Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Managing the Great Depression (Advanced)

Use the text to address the following questions to prepare for our discussion of FDR's management of the Great Depression.
  1. What did Americans see in Roosevelt?
  2. Why did bank runs occur before Roosevelt’s inauguration?


Emanae Smith said...

1.What did Americans see in Roosevelt?
Group 1:
They liked his policies as governer because he cut taxes for farmers and he worked to reduce the rates charged by public utilities. Also, because he helped unemployed New Yorkers when
depression worsened by creating an agency that distributed money to the unemployed.And lastly they saw he understood their struggle more, the fact that he was optimistic and had a energy, that gave them hope through hard times and that he used government power to help all the people in need during the depression. That is what I believe and from what I read was what Americans saw in Roosevelt

Sahar Williams said...

2. Why did bank runs occur before Roosevelt’s inauguration?

Many Americans feared Roosevelt would abandon the gold standard and reduce the value of the dollar in order to fight the depression.To reduce the value of the dollar the US would have to stop exchanging dollars for gold. A lot of Americans and foreign investors with deposits in American banks took their money out of the banks and converted it into gold before it lost its value.

Lynda Hernoune said...

What did Americans see in Roosevelt?
From what I read, the Americans saw alot of potential in Roosevelt. He was very popular. He was also very liked because he cut taxes for farmers and worked to reduce rates charged by public utilities. As the Depression worsened, he set up an agency to help unemployed New Yorkers which distributed $25 million in aid and helped 10% of New York. Americans saw that he had an energy that gave them hope that they will get through the hard times. His sincerity and confidence amazed people.

Janai KEita said...

1. What did americans see in FDR?

Basically he helped a a lot with unemployment like when the depression worsened he helped get new yorkers unemployment. He was a popular guy also. HE cut taxes for farmers. His changes helped give americans hope to get through the depression.. hope that things would change.

Anonymous said...

Kennay DeShields
2. Why did bank runs occur before Roosevelt's inauguration?
The bank runs occurred before Roosevelt's inauguration because people in charge were worries that Roosevelt would be upset and reduce a lot of money. He would have tried to reduce the value of the money that it is actually worth. The foreign investors took all of the money.

thieny said...

Americans saw in Roosevelt a new energy that they had not seen in the previous presidents. Although the U.S. was at an economic standstill, FDR did not shy away. He won the presidential election (and beat Hoover) thanks to his political background. During the first 100 days of his presidency, he showed America what his campaign was all about. He believed in breaking traditions and making drastic changes. Even when the nation was in the midst of a crisis and he caught polio, FDR still sought after reformation. Proof is in all the bills he passed and the reforms he made. Successful examples include: the CCC, Federal Emergency Relief Act, AAA and Farm Credit Act. His many ideas, when put together, slowly began to change America. It would take years to physically undue the damage that the Depression caused, but Americans had a rekindled their faith as soon as they witnessed FDR’s success.

thieny said...

had rekindled*

lilliana wilson said...

What did Americans see in Roosevelt?

Americans saw hope for the future with Roosevelt being in office. His first priority was get the country out the paralyzed state it was in. He accomplished this by not being afraid to spend money in order to see a greater outcome. He started many programs, relief acts, deals, etc. so that America come get back up in running.

D'Vine Savage said...

Why did bank runs occur before Roosevelt's inauguration?

Bank runs occurred before Roosevelt's inauguration because people thought once Roosevelt would reduce the value of money.To prevent the loss of value in the money people deposited all their money out of banks.

Anonymous said...

Cabrina Howard

1.What did Americans see in Roosevelt?
Americans saw a new start, and someone who would help them to regain faith. His promise of fast action gave alot of hope to the American people. He began to bring relief acts, and many other plans to help the unemployed. These examples are just some of many things Americans saw in Roosevelt.

2.Why did bank runs occur before Roosevelt’s inauguration?
Bank Runs occured before Roosevelt's inauguration because people believed the gold standard would be abandoned and the value of money would be reduced.

Dionnah Lloyd-Erwin said...

Question 2:

Many Americans feared FDR would abandon the gold standard and reduce the value of the dollar in order to fight the depression, To reduce the value of the dollar the United States would have to stop exchanging dollars for gold, Many americans and foreign investors with deposits in banks took their money out of the banks and orientated it into gold before it lost its value .

Dionnah Caprice said...

* not orientated ...... CONVERTED sorry spell check !

Brie said...

I agree with Janai, Americans saw HOPE in FDR. He cut back taxes for farmers and workers.. He even helped a lot with unemployment. Americans saw hope, and they had faith that this was a great change and a new start for them to regain from the Depression.

Anonymous said...

Sydnee Edwards

1. Americans basically looked at him as being the good guy in their time of need. He helped Create progams and different things to help find jobs to make their situation a little easier. He made quick changes, and got relief funds to lighten up the unemployment.

Anonymous said...

I agree with everyone saying that fdr was inaugurated before the bank runs because they feared he would change the value of money. Ppl withdrew there money in fear that gold would in fact lose it's value too.

Anonymous said...

Kerisma streat

I agree with janae . He offers hope in this election and his dtat makes him come off understanding bc they understand hes just like them.. but they also feared him as well

Anonymous said...

Nicole Lee the americans saw a strong leader and a person Who could show them the way out of this great depression . The americans also saw a new beginning and saw That he was trying to help the unemployed People . He also cut back taxes for the farmers and workers which gave the americans more faith That a change was soon to come. I was absent for this one

Phanmony Ear said...

What did Americans see in Roosevelt?

They like his policies and the way he run for the president. Because he was intensely competitive and very persuasive. His FDR's personality seemed made for a life in politics.

toria mcleod said...

Americans saw that roosevelt was a confident dependable man also they felt that they could trust him especailly because he was paralyzed with polio and the saw he wasn't perfect that he had flaw just like them