Tuesday, October 28, 2008

American Ugliness. Is this news story really that shocking?

Take a look at this article. It details the latest and most publicized assassination attempt on Barack's life. But why would supremacists stop there? "Let's kill some Black High School kids while we're at it?" Ladies please. React & reflect. Should we expect this kind of race motivated hatred? How many people thought that we were past this type of open bigotry?

New York Times, "Arrests in Plan to Kill Obama and Black Schoolchildren"


Anonymous said...

This is Na Li from perido 6th. I just think that this world is kinda like becoming more scary and crazy now cause there is just too much racist going on just because of Barack is trying to run for presdient. I just think that now we shouldn't be having any race moticated hatred now because these things has been happening in the past just like when Martin Luther King Jr. has stand up for the rights of black and now racist should have ended. But I know for sure that there is still this kind of race motivated hatred around because everyone has their own thinking of things including myself. But it jsut seems like history of Martin Luther King Jr.'s life is kinda like happening to Brack's life too becasue people are trying to kill him now too! It is just seems so not right for people to do things to someone else just cause of their race!!

Anonymous said...

mr.jobs this is cydney lover from 6th period class.this is a serious deal i just , not to be all soft and everything, but i cried for like two minutes thinking about this, even that i had to call my dad to talk to him about it.i felt like people felt when 9-11 happend but not as bad because it didnt happen but anyway. i felt devastated that some nazis tried to kill or should say the appropriate phrase plot to murder my president.obama has been nothing but trying his best to win the the office to help the working class and this is what two specific people repay him. barrack is basicly going for his life to help us people and somebody had to be a total nazi and plot to do somthing horrifying to 1 barrack, 2 88 african americans, 3 omg 3 hurt kids african american little kids. and decapitate some of them. i am shocked. you know what i think i think that they just threatened him to scare him off.ok that was my opinion a lot but it had to be said.

Anonymous said...

In all actuallity, how suprising could this truely be? Unfortunately, positive african american leaders are looked down upon by many races, sometimes, including african american! Sadly, racism is alive, well and outrageously popular. Many people "predicted" that something of this nature would take place. So is this news story truely shocking? It shouldn't be.

Anonymous said...

this is Ariel from period 4. this story is really interesting. I knew that since an african american was running for president racism would occur but i didn't think it'll get up to the point of murder. I think these people are retarded & stupid. why would you wanna kill someone becuase of their skin color? I thought we were past those times. Obama did nothing to them but try & make the world a better place for us & they wanna kill him?! They must not know about how much we NEED Obama to help our country. its crazy people like them who make us need him. But im just glad they didn't get away with this :]

Anonymous said...

Hey Brendon, or Mr. Jobs lol this is your younger sister, Jordan. Personally I believe in this time period racism should not have any part in this country. Where does all this hatred come from? Are people so ignorant and callous of others that human beings will go out their way to kill another just because of differences? This hurts me not only as a young black teenager, but also an American who believes in the Declaration of Independence which states, "All men are created equal." I believe each citizen of the United States should take another look at that important document and realize how imperative that we should follow and believe it if we want America to thrive.

Anonymous said...

This is very upsetting.
Racism is so wrong.

Anonymous said...

This story makes me sick! No matter what, people are still going to be hating just due to the culture, race, country, and just anything that they can pick on someone for.This man is just a racist jerk! How is killing obama going to help our world in any way?! Or his family?! This will never stop. Someone all the time will have to look at someone as not just a person but as a race! I hate seeing someone get hurt because of who they are. and isnt Obama like 65 % white. ??! haha. wow! people just dont think! We live in a world where anyone may come into the country, living as they please.

---Stephanie Morris PD. 6