Thursday, October 25, 2012

Revolutionary War: Tipping Point Battles

The video above is an example of the idea of a "tipping point" in action. Use it to reflect in this blog...
What is a tipping point? Out of all of the battles that occur during the Revolutionary War, which ones stand out as “tipping point” battles or battles that change the course of the War or signal significant changes in the balance of power between Great Britain and her colonies


Ashani Scales said...

A tipping point is basically a breaking point. when something or someone annoys one or bothers one so much, that its very existence is intolerable. There are various battles which occur during the revolutionary war, but the one that stood out the most was the battle at breeds hill (or bunker hill), which was known to be the first actual war or the revolution. This can be considered a "tipping point" because it showed that the colonists, in some shape or form, grew even more tired of the British and have taken enough without any change being shown. So, in turn, they were driven to the edge, and waged war.

April Balobalo said...

The tipping point is the critical point when someone or something will burst any second. Its the point in which you anger that "someone" so much that they just burst into flames turning the situation more critically. The battle that showed the tipping point of the actual war to me as the Battle of Saratoga. I say this because this battle had a dramatic tipping point. The battle was between Britain, and the Colonists. This set off the critical stage of the Revolutionary War, since Brtisih's general Burgoyne surrendered the rest of his men, leading the Colonists won. This showed the British that the colonists weren't as weak as they would think, but that the colonist could actually stand up for themselves, leading them to victory.

Pauline Li said...

A tipping point is the point where little changes or incidents go overboard and causes big changes or incidents. The battle that stands out to me as the "tipping point" was the Battle of Lexington and Concord. The Battle of Lexington and Concord were the first military engagements of the Revolutionary War. This battle was the "tipping point" to me because it marked the outbreak of the open armed conflict between the British and the Colonists. Another battle that was also the "tipping point" was the Battle of Bunker Hill. The Battle of Bunker Hill was an important battle because the British were trying to occupy Dorchester Heights from them, because the colonists heard of the plans they decided they needed to take action and stop the British movement, they also wanted to protect their land and freedom.

Ketie Chen said...

What is a tipping point? Out of all of the battles that occur during the Revolutionary War, which ones stand out as “tipping point” battles or battles that change the course of the War or signal significant changes in the balance of power between Great Britain and her colonies

I believe that the tipping point of the Revolutionary War was the Battles of Saratoga. (also known as Turning Point in the Revolutionary War)

The Battle of Saratoga. In the Battle of Saratoga the British wanted to isolate New England colonies so they could easily conquer and win. By doing that they divided the Army. General John Burgoyne was preparing 7000 troops while General Howe planned on the attack on Philadelphia. And the Americans were lead by General George Washington who had an eye on the British that were located in NY and sent some of his army to Philadelphia.

In the Battle of Sarartoga not only did the patriots win the war but it also showed to the French they should join the Americans because they "Kicked Butt" in the battle. Winning the Battle of Saratoga is also important because it protected the Northern States from being attacked by the rest of the troops in Canada. This battle changed the course of the war because with the American victory they gain the support of the French and helped the American win the war. The British finally surrendered on October 17, 1777.

"Saratoga ranks high among the decisive battles
of both American and world history. The victory
immensely revived the faltering colonial cause. pg 154"

Princess Garrett said...

A tipping point can best be described as,"The point at which a series of small ineffective changes acquires enough pressure or importance to cause a larger, more significant change". The war that I think stands out as a "tipping point" is the Battle of Saratoga.The British were getting fed up the colonies in the new world because of the rebellious and defiant attitudes.
The British decided they wanted to split up the colonies between the more loyal colonies and the rebellious ones. So I agree with April and and Katie as this war being the tipping point. The British had finally had enough.

Christina Penh said...

The tipping point is when the buildup of incidents reaches a level that creates a big burst of anger. The battle that showed the tipping point of the war to me was the Battle of Valley Forge. I think this because the American "Continental" Army suffered great physical hardships. This was the first time the army was capable of defeating the British Army in a European-style battle.

Unknown said...

A tipping point is basically the edge of glory. What I mean by that is that it is the climax of a conflict in which a conclusion is soon to approach. A battle that stood out to me that changed Great Britain and her colonies forever is the Battle of Yorktown. In "The American Revolution", Gordon S. Wood States: "Although the war dragged on for several months, everyone knew that Yorktown meant American freedom." (Wood, 86). In this battle, The Americans were led by George Washington, The French led by Comte de Rochambeau, and The British led by Lord Cornwallis. In Yorktown, The French joined the Americans against the British. This battle is significant because it is the last major battle fought in the American Revolution, as the surrender of Cornwallis's army prompted the British government to eventually negotiate an end to the conflict. It officially erased the Colonies' identities as the subjects of the British.

Amaya Hawkins said...

The Battle of Saratoga was the tipping point of the war. I believe that because of this battle, the Americans won the revolution. The Battle of Saratoga was the Americans first major victory. This was also the battle where the French decided that they wanted to help aid the Americans. The Americans winning this battle showed the British that they could hold their own and gave the colonists high hopes for their future freedom.

Unknown said...

A tipping point is when a situation has reached its ultimate point. Out of all the battles that occurred during the Revolutionary War I believe the Battle of Saratoga was the tipping point of the Revolutionary War because this battle was a way of the colonist saying that this was going to be the end of the war. This was also meant the colonist have had enough of the way they were being treated by the British, the relationship the colonist and British had at this point was similar to the citizens of Egypt who wanted a change from the man who had control over their lives for 30 years. The Battle of Saratoga was a hude signal saying to the British that they had enough of this treatment and that it was going to end soon.

Breanne Olsen said...

A tipping point is when you can't take anything else from a certain subject/event. It's basically the breaking point.
I would have to say that the Battle of Saratoga was the tipping point of the revolutionary war. Along with protecting the northern colonies, the colonists victory proved their strength and potential. This victory also showed the French the colonists strength, resulting in an alliance.

Christa Rivers said...

A tipping/turning point in this case would be a sudden shift or turn of events. The turning point of the American Revolution was the Battle of Saratoga because it resulted in the French siding (aligning) with the colonists against Britain. The French wanted Britain to lose it's power and wanted to be able to say that they were on the side of the people who beat them. The French also recognized America as an independent nation, which further solidified their alliance.

Tina Giang said...

A tipping point is a curve or a change that occurs in a situation. Out of all the battles that occur during the Revolutionary War, the Battle of Saratoga stands out as the "tipping point". The victory of the Battle of Saratoga brought a new life to the Americans, especially when they have suffered a setback from the Battle of Brandywine and the message of the fall of Philadelphia to the British. The achievement of Saratoga provided France confidence to enter the war as an American ally. Also, the Battle of Saratoga hearten the supporters of independence with the high hopes. Therefore, Saratoga inspired people with the ideal of liberty and freedom.

Jenna Zhao said...

A tipping point is the critical point in an evolving situation that leads to a new and irreversible development. In my opinion, the turning point of the Revolutionary War was the Battle of Saratoga. During this battle they had came up with a strategy presented to the British ministers in London called "divide-and-conquer". This basically means one power breaks another power into smaller, more manageable pieces, then take control of those pieces one by one. In this case, the British decided to split up the colonies according to loyalty. When I saw the video, it instantly reminded me of the relationship between the colonists and the British. The colonists were getting aggravated with the way they are being treated by the British. This is the main factor why the Battle of Saratoga happened - the colonists were finally going to step up and make sure this injustice ends.

Unknown said...

A tipping point is when many small events or changes build up and cause a significant change or turn of events. The battle of Bunker Hill stands out as a tipping point for Great Britain because after this war the king finally decides to proclaim the colonies in rebellion. The battle at Saratoga was also a tipping point in the American Revolution. The British were no longer in control and the Americans allied with the French, bringing another country into the war. Yorktown was also a tipping point. After the American victory at Yorktown, the British didn't have any more fight left in them and the American independence was inevitable.

Unknown said...

A tipping point is basically when a scenario is 'on the edge' of a change or turn of events. Out of the battles in the Revolutionary War, the Battle of Saratoga stood out as a 'tipping point'. That is because the victory in this war resulted in the open alliance between us and the French. The aid from the French ultimately led to the defeat of the British on October 17, 1777. Because of this, the Battle of Saratoga is also considered a major turning point in the Revolutionary War. Also, the French acknowledged America as an independent nation.

Sageda Elabed said...

A tipping point is when something completely different is about to happen. To the Americans, their turning point was when they were about to take action in a completely different manner. Out of all the battles that occurred during the Revolutionary War, I believe that the one that stands out as a tipping point battle, or a battle that changed the course of the war or signaled significant change in the balance of power between Great Britain and her colonies was the battle of Saratoga. The battle of Saratoga signaled a significant change in the balance of power because when the Americans won, they had the support of the french, which finally made the British surrender.

Unknown said...

A tipping point are small changes or in this case battles that may have little effect untill they start building up to something huge, then the next small battle may suddenly change everything. There are many battles in the Revlutionary war, i beleive the battle of Saratoga was the tipping point.
The battle of Saratoga was in late September and during the first week of October 1777, Gate's American army was positioned between Burgoyne's army and Albany. On October 7, Burgoyne took the offensive. The troops crashed together south of the town of Saratoga, and Burgoyne's army was broken. In mop-up operations 86 percent of Burgoyne's command was captured.
The victory gave new life to the American cause at a critical time. Americans had just suffered a major setback the Battle of the Brandywine along with news of the fall of Philadelphia to the British. Also the success at Saratoga gave France the confidence in the American cause to enter the war as an American Ally. Later American successes owed a great deal to French aid in the form of financial and military assistance.

Annaya Frazier said...

A "tipping point" is a small event that leads to a bigger event. So, during the Revolutionary War, i think the Battle of Saratoga was the tipping point that changed the balance of power between Great Britain and their colonies. British decided to invade American posts near the Albany area. However, during this battle, the Americans were receiving help from France and Spain who provided food, weapons, and soldiers, which helped guarantee the colonists' win in their fight against British. The British were forced to surrender and also granted the American colonies their right to home rule within the empire. This is just the start of these wars and America's gain of power within the United States.

Imani said...

A "tipping point" is an even that leads to a series of other big events, and usually causes a change within the situation. During the Revolution, the battle of Saratoga in October, 1777. This even is marked as the tipping point because it's the battle that makes France recognize America, and join their struggle as an Ally to the Americans. This is a major because it also shows Britian that there is no turning back with any other sort of compromise but Defeat. It also shows how serious the American are, and how far they are willing to go to secure their freedom, even if it means Allying with their Great Britain's greatest enemy, those who not so many years ago were fighting against. This Alliance reveals that Great Britain no longer has any influence over the colonies. Without the French's help Americans would not have won the war which makes the battle of Saratoga crucial in gaining American's Independence and Victory.