep and if they do get abducted they are forced to kill, kill even their loved ones at times. Causes of this whole campaign would be stopping the LRA and the leader himself, Joseph Kony. Some effects with the Kony 2012 campaign is that it is getting around more and more so more people are hearing and learning about this horrible war that needs to be stopped. This way people are started to act upon what is happening. Also they created jobs and schools which is making a huge difference. The Invisible Children crisis feeds towards America's single story of Africa because in that video Africa was described as a beautiful place with beautiful animals. However, Kony 2012 proves and changes our view of a single story of Africa because there are definitively still huge problems that need to be fought against...and won.

Unknown said...

I think Kony campaign is caused by Joseph Kony himself. How he abduct children and forced them to join his army. The children were forced to kill their own parents. The effect of this campaign is to make people recognize who Kony is and to make people donate some money towards them so they can build places that they need.

Justine Pietrzyk said...

Kony is sickening and has been abducting kids for to long. If it wasn't for the kids moving from place to place at night no one would have known about this. Invisible Children helps to stop Kony and change the way Uganda is. Invisible Children spread fast over the around the world. They traveled to schools, workds, and many of other places to get their name and the word out about the LRA. Barack Obama sent a group to Africa to stop Kony. Kony then realized how much he got out and went into hiding. No one knows exactly where Kony is or how long he has been there. Invisible Children tries to help stop Kony from the distrcution he has caused. Now with the word out and news spread about Kony, the group only grew stronger. If people stood for what they believe in and voice their opinions they matter too. Kony 2012 showed us that no matter what it is if you put your full effort into it you can achieve it. Invisible Children spread their name and what they stand for all around and have made many of people come to realization of what the world really is. Africa is a beautiful place being destroyed by a single man.

Unknown said...

I think the fact that people in Uganda would move to protect themselves which was one of the causes that started the Kony 2012 army against him. The Invisible Children foundation had started to make this because of a promise made to a boy in Uganda who took in the suffering of this mans crimes and so they didn't know how they would stop him at first. They tried to go to the White House to tell the government whats happening and that they needed to do something about it but the cause of that was they would not get into something that didn't have to do with what the people wanted or what mattered to America. The effect of that was they went all around to tell people what was happening and how they could stop it and so they took 8 years to convince the government to send advisors to teach the Uganda army how to catch Kony. It kind of gives a single story of Africa like that this happens to all Africans and so that they cant help themselves and yet it only happened in Uganda and they even said after a while Kony wasn't even in Uganda anymore and nothing had happened since he left. This means that we only think of Africa as this terrible place but in places like Nigerria life is good for the people there. I want to say that this is just like Chimamanda said about how people pictured Africa which is beautiful animals, lands, and savage people. I now know this is a real problem but understand that this might have been exagerrated a bit to much.

Unknown said...

The cause of Kony 2012 was not only from the cruel actions of one man named Joseph Kony, who abducted children at night and forced them to join into his rebel army, but also the decision of a filmmaker to utilize the power of social networks and disperse this information around to the rest of the world. Kony's actions have continued for 20 years, yet the campaign has started only then because of Jason Russel's (the filmmaker and ringleader of this campaign) determination to spread the word out.
Now, let me be the first to say it. I agree with Elizabeth, Dalia, and the many others who had found the events happening in Uganda to be tragic. Children should not live in fear every night of being abducted, or find their family members mutilated right before their eyes. Though I know Jason Russel and the many others who helped him on his journey probably did so out of good intentions, I also realize that this video fuels the single story we have of Africa as a whole; it illustrates a pitiable, helpless Africa, quietly waiting for some kindhearted white man to come save them from this mess. And the more publicized the video is, I believe more and more people will start to swallow that single story of Africa. They will start to believe that such people have absolutely no hope of saving themselves unless you, the American, click the DONATE button to mercifully save them from their own problems.

Tamara Branch said...

What I feel has caused the Kony 2012 campaign was the horrendous events that were taking place in Uganda such as the abductions, turning little girls into sex slaves and turning the little boys into an army whose job is to kill other people including their own faces. I think what pushed him to do this campaign was the thought of this happening to his own son. The effects from Jason trying to put the campaign in action was a letter from the president telling him he was sending troops to Uganda to help arrest Kony, having people from all over the world come together and help the Kony Campaign and also people started donating money to help send things to Uganda. I think the Invisible Children does feed to the Single Story of Africa because it's just giving people an even bigger reason to believe that Africa is just a place where people are taken advantage from, abused and abducted. After Kony 2012, people will have reassured themselves that Africa goes through nothing but hardships. I, in my opinion am so sick of hearing all the negatives about African Americans, hearing about the hardships they had is starting to get repetitive. I feel like since this is what we learn about most of the time when African Americans get brought up in class, that it just proves that slavery and abuse is Africa's single story. I strongly agree that Invisible children feeds Africa's single story.

Unknown said...

This video was very touching. Seeing what these poor little boys and girls have to fight threw each day is a disgrace. They do not deserve to be put in that situation with heavy duty weapons forced to kill their family. Children that have been abducted most likely have no memories of their childhood and they must be terrified of life. This crisis is due to one man named Joseph Kony who should be placed in a jail cell at this moment.The Invisible Children crisis feeds Americas single story about modern Africa, most people view Africa as a battle field with constant wars and that was Josephs intensions. This gives us a different perspective of how we look at Africa. I agree with Lee Jacob on the second half of his blog, his information is right to detail and has many simularities with mines.

Unknown said...

The cause of the Kony 2012 campaign started with the LRA and the fact that they were abducting children in the middle of the night. They turned the girls to sex slaves and made the boys soldiers. Joseph Kony made these child soldiers do terrible things like killing their parents and loved ones. The major concern is that these are children holding guns and witnessing horrible things, WHO WANTS THAT? The effects were that people became shocked that this was happening. They wanted to take action by getting the word out and trying to help these kids. Eventually they formed one big community trying to help with this crisis. Invisible Children changed Americas perception on Africa. We now can see that there is a real issue going on and that they may need some help! Invisible Children also changed the way some people view our government. At first when they tried to get the word out the government said it wasn't that big of an issue. It took them until 2012 to finally agree to do something about the crisis.

Amelia Alexander said...

This video was very affective and opened up millions of people eyes as to what was occurring in Africa. The Kony 2012 campaign was caused by the actions taken in order to stop the rebel group. Joseph Kony abducted children,turning the girls into sex slaves, and the boys into child soldiers. Kony forced these kids to them manipulate people's faces and kill their own parents. An effect of Kony 2012, was that it was extremely publicized and spread through social networks. The director of the video, Jason Russell, went to high extremes to get Kony 2012 known, and he did not back down after being declined by the government. When an immense amount of people got involved with the invisible children, the government finally stepped in. Jason even got celebrities involved to spread the word even father and put the spotlight on Kony. Posters and shirts were being worn and hung up to make Kony "famous", and to get his cruel doings known to the world. This single story was very effective in a positive way. After everyone heard the story about Kony 2012, they wanted to get involved to help stop the rebel group and capture Joseph Kony.

Unknown said...

this video was touching. I believe that Kony is a cruel man, The fact that he has been abducting kids and forcing them to kill their brothers and sisters or even their parents for over 26 years is just beyond a point where I can think. It is horrible and atrocious that one man has so much power and is using it to make innocent children kill. He abducts children in their sleeps and no one can stop him. If it wasn’t for the brave children that try and sneak out at night and try and get away from Konys military no one would have even known about Invisible Children and the war that is going on today. We need to stop the LRA and Joseph Kony. The campaign was designed to spread the word to the rest of the world and America to try and stop this criminal. Some of the effects of the campaign were that thousands upon thousands were informed about the war and brought together to form one community against Kony. In Africa they were able to build schools, create jobs, and put up signal towers to alarm when the rebels were coming. At first the USA didn’t want to get involved but then they finally realized that they needed to. That they need to help these children. Now that everyone is getting involved they will start to understand what place Africa really is.

Unknown said...

To me, there are various causes to the Kony 2012 Campaign and there are numerous effects. The root of the campaign is what Joseph Kony is doing in Africa. The LRA's abductions of children and forcing them to commit atrocities is a hard thing for people to ignore once it becomes well covered. We have been hearing about the unrest in Syria for a while now, but Kony's actions have persisted for 26 years. Once Kony's horrors towards children were exposed something had to be done to try and help. This has caused various things to be done like the building of schools, making Kony a household name, and even establishing an early warning system.
I think this definitely adds to the single story of Africa. I don't feel Invisible Children portrays Africa in a bad, they are just showing a part with issues that need to be fixed. What I do find them guilty of is adding to the perception of Africa as a country filled with people waiting to be saved by Caucasians. Its not their fault that they are adding to this perception but I feel that they are enforcing stereotypes about the continent. Their intervention does feel completely necessary and justified to me though.

Unknown said...

I think that will power, ambition, and the sense to do what's right caused the Kony 2012 campaign. Once the campaign started, a chain of effects began to occur. Schools were built, jobs were made, troops were sent to Africa, and Kony's crimes were put into a spotlight for everyone to see. In a way this feeds the single story of Africa's poverty because they say they need funds to capture him, but it's more than just that. Kony knows what the government is capable of, so he knows how to stay off their radar to avoid jail. There's nothing wrong with needing help sometimes!

Unknown said...

Watching this video was very eye opening. I think its amazing how one country could be suffering so harshly while everyone else could be living safely. This leads me to believe that there possibly could be other situations going on in other countries that we dont know about. exactly how most of us did not know about Kony until last year. The causes of Kony 2012 were that children were being abducted and being forced to kill others and girls were turned into sex slaves.the effect was that this campaign brought many people together and it showed that americans do care . The government did not want any part in this at first . Oddly i think that the government made the right decision at first to not put their people at risk for something they were not even aware of. Eventualy when people came together to show that they cared the government changed their decision. I think this does not feed americas single story of modern africa. Americans only know the problems of other countries from what they are told from the government so I think Americans can not tack action for something they are not aware of. If this situation would have bee just left up to americas leaders to decide kony's war would have never ended.

Unknown said...

I really liked the video. I actually went home and watched it from the beginning and watched a few more of their other videos. I loved how it was made in a way where it felt like you were one of those kids that would have to travel from place to place just to stay safe and not be forced to kill.

This is a very powerful video because when we typically think of Africa it's the beautiful landscapes, vast Savannah, hot weather, a lot of wild creatures, people still stricken by poverty with very little access to clean water and proper nutrients. But there are so many single stories that we hear out of Africa, that I think we sometimes get them confused with one another and sometimes that can lead to conflict.

We think of Africa be something like that and not ever thinking that it could become something like what Joseph Kony had young children do. We don't think that someone would make a young boy into a child soldier and make them kill their parents, or make a young girl into a sex slave and force her to do anything that she didn't want. We don't think about it because we think that they are stricken with so many other problems that nobody would have time for something like this. But the truth is that their are more people then you may think that live in Africa that do make a living off of something like this. As sickening as it may sound it is true. This is something that is, at least from what I heard, very common in Africa. Their are people who use children as soldiers and girls as slaves. The sad thing is that this has happened and this still happens around the world and for the most part we don't know anything about it, because nobody speaks up about it.

But the thing is that they don't have a voice to try and stop it. If something like that was to happen here, then just like what Jason said "If that happened in America it would be all over Newsweek." But Africa is such a different place then America. If they can't have a voice then we can speak up for them. We just have to start somewhere.

Unknown said...

The Kony 2012 Campaign has many causes. The main reason for the campaign is the problems caused by the leader of a rebel group called the LRA, Joseph Kony. Kony is responsible for years of abducting children and forcing them into battle, turning the boys into soldiers and the girls into sex slaves. The children are taken and forced to mutilate the faces of people and kill their parents. The children run and are brought into hiding to escape, but over 30,000 children have already been abducted. On the world list of most wanted, Joseph Kony is marked as number one. His actions to obtain power are sickening. It’s bad enough that wars are being fought in the first place, but to bring children into the mix is disgusting. It’s a problem that deserves to be addressed.

Though initially the children were invisible to an ignorant world, they have been brought into the light by the campaign. Because of this, they have been able to raise money and a peaceful army of followers fighting for the invisible children. The unseen became visible. They have been able to rebuild schools, create jobs, and an early warning system on the front lines of the battlefield. Finally, they began the operation to GET KONY FAMOUS. After a lot of struggling, they went back to Washington and finally got a small number of U.S. forces deployed to assist in central Africa. “We are not just studying human history; we are making it.”

The Invisible Children crisis feeds into America’s single story of modern Africa in a helpful way. It has been established that the deployed troops are always in danger of being called back to the states. Their positions in central Africa are dependent on the knowledge and belief that they still need help. So, by allowing this knowledge to circulate, it can become, for some, a single story or idea of Africa. With the belief in this, the resistance to giving up and army of followers that believe we can arrest Kony can continue the fight. Because there are hundreds of people out there that believe, “Where you live shouldn’t determine whether you live.”

Unknown said...

I found the video emotionally moving and powerful. A man by the name Joseph Kony takes from there parents and makes them do things that is disturbing and evil. The Invisible Children campaign helped Africa by making Kony known from his harsh doings, such as internet, protesting, and schools.

Cynthia Vo said...

The Kony 12 campaign began when Invisible Children believed that if they could find away to get the word out about Joesph Kony, we would be able to capture him. Joesph Kony. Joesph Kony and the LRA abduct children and forced them to become children soldiers and to kill their parents. As for the girls, they become sexual slaves. I agree with Wilhelmina when she said, "...also the decision of a filmmaker to utilize the power of social networks and disperse this information around to the rest of the world." The Kony 12 Campaign does feed Americas Single Story about Modern Africa. We usually would think that Africa is filled beautiful landscapes and animals but the Kony 12 Campaign gives us a whole different perspective on Africa as a whole. In reality, the scenery is beautiful but not what is occurring in Africa. the people of Africa are suffering and like what the child said in the video, "Just because we do not live in the country, does not mean we cannot help."

Unknown said...

I beleive that the experience that a couple people witnessed in Uganda happening to the children really caught their attention and made them realize a lot. And because of that reason that was the Beginning of Kony 2012. Clearly as time came the more they faught the more the more attention it received and thats why Kony 2012is way biggerr now. It started with a couple people to hundreds to thousands and more and more.This definatly does feed americas single story in more than one way for me. The first way would be America just not knowing or caring very much about the war going on in Uganda and about all the children being abducted and such. And in another way if people do just take a quick glance at Kony 2012 instead of acting on it and doin research their going to think this is how all of Africa is and how sad life is for EVERYONE when this is mainly in one region and I'm sure not all of Africa is dealing with that.

Unknown said...

what cause the Kony 2012 was this guy and kony and he was taking little kids and making them kill them parents. the girls into sex slaves, and making the boys into solider. people feel like some one need to stop him because what he is doing it not okay. yes it dose feed into single story , because it coming from one person and it about the economy .

Unknown said...

The cause of the Kony 2012 campaign is a video group that traveled to Africa, and revealed one of the many problems that was happening. The effects that this left on the world was a lot of attention that the organization started. I strongly believe that Invisible Children did too shown America a single story of modern Africa. In the video, they only put up the worst of the worst of how many children are enslaved. They never put any information about the rest of Africa knowing what is going on and what their strategies are to stop Kony. The video made the rest of Africa look like they are completely helpless and do not have the right technologies to stop Kony. The video even had the American government sending over 100 American advisers to help the Uganda army. This video could have dodged the single story of Africa, by adding more additional information about Africa's positive and effective side, and not presenting from only one perspective.

Melissa Gatbonton said...

What caused the Kony 2012 campaign was the lack of attention it was receiving for their cause. Their plan is to stop Joseph Kony and his rebel army, the LRA, from abducting children and continuing their war against their government.
Invisible Children caused a nationwide spread of what is supposedly happening in Uganda. Gaining the people's attention, they managed to involve the U.S. Government in aiding them for their cause even when they initially rejected the idea of sending U.S. troops to Africa because of this matter. Even though they gained support, they also sparked controversy that probably made them lose support.
Invisible Children, in my opinion, does feed the single story of modern Africa. Showing a film that shows miserable children and a conflict that supposedly hasn't been resolved in over 20 years can give people the idea of modern Africa being helpless. The idea of American troops having to interfere with this supposed problem in another country can also spark the idea that Africa is not well equipped to handle their own wars or dire government situations.

Unknown said...

The Kony 2012 campaign was caused indirectly by Joseph Kony himself. Joseph Kony abducts children and forces them to become child soldiers. He makes the kids kill their loved ones and abduct other children. He manipulates their feeble minds and turns them into barbaric puppets. Kony's actions affect the Ugandan children by making them paranoid. It makes them so paranoid that they travel every night in groups to get away from Kony's rebel soldiers. Kony's actions affect Americans on a mental level. No sane human being can just sit there and allow another innocent human (child) to be harmed. Sadly America's single story view of Africa is supported by the Invisible Children crisis. The Invisible Children films only show the bad parts of Africa. Some ignorant Americans still see Africa as an uncivilized, poorly educated, primitive, and violent continent.

S. Batts said...

Such a touching and powerful movie! Had me I'm tears.
The cause of the Kony campaign was the fact that Kony did so many wrong doings for so many years, such as abducting children for his military LRA, murdering innocent people and just crucial things in Africa. This just shows so much fear in the young children who were being abducted and abused. Initially the Kony campaign was to spread the word, so the rest if the world could know what was going on. The effect on the campaign was that people coulda act on the invisible children.
I agree with
Winter when she said over lack of attention. With spreading the word, it got more People to participate, and want to put an end to the madness.

Matt's Random Journeys said...

I think that Kony 2012 is caused by the fact that children were attempting to escape their rebels, but the campaign started because more Americans went to Uganda and saw what kind of trouble African were in, and that is what caused people to take a stand and decide to attempt to put a stop to this evil.
The Invisible Children crisis supports America's single story of Africa. Because of videos like this, people will begin to wonder "Why can't these people solve problems on their own? Why do they need all of our help?" It is because of this that Africa is no longer, "...a place of beautiful landscapes, beautiful animals..." (Courtesy of Chimamanda from the TED talk). It's a crisis like this that makes us realize, "Africa is in trouble. This is a real problem. Not one of those 'My dog died' type of problems. This is real."

Dara Broadnax said...

There are many causes of the Kony Campaign. One of these causes is abducting innocent children and forcing them to become child soldiers. They are forced to kill their parents, hurt and mutalate other innocent people and to become sex slaves. Kony's horrible and unethical acts have cause organizations like Invisible Children and people all over the world to take action. Invisible Children rebuilt Ugandan schools, created jobs, and built an Early Warning Radio Network "to protect villages from rebel attacts". Organizations like Invisible Children are helping to feed America's single story of Africa. Americans think of Africa as this dark, tribal, destitute place that cannot survive on its own. This whole Kony situation is adding to this perception of Africa. But, Invisible Children is doing a good thing by helping the Ugandans because we, as citizens of the world, need to help each other regardless of perception.

Unknown said...

I think that a group of americans concerns for the safety and impact of the abducted children in Uganda was the cause the the Kony 2012 Campaign. The Invisible Children crisis definitely feeds into the America's single story of modern Africa. I say this because it shows only one side of africa and not its successes. Instead it shows them at their worse. It feeds it because It shows Kony abducting innocent children to kill their own parents. he uses the boys as soldiers, and the girls as sex slaves. Also everytime Kony makes peace he relapses and gains even more power from the time before. I think the reason that America's government doesn;t feel the need to help is because of the single story America has of Africa. I think the government feels asthough its not thaat important because they feel it is typical for Africa.

Unknown said...

I think that a group of americans concerns for the safety and impact of the abducted children in Uganda was the cause the the Kony 2012 Campaign. The Invisible Children crisis definitely feeds into the America's single story of modern Africa. I say this because it shows only one side of africa and not its successes. Instead it shows them at their worse. It feeds it because It shows Kony abducting innocent children to kill their own parents. he uses the boys as soldiers, and the girls as sex slaves. Also everytime Kony makes peace he relapses and gains even more power from the time before. I think the reason that America's government doesn;t feel the need to help is because of the single story America has of Africa. I think the government feels asthough its not thaat important because they feel it is typical for Africa.

Nomi the Cat said...

There are a number of causes to the Kony 2012 campaign. The most probable is Kony himself. The effects are thousands of children in their homes in Uganda are afraid to sleep at night. They are afraid of becoming boy soldiers and murdering their own family. This feeds America's single story view of Africa by only showing the strong negatives. There are big cities in Africa just like America. Nobody gets that picture because the only see the extremities of their poverty through their many 3rd world countries. -Danika

Unknown said...

The Fact that Kony took kids and forced them into his rule is disgusting and cruel and deserves death especially for making them kill there own families! If this man isn't true evil then i don't know what is. And the fact that our government was hiding this from us says we only help ourselves but its selfish and despicable to watch people get slaughtered by there own children and devastating to see what has become of America's so called "Help".