Monday, April 22, 2013

WWI: Fairly Placing Blame

Review today's simulation. What do you think about how it went?
Based on the experience, who is to blame for WWI?


saquana boyd said...

I think that the simulation went very good. I feel this way for many reasons, one being, there was a lot of negotiations and opinions being expressed. each country said their views. Russia was disliked by almost all of the other countries. Great Britain was trying to make peace with all of the countries but once they found out that Germany was against Russia, they changed their views.
Austria- Hungary was about to go to war with Russia because Russia killed their leader whom was chosen by god. Austria-Hungary and Germany were alliances because both were disputing with Russia. Austria-Hungary told Russia to leave OR ELESE!

tamia mack said...

Tamia Mack...
I think the simulation went very well for the most. The simulation taught me many things about people and their negotiations and motives, in addition Russia had many enemies' such as Austria-Hungary.
Moreover Austria-Hungary choose to go to war with Russia because Russia killed and destroyed their god and sum of their men also. To sum everything up Austria-Hungary decided to tell Russia to leave or go to WAR!

jessica said...
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jessica said...

I think that the simulation went very well. We tried to make peace with everyone. But in the end we still decided to go to war. It went well because it seemed like everything that happened during the simulation also happened during WW1 too. I learned that sometimes you have to lie to make peace but in the end it will come back around to get you. I also learned some reason why countries disliked other countries. Austria-Hungary wanted to go to war with Serbia because their leader was assassinated. Germany would also go to war if Austria-Hungary went to war too, because Germany promised to help and support Austria in whatever they did.
I think that Serbia is to blame for the war because they assassinated Austria's leader and his wife, and that was a threat to Austria, and it was something that they couldn't just let go of. If there wasn't an assassination of Serbia's leader than Russia wouldn't have to join the war and start mobilizing, and therefore Germany wouldn't have to go to war either. For all these reasons I believe that the blame of WW1 goes to Serbia.

Anonymous said...

Kaiyah Smith Artist said...
I think that the stimulation went well. The stimulation was a good debate on whether to go to war or not. This let us show are own view points on the war and help understand the text more. I believe we actually brought the war to life. Everybody was serious about protecting there nation. This war shows that its not easy to make peace. Sometimes you have to lie.
In my opinion, Russia is to blame for the war. Russia causes problems for everyone. Russia killed and is the reason for France being attacked.Russia mobilise and Germany wants to attack France. Russia needs some help.

Theary Muth said...

I think today went very well. It was an awesome first experience on this. I get to learn other countries purpose of why they want to go to war or make peace. I learned that if you lie and try to make peace at the same time, then it's not a good idea because What ever goes around come back around. I also learned that some stuff you can't prevent from happening. I also learn, even if u really want to go war with somebody but you still have to watch your back No matter What. I understand that Great Britain was the only one with out much problems. Without Russia agreeing to have Serbia's back, there probably won't be No war. Russia just couldn't leave Serbia hanging so Russia had their back. Russia also didn't want to lose their reputation. There was so many opinions everybody had which made the class look like war was about to really happen. I understand that Serbia has assassinated Austria's king but if Austria didn't want to go war then there wouldn't be a problem. After, all you can't stop anything from happening. Everybody has there own reasons or value they fight for. If one country do something, then it affects another country. I blame Serbia for starting WWI.

talliyah smith said...

Talliyah Smith
I think that the simulation today went very well. It shows that trying to have peace is not easy when everybody has problems. I learned more about these different countries in the process. I like negotiating and hearing other opinions about going to war or making peace with the other countries. I think Russia is to blame for WW1 because they had problems with every country. And they were causing the most trouble. If they had mobilized, then Germany would have attacked France. Russia especially had problems with Austria-Hungary because they killed their king.

Amy Zheng said...

In today's simulation, I think that everything went well and I had a fun time learning each country's motives during world war one. I learned that world war one can't be avoided from the following factors such as nationalism, imperialism, militarism, and tangled alliances among the nations. I learned that it was quite difficult for the nations to become friends since they may be a enemy of your allies. The nations wouldn't back down and make peace among each other because they had there own beliefs and they want to win for themselves.

In my own opinion I think that Serbia maybe the blame for the war since they assassinated Austria- Hungary's king. Austria- Hungary didn't want to let this go and choose to declare a war on Serbia. They want to fight for their own country and for their pride. As a alliance with Serbia, Russia couldn't back down either and they had to help Serbia. Also,Russia didn't want to be humiliated again from the previous wars. Germany tries no matter what to go to war with Russia because they think Russia is growing with a strong military power and they think Russia will lead a surprise attack on their country. To conclude, I think that Serbia was the main cause for world war one. If they never assassinated Austria- Hungary's leader than world war one would never occur at all.

Unknown said...

DeChanel Bailey Castillo said...
I think the simulation went great. I thought it was very interesting and it brought a lot of people together or even apart. For example, If their was attacks, There was countries that pleaded to avoid them and become alliances instead of enemies or allies. I learned that for survival, you should lie a lot to avoid being killed and avoid destruction. I also learned to play both sides very wisely and know their motives such as if you went into war, to know their advantages and disadvantages. Russia may have been more powerful than Germany or Germany may be more powerful than Russia but you can never be too confident about your country because that causes other countries to question your actual weakness. That strength is questioned by Germany so they are ready for war. The simulation went well because everyone had a part in it and discussed as a team while making alliances and allies! I think Serbia is to blame for the war because of the fact that they couldn't accept Austria taking over lands that they wanted, they just decided to kill Austria's leaders, Serbia didn't acknowledge the fact that there a lot weaker than Austria. Austria had punished Serbia but It wasn't enough of guilt made and Serbia didn't obey all of the rules. Also, from that point Russia had tanks ready for the war being an alliance with Serbia. Russia got everyone involved such as Germany and France and that made it World War 1 all from Russia! If Serbia had never killed Austria's leader, no war should of been made. Therefore, I blame Serbia for WWI.

Eileen Zhang said...

Eileen Zhang...
I think the simulation went well. Everyone had different opinions about the war and tried to negotiate. But it was difficult to negotiate because Great Britain and France just wanted to make peace while Austria-Hungary wanted to attack Russia because Serbia, their ally, killed the Austria-Hungary throne. Austria-Hungary felt that it was a threat and wanted to go to war. Russia tried to form alliances with Great Britain, Germany, and France but many countries dislike them.

I think Serbia is to blame for World War 1 because they assassinated Austria-Hungary's throne, Franz Ferdinand. Austria-Hungary wanted to fight for their country and pride, so they tried to make peace with Great Britain to help them but Great Britain didn't want to make peace. If Serbia haven't assassinated the throne of Austria-Hungary then there wouldn't be a chain reaction in the war. Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, and called in the help of its ally Germany. Serbia called in help from its ally France which called in help from Russia. If the assassination didn't happened, then the whole war wouldn't either. In this simulation, i learned that you can't be friends with every one. France lied to make peace, but in a few months, France wouldn't look good. You should know who your true friends are and how to negotiate well to prevent wars or be backed up by other countries.

Iconsimz said...

I think the simulations went well even though there was different opinions being said. I say this for some reasons,one reason was that every one had said their views.Every country disliked Russia and Great Britain wanted no part in the war just peace.Russia was forced to leave Austria-Hungary if they didn't let Austria take revenge on the Serabians.

Also, France lied to every country by saying they had the other countries backs just to have peace.Also, Germany didn't like Russia cause they felt as though Russia was ready to go to war at anytime and also since Austria and Germany are alliances even if Russia didn't go to war and Austria took revenge on the Serabians and caused war Germany would still be apart of it.

Sandy Huynh said...

I think that the simulation went pretty well today. It was great workout for us to try to negotiate and create peace with other groups. I learned that even if we try to create peace, no matter what, there will still be war and hate at the end. I also learned that some people have to lie their way out to create peace. To be on the same team, you have to be honest and loyal to each other. Also, if you want peace with another person, you have to keep your word and don't back down till the end.
In my opinion, I would put the blame on Serbia. It is all Serbia's fault for assassinating Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife. If they never did that, no one would be hating each other or wanting to fight. Because it was a threat to Austria, of course they would want to play fairly. But, because of Serbia, everyone is involved. This is why it is all Serbia's fault.

Vanessa Wang said...

Vanessa Wang
I think the simulation went very well today. We had found out why the countries wanted to go to war. We the Great Britain wanted to make peace to everybody. But France was shady they lied to every countries but France lied because of Russia goes mobilize Germany would attack France. I learn that every country has different reason why they want to go to war. France and Great Britain made peace with everybody. But Germany and Russia was going to go to war. I also learn that if you lie about having the countries back they can all go against you and attack you. I think Great Britian didn't have much problems with Russia, Germany, and France. In my own opinion I think that Serbia maybe the blame for the war since they assassinated Austria- Hungary's king. But if Austria-Hungary attack Russia couldn't back down either and they had to help Serbia. If Austria-Hungary attack Russia would go mobilize and if Russia goes mobilize Germany threaten to go to war. So if Serbia never assassinated Austria- Hungary's leader than world war one would never occur at all. That why I blamed Serbia for the cause of WW1

Amy Chen (Yan) said...

The simulation today was fun and very helpful to the understanding of the countries involved in WW1 and there acts. I felt betrayed in the end when I found out France said peace and I'll help you to every country, as did Great Britain. Doing so I felt like going to war with them, but after hearing their reason I changed my mind to not fighting with them. I had to stay with the mission on defending Serbia against Austria-Hungary if they were going to attack Serbia. But I do not want to involve Great Britain nor France in the picture.

The blamer for this huge stressful conflict, I think would be Austria-Hungary. If Austria-Hungary had not moved into Serbia to find the terrorists who planned the assassination of Franz Ferdinand (Point C) and allow Serbia some time to solve the case themselves, Russia would not have joined the problem, causing Germany to join as well. That causing a chain reaction to happen and almost all of Europe was involved in the war. Even though most of the countries dislike Russia, Russia had to help because they must, they can not back down or they would be scorn internationally, even with their current allies like the Balkans. So therefore the ones who should be blamed for starting WW1 is Austria-Hungary.

Anonymous said...

Kaleen Lynch
I think the stimulation was exciting today. We got to find out the issues between the countries and why they wanted to go to war. Russia(us) wanted to make peace with everyone. When we found out that some countries didn't like us cause their friends didn't like us was harsh. And that some just didn't like us was harsh. But France was two-faced and lied to everyone. Which wasn't really bright cause when they find out their gonna team up and attack France. Though I believe it was for a good reason. Cause Russia(us) would have mobilized Germany and would have attacked France. Being apart of the stimulation taught me that every single country has their own problems and reasons for going to war. I think the only two countries that amde peace with everyone was France and Great Britian. The only two countries that was going to war was Germany and Russia. At the end of the day I don't neither of the countries really have a problem with each other. I believe Serbia is to blame for WW1 cause they assassinated Austria-hungary. If they were to fight Serbia Russia would have no choice, but to stand by their side and fight. If Seria would have kept to their selves and maybe talk out the problem. Then WW1 would not exist. This is my opinion on what i felt about the stimulation and who is to blame for WW1.

Zahra Hizam said...

Zahra Hizam
I think that the simulation went pretty good. We made peace with almost every country, My country Austria- Hungary were about to go to war with Russia because Serbia assassinated our Leader. We found out France lied to everybody and was being shady and Great Britain was everyone's ally but would not back us up in war, almost all the countries wanted to go to war with Russia for their own reasons. I think Serbia is to blame for World War 1 because they assassinated our leader and since Germany was our ally they joined the war also Germany felt that Russia military is growing more powerful and that Russia would attack them So I blame Serbia for World War 1.

Unknown said...

I think the simulation today went very well. It helped me understand the way war was started. It also helped me realize how a negotiations good either had a positive or a negative effect on the situation. Each country had a different look on how they should let the war happen or whether they wanted to avoid going to war. Some people wanted to talk it out and become allies, some weren’t having it. They wanted to go to war because things were unfair to them. The assassination of Serbian Archduke Franz Ferdinand was the catalyst for World War 1. Austria-Hungary was not going to let Russia get away with killing their king whom was chosen by god. Austria-Hungary was too attack Russia, Russia would mobilize. Once Russia mobilizes Germany would mobilize and want to go to war. Then Germany would be threatened to go to war. Again, all of this is because of the Serbia assassination so Austria-Hungary are the ones to blame for the war.

Unknown said...

I think the simulation went great! I think so, because we got to learn the positions and the difficulties of the country and how important their pride was. I got to know that you can't have everything, and if you try to get everything, you'll end up with nothing and you might even lose things that you already had. If you make friends, I learned that you need to know who your true friends are and to watch out for your own back. Additionally, I understood that sometimes wars are inevitable to make peace, just how a happy families or friends can’t be close without fights.

Based on this experience, I think Russia is to blame for war because they insulted Austria-Hungary by saying, if Austria-Hungary and Russia goes to war, Austria will be the one with a lot of bloodshed. I also think France is partially responsible for the blame for war because they were being shady by making promises but not keeping them properly. Since both Austria-Hungary and Russia refused to back down, it showed that negotiations failed and it was inevitable to go to war. Russia also had many problems with other countries, such as Germany. Even if Serbia had never killed Austria's leader, the war would have occurred, sooner or later because of the high tensions and hatred between countries.

Carly Asare said...

Carly Asare Said.....

I think todays stimulation went well it was very fun getting to understand WW1. The stimulation today showed me how people from different countries negotiate about different things. All of the group tried to make peace but still decided to goo to war. Many things happened like France only way of making peace was to lie to the other countries to make peace to get there secrets. Great Britain made peace with everyone because they didn't want to be involved with anything that happened in the war. Russia went to Austria-Hungary and wanted them to back down but Austria-Hungary refused and Russia then decided to go to Great Britain to ask them to not go to war with them.

Austria-Hungary wanted to go to war with Serbia because their leader was assassinated. Germany would also go to war if Austria-Hungary went to war too, because Germany promised to help and support Austria in whatever they did. I think that Serbia is the blame for the war because they assassinated Austria-Hungary's leader and his wife which was a threat to Austria-Hungary. if they didn't kill Serbia's leader then Russia wouldn't have to join the war and want to mobilize and Germany wouldn't have to go to war either. Therefore you should know who your true friends are and how to negotiate well to prevent wars or be backed up by other countries/friend countries.

Alexandra Truong said...

In today's simulation, I think it went fantastically well. I learned many new things about each country that was tangled up in the mess to find peace but in the end still failed and went to war anyways. I had a great and fun time in today's negotiation to reach peace between each alliance instead of going to war. It was interesting in learning about each country's motives during World War 1 and what caused it. I also learned that from the following factors such as imperialism, militarism, nationalism, and the tangled alliance known as triple alliance and the triple entente but mostly nationalism was the key that led to the cause of the war as countries believed that people should be more loyal to their own nation. The Triple Alliance consists of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. While on the other side, the Triple Entente consists of Great Britain, France, and Russia. "A dispute between two rival powers could draw all the nations of Europe into war." It was also quite difficult for the nations to be allies since they might be an enemy of your allies. Some countries didn't want to make peace with others but some did because they had their own beliefs and perspective on how they view each motives.
Based on my opinion and on today's simulation, I think Serbia would be the blame for World War 1 to occur. If Serbia didn't assassinate "Austro-Hungarian throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand (chosen by god), and his wife, Sophie" on June 28, 1914 by Gavrilo Princip, a 19 year old Serbian and member of the Black Hand then they wouldn't go to war. Because of this, Austria-Hungary use this to punish Russia and created ultimatum containing numerous demands but Austria was in no mood to negotiate and the nation's leader had already settled on war. Russia had no choice but to help Serbia since they were allies. Germany didn't want to make amends with Russia because they are always increasing their armies and power all the time so Germany feared a barbarian invasion from the east. Also, France use the shady, secret betrayal in order to make peace with Russia but what Russia didn't know was that France was lying to them so that they think France aren't allies with Germany when in fact they are but months later, that will backfired them for what goes around, comes around. After Russia learn about that secret betrayal and Germany's reason for going to war, Great Britain change their perspective on Russia meaning they had second doubts about being their ally and Russia then said, "you guys should know who your true friends are...". To conclude, Serbia was the main cause for World War 1 if only they never assassinated Austria-Hungary's leader, Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, Sophie.

Unknown said...

Ashya Smith said...

I think the simulation very well. I think this because during the simulation many negotiations were made in order for the countries to maintain their stability. For example my group (France) we made negotiations with many of the other countries. We listened to their views and what they wanted to do in order to become allies.
The country i think is responsible for the war is Russia. Only because if it weren't for Russia the Serbs wouldn't have came into Austria and assinated Franz Ferdinand( heir to the Austrisan throne) thus causing the war.

Unknown said...

Ashya Smith Said...
I think the simulation went very wel. Everyone listened to everybody's opinions and their reasons for peace.Some countries made allies and some countries made enemies. For example my group(France) we allied everyone (even though we lied to get the alliances).
The country that i think is to blame for World War I is Russia only because the Serbs came to Austrian land and assinated Franz Ferdinand (heir to the Austrian Throne)thus leaving the austrians without power causing them to retaliate and strike back.

Unknown said...

I think this simulation went well. I feel as though I learned alot. For one it's hard to try to get people not to fight. Also that if your friends with someone and your other friend doesn't like that friend things can get really bad. And, that sometimes you have to tell a little white lie in order to try to keep the peace. At the end we did go to war but, it was very fun and i would love to do it again. Russia is going to win this war!

Anonymous said...

I think The stimulation went very good. I had The chance to hear which group would go to war and which ones would make peace and live happily. It was shocking to hear that a group wanted to go to war considering The costs of war is. I guess they Didnt care about their country. I have a clearer understanding of why war is so important and what are some of The effects on people.
I think russia are to blame for World war 1. I think so because they were The only group who wanted to go to war. They started The whole thing ny antagizing The other countries. They kept talking trash about other countries.-Jessica b