Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Progress in the 1960s


Describe the 1960s as either a step forward or a step backward for America.


thieny said...

The 60's was a step forward for the united states. Socially and culturally, many movements happened, like the anti-war, gay rights, and civil rights movements, and the rise of feminism. Within society, all this awareness promoted different levels of acceptance and helped shaped america.

american h said...

Jessica osorio
I think the 1960s it's a step forward to the united states because during that period of time a lot of things progressed a whole lot..for example the technology was already advanced . Many traditions and social norms including the roles of women were challenged ! As American soldiers went to war in Vietnam citizens at home began to question and challenge the us involvement ..

Phanmony Ear said...

As the 1960s progressed,tensions developed in American society that tended to flow along generational lines regarding the war in Vietnam, race relations, women's rights, traditional modes of authority, experimentation with psychoactive drugs, and differing interpretations of the American Dream.

Emanae Smith said...

I think America took a step forward because new technology was created for Americas citizens like touch telephones, touch pads,in 1964 the first computer being created and in 1997 the first automatic teller machine being created and also new technology like a graph organizer, the beginning of emailing and more was created. also, they made a step forward with JFK as their president because he tried to make changes so America in some sort could still be "existant". I also dont think it was step backwards but I do believe it almost was because America was on the brink of "nuclear weapon suicide." and also because they had a growth in economic issues, in 1961 exiles invaded Cuba and there was a major arms control agreement in 1963 and that is why I think they made a step forward but an almost step backwards.

Lynda Hernoune said...

I think that the 1960s was a step forward for America because of the post-war baby boom. The children wanted change of education, values, lifestyles, and entertainment. In the 1960s, many important events took place. From MLKs "I have a dream speech" to the first man to walk on the moon to the change brought in by the post-war baby boom, these events changed America.

D'Vine Savage said...

I think the 1960's was a step forward for the United States. People during this time were definitely no longer afraid to state their opinion. Many movements took place such as the Gay Rights Movement & Hippies Movement, which all emerged from the civil rights movement. These movements showed that Americans had a voice that they didn't have before. Another reason that the 1960's was a step forward was the new inventions like the ATM. The access to deposit money from anywhere in the world provided not only Americans, but the rest of the world to pursue in consumerism.

Anonymous said...

Nicole lee
I personaly think that the us took a step forward in the 1960. The progress of technology and education were becoming very impressive. however there were several movements taking place during this time . Like the , women's rights , gays rights , and hippies movement. Now around this time , more ppl began to speak thier opinions.

Dionnah Caprice said...

I think the 60's progress in a positive way, with all the movements, programs, and acts passed, it helped the united states for the good

Brie said...

The 1960's was a step forward.. for cultures, traditions, technology, and also the post- war baby boom. It was a lot of progression in the 60's and it was a step forward for many Americans. Many movements, such as The Woman's Rights, Gay Rights Movement, and Hippies Movement took place and all emerged from the Civil Rights Movement.

Anonymous said...

I think that the 1960's was definitely a step forward. with all the movements(The Womens Rights, Hippie Movement, etc) and changes taking place it gave people the chance to actually express themselves and change America.

Anonymous said...

THis was mine. ^^^^^^^ Sydnee Edwards

Anonymous said...

Cabrina Howard

I believe that the 1960's was a step back because of the Vietnam war that took place. it separated the US and it divided the nation. Many young people protested and it had an overall effect onto the entire world.

KEEEEE' said...

The 1960's was a step foward for America because technology was created ,improving the economy along with it. It was also post-war baby boom. In 1964 President Johnson declared "War on Poverty" and promised Americans a "Great Society." The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965 became law. Rioting in Watts in 1965 nearly destroyed Los Angeles. these all showed a step foward for the united states.

Anonymous said...

Kennay DeShields
I think that the 60s progresstook a step forward. Technology was created for Americas citizens like touch telephones, touch pads. Also, , the women's rihts, gay rights, and thr hippies movement sparked up a great time in America. This showed that Anerica had a poerful voice to actually speak up & stater their own opinion.

lilliana wilson said...

I think the 60s was a move forward because all the different rights movements.

Janai keita said...

The sixtys was a step forward, there was alot of progression. There was so much new technology. They werent afraid to show there opions , especially with the womens,gay,and civil rights movements at a rise .

Nicole Morris said...

The 1960's took a step forward because during that time period several things improved. Different laws and movements were created such as the civil rights movement, feminism and gay/lesbian rights. These were very beneficial to the united states.

toria mcleod said...

i think the 60s was a step forward for the US because change was beginning to come with the movements such as the gay rights movement and the womans movements.