Thursday, May 10, 2012

New Deal Court Packing

  • How did Eleanor Roosevelt help bring change to the Democratic Party?
  • Why was Roosevelt’s second term of office less successful than the first term? 
  • What two Supreme Court decisions gave federal government a new role as mediator between competing groups? 


thieny said...

Roosevelt's second term in office was less successful than his first term due to the opposition of conservatives. Not only was the Supreme Court denying alot of FDR's legislations, he unintentionally made a bad name for himself because of his court-packing plan. Another reason his second plan was not as successful was because he opposed keynesianism. Instead of deficit-spending like the theory suggests, he actually cut back on costs.

Emanae Smith said...

Roosevelt's second term was not as successful as his first term because he had took back so many of the different laws because he stuck with his decision that he did not just want to give people money and jobs and that they had to earn it. And by following this decision instead off helping more unemployed he added to it by having all 400,000 or 4 milion workers fired and shutting down the law/business that made this happen and most but not all did not like that, it turned them more agaisnt him the more he refused laws to them and many other laws besides just the one that hired then how he fired all the workers and also alot of his laws made people have to pay and spend more money than they wanted so they began not to like Roosevelt which is what made his second term so unsuccessful.

Dionnah Caprice said...

#1- How did Eleanor Roosevelt help bring change to the Democratic Party ?

Eleanor Roosevelt continued to be an international author, speaker, politician and activist for the New Deal coalition. She worked to enhance the status of working women .

Sahar Williams said...

3. What two Supreme Court decisions gave federal government a new role as mediator between competing groups?

In 1937 NLRB v. Jones and
Laughlin Steel, the Court ruled that the federal government had the constitutional authority, under the
interstate commerce clause, to regulate production within a state. In 1942 Wickard v. Filburn, the Court used a similar argument to allow the federal government to regulate consumption in the states. These decisions increased federal power over the economy and allowed it to mediate between competing groups.

D'Vine Savage said...

How did Eleanor Roosevelt help bring change to the Democratic Party?

Eleanor Roosevelt brought change to the Democratic Party by bringing African Americans, farmers, laborers, new immigrants, ethnic minorities, progressives, and women into the coalition. She brought change to the African American and women's vote.She made sure that African Americans and women were not excluded in the New Deal.

kaleia wingfield said...

Kaleia Wingfield said...

How did Eleanor Roosevelt help bring change to the Democratic Party ?

After her husband's death in 1945, Roosevelt continued her husbands idea: which was the New Deal Coalition. She was an international author, speaker, politician, and activist. She worked to change the status of working women, although she opposed the Equal Rights Amendment because she believed it would adversely affect women.

cammy said...

How did Eleanor Roosevelt help bring change to the Democratic Party?

After her husband's death in 1945, Roosevelt continued to be an international author, speaker, politician, and activist for the New Deal coalition. She worked to enhance the status of working women, although she opposed the Equal Rights Amendment because she believed it would adversely affect women.

keairah said...

Eleanor Roosevelt helped change the democratic party by being more open-minded. She included many groups of people that political parties wouldn't dream of recruiting . The first lady Roosevelt got young people, blacks and women involved.even after her late husband's death Eleanor continued to support him and his policies.(new deal colitation.

Lynda Hernoune said...

After her husband, Franklin Roosevelt died, she continued to become a well known, international speaker,politician and activist. She was really on the womens sides because she worked to enhance working womens status'. She strongly apposed the Equal Rights Amendment because she thought it would effect women in a bad way. Even after Roosevelt died, she still continued to support his policies and ideas. She started doing things no one else did, such as having women, african americans, and young people by allowing them in the democratic parties.

Anonymous said...

Kennay DeShields
How did Eleanor Roosevelt help bring change to the Democratic Party ?
Roosevelt continued to be an international author, speaker, politician, and activist for the New Deal coalition. She believed it would adversely affect women by helping the status of them.

american h said...

Jessica osorio prd 8th
After Eleanor Roosevelts husband died she wentg on to support her husbands policieds and legacies.she allowed african americans and young people in the democratic parties.she was an international speaker and activist.

Nicole Morris said...

Why was Roosevelt's second term of office not as successful than the first term? Roosevelt's second term was not as successful as the first term because he got rid of laws that he thought were useless. He believed that people should now have jobs to earn their money and he should just give it to them. He followed this decision and then fired about 4 million workers and shut down several businesses. This was not very successful. This is why Roosevelt's second term was not as successful as the first.

Janai Keita said...

1- How did Eleanor Roosevelt help bring change to the Democratic Party ?

After her husband's death in 1945, Roosevelt continued to be an international author, speaker, politician, and activist for the New Deal coalition. She worked to enhance the status of working women, although she opposed the Equal Rights Amendment because she believed it would adversely affect women. also she She had strong sympathy for both groups whites and blacks and spoke to many during her tours around the co untry. She persuaded her husband to address their problems in the New Deal.

lilliana wilson said...

The two supreme court decisions that gave federal government a new role as mediator between competing groups were binding arbitrations and broker states.

lilliana wilson said...

The two supreme court decisions that gave federal government a new role as mediator between competing groups were binding arbitrations and broker states.

Brie said...

The reason why Roosevelt's second term was not as successful as his first is because he made a bad name for himself. He took out the laws that he though were useless. He believed people should now work for their money, and not have the government just give it to them.

nicole lee said...

Nicole lee
Roosevelt second term was less succesful from the first because the major legislation was passed .also he wasn't quite sure of his decision of the basic ecomonic programs. So he second guessed his judgement and fired 4 million workers , which led to his unsuccessful term .

Anonymous said...

Sydnee Edwards
How did Eleanor Roosevelt help bring change to the Democratic Party?
She helped change the democratic party by being an international author, speaker, and activist for the New Deal. She also worked towards getting an equal status for women.

Phanmony Ear said...

What two Supreme Court decisions gave federal government a new role as mediator between competing groups?

The constitutional authority and the Court allowed the federal government to regulate consumption in the states.

Anonymous said...

Roosevelt's second term was less successful than his first because little major legislation was passed. He was stammered for demonstrating his inability to decide on a basic economic program.

Patrice pugh

toria mcleod said...

Eleanor roosevelt helped change the democratic party by traveling for her husband and helping him with his presidency because of his polio also she became a public figure for women of all kinds