Monday, May 14, 2012

America and WWII (Advanced)

What impact does World War II have on the United States? Consider the economic, social and psychological changes that it awakes.


Lynda Hernoune said...

During the WWII, it was the first war fought with complete machinery. Since the men where used for the war, the women kind of made the war industry go round. They helped build the weapons, aid the soldiers and that made women workers much stronger. America finally noticed that women made a very big impact during the war. World War II made America realize the equality of women and men workers.

D'Vine Savage said...

World War 2 gave thousands of people jobs, including women, which ended the Great Depression. Factory jobs for the production of war supplies were mostly ran by women, since the men fought in combat. This was one step closer for equality between men and women.
Also, even though segregated African-Americans did participate in WW2 for the first time.

Brendon Jobs said...

Great start y'all. You really open up this conversation to include some examples from "America the Story of Us."

Brendon Jobs said...

Check this link out...the violence that this writer talks about really hammers your point home.

Phanmony Ear said...

World War II was the mightiest struggle humankind has ever seen. It killed more people, cost more money, damaged more property, and affected more people. But, I like when they let women work because they can get more experience, get their paid, and make those women more stronger.

Emanae Smith said...

.Many were killed from the U.S and other countriws/cities during the war.
.New technology were created like the radar truck created in 1935 in Russia.
.General purpose vehical (GP,Jeep)
created for U.S war, it was light could fit up to seven inside and one on the outside where the bumper is, had more speed, and more.
.Faster shooting guns were created.
.Tax returns went from 4 million to 42 million.
.Women entered the workforce during and after WWII.
.Debtanators(Might be misspelled): new kinds of explosives that exploded on impact(Stepped on, dropped hard, etc.).
.B-17 bomber created (planes with weapons).
.Percision bombing/Today's smart bombs(what they are now)were created.
.June 6, 1944: Many U.S. soldiers died(D-Day)

Dionnah Caprice said...

This war was one of the reasons the Hreat Depression ended. World war 2 gave jobs to thousands, of not millions, of in the U.S. Woman worked in factories to build aeroplanes, ships, tanks and more. The best part to me that was impacted the most I belivie is the economy .

Sahar Williams said...

WWII created much needed jobs in factories involving the production of war supplies. It jump started us out of the Great Depression and boosted the stock market. The second world war helped us become the strongest country we are today.

Anonymous said...

Jasmine Moragne ..
World war 2 turned out to be positive for a lot of people and for the economy. people were able to get jobs and there was also a rise in the stock market. it even helped put an end to the great depression.

Anonymous said...

Sydnee Edwards

What impact does World War II have on the United States? Consider the economic, social and psychological changes that it awakes.

WW2 had a great impact on the United States economy. It gave jobs to thousands, if not millions, of people, ended the , gave women the chance to work, and brought new technology,(such as jeeps and new weapons). The war also impacted the civil rights movement because, for the first time african americans were allowed to fight in combat. these are just few ways of how WW2 impacted the United States.

Anonymous said...

Kennay DeShields
World War LL impacted on America because It killed more people, cost more money, damaged more property, and affected more people.It jump started us out of the Great Depression and boosted the stock market. Many were killed from the U.S and other countriws/cities during the war.New technology were created like the radar truck created in 1935 in Russia.

Jhayani said...

World War II was a time of opportunity for millions of Americans. Jobs were found for many and, despite rationing and shortages, there was money to spend again. Workers complained about long hours, overtime, and night shifts, but they were able to save money for the future. Farmers also prospered during the war, as crop production increased and farm income tripled. Women also enjoyed employment gains during the war, but many left the workforce after the war ended.
As African Americans moved into crowded industrial cities, racial tensions grew outside of the South. Blacks made some progress in the military and the workforce, and many cities formed committees to improve race relations.Many soldiers were scarred from the scenes they witnessed in battles.Most likely suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Keairah said...

WwII impacted the U.S in many ways . It forced woman into the work field and allowed Blacks to take a greater role in the military.Technology such as military weapons also improved greatly

badd 'brina said...

Ww11impacted the u.s because it bring whites and bla ks together. It also bring new technology about. for example that atomic bomb.

imani mawusi said...

I believe that ww2 impact the depression by given more america job opportunities. Especially the working opportunities they gave to woman.

thieny said...

World War II positively impacted the United States by boosting the economy. It began skyrocketing thanks to all the job opportunities available. Money started to circulate again. Specifically, women also gained more respect on the homefront. WWII also boosted American morale; the U.S. bcame a feared and powerful nation.

american h said...

Jessica osorio

The experience of World War II made the United States become much more active, and even proactive, in world affairs. The Unites states had never intended to become involved after peace was concluded to end World War I, but got dragged into World War II anyway.

lilliana wilson said...

I war positively impacted the united states in an economical and spiritual ways. The was out America out of the red and created many jobs. In turn Americans no longer were in the depression state is was all about pride for their country and hope for the future. In winning the war America went from a world power to a super power.

toria mcleod said...

Ww2 impacted america in multiple ways for example taxes were raised purchases went up 12% and many women gained factory jobs building weapons for the war.