Monday, November 26, 2012

So...What'd did you think of Lincoln? (APUSH)



Sageda said...

When I first thought about watching Lincoln, I assumed that it would be very boring and informal. Suprisingly, as I sat in the theatres and watched with my sister, the movie was truly interesting and motivating.Lincoln persuaded a strong perspective about accomplishing freedom and demonstrated a strong defense for the citizens. In addition, the setting was very accurate based on the milieu of the Civil War, precise details of location, war destruction, and attire of soliers. It also provided a better sense of how determined and confident the citizens were in acheiving their freedom, and how the citizens and president were very loyal to their country. Overall, Lincoln was one of the ultimate best historical movies I have seen!

Christa Rivers said...

I thought the movie was great! Funny in parts, like when Lincoln and his wife, Molly, were arguing. The parts that grabbed my attention the most were the parts that involved the representatives from all the different states. It was awesome to see how different Republicans and Democrats were back then. Everything was so switched around. The arguments were the best.
I like that the movie opened up with a war scene and afterward had the two black men (slaves, I think) and the two white kids talking to President Lincoln. All of them were soldiers. Out of the four of them, the younger black man was the more political-minded. The older soldier was kind of an Uncle Tom, I guess, because he kept interrupting the younger soldier's political thoughts and propositions.
I also liked the part when Robbie (the oldest living son) came home and pestered his parents about going to war. He followed these men during a visit with his father to a soldier infirmary and saw them dump a bunch of amputated legs onto a pile of other amputated legs. It made me laugh because I knew they weren't real legs. Haha.

April Balobalo said...

My experience to see Lincoln was an adventure. First, Pauline and I thought it wasn't going to be full but then... We had to sit in the 2nd row which made our heads hurt. But before that we got scared by this old lady... Then we were also lost when they were laughing cause we did not get the joke, but when we laughed they told us "SHHHHHH!" and gave us a dirty look.
But other than that the movie was good. I didn't like seeing the dead bodies scence.... But I loved how at one point they focused one scence on Lincoln's relationship with his older son. I also did not know he had a son.... I loved when they were voting on the law of abolishing slavery!! It was so intense! But it was sad seeing his youngest son cry in the end though when they found that Lincoln was shot. The movie gave me a better view on how it was back then, and how people survived. How the men fought in war, risking their lives yet they knew it was going to happen somehow.

Pauline Li said...

The movie wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, although I really wasn't planning on getting scared by a old lady. April and I thought the theater wasn't going to be full but as we walked in, all the seats were full of old people.. no offense. We had to sit in the second row because of that, if we had gotten seats in the back it would have been a lot more enjoyable.
The movie was good, I was confused at first because I didn't know that Abraham Lincoln was married. There were also some parts when everyone laughed and I did not get what they were laughing at but when me and April laughed they shushed us. My favorite part of the movie has to be when the Democrats and the Radical-Republicans all came together to decide whether or not to pass the amendment that abolishes slavery. Lincoln gave me a better understanding of what was going on then and I also learned new things, such as Lincoln being married and the fact that one party was bribing the other party into voting for this side or that side.

Unknown said...

when I went to go see Lincoln I didn't think it was going to be filled at all but it was, almost no seats. I really liked the movie but my friend didn't, he fell asleep two times during the movie and snored really loud. my favorite part of the movie was when Lincoln's adviser hired the three people to buy them votes so Lincoln could pass the 13th amendment, I thought it was funny how silly they were and upfront.

Breanne Olsen said...

So when I went to see Lincoln it was so crowded and I was kind of surprised. Although my friend who I went with fell asleep in the first 30 minutes, and remained asleep the whole movie I found it really interesting. I liked the point of views that were given during the movie.It also helped me establish like what times would've been like back then. I enjoyed the outfits and characters. As Christa said the arguments were the best. I love Lincoln's stories and his character all together. The movie really helped me set up personalities of important people during that time, which I find important to understand presidencies and it's era. Overall,I thought it was a great movie.