Thursday, May 17, 2012

WWII and Black Civil Rights

What role do Blacks play in WWII? What impact does the war have on Black Civil Rights?


Jada Daniel said...

The role that blacks played in World War II was being involved in fighting in the war,being nurses and physicians,building weapons,being aircraft workers and helping to pay for the financial expenses of the war(blacks purchased war bonds). Though many whites took charge of the war, blacks played an essential part in the war. Without the help of blacks, the whites perhaps wouldn't have gotten as far as they had.

The impact that the war had on their Civil Rights was that it would officially and publicly allow them to move up in the ranks.Blacks were deprived of employment, education and had a higher infant mortality rate. Blacks also had to deal with instutionalized racism. The first major presidential action that countered discrimintaion in the work areas was taken very lightly and therefore did not promote the change and equality it should have. American leaders had to fight to present a united democratic front to the world public dialogue, which of course only provoked military and government officials. Women also were not receiving justice in the work areas. Black nurses, even when highly needed, were not allowed to assist the men in war, another act of discrimination. This deprivement of blacks Civil Rights took such a toll that there were not enough jails to hold the men who refused to bear arms in the army. Blacks were now beginning to rebell against the government as an act of their suppressed fustration.

The Harlem Renaissance was a way for blacks to express themselves and be given the freedom that they always deserved. However the Civil Rights movement was a way for blacks to make their issues publicly known. To be viewed as a whole and not 3/5 of a person. When blacks assisted in the army for World War II, it put them one step closer to their goal, and one step closer to gaining their rights.

Emanae Smith said...

The role Blacks had in WWII was them making a big difference in the army by being nurses to the soldieers and being first time african american soldiers. They set the grounds or history so to speak of being the first blacks in war because if they had not joined then there probably wouldn't be any african american sodiers today.
The impact they had on WWII was the different view of blacks after and during the war because of them being so much apart of the war even if the weren't being treated that equal. It also had a big impact on civil rights because part of the blacks of that time's confidence and will to fight for what they believed in came from what the blacks of that time went through and accomplished.

April Balobalo said...

WWII gave the blacks many opportunities not only with jobs, but the war also helped boost up their spirits. They were finally able to serve at the war for the first time! The war helped them have the strength to not give up, while also helping them finically with their everyday lives. The war let them see from a different point of view, so that they would gain the hope they needed to strive for the civil rights.

If the blacks didn’t help in the war by being nurses, physicians, and soldiers, who knows if the civil rights would have taken place. Since congress found ways to make Americans live up to the ideas of equality and justice it helped the blacks take their rights seriously. The war helped the soldiers fight against the discrimination, which also led the government to publically speak to the world. Now that the blacks served in the war, Americans started showing concern for the blacks like the facility of where they are working in. Now that they were concern for the blacks, especially the women who became nurses, it helped the blacks realize that there really was something to fight for. They showed concern towards the blacks at war, which helped the blacks persevere.

WWII gave many opportunities for the blacks. Since they were the first blacks to serve at the war, it helped boost up their spirits, and fight against discrimination. They fought for not only America at the war, but they fought for their own rights. Their spirits were once encouraged and they persevered to gain the rights they deserved which helped strive for the civil rights.

Dao Tang said...

During the Second World War, blacks were more involved in the army forces than ever before. In desperate need of recognition from society, blacks struggled to desegregate military preferences for the same equal rights as the whites. For instance, black nurses demanded for more basic training within the army forces so they can have a chance to aid more black soldiers. In addition, the war also led to the beginning of the Civil Rights Movement, which encouraged blacks to fight for equality of opportunities and political rights.

Anonymous said...

Kennay DeShields

The role blacks played during World War II was doing work for the fighters. For example, there were nurses, people building weapons, aircraft workers, and physicians. Also, there role was to help pay for any expenses. The war helped the soldiers fight against the discrimination. Furthermore, blacks actually felt important because the Americans were concerned for them. This helped them gain spirit that things could possibly change. There was an impact on the Civil Rights Movement. This moved up the responsibility of a black person. African Americans had a lot to deal with in their life. They were not allowed an education or employment. There was not any of the right equality rights that should have been given. It seemed as if blacks during the Civil Rights Movement were really started to gain their rebellion against all of the nonsense. This made African Americans have a say in how they feel about what was going on. They got the chance to fight for what they believed in.

dana nguyen said...

Even though slavery was abolished after World War I, African Americans still faced racial discrimination. Segregation was prominent throughout the nation. They wanted to be recognized as equals to the whites, and to do so they made efforts to desegregate the military. African Americans became an essential factor in the war. They played their part as soldiers, physicians, and nurses. Citizens back at home supported their brave by purchasing war bonds to fund the war.
After the war ended, the government recognized African Americans’ efforts. They were not only fighting for their country, but for themselves. The government began issuing laws and acts that would publicize and improve the conditions blacks faced through segregation. Their hard work to prove to society that they deserve to receive equal and treatment as the whites will eventually pay off. Taking a stand and being involved in World War II would bring them closer to true freedom and equality.

Anonymous said...

Najeebah Beyah
Blacks played many roles in World War II. Many Black women volunteered to be nurses and help the wounded, but were normally turned down. Only a few of them were actually able to get the job, and even then were treated unfairly because of their race. When signing up to be a nurse the Black women were told that they would be working in the same facilities as the other nurses, and within a good environment. This turned out to be a complete lie. Not only were they sometimes separated from nurses of different races, the environment they were working in was an unsanitary. In order to win this war they needed to enroll more blacks into the war, but without the Black nurses, this would not have been possible. If there were not enough nurses to attend to the extra men enlisted into military, too many men would have died. This meant that they NEEDED the Black nurses since they were expanding the military.
Some Black men enlisted into the military, in order to be looked at as a citizen of the United States. This made the Black men even more eager to join the military. It also gave them pride, and a way to show that they were capable of fighting and leading the military in battle. This gave them opportunity to prove not only to others but to themselves too that they were valuable. If the Black men had not joined the military, they probably would not have won the war in the first place. So it was a good thing they had the Blacks participation.
The war had many impacts on the civil rights. Due to the victory they had achieved with the Blacks help, they decided to integrate the military. They also started to believe in themselves, which help them fight for their own rights. They started sticking up for themselves more often, which led to them being noticed and being granted certain rights that they never obtained before.

Suhaylah Stones said...

What role do blacks play in WW2 ? What empact does the war have on black civil rights ?

Many blakcs were involved in WW2. There were black women nurses, doctors, and physicians. Their were also many black soldiers who made a difference in the war, for example , the Tuskegee Airmen who flew over 15,500 sorties and completed 1,578 missions. Even though the nurses healed a lot of the fallen soldiers and the soldiers changed the outcome of the war , they still were being treated horridly and unappreciatated.

The impact that the war had on the Civil Rights movement was it gave blacks a chance to be honored and thanked and they found more expanded oppurtunitiesin the military, something that wouldn't happen in a world of segregation, racism , and hatred. However, blacks just like everything else they rightly deserved had to fight and protest just so that they could simply live in better headquaters during the war. Most men were assigned to segregated service battalions, relegated to non-combat positions and kept out the prestigious branches of the society. Although the War Department responded to the complaints of discrimination in the armed forces they still only made it so that some but not all got fair treatment.

Shemila Gibbons said...

blacks had many roles in WWII.. such as women volunteered to help the wounded, become nurses, doctors and physicians. some weren't accepted. black men fought for the war to fight for their rights and freedom. they supported war bonds and they were pilots. they wanted to show the whites that they could fight for their rights and rise to the top. other jobs were also entitled to blacks such as, air crafts, building weapons, and pay for any expenses that need to be paid.Their pride made them who they are today. (Fighters!)

Barry Smith said...

Blacks played a number of roles in WWll.More than half a million served in Europe. Despite their incredible size, they still were confronted with racial discrimination. Before, the military maintained a racially segregated force. blacks were often classified as not ready for combat and were not allowed on the front lines. They were mostly given support duties, and also were not allowed in units with white soldiers.
That changed in 1941, when pressure from African-American civil rights leaders convinced the government to set up all-black combat units. They were designed to see if African-American soldiers could perform military tasks on the same level as white soldiers. one of these units were the tuskegee airmen. they were african american pilots in the airforce. this unit accomplished a lot and proved that blacks in the military were just as efficient as the whites. african american women also played a role in the war. they were nurses that helped the soldiers in need. world war 2 was the war which really gave african americans the power to fight for the equality that they deserved