Sunday, December 7, 2008

Hillarious...and Great Review!

If you havin Church problems then dont blame God, son
I got ninety-five theses but the Pope aint one.

Listen up, all my people, its a story for the telling
bout the sin and injustice and corruption I been smelling:
I met that homie Tetzel, then I started rebelling
Once I seen the fat Indulgences that he been selling.
Now the Cathlics of the world straight up disgracin me
Just because I waved my finger at the papacy.
My people got riled up over this Reformation
Thats when Leo threatened me with Excommunication.
I warned yall that Rome best agree to the terms.
If not, then you can eat my Diet of Worms!
You think you done something spectacular?
I wrote the Bible in the vernacular!
A heretic! [What?] Someone throw me a bone.
You forgot salvation comes through faith alone.
Im on a mission from God. You think I do this for fun?
I got ninety-five theses but the Pope aint one.
Save me!

Ninety-five theses but the Pope aint one.
If you havin Church problems then dont blame God, son
I got ninety-five theses but the Pope aint one.

One Five One Seventhats when it first went down.
Then the real test was when it started spreading around.
Sixty days to recant what I said? Father, please!
Youve had, what? Goin on fifteen centuries?
Oh snap, hes messin with the holy communion.
But I aint never dissed your precious hypostatic union!
One place at one time. Well, thank you Zwingli.
Yeah, way to disregard that whole Im God thingy!
Getting all up in my rosaryyou little punk.
Your momma shoulda told you not to mess with no monk.
What you bumpin me for? Suddenly you sore.
Keep that up, youll have yourself another Peasant War.
You blame common folk for the smack they talkin
You aint even taught them proper Christian doctrine.
With my hat, my Bible, and my sexy little nun,
I got ninety-five theses but the Pope aint one.
Save me!


When I wrote the ninety-five, haters straight up assailed em.
Now they only care whether or not I nailed em or mailed em.
They got psychoanalytic. Now everyones a critic,
And getting on my case just because Im anti-Semitic.
Ive come back from obscurity to teach yall a lesson,
Cuz someone here still aint read their Augsburg Confession.
I said Catholicism brings a life of excess,
And we all remember what went down with Philip of Hesse!
But you forgot about me and my demonstration?
Like you can just create your own denomination?
We dont like this part, so well just add a little twist.
Now we Anglican, Amish, and even Calvinist.
I gave you the power, you gone and abused it.
I gave you Gods truth, you just confused it.
Dont you never underestimate the s*** that I done
I got 95 theses but the Pope aint one.
Save me!


Shout out to Johann Gutenberg... I see you baby.


Anonymous said...

oh wow the video was weird no words...

Anonymous said...

i saw that video and it was ...idk if i even have anything to sa so all i have to say is just why..... and woow...oh but the women were acing like they had alot of issuesand its in a church the church isnt suppose to have any problems or sins occuring inside ,the pope was all around girls it was a mess

Anonymous said...

wow Mr. Jobs this video is...... umm so surprising, it kinda helped to understand a little about the 95 theses and this song is soo hillarious! hahaha

autumn luck said...

lol i agree with cydney.this video showed to true side of the "corrruptions" going on in the church.It gave me a better interpretation of what the 95 theses meant and what the purpose was for them.

Anonymous said...

..haha datz wa funny
&& it help me understand the
problems the church was havin
nd why Martin Luther protest..

Anonymous said...

This video gave me a better understaning of what happpended during the time when Martin Luther wrote the 95 Theses. The song was a creative way to acknowledge us about what happened during this time period, such as, when Martin Luther wrote his statements.