Monday, September 16, 2013

Music as Rebellion

Define rebellion in your own words. Use the Assertion-Evidence Model (Assertion + Evidence = Argument) to address the following essential question: Can music be rebellion? In what ways can it inspire rebellion? Reflect on our class discussion and use Lyrics from the music that we listened to in class as to support what you say.


Dave_GAMP said...

Rebellion- act of violent or open resistance to an established government or ruler.

To me, rebelling is a stepping tool for some type of change. When you're rebelling against something or someone, you're going against how they/it does a certain thing or have you do something a certain way and you want that to change. There are many different ways to rebel like to protest, strike, fight, move away, make a speech, etc.
Music is a way of expression yourself. You can relay a message through your music in different ways. However, I don't agree with the statement "music is rebellious". Music gives the thought of change to someone or a group of people. Music can spark the mind that could revolutionize the world and/or go against a government or ruler but you couldn't give the credit to the music.. it would be the persons that rebelled.

Unknown said...

Rebellion is when people find something common and accepted which they do not like and wish to change. Rebellion is usually met with heavy resistance by the people who are comfortable with the way things are. Rebellion also pits people with one perspective against people with another, usually opposite perspective.
Music can be rebellion. Music can express an unpopular view just like the people. It can inspire rebellion by using powerful ideas like "breathing in the chemicals" from Imagine Dragon's Radioactive. I feel like what we listened to in class did not truly express rebellion because they never really tell you what they want to change. For example, "Welcome to the new age" does not tell you what is different in the new age.

Unknown said...

Rebellion is any form of resistance or opposition against rules or orders, and/or people or institutions with authority. It can also be resistance to what is commonly accepted or what is believed to be correct. I believe that music can be rebellion if it contrasts popular belief or goes against what is widely accepted or followed. If the music to a song for example, sounds completely different from what people usually hear, the music is rebellious because it is going against what is common. If people like it, then it can inspire people to go against the grain and be different instead of doing what everyone else does, and that applies to anything, not just music.

I also agree with David that music can inspire rebellion. For instance, if the words to a song speak out against the government or following a common practice or belief, then they can possibly instill a rebellious spirit in the song's listeners or prompt to think about the what is said. The song that I brought in by Lupe Fiasco is a perfect example of this. The song "Words I Never Said" is an outlet for him to inform people of what is going on and how he feels about various things. Mr. Jobs made a great point in response to Lupe's line about budget cuts when he said people would think about how bad those cuts are and how they can't do anything about that. With this line, Lupe makes the listener ponder those budget cuts, and possibly spark ideas and potential solutions to the issue.

Matt's Random Journeys said...

I think that rebellion is when a person or a certain group of people fight for some sort of change. It can be violent or non-violent. It can be political or personal. You can fight in a violent way or you can do it non-violent through speeches and protests, although protests can lead to some large, albeit occasional fights.
Music can be rebellious. Since music is a way of expressing yourself, people can express themselves by speaking up as a way of rebellion. I also agree with Jamel in saying that "Radioactive" didn't really inspire any sort of change. It seemed like it spoke more about a person who most likely awoke in a post-apocalyptic world (I know, it's cliche) and seeing new things, but it doesn't really express what these new things really are.

Unknown said...

i think rebellion is when u rebel against something you believe in or something that u don't believe and u know it wrong. like when u get into a fight or a protest and going to moving somewhere u don't want to go. i think music is rebellion is because , said if u want to say something or do something and you didn't have balls to do it , u can put it in a song and people will listen to it and feel what u have said , and it will travel on , and maybe things can change.

Brendon Jobs said...

I really like the discussion beginning between Matthew and Jamel. Keep going everyone...

Brendon Jobs said...
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Brendon Jobs said...

I really like the discussion beginning between Matthew and Jamel. Keep going everyone...

DaeWise said...

I believe that rebellion is when you are really really passionate about a circumstance, and when someone is blocking that circumstance and you want to stand for what you believe is right then rebellion occurs.

Taylor Chantilope said...

I don't necessarily think that music itself is rebellion. I think the stories that are told within certain songs have potential to be rebellious. Artists could go against political rights or the decision of another person. Music gives people the chance to express the feelings they have but cant always clearly emphasizes. Music is powerful. Music could convince people to take a stand for what they believe in.

Unknown said...

Rebellion is the action taken by people who are looking for change, whether it’s political, social, personal, violent or peaceful. It is one of the steps of getting what you want and seeing the change you want in the world. It can bring an unlikely band of people together as one, fighting for a cause that they believe in. It doesn’t have to be against the government or a societal group doing something you don’t like. Even simply going against your parents for acting a certain way that you think is unfair is rebellion.
I whole heartedly believe that music can and is used as a form of rebellion and self expression. “Push me, and I’ll push back. I’m done asking; I demand… (Make It Stop {September’s Children} by Rise Against).” Artists can express their opinion in their music and speak out against the things they believe to be wrong. “Music is powerful.” It speaks out against the wrong doings of society and life in general. Stories and history tell tales about heroic battles and revolutions; music does, too. “Stand up, you have a voice to be heard; You’re worth more than words. Don’t let your fire burn out! (Hope by We Came As Romans).”

AlexandraCar said...

Rebellion is an act of violence or resistance to stand up for something that you don't believe in or agree with. I believe music is rebellious because some songs are songs against something. If you look up the meaning to some songs, you will find the artist's purpose for writing the song and sometimes, its to stand up against something. So I do believe music is rebellious.

Faheem Abdul-Karriem said...

I think music can be rebellious because it can go against some type of authority. But it depends on the way the music is being displayed. I agree with maddison stone on this matter.

ICraddock said...

Rebellion is the evolution of social norms that are enacted through change socially, economically, religiously etc.

Unknown said...

I think that rebellion is when something is going aagainst the natural flow or the way things are supposedly to be. Rebellion can come in many for like in political protest, music that inspires change, and in other places socially. Rebellion in music is mostly music that inspires change or voices the opinions of the people who feel un equal like in "make it stop" they talked about how people are being pushed to the edge; in other word suicide. Also it talks about who they going to push back.

Unknown said...

I think that rebellion is when something is going aagainst the natural flow or the way things are supposedly to be. Rebellion can come in many for like in political protest, music that inspires change, and in other places socially. Rebellion in music is mostly music that inspires change or voices the opinions of the people who feel un equal like in "make it stop" they talked about how people are being pushed to the edge; in other word suicide. Also it talks about who they going to push back.

Unknown said...

Rebellion - The act of resisting an opposing force.

In my opinion, I believe that rebellion is typically seen as resisting higher authority or disagreeing with ones judgement. Music is most definitely a form of rebellion because weather you are singing or rapping, your message in the music could be a personal rebellion or a rebellion against a greater cause. In the song Hostile Gospel,Kalib Talib is telling the story of the government and how they are not helping the communities that are at war and are suffering from poverty. He believes that Something should be said about the way the government is ignoring West Africa's struggle to survive. In this case, Talib is rebelling against the Government by telling his people that they need to come together and help one another achieve a better way of life. Not only is music rebellion, it also is a form of unity. People come together from the message that an artist is sending which unifies everyone to believe in the cause.

Unknown said...

I think rebellion is when people doesnt like something and they want it to change. I think music can be rebellion. Like some music we listen to in class, they want something to change so i think it is.

Danika Shinn said...

Rebellion is speaking out in order to try and change something that people perceive is unfair. I entirely believe that music can be a form of rebellion. If the content of the music is speaking out against something, that would fit under the term rebellion. Music inspires people to speak out for what they believe in all the time. In the song September's Children (Make it stop) They are speaking out against violence targeting people who are gay. Push me and I'll push back, I'm done asking I demand" Is a huge example in the song that indicates rebellion. Rise Against was trying to get people to see that what they are doing is wrong, and that any form of bigotry is wrong.

Black said...

I believe that music is rebellious because it help tell the stories of others. Its a way for people to speak out on what need to be told. In a way music is the outlet for people to get that message across. It dont have to be speaking out on just violence. I think its just what needed to be heared.