Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Jefferson and the Louisiana Purchase (APUSH)

What factors led to the purchase of the Louisiana territory in 1803? What worried the Federalists about the Louisiana Purchase? Why did the purchase prove to be a landmark in American foreign policy? What were some of the political intrigues that clouded this period? 


Sageda Elabed said...

A few factors that led to the purchase of the Louisiana territory in 1803 was because they confirmed their fear that Fance would regain possession of Louisiana. Secondly, Jefferson desired to advance merchantilism, due to his general expansionist outlook. Thirdly, the government believed that i would be more useful to the policy and even to the commerce of France. The Federalists were opposed to the Luisiana purchase because they believed that the purchase would lead to a decline in relative importance of their strongholds. Some of the political intrigues that clouded this period was that the purchase affected many things; the money, the people, and the size. The Luisiana purchase doublede the size of the United States, and causedmany people to lose their rights. Furthermore, the government was mad since the natinal debt was increasing. Finally, the purchase caused political powers to increase.

Sageda Elabed said...

Finally, the Luisiana Purchase caused presidential powers to expand.

Christina Penh said...

A factor that led to the purchase of the Louisiana territory in 1803 was that many American farmers had sent their crops out down the Mississippi port of New Orleans and Jefferson feared that France would take away the right of Americans to this port. Federalists favored greater ties with Britain and felt that a large deal with Napoleon over this territory could compromise those relations. Most of the Federalists political power was in the more developed areas of the coast. They feared this purchased territory would eventually cut the their power base. This purchase doubled the size of the United States.

Unknown said...

A slave revolt in Haiti and an impending war with Britain were the main factors of France that led to the purchase of the Louisiana territory in 1803. The federalists were worried about this plan because they were afraid that the addition of land to the Western and Southern areas in congress with weaken their own power and influence.
The purchase proved to be a landmark in the American foreign policy because it helped the US avoid a war with France and it also helped the US avoided the potential alliance with Britain.

Unknown said...

The factors that led to the Louisiana territory purchase in 1800 included America's relationship with Spain, Jefferson's popularity and the the significance of interpreting the constitution as a strict or loose one. Another factor that led to the Louisiana territory was the control of the ports in Louisiana and the free navigation of the Mississippi River. What worried the federalist about the Louisiana purchase were the sates that would eventually be not be part of the Louisiana territory which would in turn make the western and southern interests strengthen on congress, this would conclude to reducing the influences of New England Federalist in national affairs. The political intrigues that clouded this period were the foreign affairs that affected the political power balance in congress.

Ketie Chen said...

What factors led to the purchase of the Louisiana territory in 1803? What worried the Federalists about the Louisiana Purchase? Why did the purchase prove to be a landmark in American foreign policy? What were some of the political intrigues that clouded this period?
The factors that led to the purchase of the Louisiana territory in 1803 were that Napoleon of France needed money to supply for the war against Britain so he sold the entire Louisiana territory to Jefferson for $15 million and Jefferson feared that the French would regain the land and colonize it.
The Federalist feared that the land was going to be useless, they believed in strong ties with Britain and that if they thought the deal with Napoleon is jeopardizing the those relationship and that more states cuts federal base control.
The purchase prove to be a landmark in American foreign policy because it doubled the size of the country.

Can someone help me? I don't understand the last question?

Ashani Scales said...

What led to the purchase of the Louisiana territory was the fact that Napoleon didn't want Britain to take over Louisiana, so he wanted the money from the Americans. He also hoped the new land that he'd sell to the Americans would ruin British ambitions in that world. What bothered the federalists about this hefty purchase was the power factor, they feared that this would dwindle the power they possessed in government. The purchase served as a landmark in American foreign policy because it made the American territory larger in size, and it could lead to future exploration.

April Balobalo said...

One factor that led to the Louisiana Purchase was that Napoleon needed the money for his war, and the fact that America wanted expansion of their territory for more power. The Federalist did not support this because they knew that everything would change Territories would shift, and powers would be lost. This showed to be a landmark because it changed what Jefferson thought of the foreign affairs. He changed his alliance to anti-federalist to Britain. The political intrigues of this period were what the people thought about all of this.

Unknown said...

in 1801, Spain and France signed a secret treaty ceding Louisiana to France. France suddenly posed a potential threat to America. There was a fear that if America did not purchase New Orleans from France, it could lead to war. The change of ownership of this key port resulted in its closing to Americans. Therefore, they went to France to try and secure its purchase. Instead, they returned with an agreement to buy the entire Louisiana Territory for 15 millon dollars. since there was just a revolution in Hati againt France they needed the money. The federalists were worried about this because the consitituttion didn't want people buying land without the consent of the senate. However with the fear of losing this deal they agreed on the spot, and the senate and the people liked the Decision. With the purchase of this new territory, the land area of America nearly doubled. However, the exact southern and western boundaries were not defined in the purchase. America would have to deal with Spain to work out the specific details of these boundaries.

mariah medina said...

One thing that led to the Lousiana Purchase was because Jefferson wanted the territories to expand westward. The Federalists were not in favor of this decision because they feared change. By Jefferson purchasing Lousiana they have involved themselves in foreign affairs because it is a French Territory.

Pauline Li said...

A factor that led to the purchase of the Louisiana territory in 1803 was the U.S., a new nation wanted to expand their territory. Napoleon, who needed money for war, sold the land to America for about $15 million. The Federalists were worried about the Louisiana Purchase, because they favored greater ties with Britain, and the purchase with Napoleon would hurt their relations.The purchase proved to be a landmark in American foreign policy because it strengthened our relations with France. Some political intrigues that clouded this period is whether or not the purchase was right for our new nation.

Princess Garrett said...

One of the factors that Led to the Louisiana purchase is that France needed funds to continue the fight they were fighting in at the time in Europe. In order to get more funds they sold their American territory which at the time was Louisiana. So Jefferson agreed and brought the land for 15 million and it expanded the size of the nation, making it bigger. This was a factor along with the ones mentioned above

Christa Rivers said...

During his presidency Jefferson wanted to expand the country and strengthen the economy. He wanted to have control of the Port of New Orleans. Napoleon Bonaparte was willing to sell because he needed the money for a war with Britain. For 15 million dollars, Napoleon sold Jefferson the Louisiana territory. The Federalists worried that the purchase from France would hurt America's relationship with Britain. Political intrigue: Jefferson as afraid that the purchase was unconstitutional so he prepared and amendment to the constitution that would allow the purchase to be made but instead he just agreed to the purchase despite his fear.

Tina Giang said...

The factors that led to the purchase of the Louisiana territory in 1803 that Napoleon needed money to support his European military ventures. Napoleon couldn't afford to send adequate troops to defend the territory because they lost a numerous amount of soldiers to the yellow fever. Napoleon thought he making a good deal by selling the mosquito infested lands of Louisiana. The Constitution didn't clearly empower the federal government to obtain new territory by treaty, but the advantages surpassed the possibilities of the Constitution's violation. Therefore, the 15,000,000 dollars purchase of the Louisiana territory would double the size of the nation.

Annaya Frazier said...

The French Revolution and all other fighting that went on in Europe contributed to the Louisiana Purchase in 1803. Napoleon Bonaparte,was a French leader who convinced Spain to trade Louisiana for aid in future wars. However, the Federalists were worried that the French controlled territory would eventually force them into alliance with the British for future French revolts, this was meant to be avoided at all costs. This proved to be a landmark in American foreign policy because it allowed the world to witness the U.S. expansion of land and our ability to compromise.

I'm with Ketie about the last question.

Alex Shuster said...

in 1800, the king of Spain transfered the Louisiana territory to France and in 1802 Spaniards at New orleans took away the right to deposit. These deposits were vital to farmers because they used the Mississippi River to transport goods, which is why this could have led to a war. To provent war Jefferson sent James Monroe to buy New Orleans for $10 milllion but instead Monroe bought both New Orleans and Louisiana for $15 million. Napolean sold both New Orleans and Lousiana because Spain needed money to renew the war against Britain. Federalists were against the purchase of Louisiana territory because they foresaw that the new lands that the Louisiana territory would bring more sttlers, such as farmers and Republicans. The purchase proved to be a landmark in American foreign policy because it doubled the size of the United States. The political intrigues that clouded this period were whether or not the Louisiana territory purchase was a good idea.

Anonymous said...

A factor led to the purchase of the Louisianna territory was that the United States originally wanted to purchase New Orleans because of the important seaport but Jefferson was afraid that might cause conflict with France.The Federialists were worried about the Louisiana Purphase because they wanted to have a better relationship with Britain and felt that a big deal with Napoleon over this territory could compromise the two's relationship. The purchase proved to be a landmark in American foreign policy because it doubled the size of the country...

I don't understand the last question.

Jenna Zhao said...

Factors that led to the purchase of the Louisiana territory in 1803 was that money was needed from the Napoleon of France to support the War against Britain. America wished to expand their country because land = power. This led him to sell the Louisiana territory to Jefferson. Since Jefferson purchased the land he is now involved in foreign affairs.

Unknown said...

The factor that led up to the purchase of the Louisiana territory in 1803 was that Napoleon was in need of money for the European war between France and Great Britain. Napoleon then told his ministers to offer the whole Louisiana territory; Jefferson, happy with negotiation because it would double the size of the United States and there would be free navigation through the Mississippi River agreed to the negotiation. The Federalist opposed the purchase of the territory because the constitution did not give the right to negotiate treaties or acquire new land without the consent of the senate/ they deemed it unconstitutional. Also, expanding the territory of the US would reduce the influence of the New England Federalists in national affairs. They also favored close relations with Britain of Napoleon.

Sara Stanton said...

The main factor that led up to the Louisiana Purchase in 1803 was Napoleon’s need for money to help France in their war with the British. One of Jefferson’s main goals as President was to expand the nation westward, so he gladly negotiated and purchased Louisiana for about $15million. As Jamie said, the Federalists thought that the purchase was unconstitutional, stating that Jefferson should have had the senate’s consent, therefore they opposed the purchase of the Louisiana territory. The purchase proved to be a landmark in American foreign policy because they expanded the nation westward, doubling its size.

Breanne Olsen said...

A factor that led to the Louisiana Purchase was that the French wanted to anger the Spanish. Spain took a long time before finally handing the territory to France so besides that fact that the French needed the money to fund their war with Britain, the French wanted to do something that would break or anger ties with Spain. This was basically a slap in the face to Spain. The Louisiana purchase proved to be a landmark in American foreign policy because it was a main trading port for the U.S. What worried the federalists about this purchase was that it put their power in jeopardy.