Monday, December 10, 2012

Patriarchy on the Plantation (Af. Am.)

Our discussion of Patriarchy on the plantation hopefully got you thinking more deeply about the big essential question of "What was life like on the plantation?" Define Patriarchy. Do men dominate women on the planation? If you can offer some examples.


Unknown said...

Patriarchy is a form of social organization in which males dominate females. Life on the plantations lead to thought of other assumptions. I believe in this case women dominate men. Slave women were resistant to control of their masters and took advantage of the masters greed, using the fact that women slaves costed more becauase of higher value. They were superior in this case because they acknowledged thier gift of giving birth , therfore to produce more slaves , and great advantage was taken of that. Furthermore, women were more likely to stand up on behalf of their family and community then men could. Women on plantations were a voice. They were aggressive and daring also. Masters knew that women were most likely to run away, only because of their double indignity of servitude and sexual vulnerbility. Women also challenged institution of slavery , and resisted sexual assault of white men. In addition, I look upon these women as bold and smart, acknowledging their resistance and dangerous actions they acted upon. Also including their ways of taking advantage of their value during these times.
Life on the plantations were in some cases brutal. Masters raped black women slaves , to show their authority to black men. Masters had no respect of boundaries of marriage between the slaves. They also raped black women slaves to aquire more slaves without buying them or selling them because of patus sequitur ventrem, which meant that if a mother was a slave , children of those women were also slaves. On the plantation men and women were the same under the eyes of the masters. They both worked in the house and on the fields. Around the mid-18th century 7 out of 8 slaves, male and female were field workers. House slaves were personal servants of masters. They produced soap, clothes. and food used by everyone on the plantation. House slaves were chosen based on looks and manners. The family life on the plantation was different in ways from today. Birth records listed only the mother's names and everyhting was passed down from their mothers. Slave families were matriarchal. Today, the mother and fathers name is listed on birth records. Also in todays society most things such as last names are passed down from their fathers.

Unknown said...

Patriarchy is a society where men dominate women. After the presentation I think the women dominate the men more because they are more valuable than the men since they can give birth. That means that the slave owners can have more slaves without having to buy them. Life on the plantation was very cruel because women would get raped my their masters. Both the men and the women would work on the field and some worked as household maids. The ones that work in the house got chosen by the master according to their looks and manners.

Unknown said...

Life on the plantation was harsh and hard for women and men. In my opinion it was more hard for women. My reason behind this is because of the way women were raped and not respected. Based on the matriarchal ways during slavery the mothers child would be a slave. I couldn't imagine the pain and feeling of being powerless because they couldn't help the fact that they were raped and their children would be born into the life of slavery. Patriarchy basically means that men dominate women. I believe that men do dominate women on the plantation. Women were beat and used to "produce" more slaves. Slave women were strong souls, but could never prevent all the harsh things happening from their masters towards them. Even though some women resisted, doesn't mean the masters never did what they did again to her or any other slave women unfortunately.

Kimberly Jeffreys said...

Patriarchy is a society where men dominant women. I believe this to be not true after seeing the presentation. If men were to dominate women, they could have no power over a man, but on the plantation women did. On the plantation women and men were treated the same and considered the same under law. The belief of patriarchy made people think women were only "mammies" and worked around the house but on the plantation women and men did everything, either you worked on the field or in the house. Majority of the slave women were agricultural workers. Some women were even slave masters. So once again no men do not dominant women.

chhengfarn inne said...

patriarchy is when men dominate or overpower women. Life on the plantation has the same work/labor for men and women slave, they both work in the field and in the house. Men do not dominate women because they resisted and rebelled against the master. In one case when the women was abuse and raped by her master she rebelled and spoke out to her master even though it was wrong to do. Also, there would be time when women would sabotage and poison their master.

Taylor Chester said...

Patriarchy is when men dominate women. Slave women and slave men were considered equal under law. However on the plantation things were different. Women cost more than men because they were able to make more slaves. But men dominated women in appearance. If a slave owner needed someone to do a lot of heavy work and field work they would choose a man because he looked stronger. They usually let women do house work and watch after their children. I think there was patriarchy on the plantation because men were needed more.

Unknown said...

Patriarchy is a societal set-up in which men have absolute power and dominance.Keeping that in mind saying men dominate women on plantation would not be a completely accurate statement. Yes men did control women to an extent, only to the point the woman allowed. In that sense one could say that women had power over men. On the plantation however, slave men and slave women were next to equals when it came to power, the had the same "rights" in a sense even though they had little or none to begin with. Women were more important when it came to value being that they could produce more slaves. On the plantation the slave master had all the power, at least from his standpoint. Slave masters were known to exert this power over the female slaves. This would give them a sense of gratification, until the women revolted. These revolts were bound to happen they were piratically unavoidable.Since slave masters saw female slaves as investments they could not kill them as easily as they would the male slaves. This gave female slaves some leverage, leverage they used very often. Case and point men did dominate women but women had control over how much they exerted that power.

Lisa biddle said...

Patriarchy is when men dominate women. Even though under law men a nd women were supposed to be considers equal on the plantation they weren't.women were treated differently. Women would work on the plantation like men but women also got to work as mammy's (nanny). Women slaves would cost more than men because women could conceive children. Most times marriage of the slaves was not allowed.

Brianna Ricks said...

Patriarchy is a social order in which men dominate women. After viewing the powerpoint , i believe that women in a way dominated men as well by rebelling against their masters. Women on the plantation knew their importance, to act somewhat as an investment for the production of more slaves. Because women knew they were of value, women used this to their advantage by not only rebelling, but by sabotaging and poisoning their masters. These actions show that the women were not only smart, but powerful as well.
Life on the plantation consisted of male and female workers. The majority of women were agricultural workers and "mammies", those who looked after the masters childern. Around the mid 18th century, 7 of every 8 slaves were feild workers. The others were house servants, producers of soap, clothes, food and other things used by everyone on the plantation. The children of the master were house slaves as well because of partus sequitur ventrem, which was a principal which means that a child must follow the condition of their mother.

Unknown said...

Patriarchy is a form of social organization in which males dominate females. I do not agree with this definition because during this time i think women dominated men. They took advantage of their master's greed ( they were more costly). They were more likely to act on behalf of their family and community than men could. Also women were more likely to run away because of double indignity and servitude and sexual vulnerability. They were the voice of the plantation. They were not scared to rebel against their master. Their bold and smart choices challenged the institution of slavery. The women also dominated the men because they were more valuable because they could give birth.
Life on the plantation men and women were equal under the eyes of the law. But women were treated more harsh. They were forced to marry and were consistently raped. Whites felt an assert of superiorty. They wanted to have more slaves so they would not have to pay for any they could just sell them.

Unknown said...

according to the word Patriarchy is "a form of social organization in which the father is the supreme authority in the family, clan, or tribe and descent is reckoned in the male line, with the children belonging to the father's clan or tribe." In a plantation the slaves would never follow after the father. If a female slave had a child, the child would be born a slave. This rule took place because many slave owners would rape their female slaves and the female would become pregnant. Female slaves tend to cost more because of that reason, you would have to pay for more slave. The white men would just rape their female slaves and they would reproduce.
If we were to talk about who had the most authority i would have to say that the white males were the ultimate rulers. The would mistreat females, they would rape them and harshly punish them. Many women would try to rebel but the slave owners would treat them even worse. All in all white men were the head honchos around the plantation.

Charell Simmons said...

Life on the plantation was hard for women. In a lot of cases, they were rebellious, and I thought that would maybe change a mans opinion on the women but it only made matters worst for them a little. And like we discussed in class women were really looked at as slave factories, they could get pregnant and have a baby that would be born into slavery. Giving the master more slaves. During that time women were also rapped by their masters and some cases white men they didnt even know. That had to be hard for, considering some got pregnant by that white man but the responsibility would only be on them. In the slave world men were definitely more dominant they were even sold at higher prices. And even in SOME cases today they still have more power over us considering in some careers they make more than women. But life on the plantation for women were sometimes a little easier for others because I think some people could have had a good relationship with their masters. Reading in african-american history book, Phyllis Wheatley was bought by a white man but they raised her as one of their own. She was treated well, she learned how to read and she learned the christian faith. Later in life she grew up and had her first book published. Being the first black women to write a book and the second women to have it published. But still women had it rough!

Taylor Watson said...

I do not think men dominate women. After seeing this presetaion and having a long talk about the pictures between serena williams and oprah. I only see it as, men can only over power women in certain aspects. I think life for slave women was hard back then because all slaves had it rough. No matter what the situation was, but the women were just as strong as the men. We talked in class and one slave did something to her master, he beat her.. But she didnt stop she coontinued to curse and say bad things to him. he didnt beat her again.So thats just why i think men only have a CERTAIN power over women

Unknown said...

Patriarchy is when men dominate women.
life on the plantation was brutal. it was where on slave was used as a prime example for the rest. you had no say in what was going to be done, and you had no power. especially women, though they were more likely to rebel against the slave masters. they were raped and dehumanized. and after seeing the presentation it only made me hate slavery more to see that someone could be trated so harshly simply because of the color of their skin. how people were sold to the highest bidder, to work and serve someone on the plantation also showed that in some ways men could dominate women , back then, it was absoulte that men did dominate women in every possible way but now in present time i dont think they do as much, just in certain ways.

Unknown said...

Patriarchy is a form of social organization in which males dominate females.I think that female slaves had it harder than the male slaves on the plantaion. To me, the female slaves were nothing more than tools that aided in making the master and/or mistress's life easier. The females slaves were often used as "mammies" and forced to take care of the children of their master/mistress. Some female slaves had to make products like, soap clothes and the food that was used by everyone on the plantation. I can persoanlly infer that these female slaves were often raped and made more cost of course. Which benefitted a slave owner more in the long run. After the presentation we had I think that the male slaves dominated the female slaves because they were stronger and aided in making profit for the slave owners. Although female slaves are able to produce more slaves to work (against their will). So in a sense they could be equals.

Yazmeen said...

The presentation was great! It gave me a clearer view of the relationships between masters and their slaves. All slaves were considered the same under the eyes of the law. On the plantations however, women's lives differed greatly from the lives of men. Females were more costly than male slaves, because they were able to reproduce more slaves. On the plantation, they could work as agricultural laborers or house maids, taking care of the master's children and maintaining his house. Many slave women resisted their masters by sabotaging them or running away to other plantations. Although they were powerful, women were sexually vulnerable. They were often raped by their masters. Raping black women was a way for white masters to assert their superiority and to produce more slaves. These masters were assured by the "partus sequitur ventrem" law that whoever they produced with a black female slave would still be a slave. Patriarchy, a form of male dominance over females, was very present on the plantations. Women were completely controlled by their white masters, but they never acted as helpless victims. They resisted and defended themselves to the best of their ability.

Unknown said...

Patriarchy is a social system where men dominate women. After seeing the presentation in class i believe men did not dominate women on the plantation. For one women were more valuable than men. The masters needed women to produce new slaves so they did not have to pay for them. This allowed women to be more rebellious then men. Secondly the status of a slave depended on the mother not the father. If your mom was a slave this means you were a slave as well. Black women were sometimes raped in order to show black men that they were inferior. In addition under the eyes of the law both men and women slaves were equal. If men and women are treated equal then one can not be superior to the other. Therefore men did not dominate women on the plantation.

Aissetou Diawara said...

Patriarchy is a system where men dominate women. Life on the plantation was over whelming for many of the slaves. Especially for women, they were usually dehumanized and used for sexual intentions. I believe that men dominated woman during the plantation era because they were stronger and were most likely sold at higher prices. Although women were stong they were often raped and impregnated. Their children later became slaves. Even though woman rebelled against men that did not stop them from doing what they wanted.

Vera D. said...

Patriarchy is a social system where males have primary authority!Matriarchy is the exact opposite. It is a social system where females are the primary authority. On the plantation their was both Patriarchy and Matriarchy. The Patriarchal system was just the way the colonies were ran in which white men ran everything. However, with in that system,was the slave system, and that was organized in a matriarchal system.

Life on this Patriarchal/ matriarchal system was as follows: men and women slave were considered equal within the law, they both worked the fields and were both mistreated. However, 'Identity determines how people function in history' and gender is a factor in power. With slaves woman were given much power in the raising of a slave. The status of a black women determined the freedom of her off spring. So if a black female was a slave, every child she birthed would be a slave. In fact there are no birth records of slaves fathers only their mothers. Marriages between slaves were not respected because masters would sleep with the slave women, raping them in the process or forcing them to sleep with a male that they predicted would make other strong slaves. Females slaves bodies in that way was dehumanized and it really made their male counter part feel worthless because a man's job is to protect his family. In this process everyone was kept in check.

From this synopsis of history one can only answer "yes" to the question 'do men dominate woman'. I can even be detailed and say that black men do not dominate woman, but 'the white man' dominates us all.

Unknown said...

The definition of Patriarchy is a form of social organization in which males dominate females. During the Trans-Atlantic slavery, I believe women dominated men. Since the African American women cost more than African American men, they were more valuable. If one slave woman has the ability to double the amount of slaves, why keep buying more slave men? Also when slave women resisted their masters, they had a lesser severe punishment. The masters would rape the women to show superiority but since the men were greedy and would rather have women slaves so the masters wouldn't hurt the women as much as they would hurt men. So slave women would take advantage of their masters greed and speak up on their family and community's behalf more than the men ever could. This shows that slave women had the upper hand, more than a male slave every can. Also the child of a slave woman was to have the same status as the mother, even if the father was white. Life on the plantation was foul and horrifying because their masters would rape slave women 'for fun' to show their superiority. Both the male and the female slave worked in the fields but some women were house slaves and were personal servants to their masters & mistresses, taking care of the master's children, also become known 'Mammies'. This is only during the Trans-Atlantic slavery times. Now, people have different opinions for men's dominance over women and women's dominance over men. I believe that no male or female alike can have dominance over any gender. Men might have dominance over a situation but never over the gender itself. For instance,Hillary Clinton was not voted for president but she is the secretary of state. Just a couple weeks ago, Clinton just resolved an issue between Israel and Palestine that has been going on for 9 and some years. That shows that even though Clinton isn't president and many people said she wouldn't be because she is a female, she does her job very well and prevented any harm that the U.S. might face because of this issue. So men did not dominate women on the plantation and men still do not dominate women.

Cassidy Klement said...

Patriarchy is a form of social organization in which men dominate women. I agree with what most of my classmates have said about the fact that on the plantation, men did not dominate women, but the complete reversal: Women dominated men. Both male and female slaves were treated the same in the aspect of work. Both genders worked in the house and the fields. However, slaves families were matriarchal, as the fathers' names were not included on the birth certificate of a slave. Along with that, a child followed the condition of the mother.

Women slaves were often times raped by the master or overseer to either, produce more slaves without having to purchase them, as a way to prove the slaves' inferiority, or to objectify a black woman's body. Because of the reason that women slaves had the ability to produce more slaves, they were more expensive than male slaves. Women slaves also participated in the rebellion, as they were able to revolt more freely than a male slave because males were seen as more of a threat. Female slaves were invaluable, again for the reason that they could produce more slaves.

Chelsea Sainte said...

Life on the plantation was matriarchal and patriarchal. Patriarchy is when men dominate women in social organization and matriarchy is vice-versa. Although men(slave masters) did dominate women on the plantation, everything went by the women in a sense as children and their value. Women slaves cost more than men slaves because they could reproduce and create more slaves. Children were only accountable to the their mothers and not their fathers because the status of their mother determined if the child was as slave or not. In the presentation, its mentions how mentions how women slaves knew their value to their slave masters and used it against them. For example, women slaves did things such as poisoning and sabotaging their masters. Despite the fact that this shows signs that women dominate men. Men still dominate because when slave masters thought or seen slaves misbehave they would use their superiority to beat and rape slaves. In the presentation, its mentions how a slave master raped a slave in the woods because she was presenting herself queen-like. I choose this example because it shows that the slave master raped her to dehumanize her and to put her in her place which display an act of superiority. In Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, Douglass tells an story about his aunt got beaten by their master because she went out with a man when told not to. I choose this example because it shows how slave master reinforced his power by beating the slaves because she done what she was not suppose to. In short, these are ways how life on plantation was matriarchal and patriarchal.

Bianca Harris said...

Men without a doubt dominate women on the plantation, but not just black. Women period were dominated by men, especially in this period in which patriarchy was rule. Patriarchy is the form of social organization in which males dominate females, but black females had a sort of advantage. In the eyes of Slave Masters, black females were valuable because they had the power to produce more slaves, which usually were a product of rape by the Slave Masters. Although males during this period had the most power and could make a slave's life miserable, I infer that the Slave Master's wives were upset about the slaves birthing their husbands' children and took it out on the black women harshly.

Ashley Thomas said...

Patriarchy is a social system in which men dominated the women. I don't believe that men dominate or did dominate women in the past for various reasons. For example, on the plantation the women were in charge, in my opinion. It might have looked as though the male slave masters did but they didn't. I know this when a slave master had raped a female slave in front of her children, she had cursed the slave master out and he never raped her again. This shows how women dominated men.

On the plantation, males and females were treated depending on what plantation they were on and who their master was. On some plantations there were relationships and hospitality. Female slaves were allowed to take care of the children or work inside the houses as servants or help the slave masters.

Also, female slaves were more economically profitable than male slaves because they could reproduce and create more slaves for the plantation without buying more slaves. This shows dominance too because the female slaves were mere important.

Natalia Lopez said...

Patriarchy is a form of social organization in which males dominate females. After the presentation, I believe its the opposite. Women dominate the men on the plantations.Both (men & women)worked on the fields and lived together.But the slave women were more valuable.They costed more than men because they could give birth & masters didn't have to buy more slaves. Masters raped the black (women) slaves.They would rebel against them but raping them was just a way to dehumanized them.Women also worked as mammies.The status of a slave depended on the mother.In the south, legislatures adopted the principal of "partus sequitor ventrem"-the child followed the condition of the mother.Also, slave families were matriarchal.Birth records only had the mother's name.Women were more likely to act on behalf of their family and more likely to run away.

Unknown said...

In class we defined patriarchy as a form of social organization in which males dominate females. I disagree with this, during this time period women in fact, dominated men. These women had "Double Indignity." Not only were they more valuable to slave owners due to their ability to reproduce they also had the same work as men, working in the fields as well as in the house. The children of these enslaved women became slaves as well due to "patrus sequitir ventrum," meaning the child follows conditions of the mother. In essence life on the plantation was, for lack of a better word, rough. Your identity determines your life experience. Slaves were dehumanized, rapped and detached from their homeland.

Tamara Gainey said...

Patriarchy is when males dominate females in society. On the plantation i believe slave women had a lot more power and dominated men more.even though slave men and women by law are equal. I think this because women had the ability to give birth, this is what made then much more valuable then the men because the slave master would sale a male slave before he sales a female slave because he can get a lot more slaves out of that one slave women. and with the female knowing this they resistant a lot more then the males were able to. but if it comes to who is more Dominate,the slave master or the female slave it would be the slave master. the main reason is that he owns the slave and he can do whatever he wants with then, from beating then to death or raping then.

Samantha E. said...

Patriarchy on slave plantations were mostly male dominated. However, the males who dominated were not the male slaves. Male slaves had little to no power on the plantation. In fact slave families on the plantation were matriarchal. The black families followed the mother's lineage, as the father's name were not permitted to be on their own children's birth records. The state legislators developed the principle "Partus sequitur ventrem", which meant that the child/children would follow the condition of the mother, ensuring that, because the mother was a slave any children she had would also be enslaved. African American women were treated as bad as, if not worse, than the African American men on the plantation. Masters and overseers on plantation forced marriages between slaves so the slaves would reproduce and give birth to more slaves, with the inclusion of rape by the master or overseer themselves. This was only one of the ways that slave masters and overseers asserted their dominance among the African AMericans living on the

African American women's bodies were mostly used to gain profit. After the trans-atlantic slave trade ended plantation owners needed a way to continue to increase their work force,so they forced female slaves to have many children by them or any other male. Not to say that all master and slave intimacy was forced, i can infer that some white men actually admired black women and their "exotic" bodies and had consensual relationships on the "Down low". Overall though, the African American women on the plantations were treated badly and, they were dehumanized and objectified.

Slave women actually had more breathing room than the men when in came to plantation rules. Female slaves were valuable to the plantation, because they supplied the new slaves, which in turn was fresh profit for the masters. Unlikely to be sold away or severely harmed the enslaved African American females got away with a lot more. Most female slaves were persistent in their resistance to their enslavement and the people that enslaved them. Even after being raped, whipped, beaten, dehumanized and objectified African American women continued to resist slavery. Was this courageous or just plain stupid?

Unknown said...

life on the plantation started out first as having indentured servants that worked to pay off debt. these indentured servants ranged from black or white and was merely just a tactic used for people of a lower social status to pay people of a higher social status. after a while, white indentured servants began to get priveleges that the black indentured servants didnt get. the point of working for a couple months or years went to blacks having to work for a life time. when this started to happen, the indentured servants became known as slaves and the masters and overseers found the plan of more profit for more population, more population brought light to mulatos which was the symbol relating to a horse and a donkey mating. two different species creating another specie that will now be sterile. the mulotos were now african americans. men on te plantation dominated women because they could be used for greater labour than the females could. the women's job was mostly house work and reproduction. Men also sometimes got better job or housing opportunities than the females did. even in today's society, men dominate women. no matter how much women try to deny it. Men dominate women to the point where, because it's happened for so long, we've(as women) become adapt to it and wouldn't even be able to recognize if they do or not. we just except it in society and the factor of male dominance has derived since before the middle passage.

Amirah Ali said...

Patriarchy is a form of social order in which men dominate society. After going over our presentation I think that men do dominate women. Though women have a lot of control and do make contributions to society , I think men dominate. Even during the times of slavery women were overpowered and controlled by men. Granted that today men don't have such strong control , men still do dominate.

Unknown said...

Patriarchy is a social system in which males dominate females. Males do not dominate females on the plantation because females would overpower them with words. for example when the female slave was getting raped by the male master she said many powerful words to him and he never thought to touch her again.
Life on the plantation depended on which plantation the slave was on. For example, some slaves were allowed to live with their masters and care for them. Others had to stay on the field and work.

lijun said...

According to World English dictionary Patriarchy is define as "a form of social organization in which a male is the head of the family and descent, kinship, and title are traced through the male line" Although men and women were under the same law with same privilege , i think men do not dominate women on the plantation, but rather the other way around. In my opinion women were much stronger than men. They had to work both outdoor and indoor, and were able to and have to do the same amount of work as the men in the field. women also held more value than men because they were able to produce more slaves,which will save the owner tons of money.

Asia Summers said...

Life on the plantation wasn't easy for either sex men were worked like they enjoyed it and women were rapped as if it was nothing. Patriarchy is a society of male domination, where they trace every piece of your heritage through the males side. Men dominate women in physical strength but I think women have them beat mentally. I say this because, men are put to work in the fields because they are said and thought to be more muscular than the women. They are able to take the lashings of those despicable slave owners. They are also able to sometimes fight back against the slave owners. Not saying men don't have it bad mentally, knowing you can't provide a safe home for your children must be tough. Or the thought that you were seperated from your family and could do nothing to stop it must be hard to deal with mentally. Or thinking of how the slave master rapped your woman to show you who's the real man and you have no say in anything it must tare you up inside. But women have to endure the pain of being rapped and then the pain of labor and suffering through the time having that filthy man on top of you would be a memory i would repress for the rest of my life.

hodges said...

Patriarchy on slave plantations were mostly male dominated. However, the males who dominated were not the male slaves. Male slaves had little to no power on the plantation. The black families followed the mother's lineage, as the father's name were not permitted to be on their own children's birth records.African American women's bodies were mostly used to gain profit. After the trans-atlantic slave trade ended plantation owners needed a way to continue to increase their work force,so they forced female slaves to have many children by them or any other male. Female slaves were valuable to the plantation, because they supplied the new slaves. Unlikely to be sold away or severely harmed the enslaved African American females got away with a lot more.