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What makes a Hero? Are you a Hero?
You are off to an awesome start Steppingstone Scholars! You're thoughtfulness in discussion has made me stop, and recognize the potential not only within each of you, but of your cohort as a WHOLE. Now, let's use this space to share our thinking and learning about ourselves: Who am I? (Identity/Culture) Where am I? Why am I? (Hero's Journey)
A hero is someone who stands up for someone. They are caring and attentive. They can be your mom or dad or your neighbors. They could be caring for their child with love.
Examples of heroes could be doctors, pharmasists, and other people who could possibly live in our community. They play a big role in our lives. They help out the sick and heal the wounded. So that is my definition of "hero."
-Ahmed Ahmed
A hero is someone you can count on. They are always making sacrifices for other people like doctors. Some people that consider themselves heroes are, most if the time, don't act heroic. Most of the people that go through tough situations such as cancer don't consider themselves heroes. So those are some definitions of some heroes.
Some examples of heroes are doctors, pharmacists, and people who do service for our community. It doesn't necessarily mean the heroes are some people who do service for us. Some heroes could be young, short, tall, or old. A hero could be someone sitting right next to you, behind you, in the car with you, or even at the corner store. Everyone could be a hero. You never know who is a hero.
We only been in Steppingstone for three weeks and we already learned so much in social studies. We are learning more and more about ourselves, our identities, and other peoples identities. We were able to dig deeper into our cultural beliefs, family history, and religion. From learning this, I’m also learning the importance of personal struggles, how hard it is to be noticed as how you want to be noticed as, and how some “heroes” are just regular everyday people who just do what they have to do to live. I also learned that people are different on the outside but on the inside, that’s their true personality.
In a video we watched, everyone had on different masks. Those masks represented what society expects them to be. When the girl took her mask off, her whole image changed. Her mask made her the “ghost” girl who is never noticed.
What I have learned so far in Social Studies is “Who Am I”, “Where Am I”, and “Why Am I”. I have also learned about “what is identity”and “what makes a hero”. I think I have really learned a lot about many things in this class.
I have learned about “Who Am I”, “Where Am I”, and “Why Am I” because we first need to learned about ourselves and then so that we can learn do our project to learn about other people. I am a type of person who cares about my family and friends. I always shares with my friends, I am a smart and caring person. Also, learning about that helps me understand more about what type of person I am and my identity and culture.
I have learned “Who Am I”, “Where Am I”, and “Why Am I”. Therefore, I have learned about “what is identity”. Identity is who you are, where are you from, when were you’re born, and something that describes you. Identity tells you the person’s race, background, culture, ethnicity, appearance, personality, etc. My identity is that I’m chinese, my religion is Christian, I was born in U.S.A, and that I live with my parents, grandparent, and sibling. Some people try to hide their identity for a certain reason, but identity is always with you.
I think the most important part is “what makes a hero” because a hero is way different from a normal person. A hero is willing to sacrifice themselves for the benefits of others. My heroes are my family and friends, they care about me and support me. I think they are true heroes to me. I think an example of a hero is Harriet Tubman, she is willing to risks her life to help slaves get to freedom. Therefore, this is what makes a hero.
In Conclusion, this is what I have learned so far in Social Studies. I have learned about “Who Am I”, “Where Am I”, and “Why Am I” which helped me understand more about what type of person I am and my identity and culture. I’ve also learned about identity and what is it. Identity is something that describes you, your race, background, culture, ethnicity, appearance, personality, etc. Finally, I have learned about “what makes a hero” and “what is a hero”. A hero is a person who is willing to sacrifice themselves for the benefits of others like Harriet Tubman. I am very thankful for what I have learned in Social Studies class!
Who am I? Where am I? Why am I? Is the question I ask myself as I walk into our social environment. As doing our identity, Culture, I am poems, and homework we have had these past few weeks. We discover our true mask underneath our skin. Identity is who you become and how you change as you grow. Culture identity is where you are from and your ethnicity. Dance and language also shows cultural identity.
We learn about heroes and what makes a hero. Heroes usually do thing because it’s right not because they want attention. Who am I? Where am I? Why am I? Are the questions in my head? We try to answer the question with learning cultural Identity, identity, and heroes. People like Rosa Parks legitimately sat down in a seat she wasn’t suppose to and Abraham Lincoln had to make a decisiveness decision.
My identity is inside and once they are revealed I will understand. My cultural identity is I am biracial. I am White, Black, Native American, Indian and so much more. Some of my family were slave masters and some where slaves. My heroes are Rosa Parks, Abraham Lincoln, Bernie Mac, and Martin Luther King. We do all these things to find out how a biography by doing an autobiography.
We were asked three questions Who am I, Where am I, and Who am I. We were asked to write a paragraph or more about what identity is and what I’m about to tell you is what I learned so far……. Your back ground (heritage) is your identity. What your ethnicity is and what cultural activities and the food you eat that tells others what your identity is. Also your identity describes you, who you are. What we also talked about heroes and what they are. In my way a hero is someone you can look up to and someone you can follow that does great things. A hero can be your friend or a neighbor, even your family; a hero can also be an old person who already died. Some examples are Rosa Parks, Abraham Lincoln, and another one is Harriet Tubman they are all so heroes because they did something to help the world. That is all I have to share with you about what I learned about identity and heroes.
In Mr.Jobs social studies class at SteppingStone we are off to a great start so far!We’ve learned all about identity so far.Cultural and our own identities of ourselves of who we really are ass steppingstone scholars.To learn about cultural identity, in class we watched a african dance video and we danced along for ourselves.Itwas a very fun experience to learn about the african culture through dance.That got me thinking, “what are the many ways to express cultural identity?”Later on we learned that any type of dancing,singing,money,food,and religion can be a part of your cultural identity.That’s what lead us to the next project which was to bring in one item from your cultural identity.My classmates brought in pictures,poems,money,and even food.I brought in haitian money because i am haitian.Then came our three questions ,Who am I?,Where am I?, and Why am I?.Throughout the semester so far we’ve been reflecting on these three questions.These questions will be important for the end-of-the-semester-project we will be doing on others peoples identity.We will learn about others identities but first we will learn about ours.We also learned about heros.We read an article by Dr.lickerman about what a hero and who is a hero.My heros are Martin Luther King Jr. and Barack Obama.
In social studies I learned about my identity and how important that is because it defines who I am.Because of social studies I learned more about my culture and personality.Before I had social studies with Mr.Jobs and Vanessa I thought I was just African-American but, because of them I "dug" deeper and found out that my family is half Irish and Native-American. I also learned that people are more than just faces and different personalities,they have an important part in the world that will later in life be shown. I also learned about heroes and how important they are and how they became a hero.I learned that not everyone wanted to be a hero but because of there dedication and important sacrifices that they made they are ones.
I have learned many concepts at Steppingstone Social Studies. Here are some of the things I have learned. I have learned about cultural identity. Cultural identity doesn't just come in one way. It comes in race, gender, ethnicity, culture, religion,and country. My culture is an African American boy. That means that we pray, we used to jump the broom, and we African food:biscuits, fried fish, and black beans.
I have also learned about what makes a hero. In my opinion,there are two kinds of heroes. One kind is the one who makes sacrifices for others. An example is that in the article, one of the doctors patients gave his kidney up. Then, the other kind is the one who has no choice of becoming a hero. One example is people who have cancer. The fact that people "fight" it makes them a hero. I think that I have had some moments where I am a hero, but not full time.
In Social Studies I have learned about 3 questions:who am I,where am I,and why am I.These questions have helped me learn things.I have also learned more about my family and myself.I have also done things to help me learn about identity.
Mr. Jobs has really made me dig deep and think about identity.we have read articles about it write about it.We had to bring in something about cultral identity,too.
In Social Studies,I have learned about heroes.Heroes are willing to sacrifice themselves. Some of my heroes are Jackie Robinson, MLK,and Barack Obama. So that is some things we have learned about identity.
i have learned so many concepts and things abut cultural identity- what makes me, me. I have also learned about cultural identity, cultural identity is what you are in a cultural way for instance if you where from India you would show your cultural self like... what cultural dishes you have and what special dances you have and other things my classmates and i also learned about ourselves we learned that we have more things in common than we think if we ask questions and open our eyes and look around think you will find out allot more thing about our surroundings. Another thing i have learned about is about who am i, where am i, why am i, why am i is my identity my identity is is what makes me up as a whole/person/human being,where am I is where i am from and i am from jamaica our national bird is the hummingbird, Ackee and Salt-fish are the national dish,Ackee is the national fruit,the tree Blue-Mahoe the national tree, the flower is Liginum vita, the colors on the national flag are gold black and green the (yellow=sunshine) (green=grass) (black=hardship).why am i is where you start asking questions and questioning yourself saying well where did i come from and ask your family members where was i born,where am i from and where do our ancestors come from and our moms and dads come from. Kingston is the state capital. As you can see my teacher Mr. jobs has taught me allot of things that i am not going to forget.
Identity. Culture. Heros. These are topics we've learned in Social Studies at Stepping Stones. Identity,identity is one of the first topics we've learned about. Identity is who you are. Your personality, your gender, your favorite color, and everything that makes you special. Mr.Jobs showed us a video on identity. We wrote about what we thought the video was about and what we thought identity was to us. I decided after the time of learning identity is who you are under your ‘mask’. We've also learned about culture. Culture is the same idea as your identity. Your culture is what race and religion you are. It’s what you believe in. Also where your family and ancestors are or were from. When we learned about culture we brung in objects or pictures of what represents your culture. I brung in a wooden panel of Africa. I learned more about myself and my peers. My culture is my religion,Non-Denomination Christian. My clothes are not very special. I wear outfits from Justice and Macy’s. I wear jeans and t-shirts.
Heros are another topic we've learned about. We've watched videos about the heros journey.The journey starts with the call to adventure, assistance, departure, trials, approach, crisis, treasure, result, return, new life, resolution, and status quo. Many books and movies follow this pattern like, The Hunger Games,or Harry Potter. My personal heros are my little cousin Elijah, my grandmas, Martin Luther king Jr.,Rosa Parks, and Harriet Tubman. They were called some involuntarily and some wanted to help people. Our class has focused on three major questions who am I, why am I,and where am I. We have focused on these because we will be writing biographies about ourselves and onto biographies about heros from the Fever of 1793.
We didn't only focus on learning we we've written pieces about the three topics we learned about. We have wrote I Am Poems and I wrote about myself being African American and Non-Denomination Christian. This poem was something I've wrote before and I really enjoy writing them. We've also wrote about our personal cultures.The topics were pretty fun to learn , most of the time. I think so far these lessons made me understand myself a little better and learn about who I really am.
In social studies we earned about three questions: Who Am I, Why Am i and Where Am I. We learned about these questions to help us with our identity and who we are. Also, in social studies we learned about cultural identity, what we've learned about cultural identity is who we describe ourselves as based on where we com from.
We learned about heroes and what types of heroes there are in the world. In addition, what we've learned in social studies is what inquiry means and it means to ask questions and to be curious.
What I thought we were going to do in social studies was learn about history, talk about slavery, and what happened during that time. Also,I thought we were going to search up people from different time periods in history to learn more about them.
In conclusion, most of the topics we learned about in social studies had much to do with cultural identity, heroes, and main ideas from different articles.
Who am I, where am I, why am I? The first three questions Mr. Jobs asked us. From what we learned these past three weeks i can now answer these questions!
The first topic we learned about was identity. I knew the basics like your name, gender, where you were born, but then we started digging deeper. Now i know identity is name, where you live, your family, likes and dislikes, culture, and many more.
Another topic we learned about was cultural identity. We watched a video about what culture is and its the cloths you wear, religion, food you eat, the type of music you listen to, etc. We also wrote a paper on our Cultural Identity. I wrote about two different cultures (Hispanic and Black,) since i am biracial. I included religion, different foods like tamales and soul food, music and language. The most important lesson I learned from this topic is that your culture is what makes you special!
What makes a hero? Who are your heroes? This was the most interesting topic we talked about. It never really occurred to me that some people we say are heroes are not really heroes or don’t see themselves as heroes. Also, the characteristics of a hero is their genuine, they would sacrifice themselves,and they work hard even if their going through something traumatizing. One part of the hero passage that really stands out to me is when the author says “few people consider themselves heroes when doing something they have no choice in doing.” When he says this he was talking about people facing terminal diseases such as cancer. Even though they are called heroes by family members, close friends, and some nurses , they don’t feel like heroes. They feel tired, discouraged, and sick but they try to look brave.
As you can see I have learned so much in Social Studies so far and I have absorbed all the information that was given to me. I really like this class and can’t wait to learn more.
This summer I learned about the three questions, Who am I, Where am I, and Why am I. I learned about what makes a hero. A hero is a person who gives up something for others. My hero is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He gave up his time, effort, and his life. Another lesson was if you are a hero. Also, I was taught what cultural identity is. It is who you are and what makes you special. Lastly, I learned how to identify myself. I am tall, African-American, White, Native American, funny,and smart.
Last month I guessed what my classes would be about. I guessed social studies would be about other countries. I was wrong. I think the social studies at my former school and the social studies at Steppingstone are on different levels. The social studies at my former school is on the surface, talking about climate, basic ideas about culture, and basic history. The social studies at Steppingstone is deeper, talking about who you are,where you are from, and why you are here.
Natecia G
In my first Social Studies class with Mr.Jobs we learned about these three questions: Who am I? Where am I? and Why am I?. Later in class we learned that those questions were connected to identity. We learned that identity isn't just about how you look and how you act but that identity is related to many different things like your culture and your personality. Another thing that Mr.Jobs taught us about the questions is that the three questions help us dig deeper into our identities and help us find out who we are as a person. Another lesson that Mr.Jobs taught us was about heroes. He taught us that there are more heroes out there than we think, including us. So far Mr.Jobs has taught us many interesting lessons. I hope that we can learn and discover more because of Mr.Jobs and I am eager to find out more.
I have an amazing social studies class. We learned about identity. Identity defines who you are. In my identity I am a nice and caring person who loves ice cream. We also looked at three essential questions Who am I? ,Where am I? ,and Why am I?. We also learned about what cultural identity and that is your race ,heritage, traditions, food you eat, dancing you do, clothes you wear, culture events you learn, art we create, and much more.Some things in my cultural identity are I eat empanadas and I create artwork with farming and clothes the people in my culture wear. In class, we learned about what makes a good hero and the qualities that they need to have. Some qualities that a hero needs to have are brave, helpful, caring, strong, fearless, smart, noble, considerate, have, perseverance, and have good attitude.A hero is also someone that you can count on.Three of my heroes are Martin Luther King Jr. and my mom and dad. Also we learned about inquiry which is asking questions and being curious In class,Mr Jobs talked about reflection being like a mirror and you see your self and a clear image.Lastly,we learned about main idea supporting details which is the main and central point in a passage.The supporting details are pieces of evidence to prove or support the main idea or central point.those are all of the lessons that Mr.Jobs has taught us at Steppingstone so far.
In social studies,we are learning about cultural identity,our identity,and heroes. By the end of the summer we are going to write about our identity so that we know what to write when we write about someone else's identity. We also wrote about what we think identity is. I said "identity is who a person is. It tells the difference from one person to another. if you try to hide it people wouldn't know the real you. It's really Important to have a real identity because that is what you get judged on in society."
Cultural identity is the identity of a group or culture, or of an individual as far as one is influenced by one's belonging to a group or culture. In class we read an article called "Germantown:Drum Choir Promotes African Awareness". It was about a group of people who were expressing their African culture. I think it's really great that they decided to express their culture because what if some people don't know about African culture, they could learn from them playing. We also got to write about our cultural identity. I'm Jamaican, so I wrote about Jamaica.
We also learned about heroes. Everyone has their own definition of a hero. My definition of a hero is someone who isn't afraid to stand up for someone or something and someone who is determined. So, Mr.Jobs gave us this article called "What Makes A Hero." In the article the author talks about his/her's definition of a hero,who qualifies to be a hero, and one of his/her's heroes. The author's definition of a hero is someone who serves "others while simultaneously serving oneself." The author said that " single mothers who deny themselves vacations,clothes, andeven food to send their children to college" are heroes. The author also says that one of his/her's patients is his/her's heroes.
On the first day of Steppingstone when I met Mr. Jobs, I thought we were going to learn something similar to what we learned last year. Last year we did a family tree project. When he told us that we were going to write about our identity so we can do a project on it later, I was surprised. But as the class progresses I've really liked learning about identity as well as learning about other peoples identity.
Cultural identity is your background, religion, heritage, and obviously culture. Identity is being yourself. In social studies we watched a film where everyone had a mask but one girl took off the mask
but everyone else with a mask stared at her.
My language is English.
My heritage is I'm African-American.
And my religion is Christianity.
We're now talking about
a hero, and what makes one.
A hero is someone who puts others
Before themselves. Here's an example of a hero. Let's say someone needs
another kidney if you give them one
that makes you a hero.
Another example is someone who donates to charity.
In social studies, we’ve been learning about identity. At the end of Steppingstone, we will have a biography project. We have been learning about our identity so we can do the identity project of someone else’s biography. Identity is what people judge you by; like the color of your skin, your hair, etc. Where you come from is part of your identity too. Your identity also is determined by who your parents are, who you’re related to, and who your relatives are related to. What you eat is a part of your culture which is a part of your identity.
In social studies we’ve also been learning about heroes. In my mind a hero is someone who stands up for what’s right. A hero is someone who helps those in need of help as an act of being nice and friendly. As an eleven year old, I don’t consider myself a hero; however, I may become a hero when I am an adult.
I think we’ve learned a lot about our group because no one is the same.
We have learned so much in Social Study’s class. We learned about identity and heroes. The 3 main questions we are thinking about is who am I, where am I, and why am I. Mr. Jobs said, “Identity is not just your name, age, address. It’s more than that, lets dig deeper and find who we are inside.”
Heroes are all around us. In the article “What makes a Hero” it says, “ He may have been thinking more about his passengers safety, than his own.” When you risk your life for someone else, that’s considered being a hero. Also another hero is a person with a disease (cancer) or problem, who is fighting for their life. They might thinks of themselves as a patient but to us they are our inspiration to keep fighting for what we want. A person I think of as a or my hero is my parents.
Identity has so much meaning. My definition to identity is “Me, what I am, and my everything. For example, I am Isaida, I am 11, I love pink, (etc). Also we have cultural identity. To me that is “Your heritage, race, background (etc).” For example I am Spanish, (Puerto Rican) Christian,(etc).
No one should hide their true identity. God made us this way to be one of a kind, not be Miss. Popular. We should all cherish what we have. In the video of the short film, every one was wearing a mask because they were afraid of their identity. The girl took the mask off to tell this world she is her and she is proud to be her.
What I took and learned from social studies
When I first entered Social Studies I thought this class was going to be about the world ,but we’ve been talking about two main things cultural identity and identity. Firstly we should talk about identity. What is identity? Well identity is who you are and what makes you well, you! There are many types of identity, those are your culture ,gender identity ,ethnicity ,and even your age. Ethnicity identity is the fact or state of belonging to a social group that has a common national or cultural tradition.Gender identity is whether you view yourself as a female or a male.Lasty cultural identity, is the identity of a group or culture, or of an individual as far as one is influenced by one's belonging to a group or culture. Identity culture can be where your family comes from or where you live right now. A person's culture is usually what they are from, what language they speak and their religion. Usually you eat food according to your culture.Here is how it reflected on me. A few weeks ago my teacher (Mr.Jobs) asked us to bring in a object that represents our culture. I bought in a flag that represented Haiti since that is where most of my family is from.We lastly learned about identity. I learned that people’s identity can be hidden behind a mask and you should always see what’s in the inside.
What did you expect when you entered your Social Studies class on the first day of Steppingstone? Well,in our 6th grade Social Studies class for Steppingstone, we are learning about heroes and what it means to be a hero, and then we will start learning about the Fever of 1793, but before we talk about heroes in our biographies and their identities, we need to know who we are and what our identities are, and that is the exact topic for our blog. We will combine all of our writing pieces into one joined essay, which will be our blog! I hope you enjoy!
Identity is how people recognize us. Our identities include our ethnicity, religion, the languages we speak, our color, our culture, and our appearances. Others might even say how you rank against others might even be part of your identity, too. Your culture is also a main part of who you are. However, most people would judge others by the way they look on the outside, not on the inside. For example, the people who we watched in the film judged the girl by the way she looked on the outside, not on the inside. This represents all of us because once in our lives, we act like someone who we don`t want to be, but have to because we want to feel accepted by others. Our urge to be accepted takes over us and makes someone we don't want to be, almost like a mask. Masks hide our faces and replace it with a fake image. Therefore, the mask represents our fake identity overshadowing us and concealing our true selves.
We all know some kind of hero that we favor, like Superman, Batman, The Flash, Hulk, etc. The real question is “What actually makes a hero?” “I think it is the willingness to make a personal sacrifice for the benefit of others,” says Captain Sullivan from Flight 1549. Characteristics a hero should have includes courage, perserverance, determination, tenacity, righteous, and more. We all know this, but do we know what the hero must go through in order to learn the moral of his journey. The hero`s journey starts out with the hero`s call to adventure. It draws the hero to his mission. Then, the hero gets supernatural aid for his quest. Next, the hero enters challenges and temptations, just like our everyday lives. The hero gets to the crisis, where he almost meets death. The hero is then “reborn”, to finish the task he started. The hero returns, but his life is not the same. He learns important morals from his journey, just like how we learn new things when we have new experiences.
Heroes aren`t just rich and wealthy people, or people with lots of power. You can be a hero, too. With your acts of kindness and bravery in your everyday lives, you are already changing the world. You have the potential to change the world. With heroes of our generation, we are already one step away to changing the world!
“ Everyone in the world deserves a standing ovation, because once in our lives, we all overcometh the world.”
-August Pullman “ Wonder”
In social studies we have been making a better us.We were asked to bring in an object that represents our culture. I brought in an African plate. The plate had African women on it. These women were doing an original African dance. My object represents me because my ancestors were African, and I love to dance. We also made “ I Am” poems. Our poems were supposed to represent and tell about us. I learned I can be extremely creative.
We’ve also been working on main ideas and evidence. We have read various articles, and we were asked to find the topic sentence (main idea) and supporting details (evidence).
We also have topic sentences. Who am I? Where am I? Why am I? We have been working on all of these topics because we will be writing biographies about other people. In order to do that we have to know more about ourselves.
Who am I,Why am I,Where am are the three questions Mr.Jobs ask us.Finally I can answer them.
This year we are doing a project on the yellow fever/plague.Mr.Jobs told us that to do a biography on someone else,you first have to find your identity.To find our identity we have to know our culture,heroicness,and appearence.To find our culture we were told to bring a object that represents our culture.The object I bought in was my dress.It represents the waves of the ocean in Jaimaica.To find our appearance we were shown a short video,called “Identity”.It shown a girl that was being judged by other students in her school.This actually relates to me because sometimes I was judged about how I looked.
Finally to find our identity in heroicness,we were shown a two videos .One is about famous heroes/celebrities that were told they would fail.The other was about the heroes journey.Also we read an article called ,“What makes a hero”.It taught us that there are heroes in our society.
Our motivation is:
Who am I,Where am I,and Why am I
For these past meaningful weeks my class learned about different parts of identity and how to know if a person is a real hero. We each made ‘‘I AM’’ poems with our own special touch. It not only made our peers know more about us it made us discover more about ourselves so we can study others.
We started off with three questions (who am I? where am I? why am I?) which sparked thoughts about our background. Along with discovering our identity which is your looks, characteristics and other key things about yourself. We even dug deeper and discussed our cultural identity. In order to discuss our cultural identity we brought in items that represented it. Everybody brought in things that represented race, ethnicity, and religion, but I decided to bring a part of my current life. I brought a girl scout’s vest because some of my family and I participated in the activity.
We even learned about social identity. That includes wearing masks to cover the real you. We even watched a video where a girl is different with her mask on, but when it is tooken off she feels free of all stereotypes. I never realized that all the people around me can be wearing a mask.
I also learned about who a real hero is and how to tell between who is one and who is not.
I learned more than I thought I was going to in Social Studies. I was expecting boring geography, but instead I learned more about myself. Believe it or not, but all of this was to learn about the Yellow River Fever of 1793. Crazy, right!? I think Mr.Jobs did a great job teaching us a Social Studies lesson in disguise.
Mikayla Merin July 14,2014
Mr.Jobs Social Studies
Social Studies
Through out the weeks,my fellow classmates and I have learned about identity and also how we identify out selfs. We have also learned about heros and what are heros and the difficult question we all tried to answer was are we really heros?
We also made our own “I am Poems” which we all added are own super spark and touch. My classmates and I watched a video about a girl who was hiding under a mask that was not their true self it was what other people thought of them. This made me think of the leading question “Was this the real me?” After all, sometimes I can be a bit of a brat and say what other people wanted to hear. But, soon I came to the conclusion this is the real me I feel very comfortable with the SteppingStone Scholars what is the point of hiding something when I trust my fellow peers.
At first, I thought Social Studies would be boring and we would learn about stupid stuff but obviously not we learned about something I always love to learn about…….ME!!!!!!!! I had the chance to dig farther into my cultral identity, and just who I am beyond all the fancy bling and spark of attitude who am I really? I came up with this I am Mikayla Merin and I will be attending Springside Chestnuthill Academy. I am 11 years old and am currently in the 6th grade.
This is some bits of information I learned about my self in the past 3 weeks!!!!!!!!
Mikayla Merin July 14,2014
Mr.Jobs Social Studies
Social Studies
Through out the weeks,my fellow classmates and I have learned about identity and also how we identify out selfs. We have also learned about heros and what are heros and the difficult question we all tried to answer was are we really heros?
We also made our own “I am Poems” which we all added are own super spark and touch. My classmates and I watched a video about a girl who was hiding under a mask that was not their true self it was what other people thought of them. This made me think of the leading question “Was this the real me?” After all, sometimes I can be a bit of a brat and say what other people wanted to hear. But, soon I came to the conclusion this is the real me I feel very comfortable with the SteppingStone Scholars what is the point of hiding something when I trust my fellow peers.
At first, I thought Social Studies would be boring and we would learn about stupid stuff but obviously not we learned about something I always love to learn about…….ME!!!!!!!! I had the chance to dig farther into my cultral identity, and just who I am beyond all the fancy bling and spark of attitude who am I really? I came up with this I am Mikayla Merin and I will be attending Springside Chestnuthill Academy. I am 11 years old and am currently in the 6th grade.
This is some bits of information I learned about my self in the past 3 weeks!!!!!!!!
What I’ve learned in social studies in the past 3 weeks are the questions “who am I”, ‘where am I”, and “why am I.” We also learned what’s a hero and if you are a hero so we started by asking ourselves the questions above to find our answer to “If you are a hero.” We’ll get to those questions later, a hero is a person who makes sacrifices for others when he or she has more than one choice to make. Most heroes follow a common cycle which happens endlessly. The hero goes through the Journey after someone wiser teaches or mentors them and then after the journey where the hero dies, he or she is reborn. This is some of what we learned in class.
The next thing we learned in class is that a hero can have many characteristics such as courage, strong, encouraging and many more. All heroes are different and have many alike and different characteristics. Identity is another subject we learned in class which is someone’s status or profile, for example my name is Kevin Chea, born on January 22, 2003 in Philadelphia, PA, 11 years old. Everyone has an identity no matter what, and they shouldn’t be scared to show their identity like the girl in a video our class saw along with the other 6th graders where she was afraid to show her identity in the beginning.
We also learned in class about cultural identity, which is a way people identify other people as. They could be identified as Hispanic, White, Asian, Black or they could be identified more specifically such as Italian, Chinese, Jamaican, Muslim, Cambodian, Dutch, or more. My cultural identity is Asian-American, to be more specific, I am Chinese, Cambodian, and a American. Now back to the questions “who am I” “where am I” and “why am I.” These questions help us identify ourselves and see our reflection as who we are. In our class we also did “I am” poems to help identify ourselves and to get to know others as well because some people shared their “I am” poems.
People don’t need to be rich or wealthy to be a hero even though some can. You can be a hero, your parents can, your neighbors can, anyone you may know can be one. They change the world by helping and making sacrifices to save others and you can help too. Just being a marine, soldier, doctor or a kind of person who is helpful to others can be a hero.
Steppingstone Summer has been an amazing experience for me. Especially my social studies class. We learned about our identity. Identity is what makes you special. For example, your culture. That can be the clothes you wear,the music you listen to , or the food that you eat. It’s all apart of it. We also watched a video about a girl who was wearing a mask that had to do with identity. Every one in the school was wearing a mask depending on the type of person that they were and or the “cliques” that they were in. The girl was then at the end of the video the first to take of their mask of the whole school. When people saw it they looked at her as if she was completely different, when she wasn’t. She was just the only one brave enough to show her true identity. I also learned about my own identity. When I first started, i didn't know anything about my culture. Although now I do. I am proudly African American, according to my ancestors.
Identity wasn't all of what I learned. We also learned about what makes a hero and as well as what are some of our heroes. Everyone and anyone can be a hero, and it’s completely up to them. A hero is a person who makes sacrifices for the greater good of others. “I’d argue it’s the willingness to make a personal sacrifice for the benefit of others” , said Dr. Lickerman. There are multiple everyday heroes all around us, whether we realize it or not. Dr. Lickerman also said,”Single mothers who deny themselves vacations, clothes, and even food to send their children to college”. In my personal opinion ,that really shows how many heroes there are out there. All of these quotes came from an article that my class read. We were taught how to read articles and pull out the main ideas, followed up by supporting details, or evidence as well. We still have much more to learn!
Dior said...
Steppingstone Summer has been an amazing experience for me. Especially my social studies class. We learned about our identity. Identity is what makes you special. For example, your culture. That can be the clothes you wear,the music you listen to , or the food that you eat. It’s all apart of it. We also watched a video about a girl who was wearing a mask that had to do with identity. Every one in the school was wearing a mask depending on the type of person that they were and or the “cliques” that they were in. The girl was then at the end of the video the first to take of their mask of the whole school. When people saw it they looked at her as if she was completely different, when she wasn’t. She was just the only one brave enough to show her true identity. I also learned about my own identity. When I first started, i didn't know anything about my culture. Although now I do. I am proudly African American, according to my ancestors.
Identity wasn't all of what I learned. We also learned about what makes a hero and as well as what are some of our heroes. Everyone and anyone can be a hero, and it’s completely up to them. A hero is a person who makes sacrifices for the greater good of others. “I’d argue it’s the willingness to make a personal sacrifice for the benefit of others” , said Dr. Lickerman. There are multiple everyday heroes all around us, whether we realize it or not. Dr. Lickerman also said,”Single mothers who deny themselves vacations, clothes, and even food to send their children to college”. In my personal opinion ,that really shows how many heroes there are out there. All of these quotes came from an article that my class read. We were taught how to read articles and pull out the main ideas, followed up by supporting details, or evidence as well. We still have much more to learn!
July 16, 2014 at 11:41 AM
Who am I? Where am I? Why am I?, that is the first three questions we got in social studies class. For the first week of class we have been talking about identity and yes i know that identity is your name,culture, etc. but now i know that it can also be your heritage and ancestors. for one assignment we had to bring in something that represents your cultural identity, and i brought in a red chinese envelope and it represents my culture, which is Chinese and Vietnamese. Just if you are wondering cultural identity is the identity of a group or off an individual as far as one is influenced by one’s belonging to a group or culture ( I hope that was helpful). I am basically buddhism and i worship him by going to temple every sunday and praying to him. I like to learn different languages even though i know English, Vietnamese, and a little bit of Chinese. In class we do different assignments about identity and heros. A hero to me would be someone who is brave and never ever gives up. That is my blog, i hope you enjoyed it!
In class we learned many things about cultural identity and mant more.I am going to tell you everything we do in socail studies class. First I will tell you about heros. H eros are people that risk their lives for people they dont know . Heros are brave , loyal , smart , kind , and awesome. There are many ways to describe heros and I did not say them all. The second thing we learned was our identity. Identity was one of the most important thing we talked about. We are going to write biographies soon so we have to know who we truly are first. Your identity is your race or something to describe you. Cultural Identity is something that represents you or youe culture. Like your past or your background. Also could be known as your religion. These are the things that we were taught in social studies
Shaun Snyder July 8, 2014
6-1 Social Studies H.W
During our first 3 weeks of Stepping Stone Scholars I’ve Iearned a numerous of topics.We are answering questions who am I ,where am I , and why am I. I’ve learned what is identity.Your Identity can be your facial features or activities that you are interested in.I also learned what cultural identity is.Cultural identity is what is your culture.For example, cultural identity could be dances you do or the food you eat. My cultural identity is African American. One more topic I learned is what is a hero. I learned that a hero is not always a person who gives things to unprivileged children sometimes. Those people are held up as heros by the media, but they really don’t always qualify as a hero. You have to do more than donate things to be a hero.
I’ve also learned that your Identity is not always how you look on the outside it could be how you are on the inside. Another thing I learned is that there are heros everywhere. For example. my mom who helps kids at her daycare and also used to be a teacher.Another example, is my stepfather who is in the military and is also a firefighter.I learned that a hero is a person who makes sacrifices. That is why my stepfather qualifies as a her. Those are some things I learned.
A hero is someone that helps and provides for people when they need it. For example, my hero is my dad because when i need help he’s there for me. Sometimes he can be a little mean, but at the end of the day thats still my dad and I will always love him.
A man once said to me helping ”instead of helping yourself you should start helping others”. Till this day that is my all time favorite quote because it really stands out me. That quote defines me because it keeps me wondering, am I a hero or what’s some things i can do to be a hero. If you are a hero need courage, strength, respect, kindness, and responsibility. I have one more thing to say, are you a hero.
People would run away to a safe place if it was today. Well,not "run" away. We now ha e cars, planes, etc. Also, doctors would have more knowledge to figure out a cure for the desease. So if it would have broken out today, I would travel away from Philadelphia.
In our generation, we are super attached to our phones and other electronics so I think people would most likely make a status update like "Lol I got the Yellow Fever #Ewwww #lol #coughing !"
I think that all life is precious, and that if i can save my own I will and i will stay with my family members to the end. I would gather all my family together and we would travel in a group in cars. We would stay away from people and travel to California. there i would spend the rest of my days with my family if they never fix the disease problem or develop a cure.
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