Thursday, November 6, 2008

Proposition 8: Why some Americans don't have reason to celebrate.

While Obama won the Presidency, California voters honored the rights of chickens to no be "couped" while denying gay Americans of their basic democratic right to live and love. A friend of mine wrote the following article for the Huffington Post:

"Why Some Americans Don't have Reason to Celebrate"

Speak to some of his thoughts Girls' High. What do you think? Can we relate the fight for gay rights to the 1960s struggle against segregation? How? Why? or why not?


Anonymous said...

Strong words.
While the situation seems to be the same between the denial of gay marriage and the segregation of blacks and whites, the acceptance of gay marriage in california and other states will eventually come just as integration did. The thing that does puzzle me is, why were people even arguing over a chicken's rights? They are bred, born, slaughtered and eaten. That is the truth no matter how many people it may hurt. If they really wanted to do justice for chickens, they would leave them alone and take them out of crowded coupes.
But as I digress...(or not)
Denying two people the of the right to publicly (or not) profess their eternal (or not) love for each other and allowing chickens rights to move freely within their cage is ridiculous.
I'm just tired of all that's going on within our government and country. America needs to open its eyes and see that the world is evolving around it. We are beyond the 1800s, 1960s and 1990s. This is the 21st century, get a grip.

Quineah Morgan ~ 2nd period

Anonymous said...

This is Na Li from period 6th. First of all, how is the ckickens freedom relates to gay marriages? Does that means the people"treats" the "gay" people as a chicken now...right? Well anyways I think that this fight for gay rights is almost similar like the 1960s struggle against segregation because Afican Americans are fighting for their freedoms to be treated like the whites and as for the gay Americans they are fighting for their freedom too to love someone from their same sex. Nowadays, everything can probably happen not like the past where technologies and stuff weren't developed. The gays need to stand up for their RIGHTS just like the struggle against segregation did!

Anonymous said...

hi mr. jobs!

Anonymous said...

I have a lot of opinions on gay right and marriages. Personaly i think the gays need to stand up for them selves. They are just like everyone else. They live there life just as we live ours. Its nobody elses bussiness how they live there life.
I believe that this is like that segeration becasue we are still tring to fight for something. in the segeration they were fighting for blacks to be treated as the same as whites, but only now, we are fighting for gays to be treated the same.


Anonymous said...

I am all for animal rights, but I feel like same sex marriage is way more important than letting chickens having a little more room as they are waiting to die. The people in California cares more for animals than human rights.

Marriage is love, not gender.

Anonymous said...

valentina rios
6th period class

Ican't believe that California voters honored the rights of chickens to no be "couped" while denying gay Americans to get marry. This is very racist and sad and unfair to the people who want to unify their life with someone else. I believe this because gay people are human beings and should not be treated like a weird specie. I believe that they should let people unite their lifes with the person they love. I also think that california and every other state should be worried about things that are more important and leave the gay people alone to do waterver they want, to let them have the same priviledges as anyone else. I think they should worrie about taking drugs away, gun violence and many more things, not the right of two human beigs uniting their lifes together.

Anonymous said...

Tina Nguyen 6th Pr. Says: SAY NO TO PROP 8!

Who cares what Californians thinks? Pennsylvanians have a voice too!

I don't think this is right, despite religion. I believe that everyone should have equal rights and they do. They're protected by the law. I mean why does it matter so much if gay people get married? Let them love whom ever they wish to. Even if they can't get married, that doesn't mean they won't love each other! Gay people are the coolest people to be around (: Anyways, I don't think this should be such a big issue. George Bush was against gay marriage, but who cares. He's not president anymore and he sounds like Palin. He never makes sense. Hopefully Obama would change this. Let gay people get married. I thought every ones dream was to make the world a better place? How about we make this a better place, the RIGHT way. It's bad enough that they raised gas prices, adults pay taxes, and all that money issue. Why take away peoples happiness?

Anonymous said...

I believe to deny a person's rights to marry whom they want whether they are gay, straight or bi is unacceptable. This is like saying no christian may marry a jew. Or muslims are not free to marry whom they want. The sexual preference of an individual, just like a religion is a part of their lifestyle. It is an injustice an contradiction of the idea of America; a free country bound together by social differences with no political judgment to be held against them. It is exactly one of the reasons why our founding fathers wrote the Constitution. Just like that of segregation, slavery and other forms of discrimination, it is an embarassment to this country, a place that is supposed to hold its head high as a successful country of free will, free knowledge, oppurtunity and love. But instead we deny support to those whom look up to us the most, American citizens. A chicken is a chicken, not to say it has no feelings and deserves no compassion or consideration for its presence, but it is known unfortunately to be just another manufacturing tool. For its production in eggs and slaughtering for meat. Matters such as the couping of chickens is minor compared to the matters of a country that has so much, time, energy and money (RECESSION!RECESSION!RECESSION!) invested in it. Our priorities and values are very messed up as a country. Well thank god for Obama.!!!

Anonymous said...

Personally I Believe Whether A PErson Is Gay OR NOt ISnt ANyOne Buisness!
What Ever MAkes Them Happy Let Them BE. Most Gays Arent Comfortable With Themselves And I BElieve This Just MAKe IT Worst.STand Up For What You Believe In Dont Let Ppl Judge You Because Of You Sexuality.... IF Lose Friends Then They Werent Your Real Friends

Anonymous said...

Tina N. 6th Pd.
I know I responded to this, but I found a strong response to this.
This was not written by me and I take no credit for it. Besides a few grammar corrections.

Half a century ago we thought discrimination was acceptable. Our nation was fine with the belief that white and black children shouldn’t be taught in the same schools. Less than 50 years ago we said they couldn’t marry. The Supreme Court overruled this, stating that “separate is not equal”. Now here 50 years later we have come to a similar crossroads: should gays be allowed to “marry”? Those who say no say that they should have the same rights, just they can’t use the word marriage. But then that is separate. And as we already know, that cannot be equal. Our country was founded on the belief of equality for all; and now we have voted against that. One of the main purposes of the government is to protect the rights of the minority from the overpowering majority. What has possessed us to remove the rights of the minority? In the 1960’s black people were the minority. We know that they get the same rights; they are human beings. Are we now going to say that gays are not human? Do they function differently? Are they a disruption to peaceful society? I think not. We have had more trouble from cultists and evangelicals than homosexuals. Should we take away their rights too, then?
The bible says that marriage is between a man and a woman, but the bible has no power over our country. The first amendment to the U.S. Constitution says that we may practice any religion and that the government has no involvement with the church. Banning gay marriage is based on the fact that the bible says that marriage is between a man and a woman. The bible does not have the authority in this country to define marriage. In addition, marriage is not a solely Christian idea. Muslims marry. Buddhists marry. Atheists marry. Yet another reason that we cannot use the bible definition in our national law.

Many say that the definition of marriage is a union between a man and a woman. They say that cannot be changed. Just wondering, when did Webster’s dictionary become a government document? Anyone can print a dictionary: the government could use any definition of marriage. Marriage is a word. You cannot reserve a word for one group; in this case heterosexuals. We do not call white people white and black people black all the time; we are all people. We all hold jobs. We work together, eat together, go to school together. In this great nation of tolerance, what has compelled us to be intolerant to a different group?

Supporters of Proposition 8 belive that this is not a matter of discrimination; they say it is a matter of choice. I think that sexuality is not a choice: it is ingrained in the depths of our conciousness from the day we are born. Homosexuals do not say, “I want to be gay.” They realize it but it has always been there. There are different levels of femininity in males, and different levels of masculinity in females. Those who are homosexual have more of the opposite, and vice versa for heterosexuals. Just as race is, sexuality is not a choice or a state of mind; it is a state of being.
This is discrimination in its purest form. In the founding documents of our country it says that we must treat all equally; and we are not treating our nation’s people equally by taking away their rights. All people have the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. If someone pursues happiness in marrying another and is restricted from this, is this not directly unconstitutional? We have struck down slavery, segregation, and persecution. But now we have struck down a fundamental right; the right to marriage. What’s next? Free speech? Freedom of expression? Freedom of the press? Removing the right to marriage as we want it is just the beginning of a long and steep slope to a grim end of peace and harmony in our country. We say our country was the first place to have perfect freedom; are we going to be the first to kill it off, too?