Thursday, May 3, 2012

Back to Africa Reflection (Af. Am. II)

Do you agree with Garvey's belief that Blacks can only find "full freedom" in Africa? If so, why is this the case? If not , what must blacks do to achieve equality?


Morgan McMillian said...

No, I disagree with Garvey's belief that blacks can only find "full freedom" in Africa because they were already considered free, they just weren't equal. During this time period African Americans had the same privileges as whites;however, they don't have the same available resources. For instance blacks now received an education, but from separate schools with books and equipment in bad shape. And although they're obtaining their equality slower than expected they're getting a step closer everyday. If blacks desire to achieve their equality then they should either work or fight for it. If they fought for freedom then why can't they stand their ground and fight for equality?

April Balobalo said...

No, I don't agree with Garvey's belief. I think that no one in the world can find "full freedom," even if they are back in their own country. No matter where people go, they will always be discrimination on things other than appearances. If the blacks go back to Africa, they still won't be totally equal since there are different kinds of Africans all over. Some would think they are superior to others, just like how the whites thought they were superior to the blacks. So why go to Africa to find "full freedom" if they can make the best of it in America?

Emanae Smith said...

I disagree with Marcus Garvey's staement of in order to have "full freedom" Blacks need to go back to Africa.I believe this because the living situation and how you live should not determine whether or not you have "full freedom", I believe it is how you are with yourself, how you act, and the way you choose to live that gives you "full freedom". What I believe African Americans need to do in order to achieve equality is to basically not live up to others standards, be themselves, and try to do the best possible to follow their own ways of life and they could become successful just from doing that, basically being themselves to achieve greatness. For instance with Barack Obama although of mixed heredity with his mother being White and his father being Black he still by being himself and standing up for what he believed in,and was able to achieve something great and have equality with others inside the political system and out by becoming the first African American president. And although he is Black and the first of his kind to become something as big as president he has equality because he is treated no different from others and shown respect from people of all races for what he's doing and what he believed in. And that is why I do not agree with Garvey on the terms "full freedom" how to have it, and what I believe African Americans should do to have equality.

Jada Daniel said...

I completely disagree with Garvey's belief that blacks could only obtain equaltiy in Africa. Garvey's ideas for a new future were completely biased. He never considered the possibility that maybe blacks were entirely comfortable in their environment and yes their lifestyles weren't perfect, that was something they were working hard to obtain everyday. Just like how blacks worked so hard to obtain freedom. Besides, how difficult it would have been for the families to move and start al over in an enitrely different environment. It is an understatement to say the Marcus Garvey's plan for a "back to the roots" future were a little outdated. The "New Negro", a new future for blacks in general was on the horizon, and Garvey's ideas just did't fit the new vision.

Nia Thomas :) said...

I personally do agree with Marcus Garvey's belief that in order for blacks to have full freedom they need to go back to Africa. Garvey also states that not only blacks but ALL races should go back to their homeland in order to become completely free. Once reason that African Americans should go back to Africa is because in America, blacks are looked down upon by other races. There are many stereotypes, especially about blacks that state we are uneducated, "ghetto", and thieves just to name a few. African Americans will always be looked at as a race with low class and power. To get away from the negativity, the entire race should move to Africa because at the end of the day everyone's ancestors migrated from Africa and should learn about their culture. Lastly, I feel like African Americans should go back to Africa and that all races should go back to their country/continent to be equally accepted and surrounded by people who look just like them.

Dana Nguyen said...

I do not agree with Marcus Garvey's belief that the only way for blacks to achieve "full freedom" is to return to Africa. As citizens of the United States, African Americans were technically free. The difference between the freedom of the blacks and whites was the quality of the facilities they were provided with. Whites for example were privileged with much better quality and cleaner bathrooms, whereas blacks were forced to use broken and dirty facilities. I agree with Morgan's question. If the blacks were able to fight for their freedom, "then why can't they stand their ground and fight for equality" for not only themselves, but for races. I think that going back to Africa will prove no difference. Sure, they are "home" and among people that talk and look like them, but there will always be discrimination. It may not be based off of ones skin color, but people can not escape discrimination.

Dao Tang said...

I do not agree with Garvey and his beliefs on the “full freedom” factor. Sure, Blacks can find “full freedom” in Africa, but it is not the only way they can find freedom. Today in class, we mentioned the natural rights and according to this philosophy, blacks should have the same equal rights as any other human beings. In addition, upon this racial tension, it is the whites who have issues on accepting blacks into their society. Therefore, if the blacks decide to return back to Africa, then they’re basically handing the whites full superior powers. Discrimination and racial division is all a part of humanity, there’s no way we can stop it. However we can always ignore it or fight back. And as history proven, blacks CAN fight back and demand their rights.

Hatcher.Shemaiah said...

To achieve "full freedom" African Americans must fight for it. Nothing is going to be given to them on a silver platter and over the years of slavery, and being "separate but equal" African Americans should know that. This is why I disagree with Gavery's idea. I understand that no one wants to be in a place where they aren't wanted or welcomed, but there is absolutely no reason to uproot an entire group of people because of that. African Americans must fight for what they want and stand their ground. Full freedom will be given to one who asserts themselves into a place where they may not feel comfortable. Running away from a battle is not the way to win.

Vanny said...

Vanny said...

I disagree with Marcus Garvey's staement of in order to have "full freedom" Blacks need to go back to Africa. I say this because just because your black doesn't may you deserve to be treated like an animal or hated.You should fight for your natural right no matter what you are or where you came from. You can be different from the outside but inside we are all the same.Just because were African American doesn't mean were Africa some of us are American.If blacks go back to Africa that just proves to the whites that they are worthless and doesn't deserve to be in American but if they stay they can prove the whites wrong

Esther Zhu said...

I do not agree with Garvey's belief that blacks can only find "full freedom" in Africa because they were already free in America, it was just they were not treated as equal compared to the rest of the society. In America, blacks were looked down on and was discriminated by whites but with what Dao had said about natural rights proves how blacks are able to fight for their full equality.

Esther Zhu said...

I do not agree with Garvey's belief that blacks can only find "full freedom" in Africa. They were already free in America. It was just they were not treated as equal compared to the rest of the society. In America, blacks were looked down on and was discriminated by whites, but with what Dao had said about natural rights and how blacks should also have the same equal rights proves how blacks are able to fight for their full equality. Therefore if they can fight for their equality in America, there would not be a need to go back to Africa to get their "full freedom."

Barry Smith said...

i personally disagree with Garvey's belief that African Americans can only find "full freedom" in Africa. The definition of freedom in Webster dictionary is "The state of being free; exemption from the power and control of another; liberty; independence".(Webster)If this definition is correct in its meaning, then this is exactly what African Americans had as freedom in this time period.All blacks had (and still do) the same rights as whites or any other person of a different race that was born in America. Now if Garvey said that he wanted full equality then that i could maybe understand. In this time period blacks did not have the same equality as whites,granted, but whats to say that if every African American went back to Africa, they will be treated with equality there? Yes African Americans are African because that is where they originated from but they are truly American because America is all they have ever known. I truly believe that if blacks had the strength and the will-power to get out of slavery and also gain freedom, then why can't they also stand their ground and fight for the equality that they rightfully deserve?

Anonymous said...

Adaeze Lennox said...

I do believe in Garvey's belief that Blacks can only find "full Freedom" in Africa, because that was Blacks land of orgin. He also believed in God and he decisions was inspired by God. He was considered a prophet amongst his native Jamaicans. Initially he belived in separatism which would lead to self empowerment for Blacks. Marcus Garvey's dreams and aspirations impacted Martin Luther King and Malcom X, because they too were fighting for equality for the Americas. In essence we now can see what Garvey achieved which was "full freedom" for all Africans.

Jade Green said...

Personally, I do not agree with Marcus Garvey's belief that African Americans can only find "full freedom" in Africa because in America everyone is entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness also known as their natural rights and to obtain that African Americans shouldn't have to go back to Africa. If that is the case then every race should go back to where they originated from. In order for blacks to achieve their freedom they should stand their ground, they are just as much entitled to live in America like any other race. When you are born in America you are born in freedom and equality you shouldn't have to fight for it.