Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Socratic Seminar Prep: Launching the New Ship of State

Wordle of Washington's Farewell 

  1. How  did  the  French Revolution  divide  the American  people  after  1792?  How was  George  Washington's  Neutrality  Proclamation regarded  by  the  Federalists? By  the  Jeffersonians?  What  role  in this  controversy  was  played  by  Citizen Genet? 
  2. How  did  the WaShington  Administration respond  to British  provocations?  How well  was  Jay's  Treaty received  by  the  public?  What  did  it accomplish? 
  3. What  advice  did Washington  leave  the  people  in his  Farewell Address?  What was  the state  of the  union  at the  time  of his  departure  from  office? 
  4.  How  well received  was  John  Adams  as  President?  How  did  he  respond  to  the  insulting "XYZ;  Affair"?  Why  were  Adams  and  Hamilton  at  odds  with  each  other?  What  did the  Convention  of 1800  accomplish? 
  5. What  were  the  purpose  and  effects  of the  Alien  and  Sedition Laws? Virginia  and  Kentucky  Resolutions?  What  was  the  compact  theory? long  term  effect? 
  6. Why  was  the  Election  of 1800  a  major  turning  point?  How  was  the  deadlock  in the  electoral  vote  resolved? (ALL STUDY GROUPS)

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