Thursday, December 20, 2012

War of 1812 (APUSH--Chapter 12)

Why did the Federalists oppose the War of 1812? How well was America prepared for war? How did America throw away its opportunity to win Canada? How successfully was it waged on land? On water?


Pauline Li said...

Federalists opposed the war of 1812 because they feared that the war would throw the nation into the arms of Napoleon, a "tyrant." America wasn't well prepared for the war. America was still a new nation with limited military power. America threw away its opportunity to win Canada, by retreating after one successful battle in Canada, because they couldn't get supplies from locals. The war on land wasn't fought well, because there was poor planning and the military didn't work together. The war on water was more successful than the war on land due to the invention of war ships.

April Balobalo said...

Federalists opposed the War of 1812because they knew that the war was not necessary. They did not want to lose and give the nation away to Napoleon. Since this war came 30 years after their independence the nation was not yet stable, so they were not really ready for this war. America was still starting up at this time, and did not have much to offer. Their military was not as strong as it should have been. They lost Canada, because while they were at war with British they tried to obtain Canada, but it failed because Canada was obtained by their "enemies". War on land was not as good as war on ships. The war on land caused many damage, which gave more debt.

Christina Penh said...

Federalists opposed the War of 1812 because first they sa it as a party war that would further the interests of Republicans and also they feared it would throw the nation into Napoleon's arms. America wasn't prepared for the war because the military had been neglected for years. America lost the chance to win Canada because they thought they had a good chance of persuading the French to come over to their side but instead they didn't so they didn't have much help fighting. They were more successful fighting on water than land.

Amaya Hawkins said...

Federalists opposed the War of 1812 because they were afraid of Napolean possibly gain control over the nation. America was not prepared for the war because they did not have a strong military and the military had poor offensive strategy. Americans fought better in water than on land

Ketie Chen said...

Why did the Federalists oppose the War of 1812? How well was America prepared for war? How did America throw away its opportunity to win Canada? How successfully was it waged on land? On water?
(we used that same picture in our powerpoint....)
The Federalists oppose the War of 1812 is they feared that Napoleon would have take control because he was called "the great destroyer" and because they opposed war in general and thought it was to costly, produced little good to the nation. The Americans did not really prepare for the war, they asked for volunteers but only a few people joined. America threw aways its opportunity to win Canada by retreating due to lack of supplies. And lastly it was not really success on land example was the torching of the White House and has more successful on sea like Pauline said becuase of teh inventions of war ships.

Jenna Zhao said...

The federalists oppose the War of 1812 because they did not want to give the nation to the Napoleon. America was not prepared for the war because America was a newly formed nation, they had a weak navy and to top that they were tight on money. The New Englanders didn't want to have the war because they did not want America to have more land. America threw away its opportunity to win Canada by trying to acquire Canada while they were still fighting with the British. Getting supplies was also becoming a big problem. The war wasn't fought successfully on land, it was better on water.

Unknown said...

The federalists objected to the War of !812 because they did not want to let America fall under Napoleon. America was not prepared for the war because she lacked a Strong military. America thre away its opportunity to win Canada by retreating due to the lack of supplies. The war was more successful on Water than on land.

Unknown said...

The Federalist opposed the War of 1812 because they believed that to go through with the war and to have to deal with the economical, political and foreign affair effects was not worth the money or supplies. The Federalist also were also against giving Napoleon control over the nation and because they did not want Napoleon to have this control America's military was not fully prepared. America was also not prepared because of Napoleon but also because America did not have enough supplies or people. America threw away its opportunity to win over Canada because while they had advantage when fighting Canada they ran out of supplies and had to retreat. I have to agree with everyone so far who thinks that war on sea was more successful because they were able to find a more efficient way to kill each other. War on land was not as successful because the damage that could occur on land would be much greater which could cause more debt for everyone.

Tina Giang said...

Federalists oppose the War of 1812 because they are afraid that the nation fall into Napoleon's hands. America wasn't prepared for war because they were limited on power and supplies. Therefore, the limitation of items threw away America's opportunity to win Canada. The war was successful on water with the ships than on the land.

Sara Stanton said...

The Federalists opposed the War of 1812 because, as most people said, it just was not worth putting themselves in more debt. America was not prepared for war because they were still a fairly new nation, and their defense team was not the strongest. America threw away its opportunity to win Canada because they started to lack supplies while fighting with the British, causing them to retreat. On land, America was not that successful in the war. But on water, it was better for them because they had war ships.

Unknown said...

American entered this war for 3 reasons: freedom of the sea(sail without fear of being captured) they might of gotten land( gained Canada or Florida) and the indians(upset that the British gave weapons to them) the federalists opposed the war because they were more inclined towards Britian and if Canada was conquered it would add more land and increase Republican supporters. the nation threw away their chance at Canada because they were running low on suppiles. since this war was sectionalized(the north being agaisnt and the south for the war) they were very disunited and this showed in their fighting. there fighting was more successful on land due to their war ships being boraded and having citzens stolen.

Unknown said...

The federalists were opposed to the War of 1812 because as everybody else said, they did not want to fall in the hands of Napoleon. Also, they considered it an offensive war towards Canada. The nation was not prepared for the war because:
1. They were a new nation.
2. The War of 1812 was the US's first war.
3. They did not have a strong navy.
4. Money
The war for America on water were mostly sucessful in single ship battles.

Breanne Olsen said...

I agree with Ketie. The Federalists opposed the war of 1812 not only because it was more of a party war than a national war but because it risked Napoleon gaining more control. America wasn't prepared for war at all because they had no money and their military was weak at the time. America threw away its chance to get Canada because they didn't have enough supplies and had to retreat.I agree with Summer who agreed with mostly everyone else on that fact that war on the sea was more successful than on land.

Princess Garrett said...

The federalists feared the war of 1812 because they were afraid of the situations that it would result in. One reason was because they thought the war would lead them to a take over from Napoleon. Who was known as a "destroyer". The also did not find evading Canada necessary, seeing that it would do more harm than good. Seeing that the war was beneficial, the federalists agreed to be in opposition to it.

Imani Bey said...

Why did the Federalists oppose the War of 1812? How well was America prepared for war? How did America throw away its opportunity to win Canada? How successfully was it waged on land? On water?T

The Federalist opposed war because and they were afraid of the results on their part and Napoleon (destroyer) gaining control. America was more successful on water than on land with Naval officers like Perry and Macdonough.
The Americans were not prepared for this war because their military wasn't as strong as it could of been. They lost Canada because they were focusing more on great Britain losing supplies and such, causing them to retreat from Canada.

Ashani Scales said...

They, the Federalists, opposed the war of 1812 because they ultimately didn't know what would happen. America was not financially and mentally able to go forward in a war. they had no money to support it, and this was a real first war. they couldn't really deal with it. American lost Canada because, again, they did not have enough money to support the troops with supplies. the wars America fought in were more successful on sea than on land anyway.