Thursday, November 20, 2008

News Flash: Assignments posted on the WEB!

It took some work, but I heeded your feedback and added an assignments section the World and African American History websites.

From now on, students can check for assignments on the website instead of having to either physically be in class or directly contact me. Be sure to check it frequently especially if you have an extended absence.

My hope is that this will help further streamline communication in class.


Anonymous said...

Kelly Lam, Period 6

I think posting up the assignments on the web is a great idea! It's a much more organized procedure and helpful to those who are frequently absent. I think this will benefit our classes because no one will have any excuses on "not recieving the homework."

Anonymous said...

I really like this idea, because most girls here will have a computer to check all of the assigment if they are not written down. I know i check all of my mail, and other things on the computer daily. No one can have an exuse eathier!

Jona Sh. said...

I like this idea. It is very helpful not just to the people that are frequently absent but also to those who are missing assignments.

Anonymous said...

Well Mr.Jobs even thought you posted the homeworks online but I hope you would post the date for each homework you gave out so then its better for the students to know when you gave the homework out. Also if there was a due day for homework, I hope you would include that too.haha