Tuesday, September 10, 2013

What does early man need to survive?

Read & reflectThe Cro-Magnons (The Peopling of the World). 

Journal ReflectionWhat does it take for Ancient Man to survive? Is it much different from what you need to survive? (100-200 words)


Unknown said...

My reflection of what early man needs to survive compared to what we need to survive today I find similar. However, in the world we live in today getting what you need is much easier for survival. For instance everyone needs food, water, shelter and clothing. We have supermarkets, water is available in faucets in our homes and in bottles at the store. There are clothing stores everywhere. Back in the day it wasn't easy to find shelter so if they found a cave they moved in and hoped they could stay there if the weather didn't ruin it or if someone didn't steal it from them. Also, food wasn't bought it was found and caught. They also made their own clothes with what materials they had. Although our homes are good shelter we also have to worry about weather such as floods, hurricanes, tornadoes and wild fires taking our homes away. What I am trying to say is that what early man needs to survive compared to what we need is food, shelter, clothing and water which is similar but we have to get it in different ways.

Unknown said...

It took Ancient Man a lot to survive. There is a big difference between what people need to survive now and what Ancient Man needed.
What I need to survive today is food, water, clothing, happiness, and sleep. I need food and water to help me survive because it will keep me healthy and moving. Clothing will be helpful because I always need something to cover myself. Happiness will keep you moving on and you will be able to get through anything. Sleep is something I need to survive because my body will eventually become tired over the hours and will need rest.
Ancient Man did not worry about the things I worry about to survive today. Ancient Man needed strength, bravery, and animals. They needed strength because they had to fight and kill off any predators towards them. Animals were very important because that was there food that they ate every single day. Bravery was key to surviving because they surely could not be scared when something came in their way.
In conclusion, Ancient Man and us today focus on different things to survive. Our basics of living is no where near as painful and stressful as Ancient Man.

Unknown said...

The Cro-Magnons (prehistoric people) needed a lot more things to survive than what we “supposedly” need to survive today. The Cro-Magnons had to be able to use their senses wisely and also needed great instincts in order to survive. The people living today still need to control their senses and have ok instincts, but it isn’t a huge matter of survival anymore.
The Cro-Magnons need to have immense strength, bravery, and hunting skills in order to survive. For the Cro-Magnons, getting food and clothing was a lot more difficult than getting food and clothing now. The people living today can just waltz into a store and buy whatever they need. The Cro-Magnons, need to hunt and kill an animal. This is where the bravery comes into place. The animal will attack back, so they had to be smarter and stronger to get its meat (food) and fur (clothing).
The Cro-Magnons obviously didn’t have the technology that the people of today have now. They had to worry 100% on survival while we just sit around all day on a couch chatting or watching TV/youtube.com. I now can strongly see the immense difference in survival needs between us and the Cro-Magnons.
IT IS HUGE!!!!!!!!

Robert McCormick said...

In my eyes, early men and women's lives were much simpler and not as complex as our lives today. In today's world, we as people are distracted and blinded by all of the technology and resources that are available. I'll admit, I myslf am distracted as well!
Early men needed a source of water, food, shelter, clothing and most importantly, an inner confidence and determination to survie. I myself need all of those things as well. In addition to that, I also cannot go without my cell phone for entertainment purposes but also for emergencies and safety purposes.
Finally, I cannot go without seeing or talking to my family, especially my parents for one day. I believe in the early ages, children were raised to be much more independent and self-providing. That is what I beleive separates the needs of myself and early man.

Yung Claire said...
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Sofia Verbilla said...

To survive, early man had to do things that aren’t necessary for us anymore. For example, in order to get food, early man had to kill animals himself (or have somebody else do it for him.) They would also have to create their own tools out of things they found themselves. They also may have not been able to care for many people. This may be why the pregnant woman that was found with the remains of the rest of the Cro-Magnons appeared to have been murdered.
The things the Cro-Magnons needed to survive are now easily accessible for most people. In this day and age, we have stores where we can buy the things we need, such as food and tools, instead of killing the animals or making the tools ourselves.

Yung Claire said...

I believe that there isn’t really a difference when it comes to what ancient men and people today need to survive. We all need food, water, clothes, houses, and other people. End of story. The only difference today is that we have all these phones and cars and other cool things that we THINK we need to survive, but in reality we don’t. Ancient men needed to be clean and healthy just like we do today. Yes, ancient men were dirtier and weirder looking back then, but they all needed the same things that we need today in order to survive.

Carly Griffith said...

Ancient men live quite different than us humans today. It takes a lot for an ancient man to survive. They are much more independent than most of the humans. They live in caves instead of houses. Their clothes are made from animal skin that of which is hunted. They make jewelry out of what they find when they are out hunting. In order to get water and to eat and drink every day, they need to hunt and gather for it like everything else. To keep warm, they use animal skin from the animals that are hunted. The most important thing that ancient men need to survive is physical power. Everyone protects themselves.

Unknown said...

An ancient man needs a lot of the same things we need to survive today. Obviously, they would need food to get energy in order to go hunting or do any activity. He probably had some sort of attire and accessories that are made from pierced shells. He would also need a shelter to stay at from the harsh weather and to rest from a long day. What is different about surviving today is that individually hunting is not required because the food is already "hunted" for us. Also the clothes have been made for us. Overall, the things we need to survive are pretty much provided for us while an ancient man has to find his needs on his own. Other than that we need the same things to survive.

Unknown said...

I think it is huge difference between what us need to survive now and for early man needed.They hunted, made clothing, and also discovered farming.And they also need to find cave or shelter to stay.The important thing they need is built in survival instincts such an running from perceived danger,to hunt animal for food and other danger stuff.In this century,we all need food,water,clothing,home,our parent.And we can buy food in the stores,market,...Etc.Parent also take care us,give us food,water and what we need to survive.Both us and Ancient Man need food and water,but just difference way to get it.

Yovani Suyanto said...

For ancient man, I do not think it really take that much to be able to survive compared to what we need to survive now. They lived in a cave as their shelter and also found food to eat by hunting, for paleontologists found what seems like bone arrows and darts as evidence for it. The way they survived is much different than what i need to survive.I need buses, subways, and cars to commute to different places that I need to go to because I think in this modern world,it is hard to get around to places without having the convenience of different types of transportation. I personally need things like electricity, social communications, family and friends, a house, clothing, etc. Back then, they had to worry about having enough food, having water, having shelter, wearing clothes, and that's pretty much it. But now, we have responsibilities to get education, have a job, and make money in order to survive. That is why I think that there is lot of differences between ancient man and the people in the present.

Amrit Singh said...

I find that the basic things that we need to survive today are rather similar, yet a little more complex, than that of the ancient man. The Cro-Magnons were fine with just the usual food, water, shelter, and clothes, but today the world is so much more advanced that even the usuals are not enough anymore. Now that we can get water, food, and shelter so easily from our very own houses, we feel that we actually need our electronics or expensive, store-bought clothes to survive. The ancient man had a greater need to survive because they actually needed to go out and hunt for their food,make their own clothes, or search for their water and shelter, while we just have to open a door, whether its to a fridge, house, or store, and we've got it. What we need to survive, compared to what the ancient man needs,isn't much different, but it's the way of getting those things that is.

Unknown said...

It was very different how Ancient man survived than how people survive now. What people today need to survive is food,clothing,water,and rest.Ancient man needed animals and braveness since animals was the only food at the time and they had to fight through and survive the days in the caves. So the ancient men didn't have to worry about climate changes while we today don't have to worry about survival as much as the ancient men.

Unknown said...

What an ancient man needs to survive is not that different from what we need to survive today. The Ancient will need strength to fight or protect himself from other threats. The man will also need a shelter to spend the nights. He will also need stones or shells to make weapons to hunt for food. The man would also need to find wood to make a fire to warm himself on cold nights. These tools that the Cro-Magnons needed are the same as what we need to survive. Even today, we are already provided shelter, food, water and warmth. But in the times of the Cro-Magnons, they have gain these things themselves while facing harsh conditions. They also have to fight each other for food and territory, since they didn’t have any morals and religion, so they would kill each other as well. This is my reflection of the Cro-Magnons.

William Colon said...

What an ancient man needs to survive is not that different from what we need to survive today. The Ancient will need strength to fight or protect himself from other threats. The man will also need a shelter to spend the nights. He will also need stones or shells to make weapons to hunt for food. The man would also need to find wood to make a fire to warm himself on cold nights. These tools that the Cro-Magnons needed are the same as what we need to survive. Even today, we are already provided shelter, food, water and warmth. But in the times of the Cro-Magnons, they have gain these things themselves while facing harsh conditions. They also have to fight each other for food and territory, since they didn’t have any morals and religion, so they would kill each other as well. This is my reflection of the Cro-Magnons.

Unknown said...

It takes time and money to survive in our world today than it did in the time of early man. We all need food, water and shelter to survive. In our world, we have supermarkets, pharmacies, deli's, and other types of businesses that help make our lives so much easier than ancient man's life. During the ancient times, there was no shelter and life was a little difficult. There were no houses, apartments or any other building so the ancient people like the early man had to search for a cave to live in or they built their own homes from man made materials to keep their families safe. The early man also had to hunt for food killing animals with spears and searching new ways to make the world better for them to survive. The early man also had to make their own clothes as well as their own weapons. Unlike today, life around the world, especially in the Middle East, the early natives were just people but as time went by other species of people wanted to take over their land. The early man had to experience these times before their deaths and needed strength and weapons to defend themselves against wild animals and predators. The way we live today is alot better because we have the resources to survive in this life as well as the technology to make the world a better place. So basically, life was very hard during these times.

Catherine Carsello said...

In my opinion, people back then needed certain characteristics to survive. They needed to be brave, strong, smart, and wise.
The Cro-Magnons needed to be brave. They had to be brave because if they had to kill an animal for their dinner, they had to be face-to-face with that animal. This is very frightening and scary for the human being.
Also, the Cro-Magnons had to be strong. They had to be strong because in order to make a fire, you need wood. You must be strong enough to pick up the wood and actually start the fire. This is why you had to be strong back then.
No matter what age you are, you must be smart and wise to survive on your own. You have to know how to ration out your food so that you do not run out. If you run out, you can die of starvation.
In conclusion, the Cro-Magnons needed to be brave and strong in order to survive. Although we may not need to be as brave or as strong to survive, we need to be as smart as they needed to be in order to survive on our own.

Unknown said...

It took a lot for the ancient people to survive. The times between then and now are so much different. Then, the pro-magnons did not have the many-advanced technologies that we have now, like computers, books, and Smartphone’s. Now, to survive many people believe that they need technology to survive. I also believe that we need technology to survive so that we can adapt and develop new technologies to improve the things that we know about even more so that one day we will be able to know exactly how everything got stared down to the first bacteria. The advancement that we have come from since the pro-magnons is very significant from times when we used rocks and sticks to light a fire to now when we use natural resources and have discussions on new types of development for new technologies.

Unknown said...

Olivia Siegel
What did it take for ancient men to survive? In ancient times, it took a lot for ancient men to survive. They didn’t have the tools that we have today to survive. Ancient men had to use items such as stone, bone, ivory, and antler and wood, which they made tools out of to hunt and process their food. For shelter, they had to use caves. It was very hard to survive in ancient times. They didn’t have medicine, hospitals, and transportation that we have today. Men today live a lot longer than ancient men did because we have a lot more resources to survive. Some examples are that men today have houses that have heat and air condition. They don’t have to survive the elements. Men today have food that they can buy in a store. They have cars to get them to and from places. If they get sick, they can go to a doctor and get medicine. Things are so much different now. Life is much easier.

Unknown said...

Ancient man's survival needs were much different than ours. Basically, all that early men needed were food in their stomachs, clean water, shelter/warmth, and reproduction (a mate). People today still need the same things, but we need more than just necessities. We also need money to be able to afford food, clothes, and water. A lot of people need a job to earn money. Also, some people need a phone or computer and Internet access. We need joy and love because why survive if you are not happy enough to want to survive. Both ancient men and people today need survival skills because of the theory of Survival of the Fittest, where only the people who can survive the best are the ones who survive.

Carmen Sylvester said...

My reflection of what early man needed to survive compared to what we need to survive today is very similar, but also very different. The humans back then are just like the humans now, so, like humans we need the necessities of life to survive, which include water, clothing, food & shelter. I think the world we live in now is much easier than the world back then because now, you can go to the grocery store and buy food, back then if you wanted food you would have to go hunt, kill & then cook it. Now, if you want clothes you can go buy them at a clothing store anywhere, back then you had to make your own clothes, which isn't an easy task. Our homes now are stable and safe, but for early man, you had to find a cave or build yourself some kind of home if you wanted to live there. What I'm saying is early man needed the same things we do today, but he just had to get those things in more difficult ways.

Carmen Sylvester said...

My reflection of what early man needed to survive compared to what we need to survive today is very similar, but also very different. The humans back then are just like the humans now, so, like humans we need the necessities of life to survive, which include water, clothing, food & shelter. I think the world we live in now is much easier than the world back then because now, you can go to the grocery store and buy food, back then if you wanted food you would have to go hunt, kill & then cook it. Now, if you want clothes you can go buy them at a clothing store anywhere, back then you had to make your own clothes, which isn't an easy task. Our homes now are stable and safe, but for early man, you had to find a cave or build yourself some kind of home if you wanted to live there. What I'm saying is early man needed the same things we do today, but he just had to get those things

Unknown said...

As we know, the world changes and adapts almost everyday. what might have something today we didn't have yesterday. Or something that we have today we may not have tomorrow which is interesting because it brings up an important question. Will we have to eventually learn to survive just like the cro-magnons. What if all the technology that we have today were to malfunction. What would we do? What if we didn't have water in our sink? Or a supermarket to buy food from? A television to entertain us? Even a simple paper and pencil is so essential in today's society. The cro-magnons had to hunt their food. Sometimes they may have starved due to a lack of food source. Perhaps others were injured by fellow man so he could eat a proper meal. On that note, what would qualify as a "proper" meal. Would the cro-magnons simply take out their tv dinners and wait 3 minutes by the microwave with their spoon and fork in hand? The answer is no. They needed to hunt their food and cook it perhaps by a fire that they made by hand. Or even raw. What about when the cro-magnon fell asleep. Not only did they not have a cozy sleeping bag for when they went camping. But I think they would have had to choose where they sleep carefully or their meal may quickly become their prey. When the cro-magnon began to sneeze and cough they had no doctors to reassure them their health. I'm sure their life expectancy was terribly short. The common cold was maybe a deadly disease. Just think, tomorrow we may not have beds, doctors, a hot meal, or even the internet. Without our technology we would have to carve our homework in stone. What if tomorrow, life as we know it was gone? would we have what it takes to survive like the cro-magnons?

Unknown said...

My reflection on what ancient men need to survive, to what I need to survive is kinda the same thing. We all need shelter, water, clothing, and food. We have all kind of stores around us to get that supplys. You can go to a grocery store for the food and water, the water comes in bottles. There are many clothing stores around. We all have homes with our family, but back then it was very tough to find a place to stay and keep warm. The only place they really had to go was maybe a cave, if they had good weather it was perfect, but if the weather is bad with a lot of rain and storms that will be really bad. The clothing they had they just made out of material that they had laying around or found. That is the basic things of what I need and an ancient men need to survive, they are very similar if you can tell but theres is just a lot harder to get than ours is.

Unknown said...

It takes way more effort for an Ancient Man to survive rather than man himself. This is because now a days we have it easy. Things weren't as easy as they are now back then. Even though we all need food, clothing, water, and shelter to survive; not all of us are guaranteed these things. Back when the Ancient Men were alive they did things differently than we do now. They most likely live with nature. They searched for safe caves to live in, hunted for food, and made their own clothes. They basically worked hard. As to where we have unnecessary things that we don't need like electronics, name brand clothing, accessories etc. and we buy these things at stores. Also we're able to do things like watch TV, surf the web, and are blessed to sleep in nice, warm, and comfortable bed every night. Sometimes us humans can take things for granted.

Nina McManus said...

The Cro-Magnons were simple people who didn’t need a lot to survive. They needed food to eat and they needed water to drink just to sustain themselves. They needed a shelter to rest in and tools to protect themselves from predators. They were more animalistic in their ways because they had to focus more on surviving than people today.
What I need to survive is the same but also different. Obviously we need the same simple things to as food, water, and shelter to keep us alive physically. But I think the most important thing we need to survive today is money. Without money we can’t get our food, water, shelter and other things like clothes that we need every day.

Unknown said...

It took a lot for Ancient Man to survive. The Cro-Magnons need food, water, and shelter just like we do. It does not take much for us to survive in this day and year. We have easy access to food, water, and shelter. All we have to do is go to the super market and get water, food, and go to the local shelter. Meanwhile, The Cro-Magnons had to hunt their food, probably get their water from a well, and live in a cave. We don’t realize how many privileges we have. In the ancient days people like The Cro-Magnons had to live in caves and we today live in homes some even mansions. This is way different than what people had to do in the 1800’s. We now have a procedure called abortion, it is when you terminate a pregnancy which means get rid of the baby. This is something that is very cruel to do and it is an option. The Cro-Magnon women were killed if they were pregnant and that was not an option because if it was most people would like to live. But just thinking of all the differences that we and The Cro-Magnons have shown how ungrateful we are.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I think no, what the ancient men needed to survive is not much different from what we need to survive now a day. Today we need food, water, shelter, and warm clothes, and the ancient men needed the same things to survive because even though they looked different back then, they would still need the same things that we need to survive. Today we have more advanced technology like cars and smart phones, but those are not necessary to survive unlike food, water, and shelter. If the ancient men didn’t have these supplies they would not have survived very long. My opinion about that question is, no I don’t think we and what the ancient men needed to survive is much different because we both need all the same basic necessities.

Unknown said...

For Ancient Man to survive, it takes the basic things like shelter, food, water, and things to hunt the food. TO survive in the world today, it is much different. To survive in Today's world you would need a stable job to earn money. The money will help you buy food, clothes,and a stable home. This is different from what Ancient Man needs because in that time, you would just take without thinking twice about it. In "Cro-Magnon," I understood that, they needed a place to stay. So if no one was living in that cave, they would take it. If life today worked like this, there would be a huge majority of people dead and another majority would be cannibals. We don't have to hunt and kill like Ancient Man did either. It's as easy as going to the store and getting the food that you need. Life has gotten very easy compared to the complex way of living in the "Cro-Magnon" article.

Daniel Kaufman said...

I believe there is a fairly large difference between the ancient man of long ago and us. First of all they had it easier our life is more complex. For example back then it was much easier to find shelter they simply had to find it and or build shelter which isn’t really that hard. Now a day if you don’t want to live in a cardboard box on the street you have to work your butt off to even get a small apartment imagine the coast of a house! Another example is food. Today we have to spend money to get food which also is work to get money keep that in mind. The ancient man from long ago literally just had to hunt something and kill it and bam there’s your meal. Much less work hunting isn’t rocket science.

Daniel Kaufman said...

I believe there is a fairly large difference between the ancient man of long ago and us. First of all they had it easier our life is more complex. For example back then it was much easier to find shelter they simply had to find it and or build shelter which isn’t really that hard. Now a day if you don’t want to live in a cardboard box on the street you have to work your butt off to even get a small apartment imagine the coast of a house! Another example is food. Today we have to spend money to get food which also is work to get money keep that in mind. The ancient man from long ago literally just had to hunt something and kill it and bam there’s your meal. Much less work hunting isn’t rocket science.

Daniel Kaufman said...

I believe there is a fairly large difference between the ancient man of long ago and us. First of all they had it easier our life is more complex. For example back then it was much easier to find shelter they simply had to find it and or build shelter which isn’t really that hard. Now a day if you don’t want to live in a cardboard box on the street you have to work your butt off to even get a small apartment imagine the coast of a house! Another example is food. Today we have to spend money to get food which also is work to get money keep that in mind. The ancient man from long ago literally just had to hunt something and kill it and bam there’s your meal. Much less work hunting isn’t rocket science.

Unknown said...

I think that what Ancient man and women needed for survival is different than what we need today.
What we need today are the essential elements of food, water, shelter, clothing and money. Some people might even say that we today need technology, which is not necessarily true, although, it does keep us safer. What ancient people needed were food, water, bravery, strength and survival instincts. We both need food and water but now, people can just walk to the grocery store and choose what they would like to have with the help of money, which is something ancient people did not need. Ancient people obviously could not go around the corner and go to the store. They needed to use their bravery, strength and survival skills to catch whatever they could and consume it. We today do not need to feel scared in regular, everyday society. Ancient people on the other hand had to keep a look out everywhere they went for danger lurking around.

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

It took a lot more for the Ancient Man to survive back in the day than it did for people today. We have it a lot easier than they did. Today, we need food, water, clothing, and shelter to survive. Today, we also have lot of luxuries such as a heater and air conditioner. The Ancient Man didn’t have a heater, but he did have sticks and other materials to build a fire. People today think they need more than those three items to survive because many people can’t make it through a day without technology. The Ancient Man didn’t have technology, so if he could survive without it I’m pretty sure we can.

In conclusion, people today need other things to survive then the Ancient Man once did. The Ancient Man provided himself with food and everything else he needed to survive unlike us. We have it a lot easier than the Ancient Man once did.

Anonymous said...

As written in this article, it took lots of hunting, and knowledge of the wilderness to survive. They needed to hunt for flash to eat. In order to hunt, they were to be knowledgeable of their surroundings. It is really different from the way we survive, due to the time period. We survive through modern technology, including electricity, indoor plumbing, and refrigerators. Back then it was survival, but now a day it’s more about working together to create something. The prehistoric were unconscious of structured society (a system for us to survive and live in), and were more conscious of killing and surviving.

Unknown said...

Paul Detky
It takes ancient man a lot of things to survive that really do not compare to what we do to survive. Back then when Cro-Magnons were alive they never had grocery stores that have pre-made food in cardboard boxes saying “Ready to Eat in 60 Seconds!” They ventured outside of their cave and hunted in parties, then they would rendezvous at the cave to eat their freshly caught meals from the days catch. Nowadays we can just grab a few dollars and go to the nearest store and buy a flash-frozen meal. And the Cro-Magnons didn’t just hunt for meat, when Edouard Lartet and his son Louis went into that cave, they found traces of marine life shells with holes pierced through the shell. If I were to make a good assumption, after they were done with the marine-like food, they would use the shell as a decorative item. The Cro-Magnons did a lot of things ON THEIR OWN and depend on THEMSELVES. Now none of this happening and some people now rely on others to get the job done. Survival now is different since the Cro-Magnons.

Unknown said...

Paul Detky
It takes ancient man a lot of things to survive that really do not compare to what we do to survive. Back then when Cro-Magnons were alive they never had grocery stores that have pre-made food in cardboard boxes saying “Ready to Eat in 60 Seconds!” They ventured outside of their cave and hunted in parties, then they would rendezvous at the cave to eat their freshly caught meals from the days catch. Nowadays we can just grab a few dollars and go to the nearest store and buy a flash-frozen meal. And the Cro-Magnons didn’t just hunt for meat, when Edouard Lartet and his son Louis went into that cave, they found traces of marine life shells with holes pierced through the shell. If I were to make a good assumption, after they were done with the marine-like food, they would use the shell as a decorative item. The Cro-Magnons did a lot of things ON THEIR OWN and depend on THEMSELVES. Now none of this happening and some people now rely on others to get the job done. Survival now different since the Cro-Magnons

Will Whiteley said...

I do not believe it took a lot for the early man to survive. He lived during a pretty basic time so there really wasn't anything that could help make his life any easier. Sure he had a tough life having to find/ kill his own food, had to make his own tools/ weapons, and he had to make his own clothing. I do not think water was hard to find because it was still when the Earth was younger so the water didn't have as much time to dry up like today. Even though we still have vast oceans today, I still believe that those vast oceans were even bigger when the early man was around. We and the early man do need similar things to survive such as food, water, and shelter but I think that in our day and age if we had every bit of technology taken away from us I do not think that we would be able to survive because we depend on that stuff way too much. If we were to maybe detach from our technology just a little bit and were to depend on ourselves more we would be able to possibly survive in a time like the early man did. Basically what I am trying to say is that we need a little bit more to survive because without the technology we have today we would not be able to function mentally while the early man had the most basic technology and only really had his own thoughts or possibly his wife to communicate with. In conclusion, I believe that compared to us the early man did not need much to survive but food, water, shelter, and his tools to survive.

Unknown said...

How ancient men survive and how we individuals survive is not very different from how we survive today. Physically, we each need food, shelter, warmth, and water. A lot of these small things comes easily to us, such as water, clothes, and food. Individuals of our generation, such as myself, get these necessities differently, but they are still needed to survive. Mentally, ancient man needs lots of courage, adaption, and common sense. An ancient man needs courage to go after a wolf for food, but needs common sense to know if they are capable of killing the wolf without getting themselves hurt or even killed. Us individuals today also need courage and common sense to face real life experiences and to face what is real and unreal in some situations. In conclusion, I feel that the ancient man and individuals today in this generation, including myself, have similar ways of surviving, even though necessities may come easier to us.

Unknown said...

The way early man survived, I believe is different from how we survive today. Early man needed to hunt, for food, clothing, and shelter. They basically depended on themselves, instead of how we depend on companies for our food, clothing, shelter. Humans today, need a home, food and water for basic survival. But also need parents/family, so love and care, more advanced tools, and technology. If all connection was cut off within the world it would be a disaster, things would not run as smoothly as they do, and things they are ordered such as food would not be able to be provided, resulting in starvation. Early man did not need such advanced tools because their buildings, or shelters were not as complicated to build. I believe that because we are so use to having not to build our own shelters, but instead buy them, and not have to hunt for food, but instead drive a 2-4 min distance and buy it. Early men had to work hard to survive, while we have it easy. Basically we need, food, shelter, love/care, advanced tools, and technology, While early men needed simple tools to survive.

Unknown said...

The Cro-Magnons needed a lot more than we do today. They needed tools to hunt with to be able to eat or skin to keep warm. We do not need to do so because everything is already done for us. Instead of buying their own jewelry or clothes like we do now they used what they found to have those things. They need to be brave and strong while hunting for their own food and clothing also. While our shelter is already made for us, there’s wasn’t. The Cro-Magnons basically had to provide for themselves while others almost provide for us by already having shelter ready for us and having food and clothes already prepared. They were more independent as we are dependent.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I believe that we still have the basic instincts the Cro-Magnons did. A majority of humans eat meat just like they did, we kill to survive just like they did, we move places just like they did, and we bury our dead. Guess what, they buried their dead too. Now in those times they were way more barbaric but the concepts stay the same. Just how the cromagnons killed to survive, we go to war. I'm not saying going to war is the same as killing people because you don't like the way they talk to your clan but it's the same in the way of they strike us and we strike back or vice versa. Although there are some similarities, there are many more differences. If you left an average human being in the wilderness for a long period of time, they probably wouldn't survive very long. Technology, electricity, running water, these are all things we have grown accustomed to and probably can't live without. While there are some similarities I believe the differences over power them.

Unknown said...

What it took for the Ancient man to survive was to make sure they were able to protect themselves, to have food, and shelter.All of those things are apart of everyday living for us to survive today.Except we have more advantages and resources than they did 10,000 to 35,000 years ago.Also back in those early days the ancient man had to make that type of survival happen;they couldn't go to the supermarket and by food.They had to hunt for food, make there own homes, and risk there lives to survive.So I say we have a lot of advantages that the Cro- Magnons didn't have.

Unknown said...

I think there is a major difference between what ancient man would have needed to survive and what I would need to survive. For starters I would definitely need someone with me; family or friend it does not matter at all. I would need them to keep me occupied because I get so bored easily. Next, I would need some kind of tent or cover, maybe even a sleeping bad because I hate insects/bugs so I could not touch the ground (I don’t care how girly that sounds). A couple other items I would need would have to be any sort of food and drinks. I mean if I was trying to survive I do not think I would be picky about that stuff.
The main reason I think ancient man survival items would be so much different from mine is because of my generation. I think ancient man would only need basic things. Growing up in my generation teens cannot go seconds without their phones. I think ancient man would need some wood, a stream/pond, bravery, strength, and a forest to hunt for animals. I think they would use their natural resources to their best ability. They were not picky about their foods, they ate what they caught or found. They would definitely need strength and bravery while hunting for food and staying alive. These are some contrasting items I think that ancient man and myself would need to survive.

andrew ragni said...

For ancient man to survive, it took a lot. Back then they had no stores, no houses, no food markets, nothing. No one was able to just buy what they needed like we can today in the modern world. They had to hunt for food, and once they spent all day doing that, they would have to cook it over an open flame. Which is nothing like today because we now obviously have stoves, ovens, grills, etc. This was a very challenging way to live, unlike us who are able to just purchase it then cook it in the comfort of our own home. They would also have to make a shelter by hand, or live in a cave or mountain side, sometimes even out in the wild. Living life like this was extremely dangerous due to the fact that you face many different predators in the night then in the day. We obviously do not face these fears. Sadly though, we must fear other humans, based on the pure fact that people can do anything, especially if they have weapons like guns or knives. From then to know, things are very different.

Unknown said...

Ancient man lived very differently than how we live today. One way they survived were by making weapons such as bone arrows and dart-heads to hunt and protect themselves. They moved from places like the Atlantic coasts into caves to safeguard against elements and animals. They also use the caves for burial grounds. Today, man have different methods of living. We have weapons such as guns and knives to protect ourselves. Also we use cemeteries and graveyards to bury our dead. Although we lived in different times, we behave similarly when it comes to survival.

Unknown said...

The requirements for survival of Ancient Man are much more different than compared to our needs today. Of course it is. The two time periods are a gigantic difference. Back then, The Ancient Men needed to hunt for survival. That was their job. Hunt for animals that they could use for resources. They be resourceful and use it all up. They could eat the animal, make clothing out of it, use the bones to make tools, and any other resourceful things they need. The Cro Magnons were possibly so large because it required lots of strength to hunt down animals. After hunting animals and making tools every day, it is bound to make you more muscular and tone. When they got sick, they use their environment to produce medicine, such as some herbs. For humans on the other hand, the lifestyle is totally different. Our job is to go to school to acquire enough knowledge to someday get a job to make a living. That's how we live. Without a job, we wouldn't be able to get money to buy the resources we need. Us humans depend on money to buy everything we want. Our life depends on this stupid green paper. We buy our food products in the supermarket, clothing in stores, and anything else we need. All with money. Unlike them, us humans are pretty wasteful ourselves, not to be offensive. It is true. When we don't finish our food, we directly throw it away most of the time. If we get sick, all we have to do is go back to the pharmacy or doctor to get medicine that could make us well again. The technology difference is so massive between the time periods that it obviously changes the survival methods in a immense way.

Victoria granton said...

humans after the ice age were thought to have left Africa and came to southern part to Europe. these people were called the Cro Magnons. they hunt in large animals such as horses ,mammoths ect. they use the bones from leftovers for their own protection. they also you still have to for bones for our and cooking. it was said that the Neanderthals have disappeared and the cro-magnons have survived because of climate changes. in order to keep warm the cro-magnons how to use flint and pier right and wooden sticks to rub together to cause friction. once friction results when a spark is seen. the Cro Magnon spoil so to survive day needed shelter. their shelter they use with animals for to make the house warm and they had to type sticks with animal guts. they hunt in animals for food also. the way to ancient war cro-magnon live we do not live the same way in our time. awesome people today could go to the store and buy food and not hot there are the majority is some people that do hunt. we do not need animal shelter with the cro-magnons use we have houses. we also do not need wooden sticks to make friction to keep us warm today we have radiators and heating vents. so yes the cro-magnons in our time today is much different in so many ways I believe will be hard to live with the cro-magnons. and because of later generations things are going to change over the years in going to be the same.

Unknown said...

This ancient man needed a lot to survive. He was willing to do anything in his power to stay alive. To make a comparison to his life back then and life now , back then there was no such thing as Jesus which means there was no such thing as religion. Therefore , there was no saying that no one should kill one another. If they needed to eat they'd have to get food. Even if that meant taking it with no remorse or care if you had to kill someone to stay alive. In today's society it's very rear that someone gets killed over food. It is rear for more than one reason in which one is religion. Another thing he needed to survive is shelter today if you don't have a home you can go into a shelter and they'll help you find one. Although, back then there was no Government therefore there wasn't someone to help you find a house and or job. Actually back then they didn't have jobs or money. Well basically he needed a lot more to survive back then , then we need to survive today.

Jade Jefferson said...

The needs of survival between life today and life back then. It took Ancient man a lot to survive but not as much we need today. The main things that I think I would need to survive would be food and water. Some other items I would really need would be clothing and a place to sleep. I would definitely need food and water because you can only go a certain amount of days without food and water. I would need clothes because I would need to cover myself and I would need a place to sleep because I would have to have some energy to survive. Ancient man only needed some of these things and these things were not as easy to get as they are today. Ancient man only needed strength, animals, and had to be brave. Having animals was important because that was their daily meal everyday. Bravery and strength was important because that was how they would scare off the predators. This is how the needs of survival between life today and life back then.

Unknown said...

It took a lot for Ancient Man to survive. Some of the things that Ancient Man needed to survive was strength, in order to hunt and fend off predators. Their number one was to hunt, because that's where they got all their tools, such as spears, arrows. They also needed to hunt for food, and clothing. As for a house over their head, all they needed was a cave, but if the cave started getting smaller, they'd have to move onto another one. An Ancient Mans neighborhood would all fend off against predators, they would also share food here and there. Ancient man did not have medicine so if they got a sickness all they had was hope that their illness would go away. What present man need to day is much different from what they need. We need a roof over our head to protect ourselves from the rain and some money then we can buy our clothes and our food. We do not have to fend off any predators or hunt for our food, and clothing.
That is what Ancient Man needs to survive along with the difference between what it takes us to survive.

Unknown said...

I believe that ancient man had to work harder to survive they had to work harder to do everything.They did not have technology to rely on like we do. We need food, water,clothes, and sometimes people cant live without technology, but we have malls and shopping centers where we can easily go to for all of these. Early man had to hunt and search for food and build shelter out of sticks and leaves. That means their shelter was light. It wasn't strong enough to withstand a storm or any severe weather. Their clothes weren't as advanced as today. Their clothes were made out of leafs and straw and types of weird stuff. Im sure during the winter times it was hard for allot of people to keep warm.See they needed knowledge,courage strength to do allot of what they did like hunt, and build. All we need to do s sit down and google it. Their is a big difference between then and now , ancient man needed more.

Unknown said...

Ancient men used makeshift tools, often made from bones of animals that they has killed for food. They went out and hunted meat and then gathered fruits and vegetables from the local wildlife. Their way of surviving was way different from ours because today, we have advanced technology to communicate with others while they have to walk a far distance to meet with the person they want to communicate with. We have public transportation to take us places from a far distance and they had to walk. We could go to the grocery store to buy whatever we want instead of planting our own fruits and vegetable or having to hunt for animals which would be scary.

Bella Piacentino said...

Although we are millions of years older than the Cro-Magnons and have evolved since then, we seem to have the same necessities and needs as they once did. From what Edouard Lartet and his son discovered, you can tell that the Cro-Magnons in ways are just like us humans today.
The Cro-Magnons seemed to have lived in a cave as well as died in it. That was their shelter, although their idea of shelter is much simpler than ours. Of course, Cro-Magnons needed food, water, and sleep. The difference is they hunted to survive when we today can just make a stop at the super market. Lastly, we all need love and care from the people around us. That is not only something that we and the Cro-Magnons both share but a universal need.

Bella Piacentino said...

I also noticed that sometimes, especially in today’s world, we become very dependent on our cell phones. That leads me to believe if we were without it, we wouldn’t know what to do. The Cro-Magnons had nothing even like cell phones so had to be more independent in all ways. For example, hunting was their only way of getting food and if they missed that chance, they wouldn’t eat. So Cro-Magnons had to adapt quickly to whatever situation they were in.
In conclusion, Cro-Magnons and humans today aren’t that different. We have the same needs just different versions of them. We like two sides of the same coin.

Anonymous said...

What does it take for ancient man to survive? Is it much different from what you need to survive? Well yes it is much different with the survival skills that ancient man used from the survival skills we use today. Back then ancient man survived by catching fish, eating nuts and berries, hunting, and eating plants.For shelter they used bones, tusks, and deer skins to make tents. To get light they used lamps made of burning moss or fur soaked in animal fat. They made their weapons by carving axes, knifes, and spears out of rock. The most important creature ancient man hunted was the woolly mammoth because it provided them with the most food. Today in the 21st century with all of the technology and materials we have it is better for survival. A lot of people and families have jobs to support themselves and their families to make money which will lead them to getting the things they need to survive such as food, clothing, and shelter. We have houses made out of brick, wood, and cement that will protect us from bad weather. We have clothing stores to get clothes from and local super markets to get food from. Also we have medicine to cure illness and doctors for check ups to make sure we are healthy. I think that food, clothing, and shelter, are the most important things needed for survival.

Unknown said...

Personally, I think that Cro-Magnons needed significantly less for survival. In Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, he lists the basic needs that humans today need to survive, listed from the most essential on the bottom to what we can then achieve after we have reached level 2 (safety), level 3 (belonging), and so on and so forth. In the time of early man, to survive you needed to reach the first level of needs, which is physiological. Breathe, food, water, shelter, etc and you're basically set and don't need anything else on the pyramid for the reason that the early man was not very high up on the moral high ground. A pregnant woman was murdered with severe damage to her skull with no regard to the child that she was carrying. This shows that early man wasn't nearly as civilized as humans are today.Though the Cro-Magnons might have felt the need for some of the other needs on Maslow's hierarchy, they weren't nearly as essential to life as they are today. We have things more readily available to us as well, such as in grocery stores and water fountains. We have central heat and air conditioning and have better methods of clothing and basically have created society, which helps us to take part in our community. We're literate, can do math at some basic level, and no longer have the strongest desire to eat raw deer (well, most of us anyway...). Cro- Magnons, though like us on some basic levels are not at our level of advancement.

Unknown said...

My reflection on what early man needs to survive is that man needs intelligence , and needs to know how to hunt. Civilization back then required a lot more thinking and there were no stores they had to hunt for everything and that's different from how civilization is today because we don't have to think as much and money is a sympto know so we can go to stores to get the food we need to survive. We didn't have to go through as much as early man did. That's how Civilization is different from then to know.

Alia Chase said...

I think that what people needed back then and today to survive are kind of the same. Just like they needed food, clothing, shelter and water is exactly what we need in today's world. It was harder for people back then to get the things they needed. They either needed to go walk for it and catch it or they just couldn't get. Today it is much easier to get thing. You buy them in stores, like clothing stores, supermarkets, online and etc. Back then people weren't very healthy, because they had little food and water. Just like how today we go to the doctors and get shots to prevent sickness and diseases, they didn't have that back then. If they got sick they might not get better. Back then people weren't very smart because they didn't have all the technology that we have to today to learn more and get information about things. So I think today and back then have many similarities in what is needed to survive, but have different ways of getting them.