Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I Went to Vote Today.

I have voted in a number of elections since my 18th birthday (as per my civic duty), but never have I participated in a vote with this amount of electricity surrounding it.

This morning felt like Christmas. Much too anxious to sleep in late, I woke up at 5am. As I walked to my polling place (3901 Market St.) everything seemed a little bit brighter. Despite the clouds in the sky, the sidewalk glistened and the crispness of the air had an unexpected comforting appeal to it. Today, life had an untold, yet undeniable meaning. If I had to describe my mood using a weather as we do at times in class, I would have certainly been "sunny." I had a spring in my step; that "first date" flutter in my heart (or stomach--hard to tell which). My "date" today was with history. Today, I am officially a part of history. I am deciding the shape of my future and of those whom I care about.

When I entered 3901 Market, I could see that my fellow voters were excited too! Ages in the room ranged from 6-99 years of age. In the eyes of old black men and women you could not help but see hope and dreams fulfilled. Poll workers sang impromtu songs "Today's the day, nobody knows what's gonna happen." Now, there were also those who had to find things to complain about: "The lines are too long. They should have... I would have... They don't know what they're doing!"

Regardless of the complaints and regardless of the outcome (kind of) I'm inspired today. I witnessed the citizens of Philadelphia take pride in fulfilling their duty. Take pride in actively participating in history. Take ownership of their destines. Voting day seems like an extended festival. Now its time to wait for the results..doesn't look like I'm sleeping tonight; those butterflies just won't quit. I hope that this isn't another election 2000 or 2004 or Bradley.

I went to vote today. What did you do?


Anonymous said...

This is Kelly Lam from period 6. I know how you feel when you get excited. It's like a rush in the body, in a positive way. That's a good thing that you voted today, Mr.Jobs. Don't forget'Every vote counts, and every little thing you do at that polling place can benefit America. What did I do today? Today I stayed home to finish up all my homework. Such as, biology, english, music,studying, etc. I'm also waiting for the results....All I know is that they should make a wise and correct decision. Whoever they pick would have to build advantages, lead, and make the right choices for America.

Anonymous said...

This is Stephanie Morris from period 6. This to me was one of the most exicting elections in a life time. My mom, my friends, my family, and I had gotten to witness this, is just amazing. Even as a little girl when bush had gotten reelected i was so curious, and i loved knowing about who was getting elected, and what there views were. My mom and my dad have both different parties to vote for. As growing up and learning about which party said about which. To this day i still do not completley know what party i will become a part of.
That day, i watched the news like there was no tomorrow! I had to know how everything was going. To see obama win, was great. I was not for eathier canadiate, but i would rather have obama won. I believe we need a change! All of my homework was getting done, my house was getting clean, and my dogs were getting walked on this day!
We make what our country is today, and tomorrow. EVERY vote counts.